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LINK These Christian preachers have no idea how masturbation works

For the past few days, Christian hate-preacher Greg Locke has been hosting a “National Deliverance Training Conference” at his Global Vision Bible Church in Mount Juliet, Tennessee. Deliverance, in fundamentalist parlance, means saving people from demons.

That implies that attendees all believe demons are actual, literal beings that cause people to do very bad things… and that the right set of magical Christian incantations might rid them of the demons inside… and that they can all be trained to become Christian demon magicians. Or something like that.

But that’s not even the issue here.

These Christian preachers have no idea how masturbation works | Christian preacher Vlad Saychuk spreads misinformation
Christian preacher Vlad Saychuk spreads misinformation (screenshot via YouTube)
Reading Time: 2 minutes

For the past few days, Christian hate-preacher Greg Locke has been hosting a “National Deliverance Training Conference” at his Global Vision Bible Church in Mount Juliet, Tennessee. Deliverance, in fundamentalist parlance, means saving people from demons.

That implies that attendees all believe demons are actual, literal beings that cause people to do very bad things… and that the right set of magical Christian incantations might rid them of the demons inside… and that they can all be trained to become Christian demon magicians. Or something like that.

But that’s not even the issue here.
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Even if you set aside the bizarre belief in demons, a couple of the speakers spoke about masturbation in ways that suggest they have no idea how it works… or how often most people do it.

Consider Daniel Adams, who said masturbation opens a portal to demons… before adding a very specific complaint: “If you look at porn long enough, or if you masturbate long enough, the thing you’re imagining becomes in the flesh.” ...

snytiger6 9 Sep 7

Enjoy being online again!

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It amazes me the nonsense people will believe. Absolutely incredible. 😅

Betty Level 8 Sep 7, 2022

P.S. Daniel Adams is as idiotic as the Muslim clerics who go around screaming about the existence of djinns.


What a tosser!


Maybe we should help them, imagine being a grown man who doesn't know how to wank.

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