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"The totalitarian, to me, is the enemy - the one that's absolute, the one that wants control over the inside of your head, not just your actions and your taxes."
Christopher Hitchens

Archeus_Lore 7 Jan 12

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They all want the inside of your wallet and I cannot understand how people give it to them.




The problem is that, both in the so called democracy and in totalitarian regimes, the leaders don't act in name of the people, as they should. In a totalitarian regime, your freedom goes down the drain while in the "democratic" regimes people don't know how to use freedom without abusing it and some abuse it deliberately.

I agree. On the whole people in the USA and UK are poorly educated on political science. Our systems owe a lot to John Locke, but few in the UK know who he was, and about the same in the USA. I don't know about Eire as far as that goes.
If only people would try to understand what is going on and use their brains to make choices, not their emotions and ingnorance. Don't mention Brexit..

@Sofabeast, if you go to any country, most of them have two big parties that alternate power and a few smaller ones that struggle to get there. Those nations most of the time get always different shit but with the same smell. Is that democracy?

@Paddypereira That can be argued both ways. Lilewise with first past the post systems. So far there is no good answer which fulfills what people in their subjectivity want.
There can be too much choice at times and counter this with too little at others or all the time in America.


We must remain ever so diligent in our efforts to prevent that.


So....the church.


I certainly agree with Hitch on this one. 🙂


Even our local Baptist Minister realised that he couldn’t achieve this. He suggested he could hold people down and make them say they believe in god but once he let them go he couldn’t maintain that. Unfortunately there are much more subtle and insidious ways of thought control, such as mass media and advertising that work better. Plus societal norms. I use 2 known carcinogens daily currently, because it’s the social norm: perfume with alcohol in and contraception, yet everyone is still raising money to stop cancer.
The world doesn’t make sense to me.


Most people want to follow a leader.


We like being our own totalitarians. "The lunatic is in my head." There's no room for another one.

"You raise the blade, you make the change, you rearrange me till I'm sane"

Good luck there

@Davesnothere "Have you got any marmalade?"

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