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It is stunning how many christians are flocking to Trump. It goes to show that many so called "followers" of religious doctrine have sold out their humanity.They ignore the inability of Trump to have empathy or a moral compass. Morality isn't necessarily a religious thing, it's more a human thing. They approve of the kidnapping of very young children who will have been emotionally damaged by the actions of our president. They ignore a president who lusts for power & personal gain. They fear "others" who are escaping untold violence. They manipulate their so called "good book" to justify acts of intolerence and the lack of humanity. These are the same people who will chastise those who are "non believers" as if they are evil. This is the height of hypocrisy.

DaveRohbock 5 Oct 27

Enjoy being online again!

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I think some self described "Christians" support Trump because they want to help bring ont he rapture and second coming of Jesus. In other words they know Trump is a disaster waitign to happen... and they are all for it.


They don't see non-white people as humans capable of suffering the way so-called 'good white Christians' do.


Pussy-grabbers for Christ.


More to your point about the christians flocking to Trump. When people are capable of believing in the palpably absurd idea of a benevolent, all knowing, all seeing "god", whatever that means, are capable of believing that Trump is a kind of savior for them. He talks about evil people and the evil media. Few are more evil than he. From the Handmaid's tale. Offred calls her female keeper "a monster". When I saw this, I thought of the orange monster and that how the Handmaid's Tale appears like metaphor for what the white republicans and trumpians would like to create here. That is their idea of America great again.


So listening to the orange Adolph as I read this. You know. the guy who praised the body slammer and said he would like to punch somebody in the face as he says we need to stop this kind of thing in Pittsburgh. How do you get this stupid and descend into such personal denial.


I've been thinking a lot lately about all the ''good'' people in Germany, who silently stood by and watched Jews/Gays/Atheists, etc, being massacred. How/why did they DO that? Could it be that they convinced themselves it was ''GAWD's WILL?" Is that what's happening here? Do all these FAUX Christians actually think their big daddy is favoring the bulbous bully? What (if anything) would it take to open their eyes?


I’ve discussed this issue at length with my ex. He studies theology and philosophy. He calls them “fake christians.” There is not one one thing they do or say that aligns with the teachings of the bible. He has met and travelled with some of the best known scholars. These evangelicals know nothing about the bible, just about money.

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