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Narrative 2.0 is getting us back to the 'Old Normal'. Keep up the fight people.
'NYC Drops COVID Vaccine Mandate for Student Extracurricular Activities'
Although New York City was not mandating students to be vaccinated for COVID-19, it was mandating the shot for students who wanted to participate in most extracurricular activities, including sports. ICAN attorneys sent a letter to address this nonsensical policy. The Mayor announced that the mandate was being rescinded!

BDair 8 Sep 30

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For their vaccines to work, about 90% of the world must be vaccinated. I was surprised they got nearly half the world's population to be fully vaccinated. Then they fake the numbers like it is saving the planet, not counting the great vast mass majority weight of animals on this planet.Then they coming out with green passport and taxes for the natural environment. At the beginning of vaccines I said I would take my tiny portable house. And live in the woods or cave before letting those zombies jab me with their lethal injection. Looks like that won't happen. Watch for green passports and cyber wars next , the WEF keep us informed. What a hassle! Still it won't soil my good times reporting the freak shows. As demolition earth continues for a couple more years.

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