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Barnie2years comments on Sep 4, 2020:
Did they find his white robe and hood yet?
[] Fact check on 9 conspiracy theories Terrible Trump is pushing.
Barnie2years comments on Sep 4, 2020:
Facts and Trump are an oxymoron. They have absolutely no relationship.
Barnie2years comments on Sep 4, 2020:
He and Ivanka threatened to disown Donny Jr if he joined the Army according to Mary Trump’s book. And the family all but shunned Fred Jr because he joined the Air Force reserves.
Barnie2years comments on Sep 4, 2020:
Won’t change the mind of a single Trump voter.
Barnie2years comments on Sep 4, 2020:
"Local churches....have banded together to reach out..." I know it seems strange for a religious person, but Atheists and Agnostics don't have "churches" to band together. We don't meet to see what our clothing looks like and talk about all the sinners that didn't get out of bed on Sunday. There are Humanist organizations and this website may be considered about as close as we unchurched people come to a group. If you spend time on here, you will find that we are hardly a cohesive unit. But many non theist volunteer to help, quietly, because many church groups would ban them if they declared their lack of religion openly. And the Humanists do have organized groups and charities that help with disaster relief. So just because you don't see it splashed on the news, doesn't mean there are not non-believers there helping.
It looks like I'm not the only one that fears for my country. []
Barnie2years comments on Sep 2, 2020:
I’ve been seeing this since before Trump was elected. He was a demagogue in his business and was not likely to change anything in his elected capacity. He believes he is untouchable and after almost four years, he has been proven right. I fear for the future of our country more than any other time in my life.
Larry Flynt is Getting the Last Laugh After the Fall of Jerry Falwell, Jr.
Barnie2years comments on Sep 2, 2020:
My step son and I just watched the movie “The People vs Larry Flint” last night. I remember many of the basics as a fan of Hustler and men’s magazines in general. I think it’s interesting that of the three newsstand sex magazines, his is the only one still printing monthly and the only one still living since Hefner and Guccione died.
It is frightening to me that nearly half of Americans think trump is handling the protests ...
Barnie2years comments on Sep 1, 2020:
Unfortunately, our country is so evenly divided and to such extremes, I don’t see any easy way forward regardless of who comes out ahead in November. I think of how my father and his wealthy friends felt during the Obama administration. Their reactions were very equivalent to how I feel about Trump, even though I cannot understand why they felt that way. My father passed in 2015, which allows me to think that he would have seen through the liar in chief and even if he had voted for Trump (he hated Hillary too), he would have turned against him as time went on.
A few more:
Barnie2years comments on Sep 1, 2020:
Love the second one!
Barnie2years comments on Sep 1, 2020:
Absolutely, though I think despicable is just not strong enough. Just part of his shit show. I hope Wisconsin stands behind its Governor and the mayor of Kenosha and hand Trump a major loss in November.
Barnie2years comments on Sep 1, 2020:
These guys are fantastic! I’m switching ice cream brands! They treat their employees like real people, share their profits with those who make and sell the products. True standouts in the American business world.
A weird cult is moving its operations to Kauai.
Barnie2years comments on Sep 1, 2020:
The human mind is an amazing thing! It is capable of exploring outer space, splitting atoms, creating artificial human organs and so many wonderful things. But it is also prone to murder, con men and women, believing in the preposterous religions and cults created by these con artists. I have said this on Facebook and maybe here as well. I think it is time to start evolution over again. We are slipping backwards almost as fast as we move forward as a species. An asteroid hit, or a super microbe could wipe us out at any minute. Global temperature change may do it over the long term, but it would be slow and torturous, and the evil ones will stand a better chance of survival. The Earth and the Universe are not stagnant, they go though constant changes over the eons, some much more rapid than others. I would prefer something dramatic and quick over slow and painful. Watching Trump, his cult followers and his congressional flunky’s, tear away at our democratic system is definitely slow and painful. I hold out hope for November, but I fear the crazies have been left out of the bag and we may not like the results regardless of who wins the election (if it actually takes place). Trump wants to be Putin and other dictators, and by creating enough chaos, he can use their tactics (military and homeland security forces) to declare Marshal Law and start to take over state and local governments, to be replaced by his chosen delegates. It is really a small step, and has already been done on small scale in certain states. I am not sure the Democrats have the support of large portions of the rank and file military, nor the police forces of many cities and states. I know I deviated from the original topic, but I think they are related. Keep us posted on what they do to this invasion of your island and how things work out.
Barnie2years comments on Sep 1, 2020:
This was inevitable as the election gets closer and his numbers are trending bad. He thrives on chaos, and the 180,000+ people dead from his mishandling of the COVID pandemic just wasn’t enough to satisfy his blood lust.
Barnie2years comments on Sep 1, 2020:
This has been obvious from the first riots. They are infiltrating BLM and stirring trouble, starting vandalism and then disappearing into the crowd to let others take the blame. Now they are organizing to start street battles which will be used by Trump to blame BLM again. Trump will not be happy until he can declare war on minorities in every state that didn’t vote for him in 2015.
One of the things I enjoy on Monday mornings. [youtube.]
Barnie2years comments on Aug 31, 2020:
I love John Oliver! I learn more from every one of his shows than I do from a week’s worth of news shows. And get to have a few laughs while doing it! 👍
Exeter, NH - Historical and Political Phillips Exeter Academy Prep School is here.
Barnie2years comments on Aug 31, 2020:
Getting a little travelling in are you? 👍
Another thought on Kenosha: the kid's mother armed him, drove him there, dropped him off.
Barnie2years comments on Aug 31, 2020:
Sadly, this is what Trump fosters. He has opened the Pandora’s box of the Right Wing militias and hate filled White Supremists. It will not easily be closed at this point until they pull a Timothy McVey type terrorist act and are once again forced underground.
Do we really know or care if politicians are being honest or sincere?
Barnie2years comments on Aug 30, 2020:
It would certainly appear that a large number of the population really don’t care, or at least pay attention.
A nice surprise, my t shirt arrived 😊
Barnie2years comments on Aug 30, 2020:
Got mine too. I guess they send them out in bulk when they get enough eights to qualify.
My dad isn’t voting for Trump because Trump is really going to screw up social security.
Barnie2years comments on Aug 29, 2020:
Follow his lead, your Social Security is even more at risk than his!
Paris Rooftop Parkour POV [youtube.]
Barnie2years comments on Aug 29, 2020:
Gathering for the speeches and BLM caravan to the capital.
Barnie2years comments on Aug 29, 2020:
Be careful out there! Watch for Right Wing infiltrators looking to stir up trouble.
Yes we worry. []
Barnie2years comments on Aug 29, 2020:
Understandable, when the last and only democratic super power looks to be going in the direction of Russia and China, the world has reason to worry. Our influence in the Western Hemisphere has always generated certain fears. Those will only be heightened if we cannot rid our government of the spreading cancer of demagoguery and theocracy that has gained the upper hand.
I'd be making sure they heard everything....
Barnie2years comments on Aug 29, 2020:
Are you having Pagan sex on the lawn again? 🤣🤣🤣
4th Generation Warfare and the Christan Right []
Barnie2years comments on Aug 29, 2020:
The obvious signs are all there. Trump created chaos in cities everywhere. Media focus On violent protest while ignoring the majority of peaceful ones. Outside instigators infiltrating peaceful protests to create violence and looting. These are all tactics to delegitimize real issues and advance fascism, just as the Nazi Party and Hitler blamed the burning of the Bundestag on the liberal parties. We are living the 1930’s Germany in the age of social disinformation, making it faster and easier to spread false information and conspiracy to those too jaded or indoctrinated to actually look for the truth.
The crooked owners of Hobby Lobby continue to fight returning STOLEN artifacts to Iraq.
Barnie2years comments on Aug 27, 2020:
I have never shopped there, never will. They are the poster child of white Christian privilege.
Doesn't give a shit?????
Barnie2years comments on Aug 26, 2020:
He absolutely does not. He basically screwed over his living siblings when his parents died. He is emotionally dead except for his love of himself.
Today is Women's Equality Day.
Barnie2years comments on Aug 26, 2020:
Sadly even then the suffragettes had many women working against them. Just as Phyllis Stewart Schlafly did later against the Equal Rights Amendment. There are always people happy with the status quo, no matter how bad others may find it. They will do everything in their power to work against progress and change.
It is often interesting how ancient terms, beliefs, and practices linger on into modern times but ...
Barnie2years comments on Aug 25, 2020:
My family always said “gesundheit!” when someone sneezed. A Pennsylvania Dutch thing. Means “health!”
On my old account, I made a post about an hour long hotline call I did when I interned at a Domestic...
Barnie2years comments on Aug 25, 2020:
As humans we all make errors. If I make a post and It gets called out as wrong or unreasonably hurtful, I will post a retraction, an apology or research to show why the post was made. If it is wrong, after leaving the correction up for a time, I delete the post and move on.
I have just returned from the rededication of a local park to this grand lady who helped get votes ...
Barnie2years comments on Aug 24, 2020:
Still weird seeing everyone with masks on! But it looks like most everyone was being good citizens and wearing them.
Why Did the FBI Target Black Activists Fighting for Equality?
Barnie2years comments on Aug 23, 2020:
And yet the KKK and affiliates march on.
...Until we got married 😜
Barnie2years comments on Aug 22, 2020:
We actually lived together and she decided four times a month was sufficient.
Human Character
Barnie2years comments on Aug 19, 2020:
It is all objective and based on circumstance, within or out of our control. There are people who have benefited from Trump's position who seem to think he is the definition of good, while most who see past the con and lying would define him as evil. Hitler was admired by his inner circle and a majority of Germans at the zenith of his power and despised by those who could see through his ambitions. Even on a day to day basis, some of the worst people you may meet have people whom they may take care of or befriend who would call them good. Happens almost every time a mass murder happens and the family and friends come forward to say what a wonderful person they thought he was and they don't understand how he became this monster that killed.
Do people actually vote for the candidate based on values, issues, and leadership?
Barnie2years comments on Aug 19, 2020:
Because everybody’s triggers are different, no one can appeal to much more that a small majority regardless of what they stand for. I was involved with my Union leadership, a small company of about 70 members. It was difficult getting a consensus on our priorities and contracts even with all of us working for the same company! If you watch most elections, at least federal and the Local ones in my area, the winner seldom has more than a 10% majority, rarely that much. And with our two party system, more often than not, everyone is just settling for the candidate least offensive, certainly not one that represents all of your needs or even most. Parliamentary systems with multiple Parties based on narrower platforms make it perhaps easier to vote for one you can actually feel more representative of your needs. But even they, once elected, have to form unions with other Parties that may not be to your liking, just to get anything done. Which is why governments around the world tend to swing wildly from left to right, sometimes peacefully, sometimes not. The verdict for which way our country changes will come this November, but regardless it will leave about half the people feeling disenfranchised.
I've seen the question asked several time on this forum about whether or not we will ever have an ...
Barnie2years comments on Aug 19, 2020:
Openly non believers would have little chance of winning a national election. People found it hard to believe a Catholic (Kennedy) won, but his charisma and Nixon’s lack of it helped him get elected. I would be very surprised if a Jew could even win a nomination, despite Bernie having drawn such a large following in the primaries. Trump may be as close to an actual Atheist as we ever get, but only because he sold himself to the deluded as the second coming and promised the Evangelicals unheard of power in his administration. I don’t believe an Atheist will ever be elected in my area of the country, that’s for sure.
"Many Republicans feel that Joe Biden is actually more of a Republican than President Trump," former...
Barnie2years comments on Aug 19, 2020:
Because he is such a political savant! Just another blowhard Trump reject, I would never waste a moment of time on listening to his spew.
Barnie2years comments on Aug 18, 2020:
Just another scumbag he needs to help him gum up the elections.
As someone who identifies herself as an Independent now, I'm still confused about atheists/agnostics...
Barnie2years comments on Aug 18, 2020:
I often wondered the same thing about Right Wing, or Trumplican gays. If either has their way, they would take back all the gains made by LBGT in the past ten years. They have already lost rights in the military, not being discriminated against for adoptions, being served by religious based stores or even healthcare facilities. Why would you support those who are most likely to set back freedoms gained by a decade of pain and hard work?
Barnie2years comments on Aug 18, 2020:
He was saying the exact same thing in 2015. The only rigging going on are Republicans making it harder for minorities to vote. Closing polling stations, stopping mail in voting and creating huge lines making it difficult for working people to wait long enough to vote.
Barnie2years comments on Aug 18, 2020:
Litigation just to tie up the courts, appeal after appeal wasting taxpayer money. He has always done this. The difference is now we are paying Trump!s legal fees with taxpayer money as well.
Here, here!!
Barnie2years comments on Aug 17, 2020:
How exciting! (I guess?)
Unbelieveable! Trump picture on absentee ballots in North Carolina. [cnn.]
Barnie2years comments on Aug 17, 2020:
Wow, if it wasn’t for cheating the Republicans wouldn’t have a platform at all!
Just gonna leave this here...
Barnie2years comments on Aug 16, 2020:
Completely validates my opinion of Trump supporters.
A lady on here (awhile back) accused me of having a “sock puppet” account.
Barnie2years comments on Aug 16, 2020:
You are a lovely looking young lady, don’t look at all like a sock! 😄 At your age, being a cat lady seems to be quite common, but then there are plenty of people on social media that collect dogs as well. Never let one or even two comments ruin your day. Enjoy rather those who support or engage you on topic, even if they don’t agree.
Capitalism and Racism on steroids is affecting many parts of the world.
Barnie2years comments on Aug 15, 2020:
There is no easy way to reduce population without causing pain to some portion of the county, usually the elderly. At some point, it would even out. But as China found out, the fact that people live longer, supporting them with a diminishing base just doesn’t work very well. Either they continue to work until they drop over, or the young get punished to pay for their upkeep. Neither is pleasant.
Clever ideas...
Barnie2years comments on Aug 15, 2020:
Definitely bring back the ball chiller! 🤣 Lotion can take care of the chapped lips! 😆
Now here's an idea!!
Barnie2years comments on Aug 14, 2020:
I’d be afraid of what I would wake up to.
Barnie2years comments on Aug 14, 2020:
He had to get his Merry Christmas in! 🤣
I'm leaving this site.
Barnie2years comments on Aug 14, 2020:
I guess I hadn’t seen your name pop up very often in a while. Life goes on and time gets shorter. We all need to re-examine our priorities from time to time. Drop some to allow more time for others. Be well and true to yourself first and foremost my dear!
Faking It.
Barnie2years comments on Aug 12, 2020:
I’ve seen the Evangelicals hand out their own version of this to homeless and on the buses. Their collection plates should overflow with these things!
Oregon has been using mail-in ballots for over 20 years with great success! Regardless, I have ...
Barnie2years comments on Aug 12, 2020:
With Trump’s all out assault on the USPS, this sounds like good advice. I think I will make the effort to deliver mine to the official drop off location.
It's too hot to work outside so I'm sorting photos.
Barnie2years comments on Aug 10, 2020:
You look so professional! 😉
Every dog has its day.
Barnie2years comments on Aug 10, 2020:
I love eyes! I have fallen in love with eyes above anything else. This mask thing doesn’t bother me too much at all.
The reason why Black Lives Matter protests matter.
Barnie2years comments on Aug 9, 2020:
I just got verbally attacked on the Holocaust Museum Facebook page for pointing out that while the Holocaust was certainly one of the worst genocides in modern history, since the Nazis turned it into an industry, it was not the only one or only group. The post was about anti-semitism, and I was just pointing out that is just one of many excuses for genocide. I got called a troll, anti-semite, Holocaust denier and a few other choice words. Nothing could be further from the truth. But when one is focused on one issue, sometimes we lose sight of the big picture. I support Black Lives matter, that does not mean that I don’t believe other minorities are less important, nor that I hate cops and don’t appreciate the dangers they face everyday. Have we become so polarized in our individual tunnels of fear and hate that we close ourselves off to the realities of others? I couldn’t see you video, by the way. Just wanted to say that I see where you are coming from and those using “All Lives Matter” to dismiss the hurt and sentiment of “Black Lives Matter” dismisses the very real conditions of being Black in America that need to be addressed as an issue on it’s own.
Good morning Ag friends - this is how we started our Sunday morning in western NC.
Barnie2years comments on Aug 9, 2020:
Shake, rattle and roll! We have had a few seismic tremors up here in South Eastern PA over the past three decades. Not sure, but I think at least one was around five. Quite exciting!
Poor Franklin, such a disappointment!! "No, we're not a Christian country, we've never been a ...
Barnie2years comments on Aug 9, 2020:
Wow! Did his son miss Dad's message completely or what? Never was a fan of any preacher (or anyone for that matter), but this guy actually studied history and the early founders of the country!
While on a long drive recently, I was listening to a show on NPR about immortality and time.
Barnie2years comments on Aug 8, 2020:
Positively not! There is a reason we as a species have made progress in as fast a way as we have (can you imagine a person born in the early 1900 seeing the world of computers, cell phones, jet planes and modern cars?). New generations have new ideas. Part of the entire basis of evolution. Not only that, but we would be even more awash in population than we are, and the planet could not sustain that kind of growth. Just the billions of people inhaling and exhaling would change the planet's climate. In order for that to be viable, there would have to be a total halt to births.
"The U Experience" What are your thoughts on this idea, a hotel instead of dorms, for college ...
Barnie2years comments on Aug 8, 2020:
I don’t see this working any better than a regular dorm. A hotel full of kids are not going to social distance anymore than a dorm full of hormone overdosing kids. On a similar note, our local hands on science museum is offering to bring students in for all day care and classroom help. Which sounds great for the kids, but I don’t see where it is any better than just sending then to regular school. We are going to be in this virus’s grip for a very long time. 250,000 people at Sturgis this weekend should certainly put us well on the way to the new death toll expected by one source: 300,000.
Random entertainment:
Barnie2years comments on Aug 8, 2020:
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👍👍 Funny stuff!
Just two simple requests
Barnie2years comments on Aug 8, 2020:
Ouch! The new Grumpy Cat?
I found this very interesting, an interview with Bill Moyers and Heather Cox Richardson.
Barnie2years comments on Aug 7, 2020:
Humans are shitty creatures! We will cause our own extinction at some point.
I just installed tik tok. I want to see how my totalitarian government can take it away from me.
Barnie2years comments on Aug 7, 2020:
They made fun of Trump and hacked his Toledo ticket distribution. Believe me, if he could, King Trump would have them in a gulag somewhere, or in front of a firing squad.
This is not a criticism but instead a factoid.
Barnie2years comments on Aug 5, 2020:
That is why they are really getting burned on unemployment. That is based on declared income for tax purposes, which for most restaurant staff is a fraction of their income. With a normal income of $300 to $400, he’s getting $40 unemployment (plus the $600 until this week).
I can't think of any good reason for the destruction that has happened since the 1960s.
Barnie2years comments on Aug 5, 2020:
Many of the major cities of the Middle East were vacation destinations for Europeans in the last century to around the 70’s. Then Muslims factions started fighting each other, governments split and tourists started staying away. Even at the end of the century, Tunisia was probably one of the last destinations until they were hit by terrorist 2015 and the Arab Spring uprisings. Now only the brave would holiday in most of those counties capitals.
Make sure you're counted.
Barnie2years comments on Aug 5, 2020:
I did mine and my mom’s online almost as soon as we got them.
Why would a lifelong atheist suddenly decide to become baptized into Mormonism and be going on a ...
Barnie2years comments on Aug 5, 2020:
At 65, many start to consider their own demise and slide into religion to cover all the bases. Perhaps he had a medical scare or a friend that died recently? My father, who I feel quite certain was an agnostic, though we never talked about it at length, when he became sickly near the end of his life, was far more accepting of having prayer sessions. My Mom was always a dedicated church goer, so it made her happy as well to see him more open to religious prattle. Many things can affect belief, though I don’t see myself ever adopting any kind of belief In theism or an afterlife. Way too illogical for my mind to be seduced by the ideas.
One of my Episcopal friends posted this and it is proof positive that some religious people ...
Barnie2years comments on Aug 5, 2020:
We can only hope that there are many others who can see through the show.
Barnie2years comments on Aug 4, 2020:
Just remember, we taxpayers are paying for Trump suing states to prevent taxpayers from having the right to vote safely from their home. While he encourages voters he thinks will support him to do exactly the same thing. We are living in trying times.
[] Andrew Cuomo of NY tells Trump what he thinks of his Covid management.
Barnie2years comments on Aug 4, 2020:
Like Trump cares at this point.
It's 4am, anyone else having trouble sleeping?
Barnie2years comments on Aug 4, 2020:
Slept like a baby all night last night. Not so much the night before.
Do you react emotionally to objects or places?
Barnie2years comments on Aug 3, 2020:
In the case of the top video, it kind of leads me to understand the drive behind why the Terminator was so pissed off at humans! 😁!
Do you react emotionally to objects or places?
Barnie2years comments on Aug 3, 2020:
I have felt sorry for certain cars that their owners neglected or physically abused for no apparent reason! 😁
Have You Ever Wished Someone Was Dead?
Barnie2years comments on Aug 3, 2020:
I do believe my feelings toward the current Administration and Senate Majority would qualify.
162 million Americans do not have high speed internet.
Barnie2years comments on Aug 2, 2020:
We are going downhill like an avalanche at this point! Affordable medical care, affordable higher education, education in general, food distribution, water quality in our cities, support of small farms, climate controls. Just to name a few.
Is it important to always step up when someone is insulted?
Barnie2years comments on Aug 1, 2020:
I tend to ignore insults, they run off like water on a duck. Especially online, they tend to be trolls seeking attention. I don’t give them the benefit. Once the dialog turns to mud slinging, I just move on and let their comments show what kind of person they are. No need to get in the mud with them and it won’t change who they are anyway.
The drump admin reminds me more & more of cockroaches, in that when you shine a light on them they ...
Barnie2years comments on Jul 31, 2020:
I thought of you when I saw this today on Facebook. Not related to your post, but I’m too lazy to go looking for the appropriate one 😄
Here are most of the Donate to trump texts that I received today.
Barnie2years comments on Jul 30, 2020:
Did you empty your checking account out! 🤣 The best thing about the stimulus check is I donated most of it to Democratic campaigns in various key states. I sure hope they send me another one so I can support even more! 🤣
"Kate Brown, Governor of Oregon, isn’t doing her job.
Barnie2years comments on Jul 30, 2020:
If the Federal Goons leave, much of this will settle down.IMO. They are pushing the protesters to fight back and encouraging provocateurs to show up and stir things up.
Stories like this makes me sick to my stomach. []
Barnie2years comments on Jul 30, 2020:
It is a fact of human history that there has always been slavery and in all likelihood, there will always be those who are willing to make a profit off of the enslavement of others, and those who are willing to pay to have servants. Money is the driving factor, both in getting the women (or sometimes men) to put themselves out there for the slave traders and the operators of the systems that make it possible. Just like drugs, as long as there is a demand, there will be someone willing to supply it.
This one seems a fitting way to say good night to my liberal friends.
Barnie2years comments on Jul 30, 2020:
One of only many topics to discuss (better word than argue I think?). Nowadays you can disagree about most anything if you care to take the time. LOL
Meanwhile our public schools struggle to find enough funds to open our schools safely.
Barnie2years comments on Jul 29, 2020:
Typical Trump/DeVos trickery to funnel funds to their religious supporters. How much funding was given to non Christian private schools (Muslim, Jewish, etc)? This is just proof that these schools have as much to do with making money as educating students.
I received this in our local telegram chat and I'm taken aback by what this article says about ...
Barnie2years comments on Jul 29, 2020:
What a ridiculous pile of hog wash. I’m guessing the “research” was sponsored by religious money.
Please post a picture of something that makes you smile. I call this one pure love plus joy.
Barnie2years comments on Jul 28, 2020:
Today is a great day for freedom. []
Barnie2years comments on Jul 28, 2020:
And Conservatives have been trying to find workarounds or just ignore it ever since.
What are your feelings about cologne?
Barnie2years comments on Jul 27, 2020:
In general I prefer little or no perfume. I don't wear any myself and find the natural smell of women to be quite enticing! My last two wives didn't wear perfumes at the beginning of our relationships than as time went on, became odor junkies. My last wife, once she hooked up with an Avon salesperson, used to make my eyes water just being around her! LOL On the other hand, a woman I dated wore a scent that was completely intoxicating! I was madly in love with her and on occasions when someone was near me wearing that scent, it would remind my of the good times we had had. But for me, less to none is generally more pleasant. And you have to be very careful. If you are wearing something my mother or grandmother might have worn, it can be a major mind bender! LOL
Reprinted From Facebook: I do not live in Portland! Check out Direct Action Alliance on Instagram ...
Barnie2years comments on Jul 27, 2020:
Sorry I didn't clarify that this was from someone else, not me, on Facebook. I am on the opposite coast. If you go to the Instagram link, he has video and more comments. Sorry about the confusion.
I've been preparing all week, and especially today, for Hurricane Douglas, which was supposed to ...
Barnie2years comments on Jul 27, 2020:
Take a gift from the atmosphere anytime you can get it. Where I live in Lancaster PA, many storms coming out of the southwest seem to split and go around us. Always a good thing.
Meanwhile outside of a courthouse in Portland, a protester with a Hello Kitty helmet ran up to a ...
Barnie2years comments on Jul 26, 2020:
I was just reading they are returning them to sender with Lacrosse sticks as well.
Barnie2years comments on Jul 23, 2020:
Censorship, storm troopers showing up in Democratic run cities, what can we look forward to in the next three months? And how bad will it be when he loses the election. Trump Biden ads are totally gross, and have no basis in reality.
Barnie2years comments on Jul 23, 2020:
They’ll just set up shop in Chicago.
Name something you are always looking for - can't say KEYS or PHONE!!
Barnie2years comments on Jul 22, 2020:
Pretty much everything if I didn't put it in one of the specific places it was supposed to be! LOL
Pick your ideal vacation!!!!!
Barnie2years comments on Jul 22, 2020:
#4 or #1 would be fine. I wouldn't turn down 2 or 5.
We Can't Go......
Barnie2years comments on Jul 22, 2020:
Not even the Bahama's at this point!
Barnie2years comments on Jul 22, 2020:
For anyone who hasn’t visited the Holocaust Museum in Washington DC, they are offering a virtual tour online. It is a very sobering place to visit, as I suspect the African American museum is as well. Both show the inherent evil of mankind, the difference is in the shear numbers of deaths.
I had one long term relationship since my husband died.
Barnie2years comments on Jul 22, 2020:
We can’t change the past anymore than we can predict the future IMO, he certainly still has feelings for you, which is why he stays in touch. I married my much younger lover, and it didn’t work on many levels. We are still friends after a period of five years of getting over the pain. Some days, when my heart aches (I still love her madly) the wish that I had never met her, or paid more attention when I first met her and she told me she hated men 😁enters my mind. But I love her son and he loves me, since I am really the only father he really ever had. And she is responsible for my having my dog Barnie, since she adopted his mother when she was pregnant. So, all in all, the good kind of levels off the bad. And there is no way of knowing how life would have been without her in it. So, surely you have some fond memories of your time together, don’t live in the regrets. They really serve no purpose.
Check the percentage points of all the senator's leads and remember the senate is actually more ...
Barnie2years comments on Jul 21, 2020:
I have been sending donations to my Democratic Senator, AOC, the Kentucky Democrats, Arizona Democrats and a few others who interest me. I will not send to the DNC, I think they are not worthy. And it seems anyone I support in the primaries losses, so I am not wasting money until after state primaries are over. Just my opinion and as we get into fall, I plan on using most of my stimulus $1,200 check to support candidates in various PA state and Senate elections. Thanks Donald!!
America's Dopamine-Fueled Shopping Addiction - The Atlantic []
Barnie2years comments on Jul 20, 2020:
I try and limit my trash, and when it comes to clothing I am still wearing stuff I got 30 years ago! My step son makes fun of me, but when I get rid of something, it is full of holes, or doesn't fit for some reason. I buy maybe one or two pairs of pants or shorts a year, hardly ever any shirts. I inherited my dad' s stuff when he died (as least some of it) and I even wear shirts my son left when he moved out of the house 20 years ago. Electronics and gadgets are my weak spot, but I try and control myself!
"Atheists shut down Bible school for first, second graders" May 25, 2017 [youtube.
Barnie2years comments on Jul 20, 2020:
Like Tucker Carlson is anyone with an ounce of good sense!
I just went to the food bank for the 1st time in 17 years.
Barnie2years comments on Jul 20, 2020:
Given the health and ages of many people who use food banks, not to mention the people who volunteer tend to often be older, this is insanity. All I can say is the smart people have to do the best they can to mask and social distance and let the others play Russian Roulette with their health if that I what they want to do. We as a society deserve to go the way of the Inca, Romans and others advanced civilizations that vanished. The common sense of much of our population has apparently been eaten away from an unknown virus a long time ago!


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