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Plug Pulled on Carbon Capture and Storage Project in Edmonton, Canada
Edmonton, Alberta-based Capital Power Corp. announced on May 1 that it is no longer pursuing a proposed $2.4-billion carbon capture and storage project at its Genesee natural gas-fired power plant. The company had concluded that the project is technically viable, but not economically feasible.

The next day in a story on the federal government’s release of its latest Greenhouse Gas Emissions report, the Alberta government blamed the demise of the Genesee CCS project on the failure of Ottawa to provide the necessary financial incentives to make it economically viable.
final some one seen the writing on the wall

1patriot 7 May 8
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Posted by 1patriotHere’s a reminder of the amount that each province will receive, or not receive, under the unfair federal equalization program.

Posted by 1patriotRoad Captain writes: This is already happening in Canada and has been for some time ,,well kept secret ,MEDIA ,POLICE ,and the CORPORATE Government called CANADA are silent ,,wake up folks ,,this is ...

Posted by 1patriotThere was a recent assassination attempt on Robert Pickton while in prison.

Posted by 1patriot Pillar Rock near Falkland, with a 7 ton boulder sitting on top of a 90 foot pillar of rock and sandstone in the middle of the woods, is something to behold pillar lake BC Canada John Eaton ...

Posted by 1patriot10 doses in 3 years is not a vaccine. It’s an extermination. Cancer mortality:

Posted by 1patriot[] he is now a she who is possible working with the CCP, treason comes to mind

Posted by 1patriotUnintended consequences?

Posted by bookofmoronsTotally pumped for the 2024 eclipse and so far the weather is excellent! Fingers crossed it stays that way for the next few hours!!! BTW: Did anyone realize that its not just an American eclipse?

Posted by 1patriotDon't talk about the Government or you will pay ! []

Posted by 1patriot[facebook.

Posted by 1patriotCanada's new hate crimes you can be charge if they think you don't like them

Posted by 1patriotPiece shit traitor

Posted by 1patriot⚫️🚨 Canada is implementing a law designed to preempt crime, ala “Minority Report” which will be selectively enforced against White citizens.

Posted by 1patriotNow we know what the Trudeau government was desperately trying to hide.

Posted by 1patriotI think it’s time we stop pretending and getting rid of fossil fuels will somehow solve all of the world, so-called climate problems! Robbie Picard

Posted by 1patriotKICKLEI is kicking off! With a dedication to all Canadian Patriots, Especially Those “Who Can`t Get to Ottawa.

  • Top tags#Canada #video #government #world #DonaldTrump #friends #god #money #children #laws #hope #religious #religion #reason #federal #liberal #book #freedom #media #rights #climate #hell #USA #vote #Police #policy #minister #death #truth #wife #evidence #earth #economic #society #liberals #oil #ClimateChange #weather #community #Song #hello #atheism #Bible #church #fear #guns #belief #military #politics #dogs ...

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