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I know each cat is different. My cat was eating Fancy food w/o problems....even sometimes he ate 9 lives....Recently he is rejecting both brands and eating only dry food. Suggestions? Thanks.

duchessa1 7 May 4
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Thanks to all answers. Thanks.

duchessa1 Level 7 May 4, 2024

My cat eats only dry foods, but I cheat and put treats in the bottom.This seems to have worked well as she has a good appetite the majority of the time.

My late cat never ate but dry food and lived 22 years.

Well, it seems your trick is also working here......I add some treats to his wet food and he cleans the dish in no time.


Our cats seem to suddenly turn their noses up at flavors they once seemed to love.

I suspect it is a matter of wanting variety. I don't know of any cat that is happy with the same food over and over again.

I have no evidence, but it may also be that cats want variety to get a variety of nutrients. In this case it wouldn't be a mater of conscious choice, but rather instinct that drive them to seek out variety in their diets in order to get a better variety of nutrients in their food. Just like if people eat the same things everyday it will affect out health, the same may be true of our furry friends.

snytiger6 Level 9 May 4, 2024

I give variety in wet foods, & still won't eat it very often......Iams, Fancy Feast, Blue Buffalo, Wellness, Science Diet.......

That was my feelings as well....I am trying real tuna...tomorrow real chicken..

@Lilac-JadeCanada I going to get today some of the brands you said....or tomorrow I will take him to the vet.

@duchessa1 When I was a young kid, we had a black short hair cat named Spooky. I remember my mom would about once a month buy beef liver and cut it up in small pieces and give it to him, and he loved it. The rest of the time he got a cheap wet food food brand called Kitty Queen, and if he didn't eat it he either went hungry or hunted. It wasn't common for people to give cats dry food at that time (1960s). He was happy and lived to be 16 years old. I am told he came home one day hardly able to walk and then couldn't walk at all. The bet said he had a stroke, and we had to put him down. He was a great cat, but in my pre-teen years I was too young to really appreciate him.

Anyway, I was just recalling how we sometimes gave him fresh meat (liver) and it seemed to keep him healthy and happy.

@snytiger6 I had a cat, Amadeus, he lived 22 years and always ate dry food. Now, Lucas, just started to be fancy....sometimes I give him chicken and or meat. Just now I got Blue Buffalo salmon and ocean bits. He ate all...I hope he keeps doing. I never had problems with Fancy Feast and 9 lives until three days ago.

@duchessa1 I live in my sister's house. Before I moved in she used to only give her cats dry food. However one of the cats was getting older and the vet recommended she also give her wet food to keep her healthy as she was getting lethargic. However, you can't just give one of three cats we food, so she had to give them all wet food. It has been that way, all cats get wet food, ever since

@snytiger6 Lucas is being nuts. Now he is eating almost normal.

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