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How do we get the stock holders of oil and gas companies to invest in alternative energy sources instead of the oil and gas companies?

Marine 8 Nov 16

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You can't fully. Not until oil and gas become unprofitable. Sustainable and/or alternative energy isn't as profitable.

That is because it hasn't been in wide spread use.

@Marine Yeah, but even if it is in wide spread use then it will still be much cheaper. When you have solar energy you can get your panels made by third parties and run on your own grid. You don't need a company to supply it, do you? I don't exactly know. That is unless the government makes it illegal which it has already done in some states. You can also store energy or sell it back to the energy company if you're required to use one.


I'm not sure anyone can for some time. It seems the holders of oil/gas companies think of one thing, PROFIT! Profit over people, profit over animals, profit over our beautiful earth. I hope we can change this thinking before the earth has to absorb much more of our pollution and ends up killing us all.


Show how alternative energy can bring a reasonable return on their investment

@powder with you there. The Industrial Revolution bought great innovation to the world long term but generally destructive for the workers in its construction. Without philanthropy culture divides quite easily into Marx’s bourgeoisie/proletariat divide. For many situations Nationalisation and government ownership of essential services is necessary for an acceptable lifestyle for all.


The problem is also with the investment firms that only offer mutual funds that often include oil and gas companies in the mix. Many of us have no choice if we are in a fund that is selected by our employers as part of our 401-K plans or other retirement plans. As an individual, I can select individual stocks or funds that exclude companies I don't support, but in a group at work, I am not given that option.


Convince them that losing money is good for them.


Good luck. They only care about lining their own pockets with more money.


Make it illegal for Congress to hold oil futures for a start. Give the American companies tax incentives to produce alternative energy products. Take the patent moratorium off new inventions and all existing alternative energy types including engines that run on water from back in the 1960`s


We know that climate change is occurring and that it will cost billions to address the problems it will cause and result in migrations of millions of people. There are islands that will be submerged, coastlines changed and still these republicans will not accept the facts. There is a great deal of money to be made in preventing climate change yet they adhere to the old technology.This seems to go against their normal pattern of doing business.

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