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Guinea pigs. They're not just for eating anymore.


If you were on a date with someone, and they suddenly told you that they were from another planet, ...
Mooolah comments on May 16, 2018:
They were wearing a MAGA hat.
If you were on a date with someone, and they suddenly told you that they were from another planet, ...
Mooolah comments on May 16, 2018:
They were wearing a MAGA hat.
If you were on a date with someone, and they suddenly told you that they were from another planet, ...
Mooolah comments on May 16, 2018:
They began to reproduce in the petri dish.
Does this site get better?
Mooolah comments on May 16, 2018:
I take offence that you refer to yourself as "a girl" at 42 years of age but take offence at an elderly man that refers to women as "female". I find "What's in it for me?" is an indication of how boomer parents have raised a generation X rife with hubris. As if a life is unique to some when life itself is suffering according to the Buddhists. But I do not expect you to "understand half of what I said." Perhaps if you leave this site it will be better. You are free to do that. Not much dating going on here.
Saying "I am a liberal doesn't make you one".
Mooolah comments on May 16, 2018:
I did not know about the "liberal" nuances that have emerged. Classical & constitutional are terms I am learning about. I enjoy learning & expanding my knowledge. This site is contributing to that. I/we do not have to filter out all of the bible bangers in order to get to some substance.
"It's the stories man, I love the stories.
Mooolah comments on May 16, 2018:
I used to discuss how important lyrics were if not dance music, an instrumental, a meditation sound. Even a song in an other language have important lyrics & stories. " Down in the west Texas town of El Paso, I fell in love with a Mexican Girl".
I disagree. Being an atheist is rebellion..
Mooolah comments on May 16, 2018:
Yes Alice. But that was 2000 years ago. Or in a theocracy such as Iran( a pseudo democracy), Saudi Arabia (our "ally" not a democracy). Some in America are working towards that currently.
I disagree. Being an atheist is rebellion..
Mooolah comments on May 16, 2018:
OMGoddess. Don't tell me he found Jesus.
I always looked down on foo foo purebreeds and special designer animals till I met this young lady.
Mooolah comments on May 16, 2018:
She looks sad that you are not getting custody. Perhaps you should.
Hey all, first time post on here.
Mooolah comments on May 16, 2018:
It is disheartening when people we are close to can not respect our autonomy in thought & opinion. Rigid mindset does not serve us well. How are we to evolve if we are mired in doctrine & a mind closed to new ideas. I celebrate your courage to hold true to your independence as a human with a free mind. With the current administration controlling our nations direction, I hope you feel accepted & welcome here. We need you. We are here to support you as you transit from doctrine to a free thinking person. Questioning is not wrong. Seeking is not wrong either.
If a stranger approached you to have a friendly chat about your god position, what would go on in ...
Mooolah comments on May 16, 2018:
A Ted Bundy clone perhaps?
I've had a couple of people ask me if I've read "Men Are from Mars Women Are from Venus".
Mooolah comments on May 16, 2018:
I tried to read it as I thought it was science fiction. It was. But not a very captivating one.
Im here looking for marry 56 years old widow for 1 year live the philippines
Mooolah comments on May 16, 2018:
Perhaps you are looking for a permanent resident visa. I do not blame you. Birth control was just legalized in the Philippines. No more room?
Best way to combat antisemitism is by firing live rounds at unarmed kids, Israel confirms
Mooolah comments on May 15, 2018:
@crazycurlz reply doesn't work. Thanks. History is selective in what is taught & interpreted. I appreciate your comment.
Best way to combat antisemitism is by firing live rounds at unarmed kids, Israel confirms
Mooolah comments on May 15, 2018:
Oh oh. I see a few of those neo fascists here from the Conservative Atheist Group. I am so confused. They hate Israel & love the poor "Palestinians". But Trump supports Israel & not the "Palestinians". They support Trump because he is trying to do good things for the country & we should support him or be labeled as un-American & unpatriotic. Kutchner goes there & stirs up the hornets nest but Twump isn't involved. It is all Obamas fault because he & BIBI didn't get along & wouldn't support Bibi's hard line tho it is Gaza that always fires first. Iran fired first. Syria fired first. My head!!!!!! & I'm out of cannabis & refuse to buy black market. I'm going to bed.....alone. =0}
Greetings! I was advised that I'm "just like those conservative atheists".
Mooolah comments on May 15, 2018:
A lot of mean, nasty people here who call you names if you disagree with them. They want sycophants only. One is un-American & unpatriotic if you are merely the loyal opposition. You will see.
Best way to combat antisemitism is by firing live rounds at unarmed kids, Israel confirms
Mooolah comments on May 15, 2018:
"Palestinians " are Semites. Palestinians have a country. It is called Jordan. 98% of Jordanians are "Palestinians". Israel is the only country there that changes governments by ballot. Israel is the only democracy in a region ruled by kings, sheiks, dictators. Now they aren't Moslem terrorists. Its the Israelis that are the problem by some peoples measure. The Moslem nations do not welcome "Palestinians" in their own nations. Israel has Israeli Arabs who value their citizenship tho they face discrimination as all minorities do in many nations. They are not the rioters. This outrage is fomented by Kutchner & the Donald. & BIBI. The Brits washed their hands of their colonies to get American help in WW2 as agreed. The opportunity to divide UK colonial Palestine to provide a country for the displaced masses, resulted in Jordan & Israel. Jordan IS "Palestine". Israel IS a democracy.
Why anyone.
Mooolah comments on May 15, 2018:
Oh my. You are very astute. Counseling is always welcome. What is humorous about Mr. Un playing the Donald for the for the fool that he is might be the demand for a Nobel Peace Prize. Mr. Trump is not attempting to better our nation or the world by his many actions of bombast & belligerence. He is far from doing anything positive & constructive. Quite the contrary. I know him from the Howard Stern Show as a frequent guest, not his inane TV show. He is a smarmy, creep, of the lowest ilk. I know from following your posts that you would not give our previous Commander in Chief the same deference. "...he is our president & we should all be behind him...". I also have synonyms, but out of respect for YOUR intellect I defer my dear, to YOUR OWN. What I despise in myself is that I do not give up on reaching my fellow Americans who I regard as the loyal opposition. I am as critical of liberal causes as I am of conservative ones that I oppose. I do this without said dear ArtemisDevine.. You are above that. 49% turn over in a corrupt, incompetent, knee jerk, Executive Branch has put our beloved nation in peril.
I don't mean to start anything, but it seems to me, as an agnostic, that it takes as much faith to ...
Mooolah comments on May 15, 2018:
Faith is believing sans any proof. Religion is a method of controlling large masses of people. To say there is no great creator is confirming science, unless the big bang or the big crunch is the creator one is referring to. Admittedly science is not all knowing as a god would be in current doctrine. Cultures are uncomfortable without answers to humankind's questions. The attempt to answer them results in mythology of which religion is part of. As yet for me there is no proof of a grand creator plotting the future. So without evidence I have faith that there is no god(s).
A quick question... Is it possible to grow lavender indoors as a house plant?
Mooolah comments on May 15, 2018:
As much sun as possible. Humidity but not too much water. Better dry than wet. Keep it snipped. Very unless in a controlled greenhouse environ.
Just putting this out there.
Mooolah comments on May 15, 2018:
The term "blue blood" comes from the ruling class that prided themselves on their fair skin, "blue blood" visually coursing thru their veins, safe from the browning by the sun. So for Megan Markle to infuse these types with African DNA is a testament as to how far we have come. As Africa is mother to us all, it is so appropriate that we outbreed to replenish the human stock. Too much Caucasoid DNA might be considered as inbreeding resulting in.....stuff. The fact that this is occurring is monumental when the Queen doesn't have a stroke in response. Yay Harry. "Nobody's gonna turn us 'round", "We're on the move". I do hope she is able to adjust to the rigorous stiffness that tradition requires. Can't wait to see the offspring.
Hitler was actually a socialist. The left are soooooooo misinformed.
Mooolah comments on May 15, 2018:
He was a NATIONAL socialist. Not a COMMUNIST socialist. We know exactly what he was.
Does this site get better?
Mooolah comments on May 15, 2018:
I haven't encountered this problem. Hiding from inappropriate content is naive. Requesting a segregated age group is restrictive & will not aid in the advancement of tolerance. Want to avoid these miscreants? Report,flag,block, form a restrictive group, or respond with cogent arguments. Where are these people getting such posts? I do not see them but if I did I would counter them. I do not believe in ignoring evil. Good people must step up, not segregate themselves. #overly sensitive & young
Be careful out there
Mooolah comments on May 15, 2018:
Solo sex is safe sex. ;0}
So gambling is now legal for states to decide how they regulate the practice.
Mooolah comments on May 15, 2018:
@ bigbeardedbaddass I would if I wasn't dry, & here in prohibition cheeseland In Colorado.....puff puff puff :0}
Does anyone else cringe when they hear actors try to do a Southern Accent?
Mooolah comments on May 15, 2018:
Oh yes. Especially those Outback Steakhouse commercials. I boycott the venue just because of this I'm veg. How hard is it to hire a real Aussie?
Well folks.
Mooolah comments on May 15, 2018:
VOTE! Do not stay home because of the polls. Don't believe the hype. Look what happened in '16.
What moral code do you follow now that you are non-religious?
Mooolah comments on May 15, 2018:
Christ's Dian Fossey Buddah Hindu Dr. Martin Luther King Gandhi Blessed are the peace makers for they shall obtain peace.
What is your response when people threaten you with religious punishments? (i.e. Hell/Jahannam)
Mooolah comments on May 15, 2018:
Bring it!
Hello everyone.
Mooolah comments on May 15, 2018:
:0{ I am sorry you have folks surrounding you practicing not the compassion Christ taught about. We are here to help you negotiate the maze. You are in my thoughts. Heal soon & be well.
My dog Puck died today.
Mooolah comments on May 15, 2018:
:0{ An homage to Puck's memory & a healing gesture would be to rescue in his name, as another is waiting for you. My you find peace & healing soon. He is in the great cosmos of energy that can never be destroyed, only altered in its form.
Fringe Liberal ideas move to the front burner
Mooolah comments on May 15, 2018:
As our species & country evolve I have found advanced ideas I had years ago, & propelled me into the ranks of the oddball, are coming or have come to fruition. When I was 5 years old I would speak of the ecology & no one knew what I was talking about. Thinking & feeling animals was scoffed at. Racial equality was scorned. Gay rights was considered a disease or an abomination. Women should not have muscles. Insects are something to be squashed. Herbicide is better than dandelions. Spent car oil was poured on the ground to kill vegetation around the mail box. Quiet had to be filled with sound. Hawks were to be shot. Childless by choice was aberrant. Atheists were to be exorcised. All food should be cooked. Population control was an athima to the bible. We have come a long way but not far enough. 750 mountain gorillas are still not seen as more valuable than human reproduction or worth saving their habitat. Capitol punishment is still an option to study of the criminal brain. A woman's body is subject to government control. Men are forced to kill legally in something called war. And I can not legally grow my favorite medicinal plant CANNABIS.
How best can we comfort our dying atheist friend(s) and family members?
Mooolah comments on May 15, 2018:
The grim reaper will visit us all. Follow their lead in conversation topics. Pain relief is paramount. It has been found that the religious fear death more than atheists. Science is now studying how hallucinogenics are relieving anxiety is the terminally ill. Who knew, as our government crushed any research until recently with soldiers suffering from PTSD. Just be supportive prior to the transition into the cosmos of energy that can never be destroyed but only changed into another form, according to physics.
You decide the consequences..
Mooolah comments on May 15, 2018:
I do not seek to punish. I seek to change behavior. With science we can now see into the brain. We must study why aberrant behavior occurs & correct it. Those that are a danger to society must be segregated. They must make restitution in some manner to the victims of their crime. With the recidivism rates at the level they are, punishment does not work. It is probably what brought them to prison in the first place. Excessive punishment as a child that changed the brain with stress chemicals or imprinting. As our species gains knowledge in this area we must adapt our attitudes towards restitution & treatment. If we do execute as we do currently, the guillotine is the most efficient, humane & accurate method, perfected by the Nazis. Why not harvest organs to reduce the suffering of those who are awaiting a transplant. This may sound barbaric but only to those who must employ these options. US.
Does anyone have a parent (mostly male) that suffers from dementia and or altzheimers and are ...
Mooolah comments on May 15, 2018:
You can resist genetic predisposition. No guarantees of course. Science has data. Food? Brown & white is not food. Color is. Exercise. Decrease stress with meditation, yoga, exercise. Knowledge. Learn, learn, learn. Something new, challenging, difficult. Crossword puzzles, mahjong, video games, gardening, traveling, new language. All these things create new synapsis which resist the amyloid plaques that rot brain matter. A study of nuns & monks who donated their brains found that even with the plaques these folks showed few signs of dementia. Their brains made new connections circumventing the destroyed brain matter & continued to function. Make some life changes slowly & build on these changes until it becomes a lifestyle. Good luck.
Hey There Fellow Aggies! I’m proud to say that after 33 years as an active member of the Church...
Mooolah comments on May 15, 2018:
Congrats y'all. Free at last. You are not alone here. A new adventure awaits you. Relish the opportunity to fill your mind with facts in place of faith.
Basic survival skills
Mooolah comments on May 15, 2018:
My dad built his own house in the 1950's in a rural area. Self sufficiency was ingrained. Most girls did not receive this training during that epoch. Now I am finally understanding why urban folks think I am "different". I fix it myself. They call service personnel. However I don't do well with tech as nobody around to teach me. So I teach myself thru hit & miss. Like my touch pad that won't scroll any longer. In the summer I live off the grid to challenge my skills. In the winter not so much but I do shovel my 500 foot drive by hand if the snow blower is down. Nothing like shoveling under the moon & star light, in the QUIET, solitary, only the dogs. Very rewarding work out.
I got my t-shirt today.
Mooolah comments on May 15, 2018:
Props dude. I have only 40,000 to go. :0}
Some of the cool insects that showed up last night.
Mooolah comments on May 15, 2018:
Insects. They're not just for eating anymore.
Misogyny and
Mooolah comments on May 14, 2018:
I have not. But then I enjoy cringe humor. Not cringe behavior. Humor. If I had a real issue I would engage them with my expertise at evisceration...verbally. I have never reported any one. I have seen no advocates of rape, assault, murder, mass killings, kidnapping. No advocates of slavery or violence. Anger yes. Intolerance of ideas or alternate views. Yes. If & when I do I will make sure many become aware of it & will take them on gladly. "For evil to succeed all it takes is good people to do nothing." Bailing on the site is cowardly. But some people just are. Not made of the fighting spirit. One must pursue self care.
Another twit threat Hmm I wonder what Iran will do to prove him wrong?
Mooolah comments on May 14, 2018:
Let us pray. It may not help but it sure can't hurt.
I went to a Meetup in my city for introverts.
Mooolah comments on May 14, 2018:
A member described introverted as someone who prefers solitude to social activities & has nothing to do with being shy. That makes sense to me.
Picture of my front yard lilac bush, through the blades of my wind-spinner.
Mooolah comments on May 14, 2018:
Wind chimes? Are you trying to drive people crazy. How am I to listen to the whish with all that racket. Banging metal is not pleasant to some. Wind chimes belong indoors where the owners can appreciate them.....when they are home . They make good burglar alarms. Sorry but they are an intrusion into other people quiet. I want to hear the birds, the wind & whist. Do not mean to be hostile but they make me crazy.
Get in the game people!! Post someg!!
Mooolah comments on May 14, 2018:
Write your representatives in Congress, your assemblies, your governors and VOTE. We have momentum. I want this legalized before I pass. I have been waiting since forever. It is not paranoia when they are coming for you. Prisons filled with stoners I proof of persecution & not a fantasy.
New member here.
Mooolah comments on May 14, 2018:
Welcome. How wonderful. Times are changing & the lawn concept is being reduced to a usable space only. The days of vast expanses of useless, resource consuming, environ disrupting lawns are numbered. Yay!
Mooolah comments on May 13, 2018:
Welcome. You are going to really like it here.
He's not who the majority of us want to be president.
Mooolah comments on May 13, 2018:
He was voted in because people believed the hype & didn't bother to vote. They believed the polls & thought Hillary was a shoe in. Look what happened. He took Kenosha Wisconsin by 300 votes. I am always too afraid not to vote. Milwaukee had a very low turn out. Because people did not "like" Hillary we have this debacle. Perhaps people have learned that once every 2 years is too much to ask. VOTE!
We may not have kids, but some of us have pets that are just as dear to us.
Mooolah comments on May 13, 2018:
The usual. Acquiescing to their every demand.
Hello everyone! Just joined My screen name Robin but real first name is Robin
Mooolah comments on May 13, 2018:
Howdy! You are gonna like it here.
Do you, dear atheists and agnostics, have any religious music you particularly love or hate?
Mooolah comments on May 13, 2018:
J.S. Bach rocks & can pull the heart strings. Love the less played Xmas songs such as We 3 Kings, All Thru the Night, Oh Little Star Of Bethlehem, Oh Holy Night, Oh Tannebaum, Its Xmas. I used to love Xmas. Fabulous decorations on State St. in Chicago. Snow. Chestnuts, hot buttered rum, & pine scents. Good friends who shared loves warmth. Things have changed & not for the better. But I hold on to those memories as they do still bring joy.
When you get only one Saturday off a year, you take advantage of the day by doing lots of snuggling.
Mooolah comments on May 13, 2018:
Men who love cats... Sigh
Good one..
Mooolah comments on May 13, 2018:
The numerous break- ins abruptly stopped.
Let's talk about Sex
Mooolah comments on May 13, 2018:
Born again virgin here. I'm starting over.
Consider me polycurious.
Mooolah comments on May 13, 2018:
It would be a shattering experience to lose all I have worked for by divorcing. Why should I take a financial hit just to disconnect from a marriage that was of convienience? I would not. Either would he. Asking to be released from my vows was the ethical thing to do. I did. I am. Tho I have not engaged any one, I am free to do so. I do know people in a triad poly & it has worked for them for 20 years. Just the fact that I am free is liberating. Redundant? As an introvert I am not really out there as the desire is not paramount. It is the rare event that one person can fulfill all aspects of the individual for a lifetime. Kudos to those that have realized such a coupling. But I am too complicated for that. And too honest. I just can not live with integrity knowing I deceived those I made a contract with. Poly is not something I seek with verve, but should it present itself I am open to following its course. Being free to pursue my heart is like being able to breathe after suffocating.
Why is it nobody drinks from the skulls of their enemies anymore? Such a shame?
Mooolah comments on May 12, 2018:
I'm willing
I am the only person in my large latino family who does not believe in god.
Mooolah comments on May 12, 2018:
Endure with respect.
From my article, The ABC's of Redneck Culture []
Mooolah comments on May 12, 2018:
Shall I report this? Naaaahhhhhhh. =0} Why start now? Never reported any one. Bad taste & cringe humor has a place in my world. The 1st Amendment protects it, & I protect the 1st Amendment by using it. There is a propensity to report anything disturbing but non threatening as PC gets out of hand. Fear not. I was joking. Battered men are a more scarce delicacy. Preferring mine crispy with a warm stout.
I was at this show! Comedian tells super dark joke - Steve Hofstetter, Phoenix, 3/26/18 ...
Mooolah comments on May 12, 2018:
Was this a "super DARK joke" because when one is blind it is all dark? =0} I was hoping for cringe. Wasn't.
I had to take a break from torturing the Conservative Atheist Group & come here for some relief.
Mooolah comments on May 12, 2018:
So I wasn't really trolling them. Trying to reach them with facts but of course facts are not important to them. They are all opinion & insults. But it was entertaining for a minute.
Vote vote vote!!!
Mooolah comments on May 12, 2018:
I fear a coup. Without the Constitution & adherence to it we are doomed. This is why & support the 2nd Amendment. If we must physically fight those that will kick down the door, where do we get weapons to fight them? We the opposition to tyranny must be armed
Milkweed planted by our 2nd graders from seed now being sent home for Mother's day.
Mooolah comments on May 12, 2018:
God bless ....Oooops
Have you ever just been so fed up with society that you have considered moving off the grid and ...
Mooolah comments on May 12, 2018:
Thus is the reason I purchased 35 acres in the 4 corners. But it is rough. Hauling water gets old fast. But I have learned why siesta culture exists & as a introvert I am in heaven if there was one.
Damn menopause
Mooolah comments on May 12, 2018:
Menopause is proof that if there is a god she is female. Isn't this transperson Kaitlyn Jenner? What would she know about menopause? I know its a joke. But food for thought. The pause of the menses affects each woman differently. Some pussy stay nice & juicy. Don't inquire as to how I know. =0}
This will sound bad .
Mooolah comments on May 12, 2018:
I live in Wisconsin & usually the children here are so well behaved. They are polite & respectful. The moment I cross over the state line to Illinois the mayhem begins. Then in the 4 corners where I own property in Colorado, the prevalence of quiet, sweet Native American children abound, & I so enjoy them. At the laundrymat on one occasion, I was waiting outside eating a snack. A little Ute child was there waiting for mommy. Without a word I offered her the bag of snacks . She took some. We snacked silently for 15 minutes until mommy came & they left. Not a word. No eye contact. It was magical. On another occasion a 3 year old little Ute boy was engaging me running around quietly tapping on things. He was asking the word for each item without speaking. He wanted to see my dog & Grandfather & mommy let him pet my dog. All without a conversation of any duration. A quiet people. No wonder they lost. I know what you are saying & its all in the parenting. Or the brash urban environ.
This will sound bad .
Mooolah comments on May 12, 2018:
I live in Wisconsin & usually the children here are so well behaved. They are polite & respectful. The moment I cross over the state line to Illinois the mayhem begins. Then in the 4 corners where I own property in Colorado, the prevalence of quiet, sweet Native American children abound, & I so enjoy them. At the laundrymat on one occasion, I was waiting outside eating a snack. A little Ute child was there waiting for mommy. Without a word I offered her the bag of snacks . She took some. We snacked silently for 15 minutes until mommy came & they left. It was majical. I know what you are saying & its all in the parenting.
My eyes aren’t what they used to be, and limited knowledge is in the mix, too.
Mooolah comments on May 12, 2018:
Ask Insectra She knows EVERYTHING about creatures
Ahhh... first agnostic and now kinky...I am really amongst my people.
Mooolah comments on May 12, 2018:
Here is what I like about the KINK community tho I am not a participant, I have had a lot of contact with those who were/are. Consent, safety, respect, & a non judgemental attitude. If one doesn't have a ying to a yang, the subject is moot. That is a rare commodity in this world & I have found that it is foremost & observed in the Kink world.
Seems like a lot more men than women here.
Mooolah comments on May 12, 2018:
Stigma, ignorance & trust issues.
Mooolah comments on May 12, 2018:
I hate the phone & do not own a cell. A cell is a radio & the government doesn't need a search warrant to monitor ones calls It is intrusive on my isolation. But I sure do own stock in these tech companies. No I am not a domestic terrorist or a mob moll.
Mimsy spilling out of her kitty bed.
Mooolah comments on May 11, 2018:
McGriddle weighs 18 pounds...
Mooolah comments on May 11, 2018:
I'd sure like to rub that furry stomach. Somebody is eating well.
Dicromantispa Interrupta! What a name.
Mooolah comments on May 11, 2018:
WOW! Fabulous. I am going to read up on this creature.
Stereotypes they have about us.
Mooolah comments on May 11, 2018:
We are all anti government intrusion except for a woman's womb. (Rosaries off our ovaries)
Y'all remember Todd Akin who said that the "female body has ways to shut that whole thing down," I ...
Mooolah comments on May 11, 2018:
Yep. Seeing the American rapes in France after the liberation, my father was inspired to teach me to strike 1st, ask questions later. He explained that I was a girl & people would understand. This tactic has served me well. But not so much in an intimate relationship. Men want mommy, not a warrior princess.......retired.
Wondering if anyone else is afraid of this.
Mooolah comments on May 11, 2018:
Lest we forget it happened in the oldest democracy in South America with the CIA's help. Chile` when the military with Pinochet took the government & murdered the President. This is why as a liberal I support the 2nd Amendment. No other country has this freedom. I am always amazed there aren't more gun deaths in a nation of 350 million.
Why did your marriage fail?
Mooolah comments on May 11, 2018:
I only married so as to deny my lunatic family from inheriting my estate after I dropped dead from an asthma attack. I survived after 7 days in a coma. My brain is mostly back. Tho he is still alive, he is lost in the opioid epidemic. Thanks doctor Kuppy.
If I may be so bold. Does anyone here count themselves as part of the BDSM community?
Mooolah comments on May 11, 2018:
The trust factor keeps me celibate. But I am so kinky that I like the missionary position, with the lights off & my clothes on. KIDDING!
If I may be so bold. Does anyone here count themselves as part of the BDSM community?
Mooolah comments on May 11, 2018:
The trust factor keeps me celibate. But I am so kinky that I like the missionary position, with the lights off & my clothes on. KIDDING!
Another good news item from MPP: MICHIGAN.
Mooolah comments on May 11, 2018:
It is supposed to include recreational. It is a lot closer than Colorado to my T Party controlled state of Wisconsin. I should buy from the illegal market? NOT! I will drive to Colorado before I do that....or grow my own risking my freedom.
I started growing common milkweed 2 years ago.
Mooolah comments on May 11, 2018:
I have 4 species of milkweed on my 4 acres. I grow Joe Pye Weed, cup plant, compass plants for the swallowtails & the restored prairie provides other abundance. I get question marks, red admirals, red spotted blues, common blues, painted ladies. Every little bit helps.
Mooolah comments on May 11, 2018:
The dandelion is one of the few invasives that are less likely to displace natives. They are a medicinal bounty having more vitamin C than citrus.. The root has anti oxidant properties & a tea made from the root can vanquish an infectious cold. The leaves can be cooked like spinach & the young tenders in salad. The indigo buntings eat the seeds. Pollinators love them. I used to see Polish immigrants ( I assume legal =0} ) digging them in the park for dinner. People who hate them usually want a pristine lawn. The lawn is a sterile wasteland good for nothing except running barefoot upon. My guinea pig relishes them & I relish not having to buy him food.
Holy moly! So early are these arrivals.
Mooolah comments on May 11, 2018:
Not everyone has a camera.
I sure can't have just one...
Mooolah comments on May 11, 2018:
Quite the wall paper, eh?
What does skin color have to do with love?
Mooolah comments on May 11, 2018:
It is called pre judgement, but you knew that. I have dated the full spectrum & have found it is culture that divides us. As our segregated culture merges into a slurry of all ethnicities we will no longer have such a severe divide. I am reticent to date anyone. But if it clicks it clicks. I find all colors beautiful. I find some aspects of some cultures unsavory. I dated a man not of my race for 4 years with a family who were kind to me but disliked caucasoids. I did understand the reasons. I didn't blame them, but it made me as uncomfortable as most would be in that situation. My mother was considered passing for white. She was Greek which is really on the African plate. Very dark & rejected by a green eyed blonde mother. And so it goes.
That "My Pillow Guy" commercial.
Mooolah comments on May 11, 2018:
I am so glad you asked. It is the crucifix hanging out of his shirt in every commercial that instills my revulsion. Ayeeeeee! I run for the mute.
Follow up on me and my bike ?
Mooolah comments on May 11, 2018:
Thank you for the sensitivity you have shown towards your fellow cyclists if the female gender. We need more men like you in the world. Especially in India, Italy, Mexico, Egypt, the USA. The spouse commented as you, that he was completely unaware of how bad it was for women out there. I suggested he dress like a woman & see what happens. And please take note. I am not talking about friendly flirting or compliments which also occur. It is the inquiry as to giving out blow jobs that is disturbing when one is riding along in bliss & then that comment is yelled from a passing car. I used to wear my hair boyishly short. As soon as it began to grow a little close to my ears the comments would begin. Now I am just too cheap to cut it.
Spring is for the woodland.
Mooolah comments on May 11, 2018:
Yes indeed. The vast carpet of seedlings get the smother treatment or glyphosate. I pull or wack the flowering. They come in on the water shed from the neighbors. For 20+ years this has been a spring ritual. There are none that are permitted to seed from my own property. I plant ginger every where. The first project when I bought the parcel was buckthorn removal. Now all I have are the seedlings that I pull or spray individually..
It is still too early to see wild monarchs in central Illinois, but the black Eastern swallowtails ...
Mooolah comments on May 11, 2018:
Yes. I get them here also. The Joe Pye Weed is a favorite. Great
Clearly a double standard....
Mooolah comments on May 11, 2018:
We must join the KINKY group here. Love men who embrace their feminine side.
I am curious as to what jobs my fellow introverts are employed in?
Mooolah comments on May 11, 2018:
I was a telephone operator when I was 16. Left highschool at the half day & got credit for working. Had to keep the grades up for this privilege. After 6 years I bailed. The minimum wage back then was 75 cents per hour. I was making $1.95 with benefits. Union YES! But I was too young to continue to do something I loathed. I was a bartender for 10 years after that. Somehow the bar kept me feeling autonomous & safe with the ability to linger with interesting cliental & find other duties when wanting to escape a customer. Then too I was able to party safely. I then became a telephone installer realizing I wanted stability at around 30 years of age. Bailed on that as I was unwilling to go into strange men's abodes alone. Transferred to customer service where people blamed you for everything. That was it . No more phone company. So I became a botanical maintenance engineer. My term. I had a different route every day traveling around & taking care of rented plants in various venues. I submitted a ledger thru the mail, got paid thru the mail, but it was interim as it did not pay or provide any benefits. It was great tho. I was on my own most of the time accept in places like offices. The rolling rink was great, the hot dog stand, Northwestern University with the telescope, private mansions, a penthouse. I retired from the USPS as a mail carrier at 53. Best of times. Worst of times. Pay parity, great benefits, physical work out, lots of dogs & cats, wealthy suburb, on the lake, wildlife & some very generous postal patrons. Celebrities & millionaires. But it was a men's locker room which resented women or harassed them. ("'Hey Johnny! What did Popeye say?" "This pussy is finger licking good'" Then there was Mr. Big shot who referred to me as "that little girl". I was 44 years old. Big mistake Mr. Suits. He was fired for getting caught banging a female clerk in a postal van. Tho by not playing the menstrual card, carrying my weight literally (required 75 lbs & I weighed 85lbs) & going toe to toe with insults, I incurred the respect of war veterans which says a lot. I was imprinted by boys my 1st 7 years of life so I know how to play it. Then after the postmaster who hired me retired, the white collar manager wanna beeeeezzzzzz came in seeking promotion via harassment of the weak & helpless. The target they put on my back after destroying others lives, was an error of judgement on their part. I took 4 of them down after they fired the 1st shot. One of them was arrested for fencing stolen postal property out of the office. Another developed ALS & croaked. Another was busted to janitor. Another was arrested for stealing $15,000.00. Nice managers huh!?I learned a lot from those war veterans. Knowing the regulations, federal law & the contract with the NALC ...
GOT fans out there?
Mooolah comments on May 11, 2018:
Too dark. I tried for awhile but bailed.
Her Majesty Queen Hashbrown surveying her kingdom, this morning...
Mooolah comments on May 11, 2018:
Waiting for a squirrel? A man who likes cats can't be all bad. When you said "Hashbrown" with "her Majesty" I thought you meant Megan Markle & was about to pounce. I am so happy I didn't. =0}
I sure can't have just one...
Mooolah comments on May 11, 2018:
I prefer my Sherman tank.
Follow up on me and my bike ?
Mooolah comments on May 11, 2018:
Before I owned a car, the cycle was my mode of transportation in the urban environ. Now that I have escaped & reside in a rural setting I no longer cycle. I have had attempts to steal my bike as I rode. I have had harassment and nasty attention. I used to ride at 3 am in order to avoid THEM. Whether cycling or not, so many men do not realize the danger & abuse women have to endure just being a woman....all over the world. We are the hunted gender. We are prey. But some prey fight back. I call the company & complain about the behavior of commercial drivers after getting the cab number or license plate. I call the police if harassers are stationary on a project. I use the knuckle sandwich technique if physically threatened. As I have secluded myself from the onslaught of testosterone I urge all women not to ignore, not to let it go, but to fight back any way you can until we take back our sovereignty.
WHY I LIKE CATS If I posted this in 'Feline Fanatics' it would be like preaching to the choir so...
Mooolah comments on May 10, 2018:
First thing I told the allergist "If you tell me to 'get rid of the cats, I will leave right now & save us both a lot of time'". I spent years being injected so I wouldn't keel over from asthma & eczema & rhinitis. But I had my cats & still do. Old man Budzig across the road had barn cats breeding freely. They would come over for a visit & I never let them return. They all were caught, spayed/neutered & lived in my garage. I had 16 at one point. Hey. What is our money for if not to facilitate what we strive for? Tula just passed away & out of no where Zoot Suit appeared to ease my anguish. Cats always find me. Special animals.
Anyone else is the habit of making up silly songs for your pets?
Mooolah comments on May 10, 2018:
Sung to "Oh Susannah" Oh baby Hannah. Happy as can be. You're so cute. No substitute. For a Belgian Schipperke. Lana Lana la marranna Que tiene lagonllas Es porque no tiene Muchas muchas sesos. I'm so embarrassed. =0}
I don't believe in Astrology, Zodiac sign, nor do I believe in romance based on Zodiac sign.
Mooolah comments on May 10, 2018:
There is no scientific evidence that astrology has any relevance. However I love it. Not as a predictor of the future but compatability & traits always seem to be accurate. If you are a Libra (an air sign) I hope you are a balanced one. Libra is ruled by Venus/Aphrodite, the goddess of love, art & beauty. Presidents Eisenhower & Carter are Libras. Balanced ones. John Lennon & Putin not so much.Your compatability would be fire signs. Air & fire elements go together. A water sign would seek to escape as in bubbles from a container. Earth & air not so much. Another air sign would not ground you in any way. Leo would be perfect. It is a guilty pleasure. What can I say. I am not perfect.
I find it interesting some of the messages I receive from grown ass adults on this site because I ...
Mooolah comments on May 10, 2018:
One can say one is a liberal, but that doesn't make them one. One can be a member of a liberal site. That does not make them one. What makes one a liberal is tolerance. If one does not tolerate other ideas, one is not a liberal. And liberals like any one else can be nuts. I have trouble with my liberal acquaintences who deny me that description because I support the 2nd Amendment, own a gun & will use it. But it is not to defend myself from a stalker. My dogs are good for that. I own a gun because as the President said, "Take the guns first. Then seek due process." If the government tries that UNCONSTITUTIONAL tactic, falls to a despot via a coup, I among others must defend the Constitution. Poland had gun control. 1932 Germany had gun control. Pinochet's Chile had gun control. Not here. Not ever. & the government should keep out of our bedrooms & our uterus. But that's my view. As a liberal I tolerate if you have a different one. My "friends" are not if they do not tolerate mine....or yours. I'm just say'in. =0}
The baby killdeer have survived several soccer practices, at least one field mowing, a couple of ...
Mooolah comments on May 10, 2018:
Resilient little fast legs. Crossed fingers.
Me in the morning! At least I think so..
Mooolah comments on May 10, 2018:
Hey. You stole my profile picture.


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You were a great red cat Tula.
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