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Happy New Year!
EricJones comments on Dec 29, 2018:
My kind of new years wish.
Don't know if this will post but...OMG, and I don't say that lightly; []
EricJones comments on Feb 19, 2019:
I would like to see her getting into and out of that position. And what else can she do?
Probably not, but okay.
EricJones comments on Jun 11, 2019:
What really happens in there???
Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be lived......Soren Kierkegaard.
EricJones comments on May 19, 2019:
You play the cards you were dealt and make the best of it.
That strange feeling at home alone - Ha!
EricJones comments on Feb 26, 2020:
The skeletons want out.
Can I get a hell yeah!!!
EricJones comments on Apr 3, 2022:
Did he know that before or after she bought him the shirt.
I love Betty!
EricJones comments on Jul 27, 2019:
And she's still going strong.
LOL too funny..women WHAT do you think?
EricJones comments on Oct 21, 2018:
There's a reset button???
Now that's destitution
EricJones comments on May 5, 2019: on words.
Snuggling with man's best friend.
EricJones comments on Feb 19, 2019:
Mans best mustache :)
My girls in their holiday outfits, courtesy of the vet.
EricJones comments on Dec 18, 2018:
Holiday fashionistas.
Every issue ..
EricJones comments on Apr 6, 2023:
And the rest of it is clothing ads with skin over bone models.
Along the same lines as my previous post
EricJones comments on May 1, 2023:
I was gonna say this has to be related to the last post.
My kind of wake up call.
EricJones comments on Mar 10, 2019:
Thats what I want to look up and see over me when I wake up.
Am I in trouble again?....
EricJones comments on Nov 2, 2019:
Why is he running-they should give him a parade.
He'll fight for his cause
EricJones comments on Mar 20, 2024:
Good answer. He knows how to think on his feet.
Wish I could read faster
EricJones comments on Jun 22, 2019:
Gotta get a book, gotta get a book, want book, need book
Now let's send a mixed message.
EricJones comments on May 9, 2019:
Just remember- there's a fine line between stupid and insane.
This is Mitchie, my 13 yr old male Shih Tzu.
EricJones comments on Nov 11, 2018:
A time out to recharge. Mine do it too. Handsome boy.
Wise men count on experience
EricJones comments on Mar 20, 2024:
He's been around that block a few times......
Safe for women
EricJones comments on May 3, 2024:
Just what does a horny train sound like anyway?
Anybody here also childfree?
EricJones comments on Mar 26, 2018:
Yes, my kids have fur and feathers-much easier to work with. Although children don't usually chew your things :)
Would you kiss her?
EricJones comments on Nov 19, 2018:
No thank you.
The Vatican never apologized for the Inquisition.
EricJones comments on Sep 26, 2018:
The church has tons of money to pass around. So I say bankrupt them (they're already morally bankrupt), close them down and finally bring some peace and justice to this planet.
Florida has a new state bird
EricJones comments on Mar 23, 2024:
Hope it flys over desantis and drops a load.
Dominatrix converts white make conservatives into socialists... []
EricJones comments on Dec 7, 2018:
She needs to work the halls of congress.
This is my gang, denying me access to the bed.
EricJones comments on Nov 3, 2018:
Looks like my bed.
They dont know irony
EricJones comments on Mar 7, 2020:
Really? Oh please tell me another....
Yes we are screwed
EricJones comments on Mar 8, 2020:
Even the medical societies are asking how he thinks he's an expert on this bug and they're not.
EricJones comments on Jun 2, 2019:
Building bulldozer henge? That's one operator with soiled underwear.
Did I hear a sneeze from the coffin? Happy belated starwars day, y'all!
EricJones comments on May 5, 2024:
I hope vader uses the force to give that guy better vision.
Fergie and I couldn't take her coat any longer.
EricJones comments on Feb 24, 2019:
I do my shih tzus between groomings but I stay away from the faces.
They can hold all the peace talks they want, but there will never be peace in the Middle East.
EricJones comments on Jul 3, 2019:
And they are the same people. They have the same ancestors.
One full state of India on the border is now shown on the Chinese map.
EricJones comments on Sep 1, 2023:
not much different than trump drawing the projected path of that hurricane from florida and georgia and having it suddenly turn west into alabama. or canceling a state visit to Denmark because they wouldn't let him buy greenland.
For those of us that know the pain and agony.
EricJones comments on May 10, 2019:
Womens purse-proof you can put ten pounds of stuff in a five pound bag.
Why do we moan during sex? []
EricJones comments on May 5, 2019:
Because if we started screaming, we'd make our partner deaf and the whole neighborhood would know what was going on.
This is a thing!
EricJones comments on Jun 2, 2019:
I wanna use the real one before I flush.
Us boomers sort of lucked out too, though. If that's what you want to call it.
EricJones comments on Mar 20, 2024:
I remember when rest areas were just picnic tables and rest rooms and there was a cooler in the car trunk.
Karma can be so beautiful.... []
EricJones comments on May 12, 2024:
Oooopsie. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot, the idiot is pushing for the very person who wants to deport him.
One of these is a parody account. Who sounds more Presidential?
EricJones comments on Mar 10, 2020:
The left is real because it's all about him.
Hi, welcome to another Wednesday.
EricJones comments on Apr 24, 2019:
Building bridges to the community sure beats a body count.
Gibson, Mamoa and their son.
EricJones comments on Nov 19, 2023:
The smith brothers (are those cough drops still around?) have nothing on these guys.
I'm sure the Fire Department is ok with candles on the stairs.
EricJones comments on Jun 1, 2019:
And that's a public building too. But from the looks of them, I think they're led candles.
Life always has a way of humbling us...
EricJones comments on Oct 31, 2019:
Hell, my pets (dogs cats and birds) live better than me.
My raised raised bed project: finished the masonry part. Yay!!
EricJones comments on Dec 23, 2018:
Very nice.
Don't take her for granted. RESPECT.
EricJones comments on Apr 17, 2024:
I don't know-that date may end up going nowhere.
Two of my favorite things in one meme!?! Yay!
EricJones comments on Mar 17, 2020:
If it gets kids interested in science and math go for it.
Today's Riddle What is not an island?
EricJones comments on Jul 1, 2022:
If time waits for no man, and no man is an island-does time wait for an island?
How else can you explain to the poor child?
EricJones comments on Apr 17, 2024:
Daddy is very busy making more christians to expand his voter base.
How about that.
EricJones comments on Dec 29, 2018:
I was just talking at work a few days ago that the first calculators cost a hundred dollars or more and did next to nothing. Today a good iphone has more computing power than a space shuttle.
Party, Party, it's Sunday and I'm still in bed!
EricJones comments on Mar 24, 2024:
At least it was a pic on a phone and not in bed when she laughed. Now that would have been really humiliating.
Helpful tip!
EricJones comments on Apr 19, 2020:
That shirt came out in a hurry. I wonder what other novelty items have suddenly appeared in the last few weeks-and how much money is being made on their sales..
Sexy granny
EricJones comments on Sep 4, 2019:
Then you can clean up your own mess too.
EricJones comments on Jun 2, 2019:
You have to specify what kind of nudes.
I'm doing my best...
EricJones comments on May 8, 2024:
I quit trying to fit in. Did make things easier.
AI got almost right
EricJones comments on Apr 29, 2024:
"Ice cube dead ahead."
If we don’t stand up for children, then we don’t stand for much.
EricJones comments on Jun 26, 2019:
Very true. Between trump & company, the catholic church and all the sheep who let these monsters get away with their crimes against children, then we stand for nothing.
That's how it goes
EricJones comments on Apr 29, 2024:
It's not stressful, it's just the hours you have to keep.
736 points to level 8!
EricJones comments on Apr 28, 2024:
Yea, but it's still funny. Like that cartoon with the sheep dogs and wylie coyote.
I’ve actually done this…
EricJones comments on May 23, 2024:
I've not done that yet, but I'm waiting for the day.
Looks like a deep thought project....
EricJones comments on Dec 11, 2018:
Are you drinking too much because you have a baby, or do you have a baby because you were drinking too much???
Yup would be interesting
EricJones comments on Mar 8, 2020:
They have ties to wall street, big oil and any big business that sucks money out of peoples wallets, totally destroys the environment and pads their already fat bank accounts. They could care less about the US of A.
Buzz buzz buzz
EricJones comments on Dec 15, 2018:
That's not a good sign.
Seen online and had to share.
EricJones comments on Mar 24, 2024:
She wants it all, don't she. At least she was up front about it.
678 points to level 8!
EricJones comments on Apr 28, 2024:
Maybe it's his sister-ya never know.
He is just too clever! Aww!
EricJones comments on Nov 7, 2018:
Money does grow on trees.
What do you think they are talking about?
EricJones comments on Feb 24, 2019:
How many guys are going to go out of their minds when they start doing each other.
Know your partner before you start making suggestions.
EricJones comments on Oct 15, 2018:
Life is just full of little surprises.
Peopling is exhausting to me. I prefer large gatherings in very small doses.
EricJones comments on Jul 9, 2022:
I like large gatherings too-festivals, fairs and the like where there are so many people I can just disappear into the crowd.
Worst Prom Couple Ever
EricJones comments on Apr 15, 2024:
Johnson and trump both have big happy smiles and they're very tight together. Did anybody check if trump is wearing pants????
From the late, great Sir Terry....
EricJones comments on May 8, 2019:
Having a car is good evidence that keys exist
EricJones comments on Jan 18, 2019:
Cock-a-doodle doodle.
Ground him!!! 😂😂😂😂😂
EricJones comments on Apr 28, 2024:
If your extension cord is a little short-just have him stick one finger in an outlet and hold the plug with the other hand.
What are you waiting for?
EricJones comments on Apr 6, 2020:
Unlike those frauds I am doing something. I'm going to work to keep the ones that have it from getting worse.
There's a story in this pic... Oh I know! she's saying that she's a blond.
EricJones comments on Dec 13, 2018:
You move and you're gonna get scratched right where you don't wanna be scratched.
For St. Paddy’s Day……
EricJones comments on Mar 17, 2024:
they were practicing for the barley mow
I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you...
EricJones comments on Feb 19, 2019:
I'm not really sure I want to know.
How do you organize dinner for a sudden big group?
EricJones comments on May 9, 2019:
If that's the case-where's the kfc bucket in the last supper painting. Like the coffee cup in game of thrones?
INFJ problems
EricJones comments on Apr 2, 2019:
Especially #2.
481 points to level 8!!!
EricJones comments on Apr 28, 2024:
After he gets popped in the face a few times, it'll look like a Jackson Pollock red phase painting.
The best contraceptive there is: do not let the macaroon fall from your legs...
EricJones comments on Feb 22, 2020:
is that a new game-eat the macaroon?
I'm thinking of getting out of trollers and scammers.
EricJones comments on Nov 26, 2018:
Thank you. There are a bunch of troublemakers on this site and they just seem to troll different groups just to argue.
Not necessarily in that order.....
EricJones comments on Apr 24, 2019:
Too true. Hopefully in a few years I'll be able to walk out with my finger held high.
What a guy!
EricJones comments on Sep 20, 2022:
He's gonna have a LOT of company. Maybe trump can build a bunch of gaudy towers with 10 x 10 rooms all with lindell as the interior decorator.
Its all about perspective
EricJones comments on Jul 9, 2022:
All that frothy water is from all the fish beating a path out of town.
Oh how I think this every single day!
EricJones comments on Jan 17, 2019:
I want to put this on the door at work.
Are you a (semi)professional photographer?
EricJones comments on Feb 24, 2019:
Unfortunately beauty is in the eye of the purchaser .At first all you can do is get a variety and hope for the best.
And who can blame him?
EricJones comments on Sep 20, 2022:
Around and around the mulberry bush the monkey chased the weasel, the monkey stopped, pulled.out his gun and pop goes the weasel.
EricJones comments on Jan 1, 2019:
Yin and Yang.
Ok all you naughty sexy people what are you doing this fine Friday night?
EricJones comments on Oct 20, 2018:
Great idea!
EricJones comments on Apr 6, 2019:
Mine wouldn't give it back.
Went to out to shop for some things I needed and I have to say I was sooooo disappointed to see ...
EricJones comments on Apr 6, 2020:
That poor little guy in the middle...
Look at this! He has his own Teddy!
EricJones comments on Nov 22, 2018:
That is just waaay too cute.
A cruel joke for breakfast time
EricJones comments on Apr 1, 2024:
For me thats supper, not breakfast.
Be honest now. :-D
EricJones comments on Feb 23, 2019:
Given that right now I'm feeding the dogs, cats.and birds- not very.
Rest in chaos, Jerry.
EricJones comments on May 1, 2023:
He wouldn't have it any other way.
Poor guy. LOL
EricJones comments on Nov 26, 2018:
I think he overestimated Katie.
A Google meme...but wish I had come up with that response!
EricJones comments on Mar 18, 2019:
Have I even mentioned that I love bats?
EricJones comments on Oct 16, 2018:
Natures bug zappers. I love them too.
Free the nipple, buddy-boy...
EricJones comments on Apr 3, 2024:
Love the packing insert.