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I had an interesting conversation with a believer last evening. He mentioned Jesus, and I took the opportunity to ask a question: Was Jesus part of the blessed trinity prior to his birth as a human on earth? The believer's attempts to answer my seemingly simple question got more and more frantic until he finally threw up his hands and admitted he didn't know "what he was supposed to believe on this issue". So, what's the scoop? What do most Christians believe concerning Jesus' status as part of the trinity? Is the trinity eternal or did it just come into being 2019 years ago at Jesus' birth? For my money, any answer to this inane question is total bullshit, but it would probably be interesting to get some feedback.

Rob48 7 Aug 30

Enjoy being online again!

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I normally ask the believers one question... Do you believe there is other life in the universe? Most believers I have talked to will eventually admit that there is life out there somewhere. I then ask them is Jesus died for their sins too... This is usually followed by a vapid stare into my eyes. Most will say that, yes, Jesus died for their sins too. Then I ask if he died for silicone based life forms also... Or, what about all the people that lived before Jesus.

I like to ask them questions that, after answering like a good Christian, they may think how stupid their response was.



All your questions answered.

I remember getting fits of the giggles at sunday school when the minister mentioned the holy ghost. I think that was the start of my realising what a load of nonsense Christianity is.


I never even considered that question before - good one! I don't usually bother engaging believers into any intricacies of their belief; I assert that their premise is unprovable, so there is no need to further the discussion.


In Genesis god says "let us make man in our image." To most Christians he is talking to a pre-birth Jesus as a heavenly creature, or talking to Michael the Archangel. To the Jehovah Witnesses Jesus was Michael the Archangel before he became the earthly Jesus. In case you are a trinity believer the "Holly Geist" did not say much ever. He might have been brooding over the waters or something.

The most confusing thing in all Christianity is the concept of a trinity with 3 beings all in one.


In the book "The Closing of the Western Mind" [] it was shown how battles were fought and people executed over the simple question of was Jesus human or godly (part of the trinity). Good thing you don't live in the 4th century.


If you read Paul's writings and the NT, they contradict quite a bit. They really haven't figured it out. A lot of it has to do with trying to shed the Jewish idea of God and introduce a more Greek, mythological idea of God...


the key phrase is what he was SUPPOSED to believe. if you don't know what you believe, that means you don't believe it, whatever it is! so sad. your question is secondary to his confusion, which was more telling than any coherent answer would've been.


p.s. i probably wouldn't understand the answer anyway, and it means little to me because i was raised a secular jew, so to me the trinity is doubly mysterious but irrelevant!


There are the learned scholars preaching the gospels and they are the evil-doers, then there are the dupes that's just trying to be followers....sounds like you found a "dupe"


Here's a question along similar lines of equal if not greater import: Can Superman's heat vision melt adamantium? Hmmm? LOL

Depends on purity, and reflective properties of his vision...

@HankSherman The Canon is that once it sets, adamantium is indestructible, and not even yellow sun powered Kryptonian heat vision can melt it. Vibranium, of course, is a different story.

@zeuser well.....yeah...


Great question! You can drop the mic with that one.


His conversation with his minister on Sunday should be pretty interesting.

JimG Level 8 Aug 30, 2019

Conversation with a minister interesting? Only to a mental health proffessional. 😉

@1of5 Actually, I work with a newly ordained minister. I enjoy conversations with him, but he doesn't seem too comfortable with them. 😉

@JimG discussing fairy tales isn't that interesting to me, and if pressed by a believer they end up very uncomfortable and me quite annoyed


Yes, it is inane bullshit.

That's the problem with logic regarding the supernatural, though, it doesn't apply - you just gotta have faith in the lies you've been told.

1of5 Level 8 Aug 30, 2019

I they they say the trinity was always there but the concept wasn't articulated until the time of Jesus. My guess is that Jehovah, his active spirit and wisdom were the 'old' trinity. It isn't obvious that Jesus is the Logos as well as wisdom but Philo links the two:

In his doctrine of God Philo interprets the Logos, which is the Divine Mind, as the Form of Forms (Platonic), the Idea of Ideas or the sum total of Forms or Ideas. Logos is the indestructible Form of wisdom comprehensible only by the intellect (Det. 75-76; Mig. 103).

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