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Guinea pigs. They're not just for eating anymore.


Have you ever taken a BDSM quiz?
Mooolah comments on Jul 9, 2018:
The site threw me out. I was too vanilla and repulsed them. Now they banned me from the site.
What's the longest amount of time you've gone without ?
Mooolah comments on Jul 9, 2018:
15 glorious wonderful unencumbered years. So long, I have joined born again virgin anonymous. Not having the complications & investments that intimate relationships require have made me able to embrace freedom as never when I was an active participant. This is what makes me deviant. I enjoy saying "no".
I must admit I’m very new at dating again.
Mooolah comments on Jul 9, 2018:
Wishing you success in your search.
I want to date, but here’s my dilemma: I’m dealing with health issues and financial setbacks ...
Mooolah comments on Jul 9, 2018:
Aren't many of us. You will find here that there is a bunch of us who are no longer in the game. We are here for entertainment, knowledge & comradery. Good luck in your search.
I’ve recently noticed an interest in being completely dominated in bed while simultaneously not ...
Mooolah comments on Jul 9, 2018:
This is especially true of men who are in positions of great authority & power. In public their personna has to be one of an alpha & dominant. So often the only respite is in the boudoir. Now that women are actualizing their power in public the same phenom may be occurring.
How many of you miss Craigslist classifieds?
Mooolah comments on Jul 9, 2018:
Well it certainly made for an interesting read.
Adult Virgins
Mooolah comments on Jul 9, 2018:
I don't care what anyone thinks. If ya wanna be a virgin who cares? At least your STD acquisitions are certainly going to be less. Thus is one reason virgin women are coveted. In Iran or Saudi Arabia hymen reconstruction is a necessity. Guys? Hire someone or visit a brothel in Pahrump Nevada. Nothin' wrong with that.
Thoughts on sexual profile question?
Mooolah comments on Jul 9, 2018:
Watch. The men will vote yes. The women mostly no. I don't care if I am not required to fill it out. It is no ones business but my own.
One pillow, two pillows or more?
Mooolah comments on Jul 9, 2018:
I am permitted one pillow. My sleeping dog gets the other 5.
What are some of your favorite movies with a cat as a major character.
Mooolah comments on Jul 9, 2018:
The Incredible Journey. The original not the remake. A true story of resilientcy.
Monarchs need our help on so many fronts.
Mooolah comments on Jul 9, 2018:
Worse is the deforestation in Mexico of their wintering location. Currently the new generation of Mexican environmentalists are reforesting what was poached of the forest. As it was thinned out it permitted colder air & high winds to challenge the survival of these remarkable creatures. So potted plants were brought in to shield them. As a member of the Nature Conservancy I purchased acreage with the organization to preserve their habitat. We are making progress as their numbers are increasing in their winter home. Join an organization to use the power of our numbers to pressure governments in this endeavor.
Mooolah comments on Jul 9, 2018:
19 million hits on youtube TED talk. As an X-extrovert, I am now back to being what I have always felt more natural for me. A big mouth introvert.
Go ahead, try not to laugh. I nearly spewed my coffee this morning!
Mooolah comments on Jul 9, 2018:
Those poor evangelicals. Mullets & bad mullets.
So how did they take pics of the first atomic bombs?
Mooolah comments on Jul 9, 2018:
How? From great distances. But not far enough as the down winders & the soldiers as experimental subjects will attest. Seeing the mushroom cloud in the distance looking west from downtown Las Vegas just gives me the creeps as I grew up in the 1950's. The last above ground detonation was in 64 or 5. The radiation went east or north then east. Idaho & Montana were hit hard.But there were detonation get togethers outside of Las Vegas where the pink cloud was admired from grand stands full of tourists. I believe many of my medical issues with immunity were influenced by moms exposure prenatally. I remember dad saying, "Well they blew up another one." Isn't this fun?
We like hyacinth vines as ornamentals, and pollenator/humming bird attractors.
Mooolah comments on Jul 9, 2018:
Excellent. My mother grew them but called them castor beans. They are not. Like so many other things she got wrong. All parts are edible tho the uncooked beans are toxic. Such a beauty.
So, do introverts have friends that are also introverts, and do you ever sit around and discuss your...
Mooolah comments on Jul 9, 2018:
My 2 house mates are introverts. We hardly see each other & we all get it as to why.
MEN: What would your reason be for asking a woman what she does for a living, upon meeting her?
Mooolah comments on Jul 9, 2018:
I breathe, eat , drink & be merry for a living. No not that kind of MARRY. =0}
A New Mystery .
Mooolah comments on Jul 9, 2018:
Share that kohlrabi or the insects it is eating off of that cruciferous.
What are some causes of introvertism?
Mooolah comments on Jul 9, 2018:
I am sorry for your trauma. I am happy tho that you have healed the wounds. When I came to accept that society was mostly dominated by hypocrites & miscreants, I bailed. My animals never did the things to me that humans did to them as rescues. I can not abide most people. Such is why I am an atheist introvert rabid environmentalist.
Perfect Boyfriend
Mooolah comments on Jul 9, 2018:
Gave up the search. It is an illusion.
Sons of Cannabis
Mooolah comments on Jul 9, 2018:
Stoner Chicks
Mooolah comments on Jul 9, 2018:
'Sept I don't look like these babes.
Why Do So Many Incompetent Men Become Leaders?
Mooolah comments on Jul 9, 2018:
Ever since the mono theism cults took over male dominance has been the rule. At one time women were revered as the givers of life. Then Moses came up with 640 rules & it has been down hill from there. The other continents had their own voyage into patriarchy whereby physical strength due to testosterone became subjugation of women. We need to take back our power but alas we do not have the nuclear bomb. They do.
What I'm going to say is controversial .
Mooolah comments on Jul 9, 2018:
If applied to any other person it would be considered assault. Why is it accepted to use violence on a child is perplexing to me just as is torture. It is very prominent in the black community extended it is surmised, from a history of plantation over seers abusing physically their charges. Professional sport players beating children seemed acceptable in the context of "we all got whoopings as kids". A 225 pound man beating a 40 lb child is not a whooping. It is a dangerous cruel anachronistic method of punishment that landed him in court & in parenting classes. Do not beat or assault your children.
It's Monday morning. Why aren't you at work?
Mooolah comments on Jul 9, 2018:
Retired at 53. Every day is Monday or not. I don't really pay attention to the days as I have servants.
I don't know if bugs constitute as wildlife but I moved to Florida a year ago and I have quite a ...
Mooolah comments on Jul 9, 2018:
Good for you realizing the value of insect wildlife. So important in the balance which humans are disrupting. Enjoy the show & enjoy learning about invertebrates. A whole world of discovery is awaiting you.
I'm writing on behalf of the Monarch Butterfly.
Mooolah comments on Jul 9, 2018:
In a heartbeat. We have to begin somewhere. But this is a mountain to climb which the pinnacle will not be reached in our lifetime, under this administration or ever. Be prepared for disappointment. I propose eliminating some roads altogether. You have my realistic support.
I found a brilliant post, it says EXACTLY what I think.
Mooolah comments on Jul 9, 2018:
There is no excuse for supporting this ..............aberration. There is none. I can not abide such toxicity in my country tho we have in the past. I had thought we had made progress but I was mistaken. 33%-40% of the nation supports a despot & the dismantling of our Constitutional protections. That there are " good" people as Nazi's & the KKK who are the antithesis of our values. We will not go back to those days. We will not!
To Russia With Love ?
Mooolah comments on Jul 9, 2018:
Thinking the same thing, His lips are placed too high up.
This is obviously some sort of moth. Which kind?
Mooolah comments on Jul 9, 2018:
Insectra might know. As you probably know, moths are one of the last vestages of study. Ignored for a long time.
Mooolah comments on Jul 8, 2018:
Don't pray.....VOTE. Paper ballot November 6th. America needs us. She is in grave danger.
The first and the last.
Mooolah comments on Jul 8, 2018:
I have asparagus growing wild on my property. By the time I remember to check on them in the spring they have gone to leaf. One stalk had to be about 5 inches in circumference. Probably one tough stalk.
Ivanka/China business during trade war. ? [politico.]
Mooolah comments on Jul 8, 2018:
How is it that anyone purchases any of their products. Really!
A friend in Ecuador sent me this pic of his garden and I thought I would share it with you.
Mooolah comments on Jul 8, 2018:
La Llorona....the weeper. A beautiful song. My favorite rendition is sung by Tish Hinojosa Those cactus are very old & spectacular. I so enjoy cactus being a child of the mid west.
I'll need to make some filler from stuff from the woodpile. But it looks like a pretty good fit.
Mooolah comments on Jul 8, 2018:
You must never get into trouble. You are always so busy until cocktail hour.
A family of Canada Geese joined me while fly fishing the Arkansas River this weekend.
Mooolah comments on Jul 8, 2018:
I was pleased to see that you enjoyed the geese. These prolific birds were once endangered. It always perplexes me that humans change the environment & then complain when creatures find it to there liking. Such as gulf courses. Attractive to Canadian geese. Then there are the sharks & alligators that "infest" waters. It's their habitat for goodness sakes. We are the infestation. Viruses with shoes. Per Bill Hicks.
Looking for some advice if I may: in the last year I have gained 20 pounds much to my dismay and ...
Mooolah comments on Jul 8, 2018:
A physical to ascertain if there is a medical issue or a lifestyle issue. If all things look normal then it means giving up carbs, eating colors, no soda diet or not, avoid the sugar, drink water, & try to eat from other cultures. Northern euro diet was meant for working outdoors in cold weather with lots of physical labor. Corporate food isn't & fast food isn't nutritious. Start small & make continuous remedial efforts in fine tuning your eating habits & lifestyle choices. Soda water is fine if you miss the burn. Then if you can, walk fast, walk fast often.
I learned , I needed to pay attention to what others had to say about other people , in order to ...
Mooolah comments on Jul 7, 2018:
Your credit score is more important than your income. This child has her own so why would I care if someone doesn't have their own if their credit score show ethical & responsible behavior., Unlike our President who has a habit of stiffing his contractual agreements & declaring bankruptcy 6 times. He has no income as he owes everything to Putin so income is irrelevant.
Hello! I just found this group this morning.
Mooolah comments on Jul 7, 2018:
Mary Jane. Give it a foreign sounding name that those brownies from that country south of the border & we can scare the hell out of Protestant white proper missionary position in the dark only suburban mediocre middle class folks. You know. The real Americans. Yep. Those of us here know this whole Mari Juana nonsense.
New user, new kitty.
Mooolah comments on Jul 7, 2018:
Oh what a silly Milo! =0}
True story!
Mooolah comments on Jul 7, 2018:
Oh it's coming.
Freedom seeker
Mooolah comments on Jul 7, 2018:
It is a vast & varied country this United States of ours.
Rude neighbors: What is your preferred method of dealing with them?
Mooolah comments on Jul 7, 2018:
I avoid neighbors as much as possible. I am an INTROVERT.
Rude neighbors: What is your preferred method of dealing with them?
Mooolah comments on Jul 7, 2018:
I avoid neighbors as much as possible. I am an INTROVERT.
Spotting Fake News Stories- Perhaps We Can Use This as a Guide? What Do You Think?
Mooolah comments on Jul 7, 2018:
Oh those are all fake news. How do I know? Why Trump told me. He gets all his news from the internet. He said.."What do I know? I only know what I read on the internet." So there!
10 Disgusting Facts About Fast Food-Do You Eat It?
Mooolah comments on Jul 7, 2018:
The only fast food I eat is Popeye's spicy chicken. I am near vegetarian but I have my guilty pleasure. If I want to eat & "they" come home with Popeye's I go there. I am not proud. I am guilty. :0{
This question is going to be controversial, but with the subject matter it's to be expected.
Mooolah comments on Jul 7, 2018:
Racism is the belief that by virtue of birth or DNA or genetics one race is superior o another. So my dear sister girl, you do what is right for you. Culturally I would not choose to date an American black man as once was enough. I would date an African American man who fit my criteria. Culturally black American men are similar to men of the 1950's. Stay home, cook, clean & stay pregnant without me being around much. NOT! You my dear are struggling up stream against the tide of black male sexism & I applaud you for demanding your autonomy. This doesn't make on racist. It makes one a strong, independant American woman. Hear me roar. Vote in '18.
I recently read "BARBARIANS How Baby Boomers, Immigrants and Islam Screwed My Generation" by Lauren ...
Mooolah comments on Jul 7, 2018:
Whining! Gird up your loins & stop whining, whining, whining. How life & those guys & those others did you wrong. Such a bag of hubris.
From around Sandhill Conservancy in Wood County. WI Dogbane Beetle Diana Fritillary Eyed Brown
Mooolah comments on Jul 7, 2018:
Love it. You sure do get around.
Possible eating disorder?
Mooolah comments on Jul 6, 2018:
No. It is called guilt. She knows she shouldn't be eating something without nutrition & so she is feeling guilty. Give up the carbs & eat colors & foods from different cultures. Drink water or iced tea. Get rid of the soda.
I live 10 miles from a river of lava.
Mooolah comments on Jul 6, 2018:
Hard to tell where those fissures might appear.
What do you think of the work of the underground Nazi Hunters travelling the world post WW2 hunting ...
Mooolah comments on Jul 6, 2018:
Simon Weisenthal, the Mosad, the Klarsfelds Serge & Beate were instrumental in realizing justice when others were occupied with Soviet expansionism. The Pope assisted the escape of many as the opposition to Communism overshadowed even the most horrific behavior imaginable exhibited by the 3rd Reich. It is a crime in itself that justice was never served for the worst events ever committed in history. & it will repeat itself as we do not learn from history. It is not a priority in our educational system. The result sits in the Oval Office today.
We want our right to cannabis
Mooolah comments on Jul 6, 2018:
Keeping those private for profit prisons filled with non violent stoners.
I'm so depressed.
Mooolah comments on Jul 6, 2018:
This will pass with time. You are grieving the bond that has now been broken. Dear woman. You must work thru it & each day provides a new opportunity to do so. Just as with a death the grieving process requires effort. No one deserves being treated "shitty". Do not sit & lament or brood. Occupy your mind & join a gym or an art class.The sooner you get out there the better you will feel & the closer you will be to your goal of healing. Wishing you the best. You can do it.
What is different, if anything, between being a shy person and an introvert?
Mooolah comments on Jul 6, 2018:
Extrovert = enjoys being around people introvert = enjoys being in solitude
You Don't Like Me?
Mooolah comments on Jul 6, 2018:
Happy Dance!
One-Third of Americans Don't Believe 6 Million Jews Were Murdered During the Holocaust
Mooolah comments on Jul 6, 2018:
This isn't a matter of uneducated Americans. This is an example of people who trust conspiracy theories because it confirms their feelings of mistrust, of hatred of the other, their embrace of fascism & National Socialism, the belief that caucazoids are superior ie racism, & yearning for the days when they could invoke vigilanty atrocities with no consequences. That 30% would watch as 30% would take children & put them in cages, & 30% stood by is the real danger. The 10% who would take action are the true patriots.
I posted this earlier In the Gardeners group, but had actually intended to post it here.
Mooolah comments on Jul 5, 2018:
Thoughts on relationships
Mooolah comments on Jul 4, 2018:
Patience has a limit on the amount of time invested. There is a boundary. Wasting time is open ended with little product realized for ones investment.
Really sad.
Mooolah comments on Jul 3, 2018: And one more
Really sad.
Mooolah comments on Jul 3, 2018:
Forgive me I am a link posting amateur. I think I gave a choice of politically neutral links.
Really sad.
Mooolah comments on Jul 3, 2018:
Really sad.
Mooolah comments on Jul 3, 2018:
I managed to overwinter three Eastern black swallowtail chrysalises in my unheated garage and ...
Mooolah comments on Jul 3, 2018:
How wonderful! Props to you! =0}
Really sad.
Mooolah comments on Jul 3, 2018: Here is a link from the newspaper in the midst of the crisis.
Need advice! Neighbor complained to my township about my "long grass and weeds" in my backyard.
Mooolah comments on Jul 3, 2018:
I would mow an area surrounding the prairie so it appears not to be abandoned or neglected. I would plant a barrier of arbor vitae evergreens so the neighbors will not see your property. A privacy fence is what I put up as the first thing I did on my property after the plantings, but there is the financial aspects. No matter what you do, these neighbors will not be happy. But preventing them from having access to seeing your prairie Is a nice way of giving them the to speak. Check with your zoning regulations. Been there done that. I used my zoning regulations against them & for my prairie. Make it look like a garden by mowing a border around it until you decide what to do in the long run. Save parts of the prairie but make it look like a garden.
I am hurting my brain with this one so I need a little help.
Mooolah comments on Jul 3, 2018:
Ofcourse you are aware that one cannot rescue anyone but themselves when it comes to trauma. Your altruism is admirable. Your resilience is what has sustained you. Before you make a decision you may regret, think long & deeply of the consequences of not letting sleeping dogs lay. There is a yearning in you that for the moment seems to be consuming you. The moment may pass. The invitation to toxicity may not. Do really want the complications in your life that contact may result in? Perhaps you might follow her for a while on social media & get a sense of where she is in her life. Remember one can not rescue anyone but ones self regarding brain issues. One should never or shall I say rarely act upon emotion. Especially emotions based on "a connection" which tends to be one of pheromones & a need of the moment. For me this has always resulted in regret. You can not save her. Your urge should pass. Work thru this desire before you make any decision. Your cooler mind should prevail.
Evangelist Says Christians Should Run For School Boards to End LGBTQ Advocacy – Friendly Atheist
Mooolah comments on Jul 2, 2018:
This began in the 80's whereby the Christian Coalition advocated for taking over school boards. It has resulted in a very bad actor running our country. Beware the extremists.
Lawn Care and Gardening Myths One of the myths I have heard since I was just a lad was that you ...
Mooolah comments on Jul 2, 2018:
I have 3.8 acres. 2 acres in restored prairie. 1/2 in a pond with fish & wetland spillway. Another acre in oak savannah woodland & about 1/4 in mowed/chicken run/dog kennel. My miniscule piece holds also the house. As little lawn as possible. No watering & little mowing. Lawns are a monoculture of a suburban 1950's conquer nature mentality. Nope!
I don't know how many are ready for this one.
Mooolah comments on Jul 2, 2018:
Thanks for the warning! I shared it with the Kinky Lifestyle group. I wish I was still a member of the Conservatives Atheist Group.....but I couldn't take it. It was affecting my health as I was projectile vomiting dailey from all the genuflecting on/for this Commander in Cheat. I had to bail.
Cucumber pineapple juice with fresh basil, peppermint, and rosemary juiced in to it also.
Mooolah comments on Jul 2, 2018:
It resonates cool, & I mean very cooling libation.
Human flesh consumption ; could you , would you ,and under what circumstances would partake
Mooolah comments on Jul 2, 2018:
No problem. It would not be my 1st choice & I don't have any confidence that I could murder for sustenance. But once dead it is every woman for herself.
List of dates predicted for apocalyptic events - Wikipedia
Mooolah comments on Jul 2, 2018:
Thanks., Now I can prepare.
Number 1, this is cool number 2
Mooolah comments on Jul 2, 2018:
Any antique scat affecianotos here?
Number 1, this is cool number 2
Mooolah comments on Jul 2, 2018:
$39,000.00 Viking shit.
This is gross . . . But inquiring minds want to know!
Mooolah comments on Jul 2, 2018:
What are you a scatologist?
What is your position on abortion.
Mooolah comments on Jul 2, 2018:
Keep it legal, safe & rare. Love children. Not zygotes.
Any cheese addict? Which one is the best cheese in UK?
Mooolah comments on Jul 2, 2018:
As a child I was on a restricted diet & it was only as an adult that cheese entered my food consumption realm. There is not a cheese I have tasted that I don't like except smoked or processed by a mass production corporation. I live near Monroe Wisconsin where the only limburger cheese producer left in the USA is located. I hope to visit the company. Perhaps with a gas mask.
So what do you guys look for in a partner, and how do you rank it?
Mooolah comments on Jul 2, 2018:
Men think women won't change ....and they do. Women think men will change..... and they don't.
Does anyone get offended by the term selfish being used describe them and their decision not be a ...
Mooolah comments on Jul 2, 2018:
I have never understood that concept. I always argued that having children was selfish. One born every 4 seconds. 7.5 billion. Virus with shoes as Bill Hicks once said. The next decades are going to be tough on the planet. With mass movements of climate change refugees. The planet will survive. We won't. I have no spawn to worry over. It is a good thing.
What's the best, most meaningful, rewarding, or amazing job you've ever had?
Mooolah comments on Jul 2, 2018:
Job as employment? None. Job as life purpose? Nursing a sick/injured animal back to health. If wild then releasing it into the. An added joy.
Pick One-Where Are You ?
Mooolah comments on Jul 2, 2018:
I am single. I like being single. I am going to remain single. If the cosmos drops someone into my sphere.....whatever.
Do you even read the previous responses before you spout your opinion on the topic?
Mooolah comments on Jul 1, 2018:
Nope. My opinion is the correct one & the only one that matters. Thank you for your support. =0}
My Sunday morning tofu scramble.
Mooolah comments on Jul 1, 2018:
You're hired.
What are your fetishes?
Mooolah comments on Jul 1, 2018:
Pahleeezzze. I have enough stalkers even without a photo. Vanilllllllla. =0}
The Trump of Ancient Greece. This has happened before. ://
Mooolah comments on Jul 1, 2018:
Remember the militia movement prior to the Timothy McVeigh Oklahoma City Federal Building bombing? They are all in the Trump Cult trance. & any history we do teach anymore is superficial.
I thought that most people on this website had some intelligence, but tonight proved me wrong
Mooolah comments on Jul 1, 2018:
You are just trying to stir up a lot of reaction so you get points to that Tee shirt we are whoring over.
Is the purpose of this site really just dating?
Mooolah comments on Jul 1, 2018:
Not much dating here but that is not to say it doesn't happen.
Any Latinos in the group?
Mooolah comments on Jul 1, 2018:
There are various Hispanic groups under the GROUP icon. Que bueno para los todos. Mi hermana , ella este de Monterray, Nuevo Leon, Estados Unidos de Mexico. Mi espaniol no es muy bueno, pero yo necessita mas practicar.
Do you have a room in your home that is "your room?
Mooolah comments on Jul 1, 2018:
I have the entire top floor of the modified A frame. It is called "Keep Out". He is confined to his area the master bedroom with his own bathroom. I call it "the bunker". Please sign this disclaimer prior to entering. It is a disaster & I urge all to enter at their own risk. He has access to communal areas, the garage, the kitchen. Not the other rooms as he would trash that too. He has an area of the basement & that is a nightmare. He is necessary for the income .....& so am I. Stuck.
I keep going to group things (examples: Pride Parade, immigration family separation protest) that ...
Mooolah comments on Jun 30, 2018:
I smoke a joint.
Its no longer a choice we all have to vote we are in crisis and about to become a dictatorship
Mooolah comments on Jun 30, 2018:
71,000,000 did not vote in'16 & here we are. Putin's slow coup d'etat is succeeding and the cultists just can't see it.
I had an I interesting conversation with a guy at work that I know call tampon about illegal ...
Mooolah comments on Jun 30, 2018:
55,000 illegal Irish. But they are the right color.
I am depressed by the appearance of the number of trumpie supporters.
Mooolah comments on Jun 30, 2018:
They are cultists. No matter how much one REASONS with them, they just deny and follow the leader over the abyss. Just go but don't take the world with you.
Any punk fans on here?
Mooolah comments on Jun 30, 2018:
'Ya mean like DEVO? Whip it. Whip it good. =0}
Well so much for points.
Mooolah comments on Jun 30, 2018:
From what I am reading your sacrifice will bring you good karma if not a Tee shirt.
Sadness is on my mind today.
Mooolah comments on Jun 30, 2018:
I am so very sorry. Please heal soon.
Will the legalization of marijuana in so many states lead to better caliber of police recruits?
Mooolah comments on Jun 30, 2018:
No. But they will have the time to arrest real criminals instead of passive stoners.
A majority of ( not all) religious organizations suck the community dry of funds.
Mooolah comments on Jun 30, 2018:
Well surprise churches. The new Trump tax law requires non for profits to pay taxes on their employee perks such as lunches, or parking spaces. The only item in the tax law I agree with.
When I was a kid, I found my dad's stash of Playboy mags.
Mooolah comments on Jun 30, 2018:
I still have some favorites in my scrap book. He was the best.


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You were a great red cat Tula.
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