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More Trump Shenanigans. I knew he'd find another way to dodge this one. Imagine what he's hiding.

Athena 8 Apr 30

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He may not have legal standing to block the subpoenas.


I'm confident that other investigations that received info from the Mueller probe will put an end to this endless distraction and constitution dismantling. Mueller's mandate was limited, but he found plenty for others to run with that was outside of his scope.


It's the standard approach that he's used all his life in business dealings: deflect, delay, deny, discount, deceive, divide, dulcify, discredit, destroy and deal. And threaten and sue.

He treats the US government the same as Trump U.

I like the text - very clever - but you missed his usual ending - defeat
he is a slippery slimy slivering shockingly superficial shit

@ShadowAmicus Stolen (of course) -- I remembered delay and deny and just did a search to get a longer list.


As the article says, looks like a delay tactic. Hope they get the bastard!


Skeletons in the closet . . . . . there is definitely something to hide if he is fighting it. Some states are requiring that candidates release their tax records to be on the ballot . . . . if that flies legally, he could be in a world of shit!

THHA Level 7 Apr 30, 2019
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