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That song is stuck there again.
Sticks48 comments on Aug 7, 2019:
I agree with cat daddy.
It's a matter of trust!
Sticks48 comments on Aug 7, 2019:
Trust me, you can't. ~ drummer
I look back with nostalgia when I could run fast, could dance all night and go to work the next day.
Sticks48 comments on Aug 7, 2019:
I'll take the energy.
Several people I know who passed on .
Sticks48 comments on Aug 7, 2019:
My brother was electrocuted at a gig in North Texas in the late 70's. His heart stopped and he quit breathing twice. He said our grandfather, the only close relative we had lost at that time, came to him, and told him everything would be okay. He is an ex-Marine sniper, Viet Nam vet, and Atheist. He is not a Woo guy, but that was what he saw. Who knows how the brain works at that time.
It amazes me that Fundies would rather see battered children than to allow abortion.
Sticks48 comments on Aug 7, 2019:
No, they have ice water flowing through an empty space where most folks house a brain.
[] Ten reasons why you are still single... Any thoughts?
Sticks48 comments on Aug 7, 2019:
Who is making women feel like being single is wrong? Most of these sound like a 22 year old wrote them. A couple of them would apply to me.
I wonder if he is wearing his coffee today
Sticks48 comments on Aug 7, 2019:
Coffee and fresh buns. That is a nice breakfast.
That's how I feel.
Sticks48 comments on Aug 7, 2019:
A well placed toe can achieve incredibly satisfying results. ;)
Wise men speak because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something.
Sticks48 comments on Aug 7, 2019:
I think l'm that second guy. :)
Of course Washington speak-easies and those of the rich had top shelf booze smuggled in speed boats ...
Sticks48 comments on Aug 7, 2019:
And those same type of folks had cocaine smuggled in the 80's, 90's, and probably are to this day.
The Highwomen - The Chain / live in Howard Stern's studio []
Sticks48 comments on Aug 7, 2019:
Fucking awesome!
Good afternoon! Today's post comes by way of the meme below.
Sticks48 comments on Aug 7, 2019:
"Does this make my ass look too big"? Me..." No dear, not at all". Truth..."No your ass makes your ass look big". "Do you like my knew haircut"? Me..."It looks great". Truth..."Who did your hair, Stevie Wonder"? The reason I am 71 years old is because I don't always tell the truth.
Good morning! I think I'll work a couple of hours, today.
Sticks48 comments on Aug 7, 2019:
Why don't you make that an hour.
There is a surge of scientific denial in America.
Sticks48 comments on Aug 7, 2019:
We will turn into one giant Alabama.
Internet friendship.
Sticks48 comments on Aug 7, 2019:
If it leads to meeting that person in person and the friendship is still there or even gets stronger, I can but that. If that meeting never takes place I ain't buying it. It is easy to be there for someone on line. I can give you all kinds of "Just be strong. It will get better" speeches. That is easy. How about when you get that call at two o'clock in the morning that your friend's car broke down and you need to pick them up, or they are sick and need you to come over and help them. It is easy to have friendships when they aren't really tested.
Are there still those out there that don't want a ban on assault weapons?
Sticks48 comments on Aug 7, 2019:
Amazingly enough, there are, and apparently in large numbers. Remember, even though most of the people who voted did not vote for Trump, it showed there are millions of really, really STUPID people in this country. Always remember this when tough issues with common sense approaches pop up, and a ridiculous number of people oppose those fixes.
Tweeted by George Conway
Sticks48 comments on Aug 7, 2019:
And so many morons will buy into this. Several are on this site, proving the lack of a belief in a "God" is not a clear sign of intelligence.
The day my world changed.
Sticks48 comments on Aug 7, 2019:
"The Power of the Pussy". It makes "The Force" in Star Wars look like a parlor game. It takes age, experience, and an inner strength to stand against "The Power".
I think Pence is one of the most sexually repressed individuals in America.
Sticks48 comments on Aug 7, 2019:
Okay, but lets get back to your problem. :)
Post deleted, censorship in a democratic country & In a progressive group?
Sticks48 comments on Aug 7, 2019:
That's bullshit.
Might be misunderstanding
Sticks48 comments on Aug 7, 2019:
I am sure I could pass this test. I have done an extensive study of this subject for decades.
Well I’m not sure about that
Sticks48 comments on Aug 7, 2019:
I guess that puts me right there with Hitler and Stalin, me and 99% of all the men who have ever lived.
I am new on here so I just wanted to say hello:) You are all beautiful:) Fun joke.
Sticks48 comments on Aug 7, 2019:
Welcome to this place.
Hi! I'm curious about something.
Sticks48 comments on Aug 7, 2019:
It has never caused me the slightest problem.
Redneck movers lol
Sticks48 comments on Aug 6, 2019:
I am very impressed!
Ive had this idea about a story or a mock radio interview or something as a way to discuss guns asif...
Sticks48 comments on Aug 6, 2019:
Nice analogy.
Channeling Georgia O'Keeffe - or trying to
Sticks48 comments on Aug 6, 2019:
Very reminiscent of O'Keeffe for sure. Very nice.
Marilyn Monroe, 1956. Just because.
Sticks48 comments on Aug 6, 2019:
A good enough reason.
This guy is SERIOUS about his biking safety.
Sticks48 comments on Aug 6, 2019:
I would run over him just to see the look on his face.
What is more important: your genetic genome or your nutrition?
Sticks48 comments on Aug 6, 2019:
It seems logical it is both, but I lean toward genetics as having the most effect.
Good afternoon! I just got out of a lengthy meeting with my boss, discussing procedures and what ...
Sticks48 comments on Aug 6, 2019:
Good for you. :)
Learn to appreciate where you are on your journey, even if its not where you had hoped you would be,...
Sticks48 comments on Aug 6, 2019:
New article claiming less men want kids.
Sticks48 comments on Aug 6, 2019:
I am glad I did my part by having none...that I know of. It has happened to a couple of friends of mine. One friend, also a drummer around my age, found out he had a daughter and grandchildren he did not no existed. They all got together and I am happy to report all went really well. He is a very nice man and I am happy it didn't go badly.
New Florida Board of Education Chair: “I won’t support any evolution being taught as fact at all...
Sticks48 comments on Aug 6, 2019:
There is a reason the state is shaped like a dick.
TX Lt.
Sticks48 comments on Aug 6, 2019:
Don't forget Gov Abbott and Sen Cornyn. Lets keep Rep Gohmert. He is always good for a laugh. You have to wonder what the folks are like in Gohmert's district, when they look up to this man as a leader. His district is in East Texas bordering Louisiana. As I have said before, Texas is a very large state with several cultures within it's borders, and Gohmert's district possesses none of them.
Sticks48 comments on Aug 6, 2019:
McTurtle will never let it happen, I would think.
"May God help those who perished in Toledo.
Sticks48 comments on Aug 6, 2019:
It does get exhausting and I am running out of ways to describe my feelings toward him.
Time for good ol Thoughts and Prayers []
Sticks48 comments on Aug 6, 2019:
When something is working, why change. Besides T&Ps are really cost effective.
My first post on Agnostic.
Sticks48 comments on Aug 6, 2019:
That was witty in itself. Welcome to this place.
Sticks48 comments on Aug 6, 2019:
McTurtle will not let it happen.
The intimacy of touch.
Sticks48 comments on Aug 6, 2019:
It certainly can. I don't believe it will ever happen for me again, but when it has happened, it was a wonderful feeling.
I’m sure this has already been asked, but I’m going to ask too: Why wasn’t “God” in El ...
Sticks48 comments on Aug 6, 2019:
Because he's a DICK?
We can scream, cry, chant, and protest.
Sticks48 comments on Aug 6, 2019:
All we can do is vote them out in large numbers. Primary the incumbents.
Do you think that the law-abiding citizen's right to acquire firearms should or should not be ...
Sticks48 comments on Aug 6, 2019:
Everyone is a law abiding citizen until they are not. No assault weapons, no sawed off shotguns, and no handguns without proof of need for your work, and not without a special permit and training. Shotguns and hunting rifles only after a thorough background check. There is nothing in the second amendment about not being able to regulate gun ownership. Even Wyatt Earp believed in and enforced gun laws.
People of America, you have my condolences.
Sticks48 comments on Aug 6, 2019:
Scary stuff. This country had better wake up and smell the stench.
Another boring date in the books. I wish there was a dating site for interesting people only.
Sticks48 comments on Aug 5, 2019:
Are you going out with men who have the same interests as you? Do you have specific things you look for before accepting a date with someone?
In a 1991 interview with Ladies' Home Journal, Kathryn Hepburn said: "I'm an atheist, and that's ...
Sticks48 comments on Aug 5, 2019:
She really was something else.
This is a two-part post.
Sticks48 comments on Aug 5, 2019:
This is America. Whatever the question, the answer is almost always "follow the money". Until we get the big money out of politics we will have no Democracy.
Seems appropriate these days
Sticks48 comments on Aug 5, 2019:
Only cowards and Batman wear masks.
The far side of the moon, illuminated by the sun, is seen as it crosses between our 'EPIC' camera on...
Sticks48 comments on Aug 5, 2019:
What a great shot.
And there we have it 😉
Sticks48 comments on Aug 5, 2019:
That meme is a pisser. :)
MASSACREMITCH sends thoughts and prayers while he collects almost two mil from the NRA.
Sticks48 comments on Aug 5, 2019:
McTurtle is as evil as President Rump.
Don’t think this is real but maybe
Sticks48 comments on Aug 5, 2019:
How perfectly perfect.
Family fun
Sticks48 comments on Aug 5, 2019:
As the 60's ad campaign said "Things go better with coke".
Magic Mushrooms
Sticks48 comments on Aug 5, 2019:
Those were the days.
RACISM - That's a human problem. Agree/Disagree?
Sticks48 comments on Aug 5, 2019:
Agree. It may be the most ridiculous and destructive problem humanity has created for itself. It has led and does lead to so many other problems. There is absolutely no logic to it.
Sticks48 comments on Aug 5, 2019:
It is interesting. Since so much of history is probably not very accurate or completely wrong, it would be enlightening to get the straight truth when possible.
Jack Teagarden "Body and Soul" []
Sticks48 comments on Aug 5, 2019:
I haven't heard that name in a long time. Nice post.
Three things to make someone happy.
Sticks48 comments on Aug 5, 2019:
I just leave and that usually works.
I'm way better than you are😈
Sticks48 comments on Aug 5, 2019:
I love a challenge. ;)
Prickly pear girl
Sticks48 comments on Aug 5, 2019:
What a great photo. Beautiful colors.
Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick Blames Mass Shootings On Lack Of School Prayer []
Sticks48 comments on Aug 5, 2019:
There are some great people in Texas, but Patrick and Gov Abbott ain't two of them.
A clean pp is a happy pp
Sticks48 comments on Aug 5, 2019:
I do polish mine often.
Or not...
Sticks48 comments on Aug 5, 2019:
Get it while its hot.
Sticks48 comments on Aug 5, 2019:
Mystery meat. A little digestive roulette
Rumer. - Slow. She’s got such a great voice! []
Sticks48 comments on Aug 5, 2019:
Yes she does. Pretty song.
Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not every man’s greed.
Sticks48 comments on Aug 5, 2019:
Very true.
Good Morning Everyone! Flowers seem appropriate this morning.
Sticks48 comments on Aug 5, 2019:
He doesn't believe a word that came out of his mouth.
New little buddy
Sticks48 comments on Aug 5, 2019:
What a cutie she is.
NEW HAMPSHIRE STEPS BACKWARD Sununu Vetoes 'Home Grow' Medical Marijuana Bill By NHPR Staff •...
Sticks48 comments on Aug 5, 2019:
Maybe they should rename the state Old Hampshire.
A take off of UrsiMajors post.
Sticks48 comments on Aug 5, 2019:
When I was in middle school we had one for a few months.
Who remembers this restaurant? Any thoughts about it?
Sticks48 comments on Aug 5, 2019:
They weren't around very long.
Lost Cities and Climate Change - Scientific American Blog Network
Sticks48 comments on Aug 5, 2019:
If it gets as bad as predicted, we will have food shortages world wide, water shortages, more disease, and more wars because of these other problems.
Mass shootings since Sandy Hook, in one map
Sticks48 comments on Aug 5, 2019:
...and yet nothing happens to change this. We are a very sick and backward nation.
Moscow Mitch Merchandise 😻😻😻
Sticks48 comments on Aug 5, 2019:
McTurtle really needs to go. Come on Kentucky, get rid of this traitorous bastard.
Mexico to sue the US on behalf of 9 injured Mexicans in El Paso shooting. []
Sticks48 comments on Aug 5, 2019:
Very cool.
Mitch McConnell fractures shoulder in fall at Kentucky home, spokesman says [msn.
Sticks48 comments on Aug 5, 2019:
The fact no one shot him is quite disappointing.
Man donates mother's body to science, discovers it was sold to the military for "blast testing" / ...
Sticks48 comments on Aug 5, 2019:
Who cares when you're dead. My brother and his wife are donating their bodies to the forensic department at Texas State University. I will probably do that too. No fuss no muss. If they could put me in a hefty bag and have my body taken to the dump, that would be okay too.
Just curious, how many of you would say this applies to you?
Sticks48 comments on Aug 5, 2019:
I don't really label myself. I don't feel the need to have a group to associate with to help justify whatever choices I make, or how I live my life. This country just LOVES labels and categories. Why?
Being a free thinker, I have had religious people tell me that I am sinful.
Sticks48 comments on Aug 5, 2019:
Milky Way over Yellowstone
Sticks48 comments on Aug 5, 2019:
An amazing photo.
I posted an obit today: Shelley, my friend of 35 yrs, passed away yesterday (1948-2019).
Sticks48 comments on Aug 5, 2019:
I really am sorry for your loss. It is another reason getting old sucks. Those losses start mounting up.
I saw this on TV when it happened and remembered them all these years. []
Sticks48 comments on Aug 4, 2019:
I remember them. Cool.
Smaller govt: Here's a Plan to Fight High Drug Prices That Could Unite Libertarians and Socialists |...
Sticks48 comments on Aug 4, 2019:
No. !...No advertising. If you can't buy it over the counter it shouldn't be advertised. People take whatever their doctors prescribe anyway. No. 2...Our anti-trust laws have not been enforced in decades. I don't believe that will change anytime soon. No. 3...Many new drugs like pain killers are bullshit. There has been no pain killer improvement that has been necessary in our lifetime. They only change it when the ones they had went generic. It doesn't cost shit to change a pain killer formula and get a knew patent. No.4...It cannot possibly cost 2.6 billion dollars to develop every new drug, of which the government foots most of the bill in the early stages of that development. Basically, they are fucking us without fore play or lubricant.
Overcoming fears and phobias is such a gratifying achievement.
Sticks48 comments on Aug 4, 2019:
True isn't it?🙂
Sticks48 comments on Aug 4, 2019:
Sex works too, but of course it doesn't last as long. :)
Over one-third of Republican primary voters supported the racist chants at Trump's North Carolina ...
Sticks48 comments on Aug 4, 2019:
I hope the smart folks are ready to win this cultural war with the stupid folks, because reasoning with them is not in the cards. Reasonable people need to get out and vote in numbers like they never have before.
Fleetwood Mac - The Chain []
Sticks48 comments on Aug 4, 2019:
Truly a great album.
I'm just so sad and angry about this! This stupid president doesn't understand his hateful words and...
Sticks48 comments on Aug 4, 2019:
El Paso has always been such a peaceful city. This is so sad.
Do you see a plane?
Sticks48 comments on Aug 4, 2019:
Yes I do. It's a WWl German Fokker.
Sticks48 comments on Aug 4, 2019:
Cancer mortality rates have dropped 27% in 25 years. My sister in law just had a mammogram. They found a small tumor. They got it in the biopsy and she will only have to have radiation. Had she waited another year it would have spread, probably costing her a breast and chemo and maybe worse. These great conspiracy theories always forget that people in the medical professions get the same fucking diseases as the rest of us. My sister in law was an X-ray Tech/CT Tech/ Site Mgr during her 40 some odd years in the business. Our problem is not to many screenings, it's too few screenings. Early detection is everything when it comes to cancer. Because we have a horrible health care system where insurance companies don't like to pay for most screenings. Ladies get those mammos, please.
Get 'em up! Move 'em out.
Sticks48 comments on Aug 4, 2019:
Sticks48 comments on Aug 4, 2019:
Will it matter? Do you think McTurtle will even bring it to the Senate floor if they do?
Sticks48 comments on Aug 4, 2019:
Agree with Bill. Americans are not as liberal as folks would like to believe. If you want four more years of this shit alienate the middle. I believe in a Social/Democracy, but I am also a pragmatist. Fix Obama Care, get rid of student debt by knocking it down to so many pennies on the dollar. Do these things and you get closer to what we want. Keep overwhelming most of America with huge changes and they will vote for the Devil they know. We have seen it in the past. If the progressives fuck this up l will register as an Independent after this.
Sticks48 comments on Aug 4, 2019:
The net needs to be regulated against. I know folks say they hate regulations, but since humanity may be the worst creation in the Universe, it must be done.
It took me awhile too connect the tots.
Sticks48 comments on Aug 4, 2019:
The elimination of the human race is the only solution. Hopefully it will happen be fore we have the ability to spread out into the Universe.
Stochastic Terrorism: Stochastic Terrorism: Part 1, triggering the shooters.
Sticks48 comments on Aug 4, 2019:
He is right. They are horrible people, but it is his people who are the horrible people. Clinton was right about the "deplorables". Anyone who thinks we are better off with President douche bag instead of Clinton is to stupid too live and too stupid to reproduce. This is not conjecture. This is fact.
Numbers 15:32-36 (NRSV): When the Israelites were in the wilderness, they found a man gathering ...
Sticks48 comments on Aug 4, 2019:
God is the greatest killing machine ever.
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
Sticks48 comments on Aug 4, 2019:
Sounds good until you get struck by lightning or it turns into a tornado.
Fixer upper on the Road to Perdition
Sticks48 comments on Aug 4, 2019:
Looks rock solid to me.


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