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They could easily house many homeless people in 'tiny homes' created from shipping containers.
LovinLarge comments on Feb 3, 2022:
Is that what it takes to make you feel good about yourself - coming up with ways to further disenfranchise homeless people and relegating them to shipping containers? Man, you are all heart! Hey, aren't you that nutty antivaxxer? The solution to homelessness is Permanent Supportive Housing, ...
LovinLarge replies on Feb 3, 2022:
@BDair It's not up to me to find your sources of information, it's up to you to supply the evidence to prove your factual claims. Your NBC source refers to a source document but fails to provide a copy of that document for verification so the article only provides its own interpretation of that document, which may or may not be accurate. There was nothing in your California release about going over budget but a lot about California's ambition to address homelessness through permanent supportive housing. Permanent supportive housing has been proven to save money when you factor in community expenses like police involvement and emergency medical costs. Yes, ending homelessness is to be expensive but there is no better use for taxpayer money than to enhance peoples' lives. It's been said that a society can be judged by how it treats its most vulnerable citizens.
They could easily house many homeless people in 'tiny homes' created from shipping containers.
LovinLarge comments on Feb 3, 2022:
Is that what it takes to make you feel good about yourself - coming up with ways to further disenfranchise homeless people and relegating them to shipping containers? Man, you are all heart! Hey, aren't you that nutty antivaxxer? The solution to homelessness is Permanent Supportive Housing, ...
LovinLarge replies on Feb 3, 2022:
@BDair Let's see your evidence of all those millionaires happy living in tiny homes. And let's see your evidence that housing units for homeless people cost 500k. Faux News is not a credible source of information. The shipping container homes at your link were not tiny homes. Anyway, the land is always worth more than the building. Vacant lots are owned by someone and that someone isn't going to let anyone put shipping containers on them for people who can't pay for them. You live in your own little make believe world, don't you?
So, it seems Neil Young has signed to Amazon Music as protest to Spotify airing antivax views in Joe...
LovinLarge comments on Feb 2, 2022:
And I do believe you're an idiot, but that's beside the point. Now show where any of the people or companies you've mentioned other than Joe Rogan and Spotify have disseminated disinformation about a contagious pandemic that has killed millions of people or stand the fuck down.
LovinLarge replies on Feb 2, 2022:
@puff The false info at issue is the disinformation disseminated about COVID by Joe Rogan, which he has apologized for. I don't watch videos from unverified sources because the info contained is generally unsubstantiated. What a lousy resume you must have to have to troll disinformation.
Whoopi Goldberg Suspended From 'The View' For Two Weeks Following Holocaust Remarks | Fox
FvckY0u comments on Feb 1, 2022:
Gee a group of women sitting around talking about politics, race, religion, etc on TV and one gets suspended for remarks out of the mainstream. No news here.
LovinLarge replies on Feb 2, 2022:
@darren316 You have no credibility here.
Whoopi Goldberg Suspended From 'The View' For Two Weeks Following Holocaust Remarks | Fox
FvckY0u comments on Feb 1, 2022:
Gee a group of women sitting around talking about politics, race, religion, etc on TV and one gets suspended for remarks out of the mainstream. No news here.
LovinLarge replies on Feb 2, 2022:
@darren316 The onus is on you to provide the evidence to support your factual claims. Otherwise your claims are without merit. Didn't quite make the Jr High debate team, did you?
Whoopi Goldberg Suspended From 'The View' For Two Weeks Following Holocaust Remarks | Fox
FvckY0u comments on Feb 1, 2022:
Gee a group of women sitting around talking about politics, race, religion, etc on TV and one gets suspended for remarks out of the mainstream. No news here.
LovinLarge replies on Feb 2, 2022:
@darren316 I hate to be the one to break this to you but you saying shit doesn't constitute evidence.
So, it seems Neil Young has signed to Amazon Music as protest to Spotify airing antivax views in Joe...
LovinLarge comments on Feb 2, 2022:
And I do believe you're an idiot, but that's beside the point. Now show where any of the people or companies you've mentioned other than Joe Rogan and Spotify have disseminated disinformation about a contagious pandemic that has killed millions of people or stand the fuck down.
LovinLarge replies on Feb 2, 2022:
@puff False information does not constitute a differing point of view. You are a liar.
Whoopi Goldberg Suspended From 'The View' For Two Weeks Following Holocaust Remarks | Fox
FvckY0u comments on Feb 1, 2022:
Gee a group of women sitting around talking about politics, race, religion, etc on TV and one gets suspended for remarks out of the mainstream. No news here.
LovinLarge replies on Feb 2, 2022:
@darren316 It's not the only show of that nature and it's not consistently in the news. You don't support your factual allegations with evidence because you can't.
So, it seems Neil Young has signed to Amazon Music as protest to Spotify airing antivax views in Joe...
LovinLarge comments on Feb 2, 2022:
And I do believe you're an idiot, but that's beside the point. Now show where any of the people or companies you've mentioned other than Joe Rogan and Spotify have disseminated disinformation about a contagious pandemic that has killed millions of people or stand the fuck down.
LovinLarge replies on Feb 2, 2022:
@puff Are you truly that dense that you don't understand that we are experiencing the evolution of a novel virus and society's desperate attempt to use science to learn how to save lives such that protocols will necessarily change as we learn about the virus by figuring out what responses are most effective? When you turned this post about Neil Young into an antivax thread, there was no longer any doubt about you being a political troll.
So, it seems Neil Young has signed to Amazon Music as protest to Spotify airing antivax views in Joe...
LovinLarge comments on Feb 2, 2022:
And I do believe you're an idiot, but that's beside the point. Now show where any of the people or companies you've mentioned other than Joe Rogan and Spotify have disseminated disinformation about a contagious pandemic that has killed millions of people or stand the fuck down.
LovinLarge replies on Feb 2, 2022:
@puff Typical lying con. Your evidence does not support any of your 3 premises. What do you get for posting such nonsense? A penny per sentence? If so, you're grossly overpaid!
Whoopi Goldberg Suspended From 'The View' For Two Weeks Following Holocaust Remarks | Fox
FvckY0u comments on Feb 1, 2022:
Gee a group of women sitting around talking about politics, race, religion, etc on TV and one gets suspended for remarks out of the mainstream. No news here.
LovinLarge replies on Feb 2, 2022:
@barjoe Nice call. He did what he always does, enflames the gender angle in a discussion where gender is irrelevant. Sad little man.
Whoopi Goldberg Suspended From 'The View' For Two Weeks Following Holocaust Remarks | Fox
LovinLarge comments on Feb 1, 2022:
The issue appears to be that the Nazis considered Jewish people to be a lesser race even though, as Whoopi said, being Jewish is not a race. I knew a Jewish atheist once. He said being Jewish is an ethnicity. Whoopi is right, the Holocaust was not about race.
LovinLarge replies on Feb 2, 2022:
@barjoe No one said racism is just about black and white, including Whoopi. No one said the Nazis weren't racists, although being Jewish is not and never was a race and I already acknowledged the mistaken Nazi belief about this. Race and ethnicity are not synonymous, in fact the whole issue of whether distinct races even exist is up for debate. The Holocaust was not about race, it was about the genocide of minorities including and primarily the Jewish.
Whoopi Goldberg Suspended From 'The View' For Two Weeks Following Holocaust Remarks | Fox
LovinLarge comments on Feb 1, 2022:
The issue appears to be that the Nazis considered Jewish people to be a lesser race even though, as Whoopi said, being Jewish is not a race. I knew a Jewish atheist once. He said being Jewish is an ethnicity. Whoopi is right, the Holocaust was not about race.
LovinLarge replies on Feb 2, 2022:
@puff Their disagreement would only be based in fact if they can prove that being Jewish is a race.
Some say that the unvaccinated should foot the bill for medical treatment for Covid-19.
barjoe comments on Jan 30, 2022:
It's amazing. I bet you're not vaccinated. I bet you don't wear a mask either.
LovinLarge replies on Jan 30, 2022:
@puff You haven't provided any evidence that anything I've posted is biased or about breakthrough infections, Einstein. Believe me, no one here will take your word for anything, except the other dirty cons who don't even know what evidence is, of course.
Some say that the unvaccinated should foot the bill for medical treatment for Covid-19.
LovinLarge comments on Jan 30, 2022:
Were you one of the Russian trolls who interfered in the 2016 election in the same way you are interfering with the resolution of COVID by pushing the antivax sgenda?
LovinLarge replies on Jan 30, 2022:
@barjoe He says he's from Australia but cites Russian government media. His profile does not identify him as an agnostic or atheist. Gotta wonder why he's even here.
Some say that the unvaccinated should foot the bill for medical treatment for Covid-19.
barjoe comments on Jan 30, 2022:
It's amazing. I bet you're not vaccinated. I bet you don't wear a mask either.
LovinLarge replies on Jan 30, 2022:
@puff No vaccine is 100% effective on an entire population, but they protect individuals and curb the circulation of the virus through the community.
Some say that the unvaccinated should foot the bill for medical treatment for Covid-19.
LovinLarge comments on Jan 30, 2022:
Were you one of the Russian trolls who interfered in the 2016 election in the same way you are interfering with the resolution of COVID by pushing the antivax sgenda?
LovinLarge replies on Jan 30, 2022:
@puff Every time I prove you wrong, you quickly change course to try to cover your error. Very Trumpian of you, antivaxxer.
Some say that the unvaccinated should foot the bill for medical treatment for Covid-19.
LovinLarge comments on Jan 30, 2022:
Were you one of the Russian trolls who interfered in the 2016 election in the same way you are interfering with the resolution of COVID by pushing the antivax sgenda?
LovinLarge replies on Jan 30, 2022:
@puff Russian interference in the 2016 election is well established, comrade.
Imagine having a grasp of music that allowed you to do this at 25 or 26.
waitingforgodo comments on Jan 29, 2022:
LovinLarge replies on Jan 29, 2022:
Wanted to make sure you'd seen this. Very fun.
gameover convoidelaliberte canadaleads Hai, È™i România, liberă È™i demnă în terrafamilianavă! ...
Dyl1983 comments on Jan 29, 2022:
LovinLarge replies on Jan 29, 2022:
Anti-vaxxer who makes up her own words.
Conservative vs Progressive Conservatives like the status quo or reverting back to the way things...
LovinLarge comments on Jan 28, 2022:
Feminism is equality of and for the sexes. One can not be a political Progressive without being a feminist. Beware of wolves in sheep's clothing.
LovinLarge replies on Jan 28, 2022:
@JacarC It's always so easy to spot you RWNJ's. You never provide evidence for your factual claims and you raise irrelevant issues as distractions. Seriously, if you don't have anything factual of value to contribute, go clean your guns.
Good thing Neil's Canadian, and as such, Canada still has access to his songs on Spotify.
LovinLarge comments on Jan 28, 2022:
Neil Young almost died from polio as a child because the vaccine had not been invented yet. I was not a Neil Young fan as a young adult because my taste in music had not developed to the point where I was able to appreciate the significance of his talent. Conversely, Joe Rogan has no talent....
LovinLarge replies on Jan 28, 2022:
@puff May I send you his entire discography?
Good thing Neil's Canadian, and as such, Canada still has access to his songs on Spotify.
puff comments on Jan 28, 2022:
I see the WHO and the Pope have both come out against Joe Rogan. Strange bedfellows worried about their respective agendas. I mean the ego of Neil Young to give an ultimatum to a streaming platform to discard their most popular contributer. Either me or him was the demand and was not Spotify ...
LovinLarge replies on Jan 28, 2022:
@puff Rogan disseminates dangerous disinformation about COVID, just like you do. Try to stay on track, you're not fooling anyone here.
Good thing Neil's Canadian, and as such, Canada still has access to his songs on Spotify.
puff comments on Jan 28, 2022:
I see the WHO and the Pope have both come out against Joe Rogan. Strange bedfellows worried about their respective agendas. I mean the ego of Neil Young to give an ultimatum to a streaming platform to discard their most popular contributer. Either me or him was the demand and was not Spotify ...
LovinLarge replies on Jan 28, 2022:
We don't expect the likes of you to appreciate integrity over commercialism.
Conservative vs Progressive Conservatives like the status quo or reverting back to the way things...
LovinLarge comments on Jan 28, 2022:
Feminism is equality of and for the sexes. One can not be a political Progressive without being a feminist. Beware of wolves in sheep's clothing.
LovinLarge replies on Jan 28, 2022:
@darren316 Yes, we should never have allowed women the privilege of self determination. Opened a real can of worms there.
Something serious to think about.
LovinLarge comments on Jan 26, 2022:
Also, at least get your facts straight before you post. There is no such ban, the minimum age is a Constitutional requirement. Further, the Vice President has an extensive education and stellar career which easily qualify her for the job. You are a racist misogynist whose opinion holds no ...
LovinLarge replies on Jan 26, 2022:
@puff Coming from someone who doesn't know that "it's" and "its" are two entirely different words, I am not surprised that you are unable to distinguish between bans and Constitutional requirements. You have proven that you do not understand the USA, so your opinions of its conditions are meaningless.
Something serious to think about.
Scott321 comments on Jan 26, 2022:
Are you a Russian troll?
LovinLarge replies on Jan 26, 2022:
He did post a link from Russian Today, the Russian government network earlier.
I've gotta say, Joe Rogan WAS good in NewsRadio.
puff comments on Jan 26, 2022:
Free advertising for both Joe and Spotify. Guessing Joe's 11 million viewers are not that into Neil anyway.
LovinLarge replies on Jan 26, 2022:
@puff Your arguments are nonsensical and not worth my time. Learn how to edit if you want anyone to read your shit.
California firearms: City rules gun owners must have liability cover []
Druvius comments on Jan 26, 2022:
It will no doubt face massive well-funded legal challenges.
LovinLarge replies on Jan 26, 2022:
It's a start.
I've gotta say, Joe Rogan WAS good in NewsRadio.
puff comments on Jan 26, 2022:
Free advertising for both Joe and Spotify. Guessing Joe's 11 million viewers are not that into Neil anyway.
LovinLarge replies on Jan 26, 2022:
@puff Exactly wrong, antivaxxer. Joe is disseminating disinformation and you are assisting him. There is no credible evidence to support his COVID claims so he should not be making them. This is not about media, this is about science. If you don't understand what science is, you aren't qualified to participate in the conversation. Just like Joe.
I've gotta say, Joe Rogan WAS good in NewsRadio.
puff comments on Jan 26, 2022:
Free advertising for both Joe and Spotify. Guessing Joe's 11 million viewers are not that into Neil anyway.
LovinLarge replies on Jan 26, 2022:
@puff It's not a matter of someone not liking it, it's a matter of disseminating disinformation, a matter of truth and integrity. I can understand why those things don't matter to you.
Joe is really keeping the staff on their toes lately.
LovinLarge comments on Jan 26, 2022:
A man of your "seniority" ought to be able to level valid and constructive criticism of the opposition rather than resorting to grade school humor. Your words say more about you than they do about the President.
LovinLarge replies on Jan 26, 2022:
@racocn8 Can't argue with that!
The Four Whores of the Establishmentclipse! Votives for those who prefer voting gods on a screen ...
LovinLarge comments on Jan 26, 2022:
Mere confused and frightened irrelevant misogynistic ramblings. These brave women have been fighting the establishment within and outside of their party since they came on scene.
LovinLarge replies on Jan 26, 2022:
@Silver1wun The very definition of lip service is allegations of selling out without supporting evidence.
The Four Whores of the Establishmentclipse! Votives for those who prefer voting gods on a screen ...
LovinLarge comments on Jan 26, 2022:
Mere confused and frightened irrelevant misogynistic ramblings. These brave women have been fighting the establishment within and outside of their party since they came on scene.
LovinLarge replies on Jan 26, 2022:
@Silver1wun The fact that you target these five now, the most progressive members of Congress, is evidence in and of itself that they continue to distinguish themselves from the establishment.
@JeffMurray at least some of us are trying and the correct argument to use in court imo ie not ...
Paul4747 comments on Jan 22, 2022:
Absolutely no vaccine is going to stop transmission 100 percent of the time. This is no excuse not to get vaccinated. It's not only reckless disregard for your own health, but more importantly (because honestly, I don't care if you choose to die from an avoidable cause), more importantly it's ...
LovinLarge replies on Jan 23, 2022:
@puff You perpetuate disinformation and make some of the most ridiculous arguments I've ever heard such that it's impossible to take you seriously. Diabetes isn't contagious, ffs. Even though masking and vaccination aren't 100% effective, COVID would not have spread to the extent it has anywhere had everyone complied which makes you naysayers responsible for the current state. Has it ever occurred to you to something other than for selfish reasons?
@JeffMurray at least some of us are trying and the correct argument to use in court imo ie not ...
Paul4747 comments on Jan 22, 2022:
Absolutely no vaccine is going to stop transmission 100 percent of the time. This is no excuse not to get vaccinated. It's not only reckless disregard for your own health, but more importantly (because honestly, I don't care if you choose to die from an avoidable cause), more importantly it's ...
LovinLarge replies on Jan 22, 2022:
@puff Stop spreading disinformation.
The South Lawn has just come under attack by landscape gardeners.
LovinLarge comments on Jan 21, 2022:
1 yard. Prove me wrong.
LovinLarge replies on Jan 21, 2022:
@waitingforgodo I would like to know the answer and how you arrived at it. I very much like this type of problem but my best days are behind me, intellectually. The men I like the most are the ones who can make me feel stupid (in a good way) and there still aren't many of them.
The South Lawn has just come under attack by landscape gardeners.
LovinLarge comments on Jan 21, 2022:
1 yard. Prove me wrong.
LovinLarge replies on Jan 21, 2022:
@waitingforgodo Bear in mind that I am oxygen following surgery so my mind is not getting the amount of oxygen that it should and indeed be gentle with me. Also, I am unable to recommend kidney stones or ureteral stents.
Meatloaf Was A Covid Denier. What Do You Think He Died From?
FvckY0u comments on Jan 21, 2022:
Oh this "Covid denier" vs whatever is the new silliness in the news. Got to label these folks a certain way. Sounds like the guy was complicated.
LovinLarge replies on Jan 21, 2022:
@barjoe "Complicated".
It's amazing how unfriendly people on this site can be.
LovinLarge comments on Jan 17, 2022:
I'm sorry that's been your experience. I tend to prefer the company of believers because they seem to try harder to get along with people, presumably because they think they're supposed to. There are some conservative atheists here who are very unpleasant to interact with, not to mention that ...
LovinLarge replies on Jan 17, 2022:
@AlbertSchepis Yes, it is very easy to become isolated, and also unhealthy. I used to go to a Meetup group for skeptics that turned out to be agnostics and atheists. They were interesting in small doses and I might still be going if I weren't too busy. I think you're doing the right thing, reaching out to people with similar interests. I spend almost all of my time alone doing what needs to be done but I don't feel isolated. I will speak frankly with you and tell you that I have started friendships here with people that I liked very much, but found them taking up an hour a day or more to keep the conversations going and I'm at a point in my life where I just don't have that kind of time to give. I wish I did. I felt bad bringing those conversations to a close but I had to in order to keep myself on track. Anyway, I think your frustration is justified. For me, in person contacts are much more helpful to me than anything that happens online. I sure hope things improve for you. I wish people were just generally kinder to each other
For those of you who offered such good advice last week with regard to my stepdad, here’s an ...
puff comments on Jan 11, 2022:
In Australia we have a thing called respite where people go to nursing homes a couple of weeks so the carer can rest. Maybe put that past him, that you are having a break then cross fingers he doesn't think it is so bad.
LovinLarge replies on Jan 13, 2022:
@Annaleda Yes, I do research anything relevant before I comment on a post, and so should you particularly with regard to situations this sensitive. Further, at no time did I assume he only puts women in caregiver roles. I did speak of traditional societal expectations, perhaps you misunderstood. If you had made the same suggestion, I would have responded the same way although I'm troubled by the thought of a nurse giving such advice in an abusive situation. Your comments to me are unfounded and hold no value for me. I'm disappointed that you chose to be uncivil. I let the issue go when I saw she was not influenced by his comment. The fact remains that "it's totally inappropriate to recommend someone remain in an abusive and dangerous situation".
For those of you who offered such good advice last week with regard to my stepdad, here’s an ...
puff comments on Jan 11, 2022:
In Australia we have a thing called respite where people go to nursing homes a couple of weeks so the carer can rest. Maybe put that past him, that you are having a break then cross fingers he doesn't think it is so bad.
LovinLarge replies on Jan 11, 2022:
@JennyRad He had a duty to inform himself if he was going to give advice. It's time we as a society stop assuming that women want to play the caregiver role.
For those of you who offered such good advice last week with regard to my stepdad, here’s an ...
puff comments on Jan 11, 2022:
In Australia we have a thing called respite where people go to nursing homes a couple of weeks so the carer can rest. Maybe put that past him, that you are having a break then cross fingers he doesn't think it is so bad.
LovinLarge replies on Jan 11, 2022:
It's totally inappropriate to recommend someone remain in an abusive and dangerous situation.
As a non religious person how do you view lust as defined as an intense sexual desire or appetite?
BitFlipper comments on Jan 11, 2022:
There are more kinds of lust than simply sexual desire or appetite. Lust for power, lust for money, etc.
LovinLarge replies on Jan 11, 2022:
Those don't service his agenda.
Don't eat yellow snow.
LovinLarge comments on Jan 11, 2022:
Anything you can do, I can do better.
LovinLarge replies on Jan 11, 2022:
@anglophone Much appreciated, kind sir. How pleasant it is to be able to exchange tongue in cheek sentiments received and responded to in the spirit intended.
As a non religious person how do you view lust as defined as an intense sexual desire or appetite?
AtheistInNC comments on Jan 10, 2022:
Do you use your right hand or left hand to fap to all your imaginary friends? Asking for one of your friends.
LovinLarge replies on Jan 10, 2022:
I'll be damned, there's a real man in the house. Whodathunkit?
What is wrong with this picture?
Julie808 comments on Jan 10, 2022:
Large gatherings for funerals and such are known for being super spreader events, so to ask people to help fund something like that is really out of touch with reality! We've had anti-vaxxers here die of covid and beg for donations for the huge hospital bills (totally preventable had they been ...
LovinLarge replies on Jan 10, 2022:
Thank you for your voice of reason. While I was reading your comment, I recalled that I did not see a single person wearing a mask in the funeral pictures. My father left a sizable estate last year. He did not die of COVID and the total cost of his cremation was $550 at his request and for which he supplied the funds. I guess both life and death are becoming more complicated.
There are a number of outspoken feminists in the atheist community who have written articles and ...
FvckY0u comments on Jan 9, 2022:
The question is stupid and frankly only posted as a way for women to complain about men IMO. Sexism runs much much deeper than religious beliefs and everyone knows that and accepts it as fact. Get over it and move on with your life.
LovinLarge replies on Jan 9, 2022:
This question was posed in the feminist tradition of women coming together to share their collective experience. Such experience does not include you although some would have been interested in your opinion if it had been offered civilly as is required on this website. Instead, your comments served to reinforce our views of the prevalence of sexism on this website which is unfortunate because this question generated many helpful comments. Please remember that other peoples' opinions are just as valid as yours and in instances like this, moreso.
There are a number of outspoken feminists in the atheist community who have written articles and ...
LovinLarge comments on Jan 9, 2022:
I had not been here long when I was roundly criticized by both a woman and a man who identify as liberals for expecting the use of gender-inclusive language. I blocked him then or since and have little regard for her. The objectification of women's appearances is another example of sexism ...
LovinLarge replies on Jan 9, 2022:
@JennyRad Yet the the issue has been raised a number of times recently with very little support from the membership, in fact it is the very purpose for the existence of some of the groups. Makes you wonder if the old guys would approve of the ogling of their granddaughters in this way.
There are a number of outspoken feminists in the atheist community who have written articles and ...
FvckY0u comments on Jan 9, 2022:
If I may offer a man's perspective. If not, I will anyway. A lot of women (most on this site excluded) are religious and don't see themselves as equal to men. So it's not just about how men treat women but it's also about how women treat and view themselves. If a woman sees herself and shows ...
LovinLarge replies on Jan 9, 2022:
Rise above brother, you are better than that.
Are prosecutors dragging their feet on indicting Trump for trying to subvert the Georgia election?
LovinLarge comments on Jan 9, 2022:
Seems to be coming along, slowly. There will always be pitfalls in novel prosecutions like this one. My own hope is that the various prosecutions against him are being coordinated such that they will all be announced around the same time. Hopefully soon. ...
LovinLarge replies on Jan 9, 2022:
@Buck His presidential indiscretions are so blatant that there is more to work with than ever before and I think these are opportunities that we can't afford not to capitalize on.
Hi, I am new to the forum.
Mooolah comments on Jan 8, 2022:
You are welcome to debate your views. What is not permitted is proselytizing, evangelizing & posting religious items. Believe what you wish, but respect ours to do the same. Welcome .
LovinLarge replies on Jan 9, 2022:
@Madisonian Everyone who has critically examined your fantasy will disagree either you. To equate faith with science is nothing short of offensive, particularly because you admit that you rely on the Bible as reliable information without any evidence in support. Your post and comments are nothing more than random unsubstantiated claims that can't be taken seriously by anyone committed to the truth. You will not be a legitimate player in this exchange until you've done your homework of familiarizing yourself with the concepts at play. I think you are afraid to educate yourself because you are afraid to challenge your own beliefs and if that is the case, you had no business posting here in the first place.
I see an issue with conservatives in general.
LovinLarge comments on Jan 8, 2022:
They are regressive, not progressive. They are exclusive, not inclusive. They care about their own and everyone else is on their own. They exhibit Detachment Disorder from the greater community. Cons are unconcerned with the truth unless it benefits them. They don't understand that they lost ...
LovinLarge replies on Jan 9, 2022:
@Theresa_N Ouch! I don't understand why people are so cruel when loving thy neighbor feels so much better. Thank you for sharing a glimpse of your experience with me. I don't want to make any cliche remarks but I do hate that you were treated in this manner each and every time it happened to you. Expecting people to be a certain way rather than encouraging diversity and acceptance makes no sense to me. My hope is that as religiosity declines, humanity will develop and flourish.
I see an issue with conservatives in general.
LovinLarge comments on Jan 8, 2022:
They are regressive, not progressive. They are exclusive, not inclusive. They care about their own and everyone else is on their own. They exhibit Detachment Disorder from the greater community. Cons are unconcerned with the truth unless it benefits them. They don't understand that they lost ...
LovinLarge replies on Jan 8, 2022:
@Theresa_N Hello. I had the good fortune to live in Canada for 37 years. Some of the finest people I have met in my life have been Christians who loved me and accepted me. It pains me to say that I tend to prefer the company of religious people because I think they try harder to get along with others because they think they're supposed to. I have yet to meet amy Quakers but take your word, thank you. The real test for me among religious Americans is how they respond when they find out I'm not one of them.
I see an issue with conservatives in general.
Buttercup comments on Jan 8, 2022:
The last conservative administration was senior. Trickle down, maga cult voodoo economics are robbery plain and simple. Republicans today are a kleptocracy not conservatives.
LovinLarge replies on Jan 8, 2022:
While Trumpism has taken conservatism to new lows, both Republicans and Libertarians base their platforms today on conservatism. Trickle down economics has been front and center to conservative economic policy since Reagan. A kleptocracy is a system of government while conservatism is a political ideology.
Hi, I am new to the forum.
LovinLarge comments on Jan 7, 2022:
I asked you if you knew what evidence is. You ignored the question but proved with your own words that you did not. I had given you too much credit. You don't know what science is, and there can be no discussion of reality without an understanding of science. You can't participate in a ...
LovinLarge replies on Jan 8, 2022:
@Madisonian You were led by your parents to believe what they believed because they were all that you knew and you were dependant upon them. You have never performed a serious critical analysis of your childhood indoctrination because you are absent the tools.
Hi, I am new to the forum.
waitingforgodo comments on Jan 7, 2022:
"Rationality is impossible without God. That is all the proof I need." Quod erat demonstrandum, a dash of ipse dixit and a splash of post hoc ergo propter hoc. There are some agnostics here who profess not to know if there is a god however you are gnostic : you know that there is a god. ...
LovinLarge replies on Jan 8, 2022:
He can't know there is a god any more than he can prove there is a god.
Hi, I am new to the forum.
Deb57 comments on Jan 7, 2022:
So why are you here and why are you making this post? What point are you trying to make? Are you just a troll?
LovinLarge replies on Jan 7, 2022:
@Robecology It's not the same at all. She was trying to determine his level of commitment to the subject matter through a series of questions along the same line. They would have had the opportunity to interact if you hadn't interfered.
Hi, I am new to the forum.
LovinLarge comments on Jan 7, 2022:
1. Do you know what "evidence" is? 2. Produce your evidence of any gods.
LovinLarge replies on Jan 7, 2022:
@Madisonian You will have to learn what evidence is before you can engage meaningfully in debate.
This one is for the republicans, democrats, progressives, social democrats, democratic socialists, ...
LovinLarge comments on Jan 7, 2022:
Yep, really something to believe in there, Jethro forsaking his morning shower to sing about killing fascists with zero indication that he understands what fascism is, its history or current application.
LovinLarge replies on Jan 7, 2022:
@TheInterlooper If I felt I had anything to learn from this conversation or that you had the capacity to learn anything from it, I would continue it but I already know that people who sing about killing people or perpetuate such hate mongering always detract more than they contribute. It's a matter of fundamental character.
This one is for the republicans, democrats, progressives, social democrats, democratic socialists, ...
LovinLarge comments on Jan 7, 2022:
Yep, really something to believe in there, Jethro forsaking his morning shower to sing about killing fascists with zero indication that he understands what fascism is, its history or current application.
LovinLarge replies on Jan 7, 2022:
@TheInterlooper I didn't say that I don't know what fascism is, I said there was no indication that the singer did. Yours may be one definition of fascism but it's not a generally accepted one. Big follower of Mussolini, are you?
So the snowflakes at "Conservative Atheists" have banned me from the group for the attached ...
puff comments on Jan 6, 2022:
I would say they think you proved their point. They posted about an anniversary bringing out crazies and you responded by ranting about the event itself and not the post subject matter, which is the 1st anniversary. Not judging either way, just pointing out what I see.
LovinLarge replies on Jan 6, 2022:
I would say if you can't commit to agnosticism or atheism, you have no business here.
Is anyone else in this group a caregiver?
LenHazell53 comments on Jan 6, 2022:
I have been my wife's primary care giver for 12 years and secondary care giver for my late father in law and my mother in law. It is not easy, but you can learn to adapt to it.
LovinLarge replies on Jan 6, 2022:
@JennyRad The only other thing I can think of is, depending on where you live, contacting senior resource agencies who would have seen many through this process before you. Best wishes to you and please always feel free to share your story here, no matter what it is. We have many invaluable resources here like @LenHazell53.
Is anyone else in this group a caregiver?
LenHazell53 comments on Jan 6, 2022:
I have been my wife's primary care giver for 12 years and secondary care giver for my late father in law and my mother in law. It is not easy, but you can learn to adapt to it.
LovinLarge replies on Jan 6, 2022:
@JennyRad Pardon me for butting in. That living situation isn't healthy for either of you. You are not looking after yourself properly. No one would blame you for moving things along and anyone would do the same. You feel abused because you are abused. It os an abusive relationship that isn't going to improve. He needs to be in a residential setting where they have the resources to meet his needs and you need to be in a safe environment. There's no time like the present!
Yep, that explains it.
RussRAB comments on Jan 3, 2022:
You could think of it this way: because you were the one they decided to target, they may not have gone after another victim of their recruitment efforts. Now, someone perhsps with less resolve than you will become their new target. We also should ask, is it really kindness and consideration when...
LovinLarge replies on Jan 3, 2022:
@RussRAB Thank you very much, I appreciate your input.
Yep, that explains it.
DenoPenno comments on Jan 3, 2022:
Yes, Jesus of Nazareth but the 'nativity trail" was created to get him to Bethlehem so he could be born in the same city as David. This same King David that also might not exist. The importance of this is to have Jesus become the earthly king he was supposed to be. The biblical narrative goes along ...
LovinLarge replies on Jan 3, 2022:
Other than the blankets which I kept, the gifts had no monetary value. I am far too busy to be responsible for other peoples' junk. And under no circumstances do I circulate religious literature. The less of it there is, the better. And if I hadn't said a word, the problem would be ongoing. I presume they were offended by how I handled the situation, which makes us even.
Yep, that explains it.
RussRAB comments on Jan 3, 2022:
You could think of it this way: because you were the one they decided to target, they may not have gone after another victim of their recruitment efforts. Now, someone perhsps with less resolve than you will become their new target. We also should ask, is it really kindness and consideration when...
LovinLarge replies on Jan 3, 2022:
A true gift carries no strings, so of course their motive was not really generosity. I handled it the way I did, polite but firm, in an effort to spook them from doing this type of thing again but still able to live very close to each other.
Yep, that explains it.
bobwjr comments on Jan 3, 2022:
Crazy how people ignore the feelings of others, insisting they are right
LovinLarge replies on Jan 3, 2022:
Imagine the reactions we would get if we combed neighborhoods distributing The Atheist Bible!
Yep, that explains it.
BufftonBeotch comments on Jan 2, 2022:
No is a complete sentence. They are littering.
LovinLarge replies on Jan 2, 2022:
But this way I got to tell them I'm an atheist so they can tell the rest of our neighbors. Very much looking forward to any Jesus Freaks keeping their distance!
Yep, that explains it.
OldMetalHead comments on Jan 2, 2022:
Too bad they didn't leave you something you could use like a bottle of wine 😉
LovinLarge replies on Jan 2, 2022:
Yep, get me drunk enough and the sky's the limit!
Yep, that explains it.
racocn8 comments on Jan 2, 2022:
Being in a cult means the end of pure altruism.
LovinLarge replies on Jan 2, 2022:
Most of me is pretty sure they were grooming me all that time and a very small part of me feels guilty for not appreciating their gifts. I like your explanation best.
In my travels many places in the world, I've been repeatedly surprised at how relatively free some ...
LovinLarge comments on Jan 1, 2022:
I don't see any topless men in that picture.
LovinLarge replies on Jan 1, 2022:
@Sticks48 If that were true, the sexualization of female breasts would be universal among cis men and that is not my observation. I have known many men who recognize that the sexualization of things and places that are not inherently sexual is an affront to gender equality.
In my travels many places in the world, I've been repeatedly surprised at how relatively free some ...
LovinLarge comments on Jan 1, 2022:
I don't see any topless men in that picture.
LovinLarge replies on Jan 1, 2022:
@mischl This article says 33 states allow it, but I did not fact check it. I am saying that the motivation for the double standard is the sexualization of women's breasts, and I make this point because getting to the "why" might help us solve the problem.
In my travels many places in the world, I've been repeatedly surprised at how relatively free some ...
LovinLarge comments on Jan 1, 2022:
I don't see any topless men in that picture.
LovinLarge replies on Jan 1, 2022:
@mischl I don't think the female breast has been made illegitimate or shameful, I think it has been sexualized even though its fundamental purpose is biological.
for those worried about climate change but still have the ability to think for themselves.
Druvius comments on Dec 26, 2021:
An example of just how stupid a person can be? This really belongs in the humor section, there's no science here.
LovinLarge replies on Dec 27, 2021:
@callmedubious Why waste time on someone with an established conservative bias when there is a plethora of legitimate science available directly on topic? The invalid gross generalization contained in the last sentence of the article is enough for me to know not to take the author seriously.
for those worried about climate change but still have the ability to think for themselves.
LovinLarge comments on Dec 27, 2021:
Conservatively biased source.
LovinLarge replies on Dec 27, 2021:
@TheInterlooper Everyone doesn't write articles purporting to be scientific.
My cousin and her husband were very good friends for years with a couple that lived down the street ...
Druvius comments on Dec 27, 2021:
I'm pretty numb from this idiocy at this point.
LovinLarge replies on Dec 27, 2021:
@Druvius I must say that you have a way with words, my brother. This website is much richer for your participation.
My cousin and her husband were very good friends for years with a couple that lived down the street ...
Druvius comments on Dec 27, 2021:
I'm pretty numb from this idiocy at this point.
LovinLarge replies on Dec 27, 2021:
Yes, I would not have voted for an emergency to wipe out a million Americans, mostly conservatives, but hey, if they're doing it voluntarily, who am I to object?
My cousin and her husband were very good friends for years with a couple that lived down the street ...
racocn8 comments on Dec 27, 2021:
To the tune of 2000 per day...
LovinLarge replies on Dec 27, 2021:
I'm not even going to pretend that I will be sad that there will be fewer conservative voters.
My cousin and her husband were very good friends for years with a couple that lived down the street ...
Paul4747 comments on Dec 27, 2021:
I'm sorry to hear of their losing a friend. As you say, it's especially tragic when a death was easily preventable. Even when we decry and despair over people exposing themselves to needless disease and death, it's hard not to feel for the surviving family & friends. Well, in one case it isn't. I...
LovinLarge replies on Dec 27, 2021:
That is bizarre but thanks for sharing. I love my cousin dearly and I feel for her because she is a wonderful person. But to be honest, a surgery that I need is being delayed because our hospitals are overrun with unvaccinated patients and I resent that my health is being jeopardized by their idiocy. They are being given priority as a matter of triage but now that the evidence is in about the efficacy of vaccinations, I'm not sure this remains supportable.
Why do some women like threesomes and then get jealous of the third wheel?
Organist1 comments on Dec 25, 2021:
Not if it involves 2 men and a.woman!
LovinLarge replies on Dec 25, 2021:
He did the math wrong!
'It wasn't hard' he says, the cheeky bugger.
Fernapple comments on Dec 23, 2021:
Wonder what he would have got, if it was hard ?
LovinLarge replies on Dec 23, 2021:
A bigger prize!
Davekp comments on Dec 20, 2021:
It’s a rough season for so many. 😢 I have one friend who has already pushed herself to a hospital before things got worse. And another who has been fighting with her abusive ex non stop for almost a week. It’s killing her.. I don’t know what to do. It’s distressing. 😞
LovinLarge replies on Dec 20, 2021:
I think making sure those in the struggle have somewhere to turn is all we can do. You can't take on their struggle but you can stand beside them as they experience it. Going it alone is the worst. Keep up the good work.
Lately I am into the tantric Buddhism.
LovinLarge comments on Dec 20, 2021:
Let's see your evidence that Buddhism developed the Big Bang Theory more than 1200 years ago.
LovinLarge replies on Dec 20, 2021:
@PondartIncbendog Either way, she's wrong!
Just a news for the BLM haters and Jan 6 comparerers - man who burned stores during George Floyd ...
SnowyOwl comments on Dec 16, 2021:
I thought you were supposed to line traitors up against a wall in the public square and then shoot them by firing squad.
LovinLarge replies on Dec 16, 2021:
Who believes in the Big bang scientific creation myth?
Druvius comments on Dec 14, 2021:
Belief? Faith? You're conflating religion and science, either out of profound ignorance, or you are being disingenuous. In either case there's nothing to debate.
LovinLarge replies on Dec 14, 2021:
@Ryo1 What is someone who can't at least commit to being agnostic even doing here? Your ass should be run out of town.
Who believes in the Big bang scientific creation myth?
Druvius comments on Dec 14, 2021:
Belief? Faith? You're conflating religion and science, either out of profound ignorance, or you are being disingenuous. In either case there's nothing to debate.
LovinLarge replies on Dec 14, 2021:
@Ryo1 And as per yesterday's discussion, we atheists regard you as a religious apologist. In my case on the verge of being blocked as a time waster.
If there's one thing this platform needs, it's more badly thought out, bad-faith arguments from ...
Paul4747 comments on Dec 12, 2021:
Have you been reading skado's posts again?
LovinLarge replies on Dec 12, 2021:
@Toonman Those 2 members are bad enough but by far the worst of all is TheMiddleWay. Thank goodness for the blocking function.
For all the people that said white supremacists attacked jussie smollett, not one owned up to their...
LovinLarge comments on Dec 6, 2021:
Let's see your evidence of anyone saying that.
LovinLarge replies on Dec 7, 2021:
@Beachslim7 "just like I have 0 evidence that grass is green" Didn't quite make the Jr high debate team, did you? Did you even make Jr high?
For all the people that said white supremacists attacked jussie smollett, not one owned up to their...
LovinLarge comments on Dec 6, 2021:
Let's see your evidence of anyone saying that.
LovinLarge replies on Dec 7, 2021:
@Beachslim7 I proved that not all grass is green because you said it was. On the other hand, you failed to prove any of your factual allegations. You have no credibility here.
For all the people that said white supremacists attacked jussie smollett, not one owned up to their...
LovinLarge comments on Dec 6, 2021:
Let's see your evidence of anyone saying that.
LovinLarge replies on Dec 6, 2021:
@Beachslim7 Not all grass is green, Einstein.
For all the people that said white supremacists attacked jussie smollett, not one owned up to their...
LovinLarge comments on Dec 6, 2021:
Let's see your evidence of anyone saying that.
LovinLarge replies on Dec 6, 2021:
@Beachslim7 You have still produced zero evidence to support your claim regarding "lots of people".
For all the people that said white supremacists attacked jussie smollett, not one owned up to their...
LovinLarge comments on Dec 6, 2021:
Let's see your evidence of anyone saying that.
LovinLarge replies on Dec 6, 2021:
@Beachslim7 I hate to break this to you but you saying shit doesn't constitute evidence. Produce credible evidence of such allegations or stop lying.
Its illegal to talk while eating thanks to maskers? []
Willow_Wisp comments on Dec 6, 2021:
What's your deal, are you one of the people that doesn't believe in germ theory or something? Like dude, can you even science, not even a little? I'd appreciate your post about stupid people if you were pointing out how insane they were, but you don't appear to be doing that. If I'm correct and ...
LovinLarge replies on Dec 6, 2021:
@Beachslim7 Nothing in your video credibly challenged masking.
I can feel my mental health taking a turn for the worse.
LovinLarge comments on Nov 29, 2021:
I used to spend half an hour commenting on posts like yours and most of the time the OP never ever acknowledged my response. Without knowing if they had read my words, I ended up feeling like I had wasted my time. So I decided in these cases it would be wise to ask if comments were indeed ...
LovinLarge replies on Nov 29, 2021:
@Jurnee Thank you, I appreciate that. I'm really glad you used this forum to organize your thoughts. I presume you know that successful mental health treatment almost always begins with the development of some type of relationship, often a doctor or a therapist. The truth is that everyone at some point(s) in their lives needs help and someone to talk to. Everyone feels broken and lost at some point. People who look down on those that are struggling are not the people who will be able to help you anyway. I feel very sad that you've been cheated out of a relationship with your daughter and she, you. Obviously this is wrong and hurtful to both of you. But situations have a way of evolving over time so we don't know for certain that this is permanent situation. But they are your present circumstances and I want to offer a comment which will be hard to hear at first but I am hoping will ease your pain slightly until things change. If not, please accept my apology. I have some experience with custodial situations. The guiding principle is "the best interest of the child". Now obviously the child's interest is best served by having as many people in her life that love her as possible. You can't be part of her life for the time being but I wonder if it wouldn't serve your interests for right now if you could reframe your focus from being in her life to deriving satisfaction from knowing that she appears happy and healthy and loved. These are truly the foundation of "the best interest of the child". I hope you will always feel free to come back and discuss your struggles. Often another member will be going through something similar and will benefit from your words. I appreciate the time you took to tell us of your experience and hope things improve for you over time. All you can do is your best.
Ok, foodies: I’ve made turkey rice soup, added a bunch of Better Than Bouillon to the stock, ...
PondartIncbendog comments on Nov 27, 2021:
I would add a few newts, a spider or two, and one large mouse.
LovinLarge replies on Nov 27, 2021:
It couldn't help but be more flavorful!
I like how she calls it a "shocking moment".
Organist1 comments on Nov 27, 2021:
Self defense? Yeah, right.
LovinLarge replies on Nov 27, 2021:
Pretty sure we are just at the beginning of the explosion of bs self defense arguments. Thanks a whole hell of a lot, Kyle.
Which decision will have the greater social impact and why?
nicestuff comments on Nov 24, 2021:
It's too soon after the Arbery decision to tell the reaction on social media, but the Rittenhouse acquittal brought out a lot of self-righteous gloating by the guns 'n god crowd. The Arbery murder may be too starkly heinous (and intentional) for racists to have much PR wiggle room. All the ...
LovinLarge replies on Nov 24, 2021:
Enjoyed reading that, thank you. I am at a loss over how the taking of a life can be anything but a last resort.
Which decision will have the greater social impact and why?
Beowulfsfriend comments on Nov 24, 2021:
One has to realize that the Arbery case almost didn't happen. The cops and 2 DAs said no charges. Only after the video got released and the FBI got involved, 4 months later, did any charges occur. The system remains broken. With Rittenhouse, it is more the law which has an out for "self defense," ...
LovinLarge replies on Nov 24, 2021:
All good points, thank you. I am deeply concerned about the implications of the Rittenhouse verdict. Time will tell.
Not an excuse...
LucyLoohoo comments on Nov 20, 2021:
Sounds very much like a GOP idea, doesn't it?
LovinLarge replies on Nov 20, 2021:
They live in fear.