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Guinea pigs. They're not just for eating anymore.


Is this it?
Mooolah comments on Jun 8, 2018:
With a site name like that you must be 13 years old & should not be on an adult site.
Let us not forget who's father was part of this clan.
Mooolah comments on Jun 8, 2018:
"Fine people"? More like traitors to America's purpose. Disgraceful.
Earlier today, Sens.
Mooolah comments on Jun 7, 2018:
Yes . I postedearlier. NORML has a petition supporting this bi partisan bill. We all should take the few minutes to fill in the info & send this letter to our Congressional Representatives. I did.
Do you care or worry or get embarrassed if your pets see you naked?
Mooolah comments on Jun 7, 2018:
I am concerned I might scare them. =0}
Why Won't Congress Stop Herr Trump?
Mooolah comments on Jun 7, 2018:
TRump is appointing young right wing judges which will affect our lives for decades. McConnell & Ryan couldn't be more pleased.
Dem Senator Joe Manchin: ‘I’m Open to Supporting’ Trump in 2020" - The West Virginia ...
Mooolah comments on Jun 7, 2018:
Hey Joe. How's those coal mine operation fixes going? Get out of the coal business & train our miners in other professions. Coal is over with. Teach new skills for the future. Such as automation repair.
A monster snapping turtle that's living in the canal on my way home from work.
Mooolah comments on Jun 7, 2018:
Feckless cunt
Mooolah comments on Jun 7, 2018:
Newly hatched Polyphemus moth caterpillars.
Mooolah comments on Jun 7, 2018:
What do you miss about being a kid?
Mooolah comments on Jun 7, 2018:
Not having the faintest idea of what a bill was.
Where's The Winning?
Mooolah comments on Jun 7, 2018:
"You'll be so tired of winning." Maybe it is better that he is not winning his agenda.
I Love The Poorly Educated
Mooolah comments on Jun 7, 2018:
This is one of my favorite quates from the Donald. He loves them because they voted for him. I find very few folks of better education that support him. We are doomed if we don't address the failure of educating our youth.
Canada legalizes it All eyes on Canada as first G7 nation prepares to make marijuana legal From ...
Mooolah comments on Jun 6, 2018:
Canada is closer than Colorado. GOD BLESS CANADA! Just saying.
Could you stay isolated for five days in total isolation as an asocial experiment?
Mooolah comments on Jun 6, 2018:
Only 5 days? Not enough
Newly hatched Citheronia regalis larvae: baby hickory horned devils.
Mooolah comments on Jun 6, 2018:
What do you like to do that is traditionally considered feminine?
Mooolah comments on Jun 6, 2018:
I paint my toenails to attract attention. I have beautiful feet. I like to wear dresses when it is insufferably hot. Dresses are so ventilated.
Upset about being called a racist?
Mooolah comments on Jun 6, 2018:
A racist is someone who believes in the superiority on one ":race" over another by virtue of their DNA. All racists prejudge. All prejudiced are not racists. The word is being misused constantly. I am ready to take on any MAN in a dark alley regardless of their DNA origins. I am prejudiced but not a racist.
As an atheist living in the bible belt, it is difficult to meet like minded women.
Mooolah comments on Jun 6, 2018:
Get out of Oklahoma.
More goodness
Mooolah comments on Jun 6, 2018:
Why is it that when I am even near cigarette smoke (its the paper) I have an asthma attack? I smoke cannabis & have no negative reaction. Cannabis is an anti inflammatory. It eases the inflamation in my lungs. Astounding plant.
You might just NEED this one....
Mooolah comments on Jun 6, 2018:
Oh my! =0}
Anyone experienced at growing grapes?
Mooolah comments on Jun 6, 2018:
Requires attention. Pruning, protection from the birds. My neighbor has a vineyard & has elicited help as he can't handle the enormity. However if you don't mind sharing with the creatures & the blight, & the training, & pruning....just let 'em go, I would certainly grow some.
If you greet someone (ie you're a greeter) and they tell you they were blocked and created a new ...
Mooolah comments on Jun 6, 2018:
I dare not post a . Not that I am a 10, but it causes me problems. So I don't.
What do younger women think when older women say such things about rape and being raped?
Mooolah comments on Jun 6, 2018:
Does she want to stir up publicity for a new book? Never was a fan as I saw her as self serving. But I would never stifle her. She has the right to voice her views. I just think she enjoys stirring the pot for the sake of doing it. Not to advance the feminist cause. Give me Bella Abzug, or Gloria Steinam.
Did you here the Good News? We have proof of God!
Mooolah comments on Jun 6, 2018:
I don't have time for nonsense. Actually I do have time as I am retired & have nothing but time....but not for this nonsense. Nice picture tho.
MC Hammer is a friend of mine.
Mooolah comments on Jun 6, 2018:
I had a rooster named MC Hammer. He had huge feathers which looked like Hammer's parachute pants. & he was a very black, beautiful fluffy rooster. I hear he is big in Utah & tours with Vanilla Ice. I'd go!
Do you patronize religious businesses or do you avoid?
Mooolah comments on Jun 6, 2018:
If they are bigots then I won't patronize. If they are embracing then I will. No Hobby Lobby ,Crackle Barrel or Chick- fil- a for this atheist. Corporate bigots funding miscreants in our government.
Anti-vaccine is a religion
Mooolah comments on Jun 6, 2018:
I know an anti vacciner & I feel she has put her 2 sons in peril. She moved from California as the state now requires vaccination for school. She moved to Arizona where it is not required. Herd immunity has its merits but with our FDA being so strict, I think I prefer every vaccine on the market. She went with the whole autism panic & the mercury infusion. I do not speak to her about it as she is highly defensive of her position.
Being on this site has caused me to do a lot of thinking about myself and how I feel about some ...
Mooolah comments on Jun 6, 2018:
Link worked. I am walking down a new street. & I am looking for holes in order to walk around them or find a new street. The street I am on doesn't have any large holes so it is all good.
Does it have to be wet first?
Mooolah comments on Jun 6, 2018:
I am totally clueless.
Proud to be a resister.
Mooolah comments on Jun 6, 2018:
I have always been labeled as a trouble maker by those who go along in order to get along. I just can't do that. I am a resister when I see injustice & it gets me in trouble. But I don't mind resisting assholes & fascists & the complacent. I have no police record & have lost battles but I tend to win wars. This one against the miscreants running our current government require resistance at the ballot box. I hope it doesn't require realizing the 2nd Amendment & armed resistance, via a military coup by tRump supporters.
Democrats Flip Missouri Senate Seat Long Held By GOP It’s the 42nd state legislative seat that ...
Mooolah comments on Jun 6, 2018:
Good news. Keep the momentum going. Vote!
Looks like I'm in good company, has anyone else tried magic mushrooms or LSD? []
Mooolah comments on Jun 6, 2018:
Psilocybin is a much more enjoyable mind vacation than LSD but I am only speaking for myself. In the right circumstances & the right dose, hallucinogenic mushrooms are more visually pleasant, less intense, less in duration with less of a crash. A far more gentle landing & preferable to the synthetic LSD. Life is about experiences & I had plenty in my youth. I seek less experiences as I cross them off of my bucket list. The phobia the Nixon administration introduced into government research on these chemicals is finally waining. The use of these hallucinogenics in a guided controlled environment is finding a useful place in the treatment of severe PTSD.
Things that annoy you far more than they should.
Mooolah comments on Jun 6, 2018:
Squeezing the toothpaste from the middle. Leaving the toilet seat up. Keep out of my lavatory. Cigarette butts. Use an ash tray or a trash receptacle. It's LITTER. Helium balloons that escape & get stuck in my trees. Trash placed in the back of a pickup truck that then flies onto the highway. I have seen men do this often. Over using the word "like" is current fashion. & the word "get" replacing the verb "to be". "Get indicted" as opposed to "Is/was indicted". No wonder I am a nervous norvous. I need a joint.
Introvert are silent people who are more concerned bout their environment not too out of the box but...
Mooolah comments on Jun 6, 2018:
This is your opinion. Fact must be proven. You can not just say it to make it so. Introverts are not necessarily quiet, I have learned. Introverts merely prefer solitaire over socializing.
What is the up-side to having kids?
Mooolah comments on Jun 6, 2018:
Kids? Someone to care for you in your old age. Someone to leave all of the crap one has accumulated over the decades. Someone to talk about you after the grim reaper reaps. Someone to pass on ones defective DNA.
This point system that I seem to be climbing in rapidly.
Mooolah comments on Jun 6, 2018:
It is our obsession with securing that Tee shirt, at level 8. But level 8 is very difficult to attain. It requires extreme focus, foregoing all else in ones life. I have practically given up eating & sleeping. =0}
Should Burning an American Flag be illegal?
Mooolah comments on Jun 5, 2018:
As I understand it, the proper way of disposing of the flag IS to burn it.
Today's White House Press Conference:Sarah Huckabee Sanders was out of control today and attacked ...
Mooolah comments on Jun 5, 2018:
She needs to stop sucking on lemons.
Trump doesn't know the words to "God Bless America" []
Mooolah comments on Jun 5, 2018:
He should leave the country. Because he knows what a patriot is & it isn't he.
"Why did you shove it under the bookcase?
Mooolah comments on Jun 5, 2018:
This hooman really knows feeleens.
Oh, this is embarrassing. I fell in love… and broke it.
Mooolah comments on Jun 5, 2018:
Haven't we all.
This is me.
Mooolah comments on Jun 5, 2018:
2 people yesterday. My allocation for the month. & those were service personnel.
It's incredibly selfish and irresponsible
Mooolah comments on Jun 5, 2018:
Yes indeed. Childless by choice. 4 births every second.
Save our fireflies ??
Mooolah comments on Jun 5, 2018:
Zero pesticides on this property. Fireflies are in danger of disappearing, but not here. I do my best for them.
@Admin -- Concerning the "%" matching... What is the criteria for matching?
Mooolah comments on Jun 5, 2018:
The % is based on similar answers in the profile questionare the distance from each other, age. There are so many qualifiers omitted on this site as we are so busy trying to get that Tee shirt we have no time for dating.
Devided by a "common" language "C--t"::: As a broader derogatory term, it is comparable to prick...
Mooolah comments on Jun 5, 2018:
It has become the most vile of terms after the "N" word. If I spelled either word this post might be deleted. It is abserd that a word can hold so much power. I embrace both words, use neither, but will in the right context, such as reading a book outloud.
Good morning everyone! Have an amazing day! Stay lifted, my friends!
Mooolah comments on Jun 5, 2018:
Here in the dry land of Wisconsin, I need a lift badly. But not so much that I will rob a bank, mug a bystander, attack an old man or lady, rampage into a Wal-mart, scrounge in a dumpster. Legalize it already here in cheeseland. Cheese is more dangerous as is playing for the Packers.
Fancy carrying out a spot of old fashioned medicine?
Mooolah comments on Jun 5, 2018:
Several movies have been mae about the "hysteria" phenomenom. The subject seems to have a titillating attraction. I can not imagine why.....=0}
Fancy carrying out a spot of old fashioned medicine?
Mooolah comments on Jun 5, 2018:
A friend of mine who was born in Mexico in the 1940's was almost a subject of a lobotomy. As a gay woman, her mother sought "treatment for the disease". A lobotomy was considered but fortunately averted.
Back in April, I posted this pic of a male pileated woodpecker hunkered down during a snowstorm in a...
Mooolah comments on Jun 5, 2018:
Yay! I too keep the dead trees for the woodpeckers. & unfortunately the starlings. But the more cavity options the better for the woodpeckers to compete.
At the least...
Mooolah comments on Jun 5, 2018:
Only recently has the government backed off from restricting reasearch. Thank you Obama. Then there is filling privately owned prisons filling stockholders pockets, while filling the prisons with asteady supply of stoners. Non violent ones at that. Then there is medical relief that big pharma wants to control. The result is few are permitted to grow the pant in their yards. Get the laws off of our backs & reschedule this plant to the garden.
Puss puss the flat cat
Mooolah comments on Jun 5, 2018:
Refined. Yay black kitties.
As a non-believer, how do you respond when someone says, "I'll pray for you"?
Mooolah comments on Jun 4, 2018:
"Thanks I need all the prayers I can get."
Big American flags on big trucks
Mooolah comments on Jun 4, 2018:
Don't let them take our flag. It belongs to progressives also. Fly that flag for the freedom of opposing this administration.
Dog Poo. Out of interest, how are people about picking up dog poo where you live?
Mooolah comments on Jun 4, 2018:
The French are infamous for avoiding their doggy duty. Years ago people laughed at me for being a resposible dog owner. One day I was at a rest stop along the highway & was picking up the item. A grounds keeper came over & shook my hand giving me a glowing review of my actions. This incient permitted me to endure ridicule with ease. Then the culture began to change & people here in the USA are doing better in this regard. They are stepping up instead of stepping in.
Supreme Court ruling
Mooolah comments on Jun 4, 2018:
I disagree with SCOTUS' decision. 7-2. Wrong direction. Religious beliefs can now be used to avoid anything.
For you guys with really loud sound systems, []
Mooolah comments on Jun 4, 2018:
Loathe loud.
What ever happened to the Republican party?
Mooolah comments on Jun 4, 2018:
The majority in Congress are keeping their heads down because very quietly tRump is appointing young right wing judges to the federal courts. Their rulings will last for decades. I won't be around but the damage will cripple America.
I’ll try and get on in the next few days, just got out of the hospital, pneumonia and small ...
Mooolah comments on Jun 4, 2018:
Too much stress. Take it easy. Health first. Heal soon.
Officer says black, female lawmaker doesn't 'look like a legislator'
Mooolah comments on Jun 4, 2018:
So I'm having a conversation about the new neighbors. One woman says "He doesn't look American." So being the instigator that I am, I said "What does an American look like?" "Oh you know what I mean" was her reply. =0{
Needed this laugh!!!! []
Mooolah comments on Jun 4, 2018:
Poor Laura........=0}
Some of my 5th instar Monarch cats
Mooolah comments on Jun 4, 2018:
They getting so big.
Trolled! []
Mooolah comments on Jun 4, 2018:
SE Kentucky + high school = "I love the poorly educated."
Bias is a very personal thing! I've spent years and sweat to create mine! ?
Mooolah comments on Jun 4, 2018:
SCOTUS ruled that bias is Constitutional today. If one believes something is against ones religion, one doesn't have to treat people equally. Let 'em eat cake.
What on earth are you doing, Shadow?
Mooolah comments on Jun 4, 2018:
What a hansome guy.
This is why I’m planting in tires.
Mooolah comments on Jun 4, 2018:
Perhaps you might plant something that loves intermitant water accumulation. Instead of draining an ephemeral a water loving plant would requirw less work & habitat for pollinators & butter flies. Joe Pye Weed is one. Another is Queen of the Prairie. Iron Weed also Swamp milkweed.
Hi Everyone! Would like to get opinions on using vegan protein supplements.
Mooolah comments on Jun 4, 2018:
Legumes, also known as beans have plenty of protein. Broccoli, asparagus, seeds, nuts, all have protien. Some beans are soy, endame, lentils, peas, peanuts areactually a bean. Seeds such as pumpkin & sunflower, rape seed, all are protein rich. Then there are nuts all of which are protein sources. The powders will list the ingredients. Some may have animal products as a protein source.
Please accept my apologies! I have deleted the offending post! I am glad to see you all standing ...
Mooolah comments on Jun 4, 2018:
Apologies are a sign of growth in ones character. It manifests in the event the offence is not repeated. Apologies are a sign of regret & reset. It is a good thing. Something I rarely see from the political right & never see from tRump.
Whatshamacallit? piggyback? what ARE they doing?
Mooolah comments on Jun 4, 2018:
The horizontal mambo
These were the cutest critters I’d ever seen.
Mooolah comments on Jun 3, 2018:
Well that is just fantastic.
Herr Trump is a Moron Not a Deal Maker Expect 1500 items to go up in Price
Mooolah comments on Jun 3, 2018:
Then there are the Euro tariffs on Kentucky bourbon, orange juice, soy beans, rape seed, paper products, fabric & 200 other American products which we will not be able to sell. Lay offs in the future?
This photo represents duality in America.
Mooolah comments on Jun 3, 2018:
Gay or straight love is great. Black or white love is right.
Cockadoodle who?
Mooolah comments on Jun 3, 2018:
That's it!
So what position is Roseanne going to be offered in the Trump white house/ administration?
Mooolah comments on Jun 3, 2018:
Pox Spews will offer her a show.
How are you different from most people ?
Mooolah comments on Jun 3, 2018:
I will step up, step in & step on when needed. That is why I have stepped out.
Should there be a social statute of limitations for misbehavior?
Mooolah comments on Jun 3, 2018:
Have thay made amends for their questionable behavior?
Tardigrades. Ever heard of them?
Mooolah comments on Jun 3, 2018:
And they can resist radiation damage, the vacuum of space. One was frozen solid for 30 years & was revived.
The mental health community is working overtime on this.
Mooolah comments on Jun 3, 2018:
The evangelicals say its ok, so it must be ok.
It is baffling that any Trump supporter still actually believes that any of his actions or policies ...
Mooolah comments on Jun 3, 2018:
But they do. They really do. Facts & logic are fake news. They are blind, deaf, & dumb. You just can't reach them.
I live in a community of these Goobers.
Mooolah comments on Jun 3, 2018:
Not on the list, pathalogical liar, harasser of women, 6 bankrupcies, numerous non payment of services rendered.
In writing a private message this morning about a humorous experience I was reminded of something ...
Mooolah comments on Jun 3, 2018:
I may become a cannabis trimmer when the harvest comes in.
Dirty words???
Mooolah comments on Jun 3, 2018:
Personally I embrace the word "cunt". But as usual I am in the minority. There is no word that offends me. There are only ideas & actions that offend me. Guns? Trump is why we need a 2nd Amendment. If he tries a military coup, what is our recourse without the ability to fight back?
Trumpy Bear. Just found out about this. Who thinks this would be worth a lot in the future?
Mooolah comments on Jun 3, 2018:
This is advertised on the Military Channel that I watch a lot. It has been changed to the American Heros Channel but runs lots of Nazi Germany/Hitler stuff. The first time I saw the channel I really did think it was a joke. Turns out it is a joke that people $40 bucks for. That is really a joke.
This was from another group.
Mooolah comments on Jun 3, 2018:
Aspertame was not tested for effects when exposed to heat as in hot chocolate. Because Rumsfeld was friends with President Reagan, Searle, which was bought by Monsanto, recieved a pass & aspartame went on the market sans testing.
So, what motivates you to check out another member’s profile?
Mooolah comments on Jun 3, 2018:
I check out many profiles to see the values a person holds, what groups they are in, the posts they make, where the reside, & what their interests are. I am not cruising for a date. I like the interaction of people that can contribute to my knowledge & correct me when I am wrong. I enjoy not feeling so isolated in my revulsion concerning the current administration in Washington DC. I want to spread the word about cannabis & want to see it legalized at the federal level before I die. It is the last of my quests/crusades that are yet to be fulfilled. All of the others are ofcourse threatened by tRump & his ilk, but all have come to fruition. Cannabis. The one last unfulfilled item on my life's list.
To Block or Not Block
Mooolah comments on Jun 3, 2018:
I have yet to block anyone. I have think skin.
Please be honest when you answer this question.
Mooolah comments on Jun 3, 2018:
Alone as far as an intimate, compassionate love affair? Decades ago I would have answered that I would always be able to find someone. How naive I was & unprepared for reality. Today I have no idea but the likelyhood is nominal in that I play no active part in a search. My hormones have calmed from the frenzy of youth. I am more settled & comfortable in this world of my own making.
I will never have pics because it is always to dark for a when they come out but I saw 2 beaver ...
Mooolah comments on Jun 3, 2018:
How exciting. Usually in these pseudo rural/urban areas with the Chain 'O Lakes here, beavers vencher out to find new places to occupy. It is current practice to trap & move them. We have made progress from the "good 'ol days" when it wasn't so good for our largest N. American rodent. My guinea pig says "Hi, cousin".
Just so everyone knows, I don't have time to look these little critters up, and besides, I'm taking ...
Mooolah comments on Jun 3, 2018:
I am thinking box elder beetles.
Todays effort at my friend and neighbour,s flat .
Mooolah comments on Jun 3, 2018:
What a magnanimous gesture. Props dude.
Perfect day for the flea market. My companions wandered away..
Mooolah comments on Jun 3, 2018:
I dare not go. I come home with the most wonderful items but an empty wallet. I am up to my neck with too many wonderful items from a multitude of flea markets.
Good ideas don't come along every day.
Mooolah comments on Jun 3, 2018:
This is a good rant except for the Israel thingy. Jordan is Palestine. The Palestiners need to stop logging bombs everytime they see an opportunity. The Israeli Arabs are not doing this, having more freedom & quality of life than most of the Arab world. They face challenges but they vote & on paper have the same rights as any citizen. They are not migrating out of Israel into other Arab nations. Our ally Saudi Arabis doen't permit citizenship even to those born there. There is no Arabic country that is as open & free as Israel. Even Morocco is ruled by a King. King? In the 21st century. Sorry. You have your opinion. But I believe it is flawed. Peace.
This topic has been covered a few times on here.
Mooolah comments on Jun 3, 2018:
Years ago in the 70's someone bought me a dic as a gag. It is in its origonal box somewhere in the basement. If I want to see a dic that is my fall back position. I can find the real deal if I so choose.
A creepy photo I found while going through my Facebook photos looking for something entirely ...
Mooolah comments on Jun 3, 2018:
I received much elation from this photo. From 16 cats at one point in my life, I am down to one. People are spay/neutering. Another will find me. They always do.
During a scene, what do you use in place of your safe word when you're gagged and bound?
Mooolah comments on Jun 3, 2018:
HELP! =0}
GreenHouses A few ideas on green houses from down here: How to Build a Geodesic Dome Greenhouse ...
Mooolah comments on Jun 3, 2018:
Awfully good suggestions Thanx
The importance of understanding - and remembering -history.
Mooolah comments on Jun 2, 2018:
Well done. History will repeat as we are slow to learn & Americans are under educated in history & its consequences. We as a country have short memories. Having a cult of personality running the country & fear the autocrat & a possible coup d'etat. It happened in South America's oldest democracy....Chile. & Pinochet reigned terror & murder which extended into Washington DC wheere a diplomat was assasinated on the streets of America.
Black unemployment rate hits new record low in May.
Mooolah comments on Jun 2, 2018:
Yeah, but they are back to working at sharecropper wages.
I just had a very nice 90 minute conversation, with a cigar and red wine, about geopolitics, and the...
Mooolah comments on Jun 2, 2018:
It is only weird if you disagreed with yourself.
Still working on getting these right, black cats are a pain to shoot - my 19 year old Cinder...
Mooolah comments on Jun 2, 2018:
That is a very interesting & lovely photo. Black on black. I only adopt black cats. The other colors find me on there own. Again, wonderful photo. That's a keeper. 19 is amazing. & she looks fabulous.


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You were a great red cat Tula.
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