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Elon says it's the only way to combat bots. Is this true?
HippieChick58 comments on Sep 23, 2023:
He had more money than god, but he doesn't have enough. We need to eat the rich, starting with him. We're going to leave Warren Buffet alone, he is old so he'd be kind of tough. Plus he's not one of the obnoxious ones.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 23, 2023:
Elon is definitely an obnoxious one.
At least I'm not bored πŸ˜‚
HippieChick58 comments on Sep 23, 2023:
Many days I think a bit of boredom would be a relief.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 23, 2023:
@HippieChick58 Speak the Devil's name and he shall appear.
Seed of revolution
HippieChick58 comments on Sep 23, 2023:
Republicans have stupid priorities.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 23, 2023:
They talk a lot about liberty, but their policies go in the opposite direction.
At least I'm not bored πŸ˜‚
HippieChick58 comments on Sep 23, 2023:
Many days I think a bit of boredom would be a relief.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 23, 2023:
I keep telling myself, "Things could always be worse."
snytiger6 comments on Sep 19, 2023:
This is the kind of crap you might hear on "Coast To Coast", which is a late night radio show on mostly conservative talk radio stations. The problem with the program is they don't cactually make any claims to the truth of their programs, as their lawyers say it is meant as "entertainment", and not...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 23, 2023:
@1patriot 3 dead from the jab? Do you have the death certificates? Virtually all my friends and family have had the vaccine, and NOT ONE has had a serious adverse side effect. Not one! How do you explain that?
Artificial Intelligence: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) - YouTube
MacStriker comments on Sep 23, 2023:
South Park did a hilarious episode about how the kids were using AI to do their homework, and how Mr. Garrison was using AI to review it. ALSO in south park AI news....
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 23, 2023:
The endless stream of trailers for Netflix proved too much for me. I never saw the South Park clip.
When emotions meet the intricate tapestry of nature, evolution, and humanity, do they recognize ...
AnneWimsey comments on Sep 23, 2023:
Yet another Word Salad from you....quelle surprise!
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 23, 2023:
@FvckY0u "Quelle surprise: Literally, β€œwhat (a) surprise”. While "quelle surprise" in French is virtually identical to "what a surprise" in English, "quelle surprise" in English carries a more sarcastic connotation than "quelle surprise" in French." πŸ˜‚ I'll let you in on a little secret: there's this thing called a "search engine." Google is one example. Others include Bing, DuckDuckGo, Startpage, Qwant, Brave Search,, Swisscows, Yahoo, etc. πŸ˜‚
When emotions meet the intricate tapestry of nature, evolution, and humanity, do they recognize ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 23, 2023:
Emotions are psychological responses to stimuli; they do not "recognize" anything. There is no evidence of a "singular, transcendent force." There's gravity, the electromagnetic force, the weak nuclear force, and the strong nuclear force...they operate in concert, not alone.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 23, 2023:
@FvckY0u At least you're consistent with your gobbledygook. πŸ˜‚
When emotions meet the intricate tapestry of nature, evolution, and humanity, do they recognize ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 23, 2023:
Emotions are psychological responses to stimuli; they do not "recognize" anything. There is no evidence of a "singular, transcendent force." There's gravity, the electromagnetic force, the weak nuclear force, and the strong nuclear force...they operate in concert, not alone.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 23, 2023:
@FvckY0u The subject in question was the existence of a "singular transcendent force."
When emotions meet the intricate tapestry of nature, evolution, and humanity, do they recognize ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 23, 2023:
Emotions are psychological responses to stimuli; they do not "recognize" anything. There is no evidence of a "singular, transcendent force." There's gravity, the electromagnetic force, the weak nuclear force, and the strong nuclear force...they operate in concert, not alone.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 23, 2023:
@FvckY0u Are you claiming to be a singular, transcendent force? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
When emotions meet the intricate tapestry of nature, evolution, and humanity, do they recognize ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 23, 2023:
Emotions are psychological responses to stimuli; they do not "recognize" anything. There is no evidence of a "singular, transcendent force." There's gravity, the electromagnetic force, the weak nuclear force, and the strong nuclear force...they operate in concert, not alone.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 23, 2023:
@FvckY0u That's right, there is no evidence of a "singular transcendent force" that stands up under close scrutiny (that is independently-verifiable). Such claims always turn out to be bullshit. Feelings, emotions, they're the same thing. They don't "know" anything.
When emotions meet the intricate tapestry of nature, evolution, and humanity, do they recognize ...
AnneWimsey comments on Sep 23, 2023:
Yet another Word Salad from you....quelle surprise!
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 23, 2023:
Word salad = gobbledy gook = nonsense = psychobabble = ... Where did I leave that thesaurus? πŸ˜‚
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 21, 2023:
Wow, this post is πŸ‚πŸ’© piled on top of πŸŽπŸ’©. The death rate from SARS CoV-2 among unvaccinated people is far, far higher than it is among people who got the jab. Almost everyone I know has been vaccinated and none suffered adverse effects other than a day or two of fatigue and a transitory ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 23, 2023:
@1patriot The lie that the vaccines kill is just another piece of the larger poisonous propaganda pie cooked up to try and convince people that liberal democracy doesn't work. What doesn't work (on most of us) is the propaganda. All anyone has to do to see that the lie is a lie is to poll their friends and relatives who have been vaccinated: are you dead yet? Turns out they're not dead; they're thriving. We the vaccinated are doing great. The only people I know, or any of my friends know, who suffer and die from SARS CoV-2 are those who didn't get vaccinated.
What's the word that describes a person who loudly calls for prosecution of someone who lied on the ...
silverotter11 comments on Sep 22, 2023:
Just had a fun go 'round with my twin via our younger sister's FB page about guns.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 23, 2023:
@silverotter11 The NRA was once an organization dedicated to the promotion of gun safety. Now it's just an alt-right political organ dedicated to maximizing the profits of gun manufacturers at the cost of democracy.
Still one of the most hilarious things I've ever seen; "the atheist's nightmare- the banana" ...
Buttercup comments on Sep 22, 2023:
The bottom button peels better than the stem and the stem is a better handle and finally it's easier to discard the awful tasting nib. (If you are like me, right after realizing the superior new method, you will revert to habit.)
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 23, 2023:
I like my bananas a tiny bit green. I take my knife and cut about half way through the base of the stem before peeling the skin back. That way I don't have to force it or mush it up. What if I don't have a knife, you ask? I ALWAYS have a knife.
What's the word that describes a person who loudly calls for prosecution of someone who lied on the ...
silverotter11 comments on Sep 22, 2023:
Just had a fun go 'round with my twin via our younger sister's FB page about guns.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 23, 2023:
@silverotter11 Gun safes are widely available and not expensive. Everybody should have one. πŸ”
In response to the many hypocrites who decry Russian morality & reporting censorship -
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 21, 2023:
The drone attacks that Ukraine has launched at Russian targets inside Russia are only symbolic, designed to let the Russian people know that they are carrying out genocide against their neighbor. How else would they know? A Russian citizen can't even hold up a blank piece of paper in public without ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 23, 2023:
@FrayedBear Ukraine hit Russia's naval headquarters in Sebastopol today. πŸ’₯ 🀩
In response to the many hypocrites who decry Russian morality & reporting censorship -
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 21, 2023:
The drone attacks that Ukraine has launched at Russian targets inside Russia are only symbolic, designed to let the Russian people know that they are carrying out genocide against their neighbor. How else would they know? A Russian citizen can't even hold up a blank piece of paper in public without ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 23, 2023:
@FrayedBear American support for Ukraine is strong and that is not likely to change. Putin is hanging on in the hope that Trumpty Dumpty will get back in the White House, but that is not likely to happen. Indictment on 91 felony counts may not phase die-hard Trump acolytes, but it does not play well with independents: the voters who tip the scales one way or the other. And in addition to the many damning facts that have already emerged, expect the televised trials to yield a lot more revelations and granular details regarding Trump's unethical, criminal, treasonous, and stupid activities. In a nutshell, he's toast. And so is Putin. πŸ˜‚
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 21, 2023:
Wow, this post is πŸ‚πŸ’© piled on top of πŸŽπŸ’©. The death rate from SARS CoV-2 among unvaccinated people is far, far higher than it is among people who got the jab. Almost everyone I know has been vaccinated and none suffered adverse effects other than a day or two of fatigue and a transitory ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 23, 2023:
@1patriot Hey, I'm just asking questions, so spare me your melodrama. A senior living facility is exactly the type of place where, during a pandemic, mandatory vaccination against the pathogen in question is totally appropriate. You have many vulnerable people, living in close proximity. To not require vaccinations when they are available would be negligent. It's too bad your granny agonized needlessly over a decision that should have been a no-brainer. The COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective. There is nothing to fear (except fear itself).
What's the word that describes a person who loudly calls for prosecution of someone who lied on the ...
Tejas comments on Sep 22, 2023:
Gun show loop hole huh? How many gun shows have you been to? Most sellers at a gun show have an FFL. The small minority of private sellers sell mostly antique rifles. If you are going to critize something, could you at least be educated on what it is?
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 23, 2023:
@Tejas So you're ok with selling AR-15s to wackjobs.
With the exit of normal Republicans like Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Jeff Flake, and Mitt Romney ...
Paul4747 comments on Sep 22, 2023:
People like 1patriot?
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 22, 2023:
You noticed him too, huh? Well I don't think he's a Republican member of Congress, but he sounds like he votes for them 😐
What's the word that describes a person who loudly calls for prosecution of someone who lied on the ...
Tejas comments on Sep 22, 2023:
Gun show loop hole huh? How many gun shows have you been to? Most sellers at a gun show have an FFL. The small minority of private sellers sell mostly antique rifles. If you are going to critize something, could you at least be educated on what it is?
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 22, 2023:
@Tejas How are you going to know without doing a background check?
What's the word that describes a person who loudly calls for prosecution of someone who lied on the ...
273kelvin comments on Sep 22, 2023:
I do not disagree with the gist of the post but a pernickety point of order. Might not it be better to use the metaphor of a school bus, as from what I know of vehicular transport? You can drive an Abrams tank through pretty much anywhere you want, regardless of any gaps
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 22, 2023:
I hear dragon's teeth and ditches of certain dimensions can be problematic.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 21, 2023:
Wow, this post is πŸ‚πŸ’© piled on top of πŸŽπŸ’©. The death rate from SARS CoV-2 among unvaccinated people is far, far higher than it is among people who got the jab. Almost everyone I know has been vaccinated and none suffered adverse effects other than a day or two of fatigue and a transitory ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 22, 2023:
@1patriot How was that? Did they drag her into a room, tie her to a chair?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 21, 2023:
Wow, this post is πŸ‚πŸ’© piled on top of πŸŽπŸ’©. The death rate from SARS CoV-2 among unvaccinated people is far, far higher than it is among people who got the jab. Almost everyone I know has been vaccinated and none suffered adverse effects other than a day or two of fatigue and a transitory ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 22, 2023:
@1patriot Count on it.
What's the word that describes a person who loudly calls for prosecution of someone who lied on the ...
Tejas comments on Sep 22, 2023:
Gun show loop hole huh? How many gun shows have you been to? Most sellers at a gun show have an FFL. The small minority of private sellers sell mostly antique rifles. If you are going to critize something, could you at least be educated on what it is?
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 22, 2023:
But if a private seller wanted to sell an AR-15 to some wackjob, he could do it, right?
What's the word that describes a person who loudly calls for prosecution of someone who lied on the ...
silverotter11 comments on Sep 22, 2023:
Just had a fun go 'round with my twin via our younger sister's FB page about guns.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 22, 2023:
OK, and...?
What's the word that describes a person who loudly calls for prosecution of someone who lied on the ...
DharmaBum50 comments on Sep 22, 2023:
It's right on the tip of my tongue, but it's not coming to me. Oh yeah ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 22, 2023:
Good old Mr. Rogers! 😍
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 21, 2023:
Wow, this post is πŸ‚πŸ’© piled on top of πŸŽπŸ’©. The death rate from SARS CoV-2 among unvaccinated people is far, far higher than it is among people who got the jab. Almost everyone I know has been vaccinated and none suffered adverse effects other than a day or two of fatigue and a transitory ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 22, 2023:
@1patriot Sounds like I touched a nerve. So what's your deal? Did you flunk high school biology? (Or earn a C-? Practically the same thing.)
In response to the many hypocrites who decry Russian morality & reporting censorship -
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 21, 2023:
The drone attacks that Ukraine has launched at Russian targets inside Russia are only symbolic, designed to let the Russian people know that they are carrying out genocide against their neighbor. How else would they know? A Russian citizen can't even hold up a blank piece of paper in public without ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 22, 2023:
@FrayedBear First of all, it wasn't stolen; it was freely given. Second, its only 4% of our annual military budget. And the opportunity to shatter Putin's military without any American boots on the ground would be a deal at twice the price. As for the national debt, eh! It's a big economy. If we get serious about paying it down, it will happen pretty quickly. Remember, Trump basically doubled it overnight with his tax cuts for the rich. Just reverse that, and we'll be on the right track.
In response to the many hypocrites who decry Russian morality & reporting censorship -
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 21, 2023:
The drone attacks that Ukraine has launched at Russian targets inside Russia are only symbolic, designed to let the Russian people know that they are carrying out genocide against their neighbor. How else would they know? A Russian citizen can't even hold up a blank piece of paper in public without ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 22, 2023:
@FrayedBear I'll see your Colonel Macgregor and raise you an Admiral John Kirby, a General Mark Milley, and a Secretary Lloyd Austin. πŸ˜‚
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 21, 2023:
Wow, this post is πŸ‚πŸ’© piled on top of πŸŽπŸ’©. The death rate from SARS CoV-2 among unvaccinated people is far, far higher than it is among people who got the jab. Almost everyone I know has been vaccinated and none suffered adverse effects other than a day or two of fatigue and a transitory ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 22, 2023:
@1patriot No one has been forced to be vaccinated. Some may have had to make some difficult decisions, given their irrational reluctance to receive a perfectly safe and effective public health measure. The real problem here is that too many people lack science literacy; lack critical thinking skills; are superstitious; are inundated with misinformation; and bombarded with disinformation. People who are racked with irrational fear make all kinds of bad decisions, or struggle unnecessarily to make the right one.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 21, 2023:
Wow, this post is πŸ‚πŸ’© piled on top of πŸŽπŸ’©. The death rate from SARS CoV-2 among unvaccinated people is far, far higher than it is among people who got the jab. Almost everyone I know has been vaccinated and none suffered adverse effects other than a day or two of fatigue and a transitory ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 21, 2023:
@1patriot Also good for my 85-year-old mother, people with compromised immune systems, pregnant women, and virtually everyone else I might have contact with. Ya see, it's not just about me or you.
In response to the many hypocrites who decry Russian morality & reporting censorship -
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 21, 2023:
The drone attacks that Ukraine has launched at Russian targets inside Russia are only symbolic, designed to let the Russian people know that they are carrying out genocide against their neighbor. How else would they know? A Russian citizen can't even hold up a blank piece of paper in public without ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 21, 2023:
@FrayedBear What you minimize as brouhaha was an attempted self-coup. And we're dealing with it through the judicial system. Ya see, we have rule of law in the USA, unlike Russia. Tucker Carlson is a proven liar. Witness the 780 million dollars Fox "News" had to pay Dominion Voting Systems for repeating Trump's lies about the 2020 election.
Charles1971 comments on Sep 18, 2023:
I bet the reptilie people from planet Ablomax Prime are behind all of this (with help from cyborg Hitler) in an effort to convince people that the world is round (rather than flat as it truly is) by poisoning us with chemtrails. That's why the moon landing was faked! And they're watching all of us ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 21, 2023:
@Charles1971 "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel." -- Samuel Johnson
snytiger6 comments on Sep 19, 2023:
This is the kind of crap you might hear on "Coast To Coast", which is a late night radio show on mostly conservative talk radio stations. The problem with the program is they don't cactually make any claims to the truth of their programs, as their lawyers say it is meant as "entertainment", and not...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 21, 2023:
Very well said, @snytiger6!
From migrant farmworker to astronaut: an incredible true story is now a movie.
Switchcraft comments on Sep 19, 2023:
I want to watch this but have procrastinated due to the consistent fictionalization of "bio-pics". Bohemian Rhapsody must have traumatized me πŸ˜’
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 21, 2023:
I thoroughly enjoyed Bohemian Rhapsody, but I went into the movie as a very casual listener of Queen, never having attended one of their concerts, and knowing almost nothing about their story. Therefore, details like chronology were (and still are), for me, of little import.
Can't count how many times I've thought about it. πŸ˜‚
Paganpaddy comments on Sep 20, 2023:
I am sure you are not alone. I think a stay in a miserable supermax security in a shared cell would be infinitely more appropriate.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 20, 2023:
@Organist1 ...tar, feathers, and ride him out on a rail.
Can't count how many times I've thought about it. πŸ˜‚
Paganpaddy comments on Sep 20, 2023:
I am sure you are not alone. I think a stay in a miserable supermax security in a shared cell would be infinitely more appropriate.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 20, 2023:
Yeah, no reason to rush things. We are already enjoying the indictments and runup to his trials. I'm sure the the trials themselves will have great entertainment value as well as inspiring confidence in the rule of law.
Stochastic terrorism: noun; the public demonization of a person or group resulting in the incitement...
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 20, 2023:
He has only managed to go unpunished so far because no judge wants to go down in history as the one who sent a former president to prison. In other words The honorable Justice COWARD
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 20, 2023:
I think that pattern is about to be broken 🀞
This is tied up with indoctrination into a doctrine.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 17, 2023:
This video explains why MAGA cult members slavishly swallow every lie that Trump tells. To them, their continued membership in the group is far more important than objective truth. Hence Trump can do no wrong. He really could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and lose no supporters. Trump is Jim Jones, ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 20, 2023:
@puff The New York Post is a right wing propaganda organ, and it only fit for lining the bottoms of bird cages. Know your sources!
This is tied up with indoctrination into a doctrine.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 17, 2023:
This video explains why MAGA cult members slavishly swallow every lie that Trump tells. To them, their continued membership in the group is far more important than objective truth. Hence Trump can do no wrong. He really could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and lose no supporters. Trump is Jim Jones, ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 19, 2023:
@puff I don't mean for you to take it personally, but I don't know a better way to say it. Vague allusions, baseless conspiracy theories, and innuendo will only carry you so far; without evidence to back them up, that stuff doesn't have much of a shelf life. It get old fast. However, if hard evidence is brought to light, I will be right there with you calling for the laws to be enforced equally. Until then, Joe Biden, or whoever he were to endorse should he drop out of the race, is getting my vote.
High rate of mental health problems and political extremism found in those who bought firearms ...
Sgt_Spanky comments on Sep 17, 2023:
*"High rate of mental health problems and political extremism"* is a perfect description for the modern day Republican. It's a fucked up party full of fucked up people and if they get back into power, they will burn down this country. Vote D or we're doomed.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 19, 2023:
@Daleo Yes I'm a baby boomer, but science denier? Me? Nah bra, I taught biology and Earth science for 20 years. I've been shouting about the existential threat that climate change poses from the rooftops for decades. What was it I wrote that would make you think I am a science denier? I usually have to have a very clear provocation before I say to a stranger, "go fuck yourself." What's your deal? Is there some medication that you should be taking? Or are you high? Or just a nasty piece of work? You have been on this site long enough to comment on exactly ONE post, and right out of the gate you're telling people to go fuck themselves? Really? Wow.
High rate of mental health problems and political extremism found in those who bought firearms ...
Jolanta comments on Sep 18, 2023:
I am so glad that I live in a country that has stringent gun laws.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 18, 2023:
@Daleo I thought she was in the USA. My mistake!
High rate of mental health problems and political extremism found in those who bought firearms ...
Sgt_Spanky comments on Sep 17, 2023:
*"High rate of mental health problems and political extremism"* is a perfect description for the modern day Republican. It's a fucked up party full of fucked up people and if they get back into power, they will burn down this country. Vote D or we're doomed.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 18, 2023:
@Daleo Driving through Colorado a few years back, I could not believe how many dead trees I was seeing. It was only a matter of when they would burn, not if.
Researcher Meredith Whittaker says AI’s biggest risk isn’t ‘consciousness’—it’s the ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 18, 2023:
The corporations are always going to try and maximize and privatize profits while shifting the liabilities (cleanup costs) on the public. That is a given. And there is always a cleanup cost, or some kind of negative consequence that they (the corporations) both precipitate and avoid responsibility ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 18, 2023:
@CuddyCruiser No matter how bad things get, it could always be worse. But yeah, the potential for very shitty is really high.
Here's an interview with the Shaman from the Jan 6th events at the Capital in Washington.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 16, 2023:
Ok, I listened to about 20 minutes of this rot. That's 20 minutes I'll never get back. What a stinking pile of πŸ‚πŸ’©! Right out of the gate the guy says he is misunderstood, not a conspiracy theorist. Then he launches into a string of conspiracy theories that he apparently accepts. Then there's ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 18, 2023:
@puff In the days of the Cuban missile crisis, submarine-platformed intercontinental ballistic missiles did not exist. Now they do, and we have learned to live with the nuclear sword of Damocles hanging over our heads 24/7, 365 days a year, decade after decade. (Arguably, the concept of mutually assured destruction has kept the great powers from all-out war with each other. Proxy wars are not exactly a good thing, but better than global thermonuclear Armageddon.) Therefore, there is no justification for anything like the Cuban missile crisis today. And any claim that NATO expansion represents a threat to Russia is just so much hot air. It is, essentially, Russia complaining about having its own opportunities for illegal annexations nipped in the bud. Poor Russia! Thwarted in her fever dreams of reconstituting the Soviet empire! Excuse me for not shedding any tears over Emperor Vlad's lost opportunities for expansion of his kleptocracy. Fuck him and the swaybacked nag he rode in on, the slimy little viper. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
This is tied up with indoctrination into a doctrine.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 17, 2023:
This video explains why MAGA cult members slavishly swallow every lie that Trump tells. To them, their continued membership in the group is far more important than objective truth. Hence Trump can do no wrong. He really could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and lose no supporters. Trump is Jim Jones, ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 18, 2023:
@puff There is little doubt that Hunter set himself up as an influence peddler. The question is, is there any evidence that any US policy decisions were made that would not have been made anyway? So far, after much digging, no such evidence has come to light. Yes, Joe Biden pressured the Ukrainian government to oust a corrupt, Russian puppet prosecutor. But that was perfectly in line with US interests and the promoting of our democratic values abroad. In this country, we do not condemn people without evidence (in stark contrast to what happens in Putin's Russia). So if you have evidence, let's see it. If not, fuck off.
This is tied up with indoctrination into a doctrine.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 17, 2023:
This video explains why MAGA cult members slavishly swallow every lie that Trump tells. To them, their continued membership in the group is far more important than objective truth. Hence Trump can do no wrong. He really could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and lose no supporters. Trump is Jim Jones, ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 18, 2023:
@puff If his last name wasn't Biden, Hunter would have already paid his fines and be putting this behind him by now. The tax violation is a misdemeanor, and they aren't giving jail time to first-time offenders for that kind of gun charge. He lied on an application. It's just paperwork. He didn't brandish the weapon, didn't discharge it in the City limits, didn't hold up the stagecoach, didn't shoot out the street lights,...🀠
High rate of mental health problems and political extremism found in those who bought firearms ...
Sgt_Spanky comments on Sep 17, 2023:
*"High rate of mental health problems and political extremism"* is a perfect description for the modern day Republican. It's a fucked up party full of fucked up people and if they get back into power, they will burn down this country. Vote D or we're doomed.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 18, 2023:
@Tejas Against all reason and contrary to all evidence, a majority of Republicans claim to believe that the 2020 election was stolen and Trump is an innocent victim of political persecution. That sure sounds like mass mental illness to me.
High rate of mental health problems and political extremism found in those who bought firearms ...
Jolanta comments on Sep 18, 2023:
I am so glad that I live in a country that has stringent gun laws.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 18, 2023:
...she said, with tongue firmly in cheek...πŸ˜‚
Women's Rights, Pro-Choice, Life & Death.
jackjr comments on Sep 16, 2023:
To too many the words matter more than the facts on the ground.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 18, 2023:
@anglophone Apparently.
This is tied up with indoctrination into a doctrine.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 17, 2023:
This video explains why MAGA cult members slavishly swallow every lie that Trump tells. To them, their continued membership in the group is far more important than objective truth. Hence Trump can do no wrong. He really could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and lose no supporters. Trump is Jim Jones, ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 18, 2023:
@puff The investigation of Hunter began during the Trump administration, and was led by a prosecutor appointed by Trump. And what they find? There are many words for it. In alphabetical order: buggar all, bupkis, fuck all, jack, jack shit, nada, nil, squat, zilch, zip. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Women's Rights, Pro-Choice, Life & Death.
jackjr comments on Sep 16, 2023:
To too many the words matter more than the facts on the ground.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 18, 2023:
@anglophone An old, old friend of mine tells me that her step father, a MAGA hatter, actually said that to her when they were having a discussion about the current state of affairs.
This is tied up with indoctrination into a doctrine.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 17, 2023:
This video explains why MAGA cult members slavishly swallow every lie that Trump tells. To them, their continued membership in the group is far more important than objective truth. Hence Trump can do no wrong. He really could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and lose no supporters. Trump is Jim Jones, ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 18, 2023:
@puff Dang, dat some heavy envydense you got der big boy! Bwahahaha! 🀣🀣🀣
Here's an interview with the Shaman from the Jan 6th events at the Capital in Washington.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 16, 2023:
Ok, I listened to about 20 minutes of this rot. That's 20 minutes I'll never get back. What a stinking pile of πŸ‚πŸ’©! Right out of the gate the guy says he is misunderstood, not a conspiracy theorist. Then he launches into a string of conspiracy theories that he apparently accepts. Then there's ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 17, 2023:
@puff Every dictator is, by definition, a "strong leader." And like so many others before him, Putin has run his kleptocracy well, if the measure of success is enriching himself and his cronies while the rest of the population languishes in poverty. The average Russian income is less than that of the average Indian! Yep, mighty strong smelling leader that bad lad Vlad! The rest of your screed is pure what-about-ism. If you have been paying attention at all you know that I have consistently advocated for trying George W. Bush as a war criminal. The second US invasion of Iraq was ill conceived, immoral, and illegal. But two wrongs do not make a right. Putin is a war criminal too. And the US-European alliance is, happily, in a position to help Ukraine do something about it. All Putin has to do to spare his country more loss of blood and treasure is to quit Ukraine. The more destruction Putin wreaks on Ukraine, the steeper the bill for reparations will be.
A simple very explicit irrefutable plea to be human?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 17, 2023:
We must never give in to the pro-Russian propaganda that would have us abandon Ukrainians in their hour of need, and allow Putin to devour a sovereign European nation.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 17, 2023:
@FrayedBear Bwahahaha! πŸ˜‚ You'll have to try selling that horse shit somewhere else. We are not buying it here. πŸ˜‚
This is tied up with indoctrination into a doctrine.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 17, 2023:
This video explains why MAGA cult members slavishly swallow every lie that Trump tells. To them, their continued membership in the group is far more important than objective truth. Hence Trump can do no wrong. He really could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and lose no supporters. Trump is Jim Jones, ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 17, 2023:
@puff House Republicans have been investigating Hunter Biden (and, by extension, Joe) for years and have come up with no evidence of wrongdoing on the part of the father. Meanwhile, President Biden has been quietly doing a spectacular job as chief executive. Yes, he is advanced in age, but he is mentally sharp and effective in his job. I will definitely vote for him again.
Here's an interview with the Shaman from the Jan 6th events at the Capital in Washington.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 16, 2023:
Ok, I listened to about 20 minutes of this rot. That's 20 minutes I'll never get back. What a stinking pile of πŸ‚πŸ’©! Right out of the gate the guy says he is misunderstood, not a conspiracy theorist. Then he launches into a string of conspiracy theories that he apparently accepts. Then there's ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 17, 2023:
@puff Speaking for myself, Russiagate has influenced me not one iota. Zero. The Steele dossier was nothing but a flash in the pan. My antipathy for Putin stems from many years of watching him jail or murder anyone who crosses him, all the while greatly enriching himself as the head of a criminal gang with sovereign powers. He is a classic dictator, a vicious thug, and a lying piece of shit. And he definitely meddled in the 2016 presidential election, tilting it in favor of Trump. But we don't even have to know all that about Putin the man to understand that Russia is the aggressor in Ukraine. I mean, Russia invaded Ukraine, not the other way around. And Russia's ongoing genocidal campaign speaks for itself: daily missile barrages on civilians, bombing schools, hospitals, apartment buildings, people on a train platform trying to flee the carnage. There is no doubt that Ukraine's cause is just. And we, with our European allies, are doing the world a service by supporting Ukraine. As long as Ukrainians are willing to fight, we should continue to provide them with everything they need to win. And they are winning. There is no better evidence of that than the fact that Putin had to go begging North Korea for ammunition. As many as 500 thousand Russian men of military age have fled the country in order to avoid conscription. We have got Putin on the ropes. Keep the pressure on him and he will fold up his tent and quit Ukraine. (Joe Biden deserves a lot of credit for helping to keep the alliance together; this is why Putin so desperately wants him gone and Trump back in the White House. But we actually have rule of law in this country, and the Done Cheato is going down. Soon the trial of two of his co-conspirators will begin, and it will be televised nationally. We are going to see and hear, in granular detail, how the Orange Foolius attempted to nullify the votes 81 million American citizens.)
Here's an interview with the Shaman from the Jan 6th events at the Capital in Washington.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 16, 2023:
Ok, I listened to about 20 minutes of this rot. That's 20 minutes I'll never get back. What a stinking pile of πŸ‚πŸ’©! Right out of the gate the guy says he is misunderstood, not a conspiracy theorist. Then he launches into a string of conspiracy theories that he apparently accepts. Then there's ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 17, 2023:
@puff As for the value of hearing both sides, I admit that I know a little bit more about the Q Anon Shamman than I did before. Not that I had given him a thought in months, and then it was only for the 15 seconds his image was featured in the J6 news piece. Unfortunately, the experience is a lot like hitting another pothole on a long and winding road. They all blend together and then you forget about them before you even reach your destination.
Here's an interview with the Shaman from the Jan 6th events at the Capital in Washington.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 16, 2023:
Ok, I listened to about 20 minutes of this rot. That's 20 minutes I'll never get back. What a stinking pile of πŸ‚πŸ’©! Right out of the gate the guy says he is misunderstood, not a conspiracy theorist. Then he launches into a string of conspiracy theories that he apparently accepts. Then there's ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 17, 2023:
@puff Yes he's articulate, but the thoughts he expresses are either wacko or self-serving. And dossiers, the Russians, laptops, spooks, it's just too cute by half. Lots of innuendo but not much in the way of hard evidence. Certainly, none of that justifies his behavior on January 6. And now that I think about it, I don't buy his story about why he did it. He gives us a laundry list of reasons, the magnetic field of the Earth being a prominent part, but mixed in with all this other fuzzy stuff too, and even a nod to the supposed stealing of an election, though he tosses that in as if it was an afterthought. Well, I don't buy it. "Stop the Steal" was the whole shebang, why everybody showed up. He's definitely lying.
DenoPenno comments on Sep 12, 2023:
One reason I have heard is that the Founding Fathers wanted to give us weapons we might need to take back our government if needed. A bombs and tanks fall right into that nonsense too.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 15, 2023:
@Tejas technically, a tank is a self-propelled gun.
Dip-shit Quadriptych
Unity comments on Sep 15, 2023:
Until now I would have never imagined how much evil and hatred is in our country. The entire Republican Party is no longer what it once was.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 15, 2023:
Yup, it's hard to believe, but the Republican Party has morphed into an anti-democracy, authoritarian personality cult. 😐
Here's the deal with truth.
nogod4me comments on Sep 14, 2023:
Many years ago my cousin, after watching Superman, thought she could fly by "accepting" the idea that she just needed a cape. She tied a towel around her neck and jumped off the roof. She didn't fly, her "truth" was nonsense and she paid a painful price. Just because you believe something doesn't...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 14, 2023:
@nogod4me I did see that. I don't know what he was thinking. πŸ€”
Here's the deal with truth.
nogod4me comments on Sep 14, 2023:
Many years ago my cousin, after watching Superman, thought she could fly by "accepting" the idea that she just needed a cape. She tied a towel around her neck and jumped off the roof. She didn't fly, her "truth" was nonsense and she paid a painful price. Just because you believe something doesn't...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 14, 2023:
@FvckY0u What is utter nonsense? Here are an few examples: "Truth is nothing more than your acceptance." "The truth is nothing more than what you accept." "What you accept is what is true."
So what is God?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 13, 2023:
Hmmm. The concept of God in Yoga as described above is not very different from the sky daddy of the Abrahamic religions. A singular, supreme soul (whatever that is), an omniscient being, above all tribulations, blah, blah, blah. Oh, yeah, and one more very important characteristic: so inscrutable as...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 14, 2023:
@ChestRockfield Frankly, in my last comment I was really just looking for an offramp from the conversation. I definitely didn't want to go back to the text of the post and dissect it, pore over it, analyze it, research a counter argument, etc., etc. Discussions about god, whatever god, are, to me, like trying to determine how many angels can dance in the head of a pin: pretty much a waste of time. There are much more pressing things in the world that we have to worry about: climate change, MAGA, genocide in Ukraine, coups and famine in Africa, to name a few. Anyway thanks for affirming my original impression. Now I definitely will not ever feel tempted to go back for another bite if the proverbial apple! 🍎 πŸ˜‚
So what is God?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 13, 2023:
Hmmm. The concept of God in Yoga as described above is not very different from the sky daddy of the Abrahamic religions. A singular, supreme soul (whatever that is), an omniscient being, above all tribulations, blah, blah, blah. Oh, yeah, and one more very important characteristic: so inscrutable as...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 13, 2023:
@Heraclitus Roger that; the similarity only goes so far.
Climate triptych + 1:
273kelvin comments on Sep 13, 2023:
They say all political careers end in failure (we don't have term limits) I recall the most successful politician ever Denis Howell. It was 1976, Denis was a former football referee and the type of guy who was well-liked on both sides of the house. So he got the job of Minister of Sport, a soft spot...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 13, 2023:
I hear that the climate is becoming more conducive to grape growing (and wine making) in England than it is in France. Instead of a Bordeaux, I think next time I'll try a nice, dry Dover! πŸ˜‚
So what is God?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 13, 2023:
Hmmm. The concept of God in Yoga as described above is not very different from the sky daddy of the Abrahamic religions. A singular, supreme soul (whatever that is), an omniscient being, above all tribulations, blah, blah, blah. Oh, yeah, and one more very important characteristic: so inscrutable as...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 13, 2023:
@FvckY0u You are so good to me...😍
Do you get into fights?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 13, 2023:
Soooo, is that what Fani Willis, Jack Smith, Leticia James, and Alvin Bragg should do? In the interest of peace, not insist that they are right in indicting Orange Foolius and his co-conspirators? That would be a lot easier for them. No need to worry about Trump's stochastic terrorism. Just let it ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 13, 2023:
@FvckY0u Best of luck πŸ˜ƒπŸ€ž
Ran into this in my online travels.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 13, 2023:
You might consider calling them something other than "aliens." How about extraterrestrials? After all, where they live, they're not alien. And they have never been here. And probably never will be. πŸ˜‚
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 13, 2023:
@FvckY0u So you're not suggesting I piss off? Cool. πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘
Do you get into fights?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 13, 2023:
Soooo, is that what Fani Willis, Jack Smith, Leticia James, and Alvin Bragg should do? In the interest of peace, not insist that they are right in indicting Orange Foolius and his co-conspirators? That would be a lot easier for them. No need to worry about Trump's stochastic terrorism. Just let it ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 13, 2023:
@FvckY0u I just call them as I see them. ⚾
So what is God?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 13, 2023:
Hmmm. The concept of God in Yoga as described above is not very different from the sky daddy of the Abrahamic religions. A singular, supreme soul (whatever that is), an omniscient being, above all tribulations, blah, blah, blah. Oh, yeah, and one more very important characteristic: so inscrutable as...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 13, 2023:
@FvckY0u Really? Oh, thank you! πŸ˜‚
Ran into this in my online travels.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 13, 2023:
You might consider calling them something other than "aliens." How about extraterrestrials? After all, where they live, they're not alien. And they have never been here. And probably never will be. πŸ˜‚
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 13, 2023:
@FvckY0u Hooo-weee, nice side-step! πŸ¦€ Look, you're welcome to block me, if you can't handle my 2 cent's worth. But you are not giving me the bum's rush from this site. Who the Fvck do Y0u think you are?
Do you get into fights?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 13, 2023:
Soooo, is that what Fani Willis, Jack Smith, Leticia James, and Alvin Bragg should do? In the interest of peace, not insist that they are right in indicting Orange Foolius and his co-conspirators? That would be a lot easier for them. No need to worry about Trump's stochastic terrorism. Just let it ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 13, 2023:
@FvckY0u Sounds like you are trying hard to be right πŸ˜‚
So what is God?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 13, 2023:
Hmmm. The concept of God in Yoga as described above is not very different from the sky daddy of the Abrahamic religions. A singular, supreme soul (whatever that is), an omniscient being, above all tribulations, blah, blah, blah. Oh, yeah, and one more very important characteristic: so inscrutable as...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 13, 2023:
@FvckY0u I'm glad that's settled πŸ˜‚
Ran into this in my online travels.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 13, 2023:
You might consider calling them something other than "aliens." How about extraterrestrials? After all, where they live, they're not alien. And they have never been here. And probably never will be. πŸ˜‚
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 13, 2023:
@FvckY0u It may appear to you that I know everything, but I assure you, I do not. Nevertheless, at least 850 members have valued my input here at one time or another. (I am perhaps more surprised [and gratified] by that than even you.) πŸ˜‚
Do you get into fights?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 13, 2023:
Soooo, is that what Fani Willis, Jack Smith, Leticia James, and Alvin Bragg should do? In the interest of peace, not insist that they are right in indicting Orange Foolius and his co-conspirators? That would be a lot easier for them. No need to worry about Trump's stochastic terrorism. Just let it ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 13, 2023:
@FvckY0u Did I miss something? Where exactly did you say this was only to be applied to individuals? Or that backing down for peace should only occur when the issue is unimportant? Where? If you deal in blanket, unqualified pronouncements, expect pushback.
So what is God?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 13, 2023:
Hmmm. The concept of God in Yoga as described above is not very different from the sky daddy of the Abrahamic religions. A singular, supreme soul (whatever that is), an omniscient being, above all tribulations, blah, blah, blah. Oh, yeah, and one more very important characteristic: so inscrutable as...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 13, 2023:
@FvckY0u No worries; I don't miss what isn't and never was.
Do you get into fights?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 13, 2023:
Soooo, is that what Fani Willis, Jack Smith, Leticia James, and Alvin Bragg should do? In the interest of peace, not insist that they are right in indicting Orange Foolius and his co-conspirators? That would be a lot easier for them. No need to worry about Trump's stochastic terrorism. Just let it ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 13, 2023:
@Zealandia I can see how one might interpret his writing that way, but that message is not made explicit. Instead, he implies that we must always mute ourselves, in the interest of peace. Sounds like some New Age claptrap to me.
DeSantis triptych:
CourtJester comments on Sep 11, 2023:
Not true. The KKK was/still is an arm of the Democrat party.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 11, 2023:
In the middle of the 20th century, the Republican and Democratic parties switched positions vis-a-vis race relations and civil rights.
Trump triptych no. 2:
DenoPenno comments on Sep 11, 2023:
Trump held his support rallies all during his term as president. In any normal world he would have been removed for not doing his job. Think on that.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 11, 2023:
Dereliction of duty is the Donald's daily drill.
Trump triptych no. 1:
HippieChick58 comments on Sep 10, 2023:
Good ones!!
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 10, 2023:
What will the Trump library contain? Subpoenas, indictments, , fingerprints, mug shots, court records, cancelled hush money checks, recordings and contemporaneous notes of phone calls, transcripts of witness testimony, text messages, falsified business records, empty folders marked "classified,"...
Climate triptych + 1:
HippieChick58 comments on Sep 10, 2023:
Sadly true and likely prescient.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 10, 2023:
Everything the scientists said would happen is happening, only faster than expected. And this is only the beginning.
Trump triptych no. 2:
HippieChick58 comments on Sep 10, 2023:
Good ones!!
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 10, 2023:
The man has distinguished himself in so many ways, and none of them are good πŸ˜‚
DeSantis triptych:
HippieChick58 comments on Sep 10, 2023:
Good ones!
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 10, 2023:
He's such an easy target, you almost feel sorry for the slimy SOB πŸ˜‚
Boy Scout whistleblower: Mormon church swayed abuse policy -- Axios
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 9, 2023:
There is nothing wrong with the basic idea of teaching boys how to tie knots, set up tents, and build campfires. But the organization has to be a lot more circumspect in its recruitment of leadership. And they need to address issues quickly and forthrightly. No covering for bad apples!
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 10, 2023:
@snytiger6 Yeah, they could definitely jettison the religious bits and be better for it.
Why did NATO refuse to not threaten Russia by continuing encroaching on its borders?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 9, 2023:
I read Stoltenburg's comments as merely him quoting Putin (or Putin's stated position vis-a-vis NATO) and then very accurately pointing out that Putin's actions have brought about exactly what Putin said he didn't want: expansion of NATO. As for why Russia invaded Ukraine, that has less to do ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 9, 2023:
@FrayedBear As for BRICS, I'll just quote @Garban: "BRICS is a financial agreement, not a security agreement. Putin has demonstrated that a security agreement with him is useless."
Why did NATO refuse to not threaten Russia by continuing encroaching on its borders?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 9, 2023:
I read Stoltenburg's comments as merely him quoting Putin (or Putin's stated position vis-a-vis NATO) and then very accurately pointing out that Putin's actions have brought about exactly what Putin said he didn't want: expansion of NATO. As for why Russia invaded Ukraine, that has less to do ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 9, 2023:
@FrayedBear Blah blah blah what-about-ism. Yes, trying to rid Iraq of its tyrant and set up a democratic government was not only illegal, it was stupid. Afghanistan was a little different; in that case there was a clear provocation (the Taliban hosting the authors of 9/11). Does that make what Putin is doing in Ukraine, trying to erase another country's sovereign identity annex their land, OK? No. Two wrongs have never made a right.
Joe Kennedy, the praying football coach, quit because the athletes never mattered to him
fnaf12 comments on Sep 8, 2023:
This one-of-a-kind game has sparked a lot of attention. In [poppy playtime]( you must visit the Playtime toy factory. The question of what happened to the missing employee must be answered. There are several revenge toys available. Make every attempt to avoid capture while ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 9, 2023:
Sounds rather nightmarish.
Why did NATO refuse to not threaten Russia by continuing encroaching on its borders?
Scott321 comments on Sep 9, 2023:
Yeah, there’s no Russian propaganda. RT is not a Putin mouthpiece. Multiple people haven’t been poisoned or defenestrated. Former Iron Curtain members weren’t acting as free agents in choosing NATO membership over the years, they were duped or coerced by the bully US. Sweden and Finland better...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 9, 2023:
Love the dripping sarcasm πŸ’–
The "stable genius" plots and strategizes...
HippieChick58 comments on Sep 8, 2023:
stable genius, belongs out there with the horses and goats.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 8, 2023:
Lock him up!
A dinosaur denier interviewed a dinosaur liar. Now my head hurts.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 7, 2023:
Allie Beth Stuckey is an idiot. Ken Ham is also an idiot. They are two idiots, mutually reinforcing each other's idiocy. πŸ˜‚
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 8, 2023:
@Fernapple You have a point there. So he's either an idiot or a pathological liar, maybe even a sociopath. Either way, not good.
CuddyCruiser comments on Sep 7, 2023:
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 8, 2023:
@CuddyCruiser I'd say high probability
CuddyCruiser comments on Sep 7, 2023:
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 7, 2023:
Poor blighter doesn't seem to realize there's a difference. 😐
It's down to us.
HippieChick58 comments on Sep 7, 2023:
Sadly way toooo accurate.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 7, 2023:
A lot of people appear way more willing to suffer the effects of climate change (and bellyache about it, blame others for it, and scream for relief or indemnification), than make any changes in their own behavior. So they keep buying Earth-destroying SUVs and pickup trucks, keep driving them to the 5-and-dime, keep flying jet planes to wherever on a whim, just because they can... it's disgusting!
I've always been fascinated by those who are predisposed to conspiracy theories and pseudoscience.
skado comments on Sep 7, 2023:
It would be interesting to read the unredacted study but I get the gist. A big piece of the puzzle may just be garden variety ignorance, but I’m pretty sure paranoia plays a role. A couple of minor nits I would pick are “9/11” and “religious/spiritual”. By any legal definition, ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 7, 2023:
@skado 9/11 and J6 seem pretty cut-and-dried to me. But I have never been satisfied with the explanation of JFK's assassination.
I've always been fascinated by those who are predisposed to conspiracy theories and pseudoscience.
skado comments on Sep 7, 2023:
It would be interesting to read the unredacted study but I get the gist. A big piece of the puzzle may just be garden variety ignorance, but I’m pretty sure paranoia plays a role. A couple of minor nits I would pick are “9/11” and “religious/spiritual”. By any legal definition, ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 7, 2023:
Well yeah, 911 was a conspiracy among a bunch of mostly Saudi nationals including Osama Bin Laden. And that is not merely hypothetical. The identities of the hijackers were all confirmed. That's conspiracy fact. The conspiracy theory is that it was a false flag operation, engineered by the CIA or FBI to get the US into a war. There isn't any evidence to support that hypothesis; it's just pure πŸ‚ πŸ’©.
I do not think it is too far a stretch of a conclusion that agnosticism and/or Atheism are generally...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 5, 2023:
I have had many go-rounds with alt-right trolls, made many good arguments, articulated the facts, exposed falsehoods, shredded conspiracy theories, and, to the best of my knowledge, have changed no minds. Going forward, my policy will be not to comment on their posts, and only add supportive replies...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 6, 2023:
@skado Some people are more flexible than others.
So what are everyone's thoughts on changing God's pronouns to "They" and "Them" since in the ...
jackjr comments on Aug 30, 2023:
So yet once again this so called higher entity has to have another human construct - gender.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 6, 2023:
@jackjr But people sure have made up a lot of shit, haven't they? πŸ˜‚


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Moonrise at sundown
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On the fly
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Mt. Laguna
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Unbeknownst to me, this 40-litre Florence flask had sat unused in storage for years. It had been donated to the school by County Sheriff, who had confiscated it from an illegal drug lab. The Science Dept. Chair was going to throw it in the trash. I rescued it, made a base for it, and used it as a classroom fish tank. πŸ™‚
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Three Sisters Falls, San Diego Co., CA
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Hauled out for bottom paint.
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Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System is a concentrated solar thermal plant in the Mojave Desert. It is located at the base of Clark Mountain in California, across the state line from Primm, Nevada.
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San Diego, January, 2023.
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People collect the damnedest things.
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1960 Gibson LG-0; solid mahogany top, back, sides, and neck.
Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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