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There has been discussion of an atheist can be "spiritual". My answer is yes. The reason is that the spiritual is from within, not without. it is internal, not external.

tioteo 8 Feb 12

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Spirituality involves connectivity. It has nothing to do with believing in a Creator.


every thought you have is internal


Define spiritual.


It's a word that means everything and nothing, and that's the problem with it. Some people like to impress others with talk about how 'spiritual' they are. It's a sort of boast, a way to impress. "I don't know if I'm religious, but I'm spiritual." Right... Sorry, but I don't buy it, and I'm inclined not to let people get away with using it. For example, your statement that spiritual is from within, not from without. I have no earthly idea what that means. Sorry.

Exactly. "So you're not religious, but are you a spiritual person?". Oh groan. Was does that even mean? I'm not stupid enough to believe in a god but I'll come across second best by being "spiritual"? WTF.

It means that as opposed to an external being, one looks within for guidance. Tapping into an infinite wisdom, that can be explained literally with fairly basic physics.


I don't believe anything without sufficient evidence to support the claim. That being said, atheism is the rejection of a claim that a God or gods exist. You can be an atheist and spiritual, as long as you don't believe in any deity, you're still an atheist.


Another example of humans making shit up to occupy their time and try to find meanness in a universe without meaning, purpose, reason, or goals. It makes me wonder why one would lack a particular belief (presumably because of the lack of evidence to a claim) yet adhere to some other belief with the same lack of of evidence. Personal anecdotal testimony is not valid evidence.

I am a spiritual atheist, and I don't have any beliefs without corroborating evidence. You need to read more on what spirituality really is. It's not a belief system--it's a type of human experience.

Yeah, I’m good with my personality. Thanks for the input, though. @Dida


Although I’d imagine after becoming disillusioned from religion, one would also realize there is no soul, spirit, sacred energy, ghosts, and the like. It’s true the term simply means without religion.


I agree, and you've succinctly stated your point.


"Spiritual"...B.S. by another name. My cat thinks he is spiritual.


I agree fully, I am deeply spiritual and an atheist. I believe in the energy of the mind and the ability to alter our own reality. I believe in the energy of which I am made and that energy is 14 billion years old. My existence here in this conscious mind is just that , mind, what is the mind and if we think it is nothing ,ergo it is, The mind is what we think it is, and that is why I want to extend the boundaries of my mind.

EMC2 Level 8 Feb 13, 2018

"...the ability to alter our own reality." If you mean going to college or something similar, but that is not where your post is going. It seems to be going in an emotional nonsense direction.

@dahermit Well , it is difficult to touch on but such as positive thinking, I believe is indeed able to alter your outcome, Where one digs deep inside and argues with him or herself. where we go deep to reach a real connection with someone or audience. This is spritualism to me. I believe I can touch the inside of the body, After many surgeries I took the position to focus on the injury site and feed it with a mind NOT in stress but in healing mode. I believe we can sustain good energy via encounters with other living things.

@EMC2 Now if there was just some scientific proof of that.


No such thing as a spirit or soul s can't be spiritual

@Dida where's the power source ? When your body dies there isno power source for the consciousness . Souls were made up so that the afterlife can be sold to you .


Yes. Spirituality is a kind of experience, not a cosmology.


I think not all atheists are equal.
I think many people have decided they do not believe in the "God" for whatever ever reason, and they may not believe in other gods.
Others are wary of anything for which there is not sound evidence, sorry gods but you don't pass muster, neither do you reiki and homeopathy and ghosts and little green men.

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