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Remember when Australian diplomats were called upon to help chair conflict negotiations as we were seen as neutral? Its been awhile.
Our politicians, both parties just as bad, really suck when it comes to our sovereign independence.

We enter AUKUS allowing the US and UK to develop a permanent military base(s) here on the promise of some subs later. Oopsie, delay on the subs. So lets help build drones so NATO may expand and watch our buddies enable genocide, both illegally bombing Yemen in support of Israel etc. Lets watch them ruin an Australian man's life, Julian Assange.

These are the allies our politicians choose to further Australia's interests.

Why does Australia give a rats arse about Ukraine? A war that had peace in April 2022 until our partners made false "100% behind you, all that it takes" promises to keep it going? We are not part of NATO, nor Europe, nor on the Atlantic. Wrong Hemisphere.

AUKUS does not mean peace for Australia. It ensures there will be no peace for us..
Rant over

puff 8 Mar 21
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Posted by 1patriotthey are creating a 15 Cities all along this coast in Australia

Posted by 1patriotthunder writes: I remember early in the pandemic when there was a protest outside the hospital (Toronto Canada).

Posted by vocaloldfart Is this the way of the future?

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Posted by FrayedBearIt has taken since 1986 for the Australian Human Rights Commission to release papers & a suggested draft for incorporation into Australian law to protect all citizens.

Posted by FrayedBearIt has taken since 1986 for the Australian Human Rights Commission to release papers & a suggested draft for incorporation into Australian law to protect all citizens.

Posted by FrayedBearIt has taken since 1986 for the Australian Human Rights Commission to release papers & a suggested draft for incorporation into Australian law to protect all citizens.

Posted by FrayedBearIt has taken since 1986 for the Australian Human Rights Commission to release papers & a suggested draft for incorporation into Australian law to protect all citizens.

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Posted by FrayedBearWhy is the Murdoch media not widely reporting this apparent scandal that should prevent the NSW Premier being re-elected for a further 4 years?

Posted by vocaloldfartsign of the times

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