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I got suicide prevention training from air force network TV. I did not find it particularly useful. My experience with suicide is that you don’t “see the signs.” If you aren’t expecting it, you don’t see the signs. I did not see the signs when one of my roommates in college ended up killing themselves.

Instead I would recommend a conscious evaluation. When you talk to friends, family about heavy subjects, that is the time to evaluate:
“It this person suicidal?”
When you make it a point to ask yourself the question and do an active evaluation (maybe even ask the person!) you get a lot better at detecting suicide.
If someone is upset: do a suicide evaluation just as a habit. Most of the time they aren’t, but I have had the experience where they were.

Even people who would never actively kill themselves can allow themselves to become reckless/negligent with themselves which can put them in danger. So keep that in mind as well.

Disclaimer: This is my personal experience and it doesn’t count as suicide prevention training. It wouldn’t detect suicide from someone who looked happy for example. So take this as just one view. It’s not the end all be all approach to suicide.

Below is a podcast on suicide in the veterinary profession:

Myah 6 Feb 15

Enjoy being online again!

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Call for help. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. We can all help prevent suicide. The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals.




My friend Lisa ( you've seen her picture) wrote a suicide letter to her youngest daughter and left it in my house for safe keeping. She also left her passport and some money because it's safer here. (We were going to The Gambia - I paid because she was so depressed)

No, I didn't read it.

She came round a few days ago to collect it.

Why does a man fall for a woman he will never fuck?

Hmmm..... it makes us wonder.... I want to answer it but I don't know the truth.... just a guess.

@BucketlistBob You want her phone number?

Being serious here.

@El-loco. Brother... I believe You! I am answering your question ( why does a man fall for a woman he will never have intercourse with )
My answer is:
Hmmm..... it makes us wonder.... I want to answer it but I don't know the truth
(truth is the knowledge i have within me) ... just a guess ( a guess is all I got )


I have a bit of beef with the suicide prevention methods taught. Sure it can help by giving resources but it's also an instruction manual on what not to do if you want to attempt suicide. Once I had made my decision I made it a point to not show any of the described signs. It was pretty easy to do once I had decided. Obviously I was unsuccessful, thanks to deliberately misleading websites. Methods for attempting were listed most difficult to most accessible and the most accessible method was meant to be first choice for would be suicides so that they would be unsuccessful. In case you were wondering, I'm very grateful for my lack of success. Not interested in trying again.


This is important. Whether this particular suggestion turns out to be effective or not, this is precisely the kind of conversation we need to have more often.

People with mental illness do not necessarily need to wind up in jail, in hospital, or in a grave--if they have people around them who are paying attention. Suicide, homicide, self-harm, addiction. We need to tune in and turn up the connection.


Your post scares me.

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