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On this site, I keep noticing lots of single older men from the UK.
Barnie2years comments on Nov 15, 2019:
Maybe the gals are just less prone to spending time online? I follow a couple of quite interesting British females on here. Maybe you just missed them?
I feel similarly. I find it to be a comforting thought.
Barnie2years comments on Nov 15, 2019:
Exactly how I feel! I had a V-fib almost two years ago, was technically dead for 10 seconds. People ask me if I saw the white light 😁. I saw what I see every night when I fall asleep and before my stupid dreams start: nothing.
'The Ryan Project' underway in Utah County, in memory of teen who took his own life
Barnie2years comments on Nov 15, 2019:
In this day and age, as sad as it is that kids can’t see a future and choose suicide, there is certain solace that they do it alone. Unlike those who decide to take other innocent kids with them and go on a shooting rampage before killing themselves or sometimes not even doing that in the end.
Barnie2years comments on Nov 13, 2019:
Once the House votes to impeach, the Senate legally has to hold the trial. They cannot vote to stop the process from what I understand.
Barnie2years comments on Nov 13, 2019:
I guess he figures that's better than telling people he is moving to Russia to join his BBF Putin.
Barnie2years comments on Nov 12, 2019:
A large portion of the American public are like cats. Easily distracted by whatever is waving in their field of vision.
Barnie2years comments on Nov 12, 2019:
Of course he will! It is his reason for being and the reason Trump loves him. He keeps the Nazi branch of the Republican Party happy.
Barnie2years comments on Nov 12, 2019:
A certain percentage of kids have always gone that way. Many of them are successful entertainers and entrepreneurs. Many others are working at McDonalds or retail. For many more, they become aware of their mistake and struggle to catch up later in life, getting their GED and a college education. This is nothing new or generational, just distressing when it’s your own kids.
Live on Today, NBC, November 12th, Nicki Haley tells Samantha Guthrie she told Trump that Tillotson...
Barnie2years comments on Nov 12, 2019:
Pence is just a prop for the fundies. If Trump thinks Haley would help his ticket pull in the women voters, he’ll dump Pence like a used Kleenex. He has already cemented the crazy fundies to his cause.
Barnie2years comments on Nov 11, 2019:
They can't stand their own stink!
An incident concerning the following recently occurred in a political setting; hence, posting it in ...
Barnie2years comments on Nov 10, 2019:
Given some of the horrible generalizations of Millennials and Gen -Z I have seen on FB, can’t really blame them for the blowback. I defend them as my stepson is a fantastic kid and his friends as well. Much better than I was, and I was in no way a bad kid. But I had a lot of freedom and took advantage. As mentioned by several on this post, the Hippy generation turned into the Yuppie generation. Just as greedy and consumer driven as our parents for the most part. My parents didn’t get all bent out of shape when the social networks of Look and Time magazine were quoting our generation as not trusting anyone over 30 and rejection of our parents moral standards. These things pass and life goes on. Not going to fret about the new generation dissing on me,. The circle of life continues.
Do you have a favorite movie you can re-watch countless times and never get bored of it?
Barnie2years comments on Nov 10, 2019:
Team America, Flash Dance, The Great Escape, Footloose.
Just found this cool website 😎 and it explains about atheist/ agnostic/ theist/ nostic.
Barnie2years comments on Nov 10, 2019:
Barnie2years comments on Nov 10, 2019:
Evidence he never really gave a shit about the country, only how he could use the system to fill his family coffers.
Kanye West Says He Might Change His Name to Christian Genius Billionaire Kanye West for a Year
Barnie2years comments on Nov 10, 2019:
He can change it to God of Music Trumperama. I still won’t spend a minute listening to his music.
Not sure if this has been posted yet, but found this funny: []
Barnie2years comments on Nov 9, 2019:
LMFAO! I do love mine! 🤣
Barnie2years comments on Nov 8, 2019:
I wouldn’t believe anything Hannity said.
Well there you go, apparently God prefers kind atheists to some Christians! (Probably depends on ...
Barnie2years comments on Nov 8, 2019:
Wow! That’s a new take from a church! Since there is no god, it doesn’t really make any sense realistically. But it does show some actual thought.
Trump says he's considering attending Russia's May Day parade | TheHill
Barnie2years comments on Nov 8, 2019:
He and Putin can jerk each other off while the big missiles go by! His daddy must have never taken the poor boy to parades when he was a kid.
😮😮😮 The Boiling River, Amazon. Where Everything Is Boiled Alive []
Barnie2years comments on Nov 7, 2019:
Anyone see the movie Unplanned?
Barnie2years comments on Nov 7, 2019:
Where are the movies of real kids living in junk piles, those who are beaten and starved, because their parents didn’t want them? Where are the videos of women dying due to complications during pregnancy and term still births? Where are all the anti abortion people when the children are abandoned after birth? These same anti abortion religious freaks that are supporting Trump’s order allowing religious adoption agencies to refuse placing children in LBGTQ stable households for religious reasons. Biggest hypocrites are those throwing god at you.
Thank you Virginia and Kentucky.
Barnie2years comments on Nov 6, 2019:
Trump fails to rally the troops in Kentucky, despite a last minute rally rant! Virginia has been getting closer to Blue for some time, they finally got it done! Even some of the Reddest states got awfully close to flipping. Hopefully one more year of exposing Trump’s true self will turn off enough moderate Republicans to get him escorted out of the White House.
What marriage is all about. []
Barnie2years comments on Nov 6, 2019:
As a thrice failed married man, I fit in a statistic smaller than many. But I know I am not alone, I know several friends have done the same or more. I’ve learned to enjoy my solitude, but keep the door open for a fourth lightening strike!
The haunted doll is back! Lol.
Barnie2years comments on Nov 5, 2019:
Ow I hope you are going to post the outcome of the medium’s experiment! 😄
Hundreds of Oklahoma inmates released, largest commutation in history
Barnie2years comments on Nov 5, 2019:
Republicans trying to lure Dems by their largesse? Oklahoma is certainly not known for their forward thinking penal code, are they?
BREAKING NEWS: Rachel Maddow of MSNBC reveals Trump had Guiliani do a dry run of working with ...
Barnie2years comments on Nov 5, 2019:
Trump is totally for sale. Information on opponents, vote fraud, opponent hacking, he will pay for any of it, and thanks to his TV fan club, now he gets to pay with taxpayer funds.
Done deed, for sure. []
Barnie2years comments on Nov 4, 2019:
We as a country are in big, big trouble! Read the American Fascist, pretty much covers everything in this article but was written long before we elected a Wacko Christian supported dictator, going all out to suck up to the fringe for their guaranteed votes.
I am curious as to whether other women find the following passages (taken verbatim from a message to...
Barnie2years comments on Nov 4, 2019:
Without wasting a lot of time, the “no Prez Trump haters” pretty much explains everything else.
Over the span of 6 million or so years of man-not-kind do you think you have had an original ...
Barnie2years comments on Nov 4, 2019:
Not likely, given the ever changing environment in which we live and the constant flood of technological breakthroughs. How many people do you think ponder how to get their Smart Phone to download pictures faster or an even better cure for AID’s even 50 years ago?
It is my birthday.
Barnie2years comments on Nov 4, 2019:
Happy Birthday! 🎉🎂 I turned 67 in January this year. Not bad for someone who never expected to make 30! Remember when we thought 30 was old?
[] White House names 5th Acting Director of Homeland Security. WTF!!!!!
Barnie2years comments on Nov 3, 2019:
Who could stand to work for his Highness. 😡
Barnie2years comments on Nov 3, 2019:
The whistleblower is smart to keep his identity hidden. The Trump acolytes would be gunning for him or her and putting up with 24 hour a day character assassination from the Republican mad dogs.
Barnie2years comments on Nov 3, 2019:
Acting like the bozos they are. They can’t defend the actions of their god, so they go after those shining a light on his illegal activities. Typical activities of those most guilty, Trump’s little henchmen.
Back due to popular demand, but please stick to subject of dating photos.
Barnie2years comments on Nov 2, 2019:
I am really terrible at selfies. Bad lighting, reflections off my glasses and never sure how to hold the phone for a good angle. Even as a kid I hated having my picture taken. In everyday life I am smiling and laughing far more than serious face.
If you were a non believer in religion or god as a child did your school force you to say the Lords ...
Barnie2years comments on Oct 29, 2019:
I grew up overseas in a non military household, The international schools I attended most of those years had no such thing. I did attend my cousin’s school a few times when we were back visiting and always thought the pledge and prayer before starting school were very weird.
When I was in high school, a classmate and I got into a religious discussion.
Barnie2years comments on Oct 28, 2019:
None of the stories made any sense to me on a logical basis.
So, this dog was not blown up when al-Baghdadi blew himself up by "suicide vest"?
Barnie2years comments on Oct 28, 2019:
If there is one thing Trump loves to do, it’s tell stories. Generally with little facts, huge exaggeration and somehow making himself the hero. Given photos of the compound I’m not sure how the dog would have survived if it was in the tunnel, nor who else was in there and heard Abū Bakr al-Baghdadi “crying and whimpering like a dog”. Sounds more like something Commander Bone Spurs might do if he was cornered. Anyone remember when he thought someone was coming for him on the campaign trail?
I've conquered the final hurdle in my fear of being single after 22 years of marriage.
Barnie2years comments on Oct 27, 2019:
Every voyage starts somewhere! 😁 I will assume that it involved more than changing the bag? 😃 I actually had to do that for an ex, along with cleaning out the feed which had clogged because of the full bag. 😄
Barnie2years comments on Oct 27, 2019:
We are living in the endtime of democracy as it was defined in the Constitution.
Truth be told right here, it's unfolding before our eyes every day.
Barnie2years comments on Oct 27, 2019:
We are well on our way! :-(
Well, my cats are finally here with me in Hagerstown, but my space here is quite the mess, so much ...
Barnie2years comments on Oct 25, 2019:
Keep you busy and out of trouble! 😁
I see posts here saying "are Atheists this?
Barnie2years comments on Oct 25, 2019:
The tendency to lump people together because of single factors in their life is a human failure more than anything else. It is what permits horrendous actions against "the others" in the name of "us". Be it religion belief or lack thereof, race, sexual preference, or any other factor. In the end we are all individuals prone to our own foibles brought on by genetics, the environment we grew up in, the choices in life we made. I have seen Amish in porn shops and hanging around men's rooms, I knew an Amish woman who was molested by her father. Obviously being Catholic is no more a sign of a child mollester than being Luthern. But as humans we always want to lump people into whatever tribe that we fear or love the most, to our own detriment.
Speaking of dying I just read a post about it.
Barnie2years comments on Oct 25, 2019:
I have nothing but good things to say about Hospice. They are there to allow people to die with peace and dignity, not prolong suffering and pain. Chances are your husband would not have lived a day more had you kept him at home. And given what you say, he may have taken you with him by burning down the house. It sounds like you were supportive to the end, be at peace with yourself and your decisions.
Barnie2years comments on Oct 24, 2019:
Trump and his Republican stooges are just doing whatever they can to get TV time. Remember, this is just Trump’s new reality show. Except the fate of the country hangs in the balance and he will never win an Emmy for this either.
Tennessee official unleashes homophobic rant: "We've got a queer running for president"
Barnie2years comments on Oct 24, 2019:
Best thing that could happen is Mayor Pete gets elected president and all their heads explode! 😆
Its a free feature here!
Barnie2years comments on Oct 23, 2019:
Love PBS! Opinions are not just innocent escapes of gas or words! They far too often have consequences. Trump’s opinions often stir racial hatred, just as Hiller’s opinions resulted in millions of people being rounded up and gassed. European opinions that people with darker skin were less than human resulted in slavery, extermination of natives in both North and South America and most of Asia being subjugated to white European rule. So anyone who says everyone is entitled to their opinion and free to express is a Liberal looking to lose their rights to their own opinions. The Far Right is not so open to that whole idea.
HOLY TRIGGERED, BATMAN! I cannot believe how outraged some atheists get when they see someone ...
Barnie2years comments on Oct 23, 2019:
You can’t let it bother you! In this day and age of descent into tribalism, any feeling you express, any facts you present, opinions you hold, will set somebody or some group off. It doesn’t matter what they call themselves (Christian, Atheist, Satanist, Buddhist), they will jump on one word, one phrase, and find something to be offended about. And thanks to the Internet, they have lots of targets and unrestricted forums to verbally attack anyone they don’t agree with. I often leave stupid posts up, here and on Facebook, because I know that the majority of readers probably agree with me. And even if they don’t, the attack tends to be so off the wall it reflects more on the issues of the writer than it does on my feelings. And my thoughts are certainly well founded enough that some pissant with a grudge is not going to ruin my day. Even if I do take the time to respond, I know there is little chance of changing their mind, so I don’t waste a lot of time other than perhaps to clarify my thoughts for other readers. Life is too short to worry about trolls and blockheads.
Abortion and same-sex marriage are now legal in Northern Ireland
Barnie2years comments on Oct 21, 2019:
They go forward out of theocracy as we in the US descend back into it. In Ireland it was the Catholic Church with control of the country. Here it is the Evangelicals with the help of the Republicans trying to put the hammer on personal liberty one at a time. They lost gay marriage, they are determined to bring back back alley abortions, discrimination by religious belief. We will soon be the most backward country of the wealthiest in the world.
Barnie2years comments on Oct 20, 2019:
If Christie takes this job after the way he was treated during the election campaign (as detailed in his book) his balls have obviously shrunk to the size of a pea. Along with his brain and dignity.
True statesmanship from the past.
Barnie2years comments on Oct 19, 2019:
If all presidents were “stable geniuses.” 🤣
About it, I'd say
Barnie2years comments on Oct 17, 2019:
If Turkey ca find some connection to Biden and his son Trump will supply them with weapons and maps of Kurd outposts a military installations. 😡
"Donald Trump on Thursday evening claimed that energy efficient light bulbs make him look orange.
Barnie2years comments on Oct 16, 2019:
Funniest thing I’ve read today! 🤣
Fake news fail! ABC claims footage from Kentucky gun range shows Turkish attack on Kurdish civilians...
Barnie2years comments on Oct 16, 2019:
Sad! Just handing Trump real ammunition. Guess it beats putting reporters at risk in a real war zone, but then just don’t put video with the reporting.
Mexican Senate Set to Pass Bill to Legalize Marijuana in Next Few Days
Barnie2years comments on Oct 15, 2019:
Shows just how behind the rest of the world we are.
Take the U.
Barnie2years comments on Oct 15, 2019:
Did it earlier, got an email.
Why do some men automatically think women should be flattered by cat calling, aggressive advances, ...
Barnie2years comments on Oct 14, 2019:
Call me crazy, but I would guess that at some point in their life it either worked, or if they are with a group it is just showoff thing to prove they are the most "manly.' Watch the older TV shows and a lot of the movies and you find the brazen guy, the 'bad boy" often get's the girl in the end, so there is that. I have known lots of guys who I thought were kind of crass and blowhard, they seem to get dates. I tend not to and I like to think I have always been respectul, so it's confusing to males as well.
How often has coincidence made you feel like God could really have a plan after all?
Barnie2years comments on Oct 14, 2019:
I speak fluently French, learned 60 years ago, when my father’s company transferred I’m over to France to open a factory. After three years in a French public school I spent most of my time in International schools and with English speaking friends. Came back to the States at 17 and have had little use for my French since. And yet I can hold an adult conversation with French people I meet, can watch and mostly understand French language movies and have several French friends I stay in touch with online through written French, with only very occasional use of Google Translate. Has nothing to do with god, everything to do with you being attuned to recognizing a French accent or showing interest in someone foreign. If you spoke Polish or Slovak or any other language, chances are you would run into some of them and start a conversation just for fun. Look up the Chaos Theory if you really want an explanation of coincidences without the need of a divine guide.
Barnie2years comments on Oct 14, 2019:
Trump and his minions are sick people! 🤬
Happy people.
Barnie2years comments on Oct 14, 2019:
I don’t think I need therapy. I need sex! Took me 20 minutes of staring to see anything but ❤️ 😁
White House sends talking points on ex-Ukraine ambassador meant for allies to House Democrats
Barnie2years comments on Oct 12, 2019:
I'm thinking more like sabotage from within. Trump's omerta is falling apart, bit by bit.
Barnie2years comments on Oct 12, 2019:
Not probable: certain!
10, 9, 8, 7, 6....
Barnie2years comments on Oct 11, 2019:
Pretty much sums it up! 🤣
Dating sites.
Barnie2years comments on Oct 10, 2019:
Gave up after trying a half dozen and being totally unimpressed. Almost getting taken in by a scam artist on one was the nail in the coffin. Could have cost me a lot of money.
There are so many posts about people having to hide non belief or listen to others continue to ...
Barnie2years comments on Oct 9, 2019:
Pretty much how my lack of belief works. Many of my friends are religious. As long as they don’t follow my Facebook posts, we don’t spend our time together discussing religion (or politics, sex or finances for that matter), but whatever interests we share. Some haven’t even unfriended me on FB, they just don’t read the posts they don’t like and focus on the baby animals and funny stuff. Just as I pass up their god posts.
It's sad that some ppl bully others, even on this site who you have to block.
Barnie2years comments on Oct 9, 2019:
Sadly, social media has given assholes the power to spread their manure and poison the water of civil discourse on all platforms. I have seen some of the most innocuous posting draw strange and inappropriate responses from people with nothing whatsoever of interest to say. Negativity has overtaken those who can offer nothing of value to the conversations. I enjoyed your post and feel certain that your kind and compassionate conversation with people on that help line has made many feel better and surely saved lives. All I ca say is ignore the ignorant, they thrive on baiting and negativity, don’t let them get you down.
Barnie2years comments on Oct 9, 2019:
Trump has something really bad he is hanging over Lindsey and Mitch’s heads to get them to do his bidding. Hope that comes out in the wash too!
Bernie Sanders' daughter-in-law, Rainè Riggs, dies at 46 -
Barnie2years comments on Oct 9, 2019:
Not having a good month! 🙁 Life does that to you sometimes.
Americans Think ICE Is the Worst Federal Agency, Poll Shows
Barnie2years comments on Oct 8, 2019:
Trump considers these guys his version of the SS troops in Nazi Germany. I look for him to use them in ways they were never legally set up to operate as these impeachment investigations proceed.
Barnie2years comments on Oct 8, 2019:
Ha, ha! Revenge is sweet! 😄
I thought this was funny af.
Barnie2years comments on Oct 7, 2019:
Love this! And if it hangs around too long, the smell ruins the whole house!
Barnie2years comments on Oct 7, 2019:
Because Trump and the Trumptards have no respect for the Constitution, the rule of law nor the Republican Party except as it benefits them.
Barnie2years comments on Oct 7, 2019:
Except it didn’t work. It was delayed on appeal.
Saudi Arabia to allow unmarried foreign couples in hotel rooms | World news | The Guardian
Barnie2years comments on Oct 7, 2019:
I wouldn’t want to be the first couple to try it out! 😬
George Conway: Trump Is Unfit for Office - The Atlantic
Barnie2years comments on Oct 7, 2019:
That is long! Conway is obviously a lawyer. Everything he states was clear to see long ago, but the Republicans chose to ignore it. If the Electoral College was designed for any purpose, it was to protect the country from popularly electing a con man by overriding the popular vote. It failed in its duty. The 25th Amendment will fail because of fear of retaliation. Impeachment will fail in the long run, not just because the Republicans in the Senate will not vote on it, but because by the time the House goes through the process the 2020 election cycle will be in full progress and unless Trump goes completely off the rails, people won’t care as they put all effort into electing a better president. What a messed up time we live in, but such is the cycle of life.
Barnie2years comments on Oct 6, 2019:
Everyone already knew that anyway! This is not news, just stating the obvious. Everything legal and moral stops at Moscow Mitch's door.
NBC Breaking News 9:00 AM: A firm of attorneys confirms that his team represents multiple ...
Barnie2years comments on Oct 6, 2019:
I’m leery! When you corner a con artist like the Don, he will try every trick in the book to weasel out of it. I seriously worry that in order to throw the impeachment off track, the Trump team will plant false allegations out there to overburden the investigation, then at some point show them to be totally made up. Maybe I give Don the Con more credit than he is due, but I wouldn’t trust the blowhard with a $10 loan.
Barnie2years comments on Oct 4, 2019:
I like to think if I found enough explosives in my kid’s room to blow up the neighborhood, I’d call the cops too!!
Sometimes I'm confused on what to call myself.
Barnie2years comments on Oct 4, 2019:
After reading the answers on here, I am not sure you have any better answer than you had before. So, I will throw my two cents in. I often consider myself a “realist” as much as an Atheist. Which means that I don’t spend a lot of time worrying about what I can’t prove, can’t see and doesn’t have any bearing on my life. Whether a “god” exists or not, I have seen no indication of it, it has no effect on my life, I have no fear of death because it is inevitable regardless of what you believe. Nobody has yet taken a picture of billions of humans who have died running around in heaven or hell. No pictures of winged people flying around protecting people. In wartime, most people on both sides pray, they die randomly anyway, not based on how many times they attended church or temple or mosque. If you are going to question that which is not seen and unprovable, what is your take on extraterrestrials? There are far more sightings, testimonials, and archeological evidence they exist or existed than what is available for proving a god. Or ghosts? Many people can testify they have experienced them. Where do you draw the line of what to believe and what not? By the numbers of people who favor that belief. The Abrahamic religions, taken as a group, certainly have the numbers. But some of that is due to the fact that they were great at killing off the competition! 😄
Every year, I post a birthday begging video on Youtube.
Barnie2years comments on Oct 4, 2019:
👍🧚‍♀️ Here’s a little fairy for your birthday! She can’t work her magic until it actually is your birthday. Which means she will be in a holding pattern for the next month! You have so many gifts already; good looks, a good mind, a loving family, good health and a great sense of humor. It will take the fairy (let’s call her Betty!) at least a month to get that world peace thing going. And perhaps she can provide the House some help with their impeachment work as a great gift as well!
Barnie2years comments on Oct 4, 2019:
Given that he is running the most corrupt government in modern history, this is laughable. But then many people thought Hitler was just a funny guy in his early years.
I suppose that after 14 years of being off and on dating sites and receiving many inappropriate ...
Barnie2years comments on Oct 4, 2019:
You have to realize there is a theory out there espoused by certain men that directness is the best way to achieve a goal. In the world of sales it is taught that the law of averages says that the more “no’s” you get, the closer you are to a “yes”. In sales classes I attended this idea was carried over to the pickup world. That manifests itself in the idea that if you go up to enough women and ask them if they would like to give you a blow job, though you may get your face smacked or yelled at 95% of the time, at some point you will meet up with one of the 5% who will say yes. That, according to the theory makes it worth the effort. Seems your fellow falls into that mindset, and with online dating, the fear of physical violence makes it much less painful to test the theory. And easier, since you can broadcast your slime over a much wider audience. Sadly, for the same reason telemarking and phone scams work, this approach at some point probably does too. I know some pretty creepy dudes that have a lot more success in the dating pool than me, that’s for sure.
Barnie2years comments on Oct 3, 2019:
Damn those Trumpettes hate the truth, no matter where it comes from! 😄
Barnie2years comments on Oct 3, 2019:
Wait, wait! We have to give the president time to destroy all the relevant documents! Does anyone remember Reagan and Oliver North’s mad dash to shred all documents relevant to illegally supplying arms to Nicaraguayen rebels? Nixon I am sure would have liked more time to burn the tapes or at least add more blank spaces.
Barnie2years comments on Oct 3, 2019:
I would be happy if all political ads which do anything beyond profiling the candidate, their positions, experience and priorities were banned. Negative ads should not be allowed at all on any platform.
Barnie2years comments on Oct 3, 2019:
Honestly, I don’t think he had any to crush! Few of the Republicans have the balls to face off with Trump and his radical base.
Barnie2years comments on Oct 2, 2019:
Steroids? More like off his meds!
So I don't have any problem believing that there is no Santa Clause . . .
Barnie2years comments on Oct 2, 2019:
Much of religion is based on fear. They use love to try and cover it over, but the driving force is fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of death, fear of being alone. The human need of tribalism, fear of “the other.” All are used to indoctrinate children into the fold of whatever the religious beliefs of their parents happen to be. As we grow older, we develop our own sense of need. Some leave their faith for stronger ones, cults if you will, out of fear that the one they were in had it wrong. Some go the other way and find more liberal believers to follow. And some like you just question what it is you believe but can’t accept the idea of nothing out of fear of being wrong. I had a friend who said he believed because he could not accept the idea that life on earth is finite, humans being the wonderful species we are. That there had to be more! Even my Dad, who I’m sure was an Agnostic even though he never stated it directly, as he neared the end, was hedging his bets and showing a religious side. You know, just in case. That is how deeply ingrained the idea was in his childhood. Speaking for myself, I am an Atheist. I went through many years when things in my life seemed too odd to be just random events or coincidence. So I espoused “fate” as propelling people’s lives to their “destinies.” The problem with that is fate and destiny require a master to orchestrate, which of course leads you back to a god. Then in watching the movie Butterfly Effect there was a short extra feature on the Chaos Theory as it relates to life. (The movie itself was not that great. I am not an Aston Krutcher fan. The earlier French version I though was better by far, called Happenstance I believe.) This theory explained to me exactly why things happen, sort of. They are not random, and not controlled by some invisible puppet master as in fate, and certainly not subject to change by human prayer, which I consider to be the equivalent and as useful as wishing. No, the things that happen in your life are created by not only decisions and actions that you yourself make, but by those made by millions of others all the time! This is a very simplified version of the theory and would probably take a book to explain exactly the thoughts behind it. But it was the time I pretty much became a certified Atheist. And I will remain one until the day someone will show me with photos, a map and introduction exactly where heaven is, who god is and where all the billions of people who have died over the eons of human existence are stored. 😄 Sorry, I ran on, don’t get to talk about this much.
I am finally moving out of Shawn's house ! Awhile back, he was drunk, of course and he gave me 30 ...
Barnie2years comments on Oct 2, 2019:
Now that you are out of Shawn’s grasp, stay out. Expect him to try and lure you back at some point. Don’t! Be cautious if you still have things to move. Drugs, alcohol and religion create some very dangerous people.
This video is on a whole new level of funny! 😂😂 this woman says a demon slept with her ...
Barnie2years comments on Oct 2, 2019:
I find this stuff so sad. Shows to a degree how little we as a species have evolved from our cave dwelling ancestors.
For the 2nd Time This Year, NYPD Gunfire Kills 1 of Its Own
Barnie2years comments on Sep 30, 2019:
I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. When police departments went from 6 round revolvers to 17 round semi automatics, they were setting up for death. Instead of firing two or three rounds at a suspect, now they can fire ten or fifteen without taking a breath. And with semiautomatic weapons, once you start pulling the trigger it’s easy to keep pulling. Multiply that by half a dozen cops firing at the same time. Survival rate goes way down.
Two daring pranksters allegedly hacked a billboard to play pornography
Barnie2years comments on Sep 30, 2019:
Is nothing sacred? 😁
Noticed the ‘sunset glow’ a few hours too early. This doesn’t look good 😧
Barnie2years comments on Sep 30, 2019:
Forest fire smoke?
Haiti has been racked by corruption forever .
Barnie2years comments on Sep 29, 2019:
We have been supportive of corruption worldwide for over half a century, as long as the leaders of the countries do not declare themselves socialists or communists. Any Right Wing dictator can count on full financial support for himself and the oligarchs of the country to keep them in power. Left leaning governments can be certain that the US is providing support to overthrow them and financial sanctions to assure their government can never succeed.
Stupidest thing I saw on the internet today.
Barnie2years comments on Sep 27, 2019:
Just love how theist think they can speak to something they know nothing about. Some of the most religious people I know are some of the most miserable. But I don’t make that a blanket statement about believers; I know some that are euphorically happy, which is just as weird.
Atlantic writer offers an explanation for why Republicans continue to support a criminal executive, ...
Barnie2years comments on Sep 27, 2019:
What a great article! Shows just how much trouble our country really is in.
I finally got around to watching the PBS country music special by Ken Burns.
Barnie2years comments on Sep 26, 2019:
Sounds like Early Blues to me!
Barnie2years comments on Sep 26, 2019:
Love, love Vivaldi!
I had a hard time choosing the last word because there are so many that would fit ie, brain, heart, ...
Barnie2years comments on Sep 26, 2019:
Morals would fit as well.
Barnie2years comments on Sep 25, 2019:
Greatest negotiator ever that Trump! He doesn't negotiate, he just flat out steals and robs.
Barnie2years comments on Sep 24, 2019:
Good old Rudy! Glad Trump keeps him around for levity, 😄


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