Free Time, Weekends, Vacations and Travels
Mar 5, 2023Mar 2023

Posted by Wander2023
I was in Denver for 2 weeks for work and spent a weekend day in Boulder to trek the Boulder Canyon Trail. It was a beautiful day in the low 50s. (Dont know why the photos loaded upside down & sideways)
News & Links
Nov 14, 2022Nov 2022

Posted by rainmanjr
LINKThursday Afternoon Monday Morning Podcast 11-3-22 with BILL MAHER
1 comment
Jun 11, 2022Jun 2022

Posted by Boomtarat03
Dear Travel, I am always thinking about you! Love, Boom 🥰
1 comment
Hiking, Backpacking, Travel Photos
Apr 17, 2021Apr 2021

Posted by 1EarthLovingGal
Hey all! I wanted to post my Colorado pics from last weekend. I’m happy to finally be fully vaccinated! Still masking up everywhere I go, of course. Since I had to take longer off from work than expected for my surgery, we were only able to go for ...
1 comment
General & Hellos
Dec 10, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by Apunzelle
If the world allows, my son and I will be headed to Alaska’s BearCamp in the summer. We’re nature and wildlife people, so this should be amazing! 🐻❤️🤗 Here’s a neat video of BearCamp:
Simple Thoughts
Sep 28, 2020Sep 2020

Posted by Boomtarat03
they say, you should travel while you are young, because you will not be able to do it when you grow older even if you want to🙂 -unknown-
Sunset, Sea, Coffee and Me
Sep 8, 2020Sep 2020

Posted by Boomtarat03
Swiss country side 🌼
Sunset, Sea, Coffee and Me
Sep 7, 2020Sep 2020

Posted by Boomtarat03
Health & Happiness
Jul 21, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by Lorajay
Hip hip Hooray! Great value Vacations has extended the rebook time through December 2021 as long as I book using my voucher by May the 31st of 2021. That means my only job is to stay healthy until then. I am so relieved. I was beginning to ...
Health & Happiness
Apr 13, 2020Apr 2020

Posted by Lorajay
Let's play a little travel game. I'll post a picture and whoever guesses correctly gets to post a mystery travel picture of their ownand then on to the next picture.
Health & Happiness
Mar 8, 2020Mar 2020

Posted by Lorajay
I was going to try to go to Ireland instead of Venice but have instead decided to just stay home. I am no longer paralyzed with indecision. I am hoping I will get to exchange my trip now since it's impossible for it to be completed. That is unless ...
Travelers Connection
Nov 3, 2019Nov 2019

Posted by Mom-goddess
Is anyone going to travel to get away for a Christmas vacation instead of spending it with family?
General & Hellos
Sep 24, 2019Sep 2019

Posted by Lorajay
I had a spectacular trip for an old women from Oklahoma when I flew to Egypt from London on a Thomas Cook excursion.Because we used Thomas Cook and started in London all our fellow Travelers were Brits. I feel very sad for the people and employees ...
General & Hellos
Sep 20, 2019Sep 2019

Posted by OldMetalHead
I'm flying out on a one week business trip to the Netherlands. How has international travel and/or living as an expat changed your opinions on local politics and religion? As an American, it has affected mine quite a bit.
General & Hellos
Sep 4, 2019Sep 2019

Posted by Honorabledougn
First night back in Canada. The jet lag may be helpful today, I have to drive from Calgary to work this morning. Then straight to work a long day I'm guessing. Oh the life of a foamer, Feast or famine. One of the last pictures I took in England, ...
General & Hellos
Sep 2, 2019Sep 2019

Posted by Honorabledougn
Last night in England, off to Gatwick for 11am. I miss my kids and my bed. I've had a great time helping my friend, met a few good people and a new friend. Old Mout Cider rocks. I'm still more than confused when you leave one town then go to the ...
General & Hellos
Aug 29, 2019Aug 2019

Posted by Honorabledougn
Last few days here in England. Drove through Southampton today and staying in Denmead until it's time to go home. Been a great trip. Just wish my money wasn't so tight.😥😓. By tight now I mean none at this point. I have had a great time ...
1 comment
General & Hellos
Aug 20, 2019Aug 2019

Posted by Honorabledougn
The gdsf is a truly interesting show
1 comment
Aug 10, 2019Aug 2019

Posted by JenAnn
Just before and during sunset at the south western most point of the African continent, the Cape of Good Hope.
Anthropology and Archaeology
Jul 21, 2019Jul 2019

Posted by KevinSomething
Kay 'Plaza' Komuro Western States Overview
All Things Asia
Jul 17, 2019Jul 2019

Posted by Boomtarat03
Teenager sets out to travel the world on foot.
50s +
Jun 19, 2019Jun 2019

Posted by EyesThatSmile
This seems to be a great time of life to travel. (I just returned from a trip.). I am shocked at how many people don’t get outside the USA, and about 10 percent of Americans don’t leave the state they were born in!
Love & Relationships
Apr 18, 2019Apr 2019

Posted by SkotlandSkye
I haven't been here much lately....because.... I met the most amazing man. He's retired military after 20 years of service and retired GS 13 also after 17 years. He's also Atheist, vegetarian, and child free by choice!!! There is a lot of ...
Sun Moon Stars
Mar 26, 2019Mar 2019

Posted by Storm1752
I need to get my RV checked out before I'll know it's ready, but all the RV service places are booked. What to do?
Sun Moon Stars
Mar 26, 2019Mar 2019

Posted by Storm1752
I'm TRYING to get ready to go, RV not ready, I'm apprehensive, feel like I'm trying to launch a battleship. I have a month left, having a hard time getting in gear. Any tips on how to get myself motivated?
The Escapees- - Hide here!
Mar 19, 2019Mar 2019

Posted by escapetypist
I woke before dawn to slog through boggy terrain to get a couple of photos from Mt. Tarn near Punta Arenas, Chile. The hike climbed 830 meters in three miles. It was super windy at the top. Even Darwin complained about the wind when he climbed the...
Silly, Random & Fun
Mar 13, 2019Mar 2019

Posted by lerlo
POLLAIRPLANE ETIQUETTE...having just flown, something struck me. Do you believe that the person at the window seat controls the window shade or is it's the row's window and all members of the row get to request that the shade be up or down? Have you ...
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News & Links
Feb 25, 2019Feb 2019

Posted by Science-guy
The real Green Book story! It is interesting that the production of this documentary started before the Hollywood version.
Health & Happiness
Feb 24, 2019Feb 2019

Posted by Bigwavedave
Every year, I try to take a trip in winter and one in summer. Each to a new region or country. Typically the spring trip is to a new tropical location. This year was to oyster bay in Jamaica. It's a hotel adult only all inclusive. I had great weather...
General & Hellos
Feb 15, 2019Feb 2019

Posted by Amisja
I should sleep but I am too excited. I have to drive all the way up to Scotland tomorrow. I think its about 200 miles. It takes 4 hours anyway. There is a service station on the way and when you go in there is a sign on a door that sats, 'This door ...
Love & Relationships
Feb 2, 2019Feb 2019

Posted by Cat021958
Ok!! Challenge. Are you too tired to go out, travel, vacation? I'm female 60 and just hoping for a live soul. Lol
Academic (e.g., Science)
Jan 25, 2019Jan 2019

Posted by theblackdahlia
LINKThe unique and endangered dragon's blood trees of Socotra
Silly, Random & Fun
Jan 25, 2019Jan 2019

Posted by Surfpirate
Oh the silly place names that I have visited over the years, Hell, Elbow and Orgasm to name a few.
General & Hellos
Jan 24, 2019Jan 2019

Posted by ErebusVincent
POLLWhich excursion should I choose for my cruise stop in Athens?
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Philosophy & Meaning
Nov 21, 2018Nov 2018

Posted by Kynlei
In the past 5 or 6 years, I've developed an obsession with all things Ireland. I want to go so badly. It feels more like a need than a want. I find it strange, considering that I was born in the US and have never been outside of the country. I have...
Silly, Random & Fun
Nov 20, 2018Nov 2018

Posted by jemzet8
Name 5 cities in the world you would visit if you had the time and resources before 2018 ends. And why? Me: 1. Paris 2. Miami 3. Agra 4. Bangkok 5. Sydney
Silly, Random & Fun
Oct 5, 2018Oct 2018

Posted by Sheannutt
Which would you choose?
General & Hellos
Sep 23, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by FrayedBear
The emails opened today led to the following post containing some very delightful looking destinations in the USA to visit. How many have you visited and which, how many and which would you like to visit and do you know of equally ...
Love & Relationships
Sep 18, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by PolyWolf
I'm an absolutely horrid boyfriend: couldn't find anywhere convenient to get souvenirs in London, so just got stuff at the airport. I'm ready for a Full English Chastisement when I get home.
Silly, Random & Fun
Sep 14, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by Donwhy
Countries I have visited: United Kingdom, Ireland China, Mongolia, Korea, Japan, Hong Kong,Thailand,Taiwan Canada, Mexico, Guatemala, Panama, Ecuador Dominican Republic, Martinique, Curacao, Trinidad, Tobago, Haiti, Morocco France, Belgium, ...
Love & Relationships
Sep 7, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by Cutiebeauty
Long distance relationships : can they work when both parties haven't even met irl? How would that work out? Has anyone here been in a long distance relationship that worked? I'm asking for personal reasons, so please share your thoughts and ...
General & Hellos
Aug 30, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by MissaDixon
I'm headed for Iceland tomorrow. 1st time out of the 'United' States. So nervous!!!! Will be out of touch for about 2 weeks. Don't have a revolution without me!!!
General & Hellos
Aug 29, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by jjwrldtrvl
Hi I just travel to Thailand and if I was religious I would be into Buddhism in Thailand you feel that everyone is cool and friendly and you feel safe
Silly, Random & Fun
Aug 26, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by Compassion8doubt
Seattle peeps:. Venturing to your corner if the country this month. What is your favorite non-touristy local hangout? Where do people over 40 go dancing? I will be staying in the Fremont area.
1 comment
Silly, Random & Fun
Aug 26, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by graceylou
Which are your favourite cities/towns to visit? Which are your least favourite? What cities/towns do you want to visit? Which would you recommend for travel and why? My favourite cities are New Orleans and London. Least favourite, Vancouver. On my ...
Silly, Random & Fun
Aug 25, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by Velvetnsatin
Anyone planning on going to Burning Man?
Silly, Random & Fun
Aug 24, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by DeepOrange
Is there a place that you would love to visit again, but you know you won't visit that place ever again. For me, I would have to say a National Park in Vietnam in the central highlands just north of De Nang. I am sure by now there are way too many ...
General & Hellos
Aug 21, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by Remi
Any Semester at Sea alumni out there? I sailed Fall 2003. We left Vancouver BC and went to Japan, China, Vietnam, Thailand, India, Tanzania, South Africa, Brazil, Cuba, and came back in to Ft Lauderdale. Most incredible experience of my life. I miss ...
1 comment
General & Hellos
Aug 20, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by Heidi68
For those who have done, or wish to, travel. How did you decide where to go? Did you go alone, in a group or with a partner? I have traveled most of the US and want to start traveling overseas - my number 1 choice is Australia / New Zealand but that ...
Health & Happiness
Aug 19, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by bleurowz
What's been your favorite vacation?
Health & Happiness
Aug 5, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by amdam87
Travelling Solo! Good evening ladies and Bruces - I just bought my airfare for a November trip to Sydney, AU. I'll be on a two week trip, by myself, in the land down under. I've been out of the country once (Iceland) but was with a friend. This ...
Silly, Random & Fun
Aug 4, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by bleurowz
Riding past Newark Airport on my way into NYC. Watching airplanes take off and land has never failed to amaze me ever since I can remember; a simple pleasure that still gives me a thrill. I even look at the sky to see the traffic pattern as they're ...
Silly, Random & Fun
Aug 3, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by Sirena
Something new or different
General & Hellos
Aug 3, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by JustKip
Started a group for Full time RVers, vanlife, snowbirds, and people who tend to live on the road.
Silly, Random & Fun
Aug 2, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by UrsiMajor
What are your plans for the rest of the summer?
General & Hellos
Aug 1, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by ProudMary
POLLShow of hands. Who would rather go to the mountains than the beach? Anyone else?
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General & Hellos
Aug 1, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by Crimson67
Bucket List
General & Hellos
Jul 31, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by KateZilla
Location envy. Have you noticed where a member lives and said to yourself, "wow, I'd love to live there"? What are some of the places ...?
Academic (e.g., Science)
Jul 29, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by Nakiarogue
LINKWhy can't you go faster than light? - YouTube
Music, Movies & Books
Jul 10, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by poetdi56
I just finished what is probably going to be one of my favorite books. "The Tenth Island" by Pulitzer Prize winner Diana Marcum is a slightly fictionalized story about the author's love affair with the Azores. I adore her writing style and her ...
Silly, Random & Fun
Jul 3, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by phxbillcee
7 Essential Travel Tips – Key & Peele
Silly, Random & Fun
Jul 1, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by Stacey48
Where was the most beautiful place you've seen?
Love & Relationships
Jun 30, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by BohoHeathen
A question for those hoping to find love again. Do you limit yourself on distance or are you open to find love anywhere in the world? It may not seem practical to some but who's to say love is right next door, or even in a nearby town?
General & Hellos
Jun 28, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by ShroomPizzazz
POLLUnder 5% of Americans travel overseas - fact or myth?
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Music, Movies & Books
Jun 26, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by 242Foxtrot
Does anyone travel for concerts?
Family & Parenting
Jun 25, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by ProudMary
Why am I the bad guy? I have a cousin who is divorced and remarried and I’m still friends with his ex-wife. Two years ago, at a family reunion his new wife gave me some lip about it and essentially ruined the reunion for me (I drive 6-7 hours to ...
Philosophy & Meaning
Jun 22, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by skotmorrison
Is traveling and being exposed to other people and cultures important and why?
Health & Happiness
Jun 18, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by Nurse-Quantros
If anyone is traveling this summer, where ya going?
General & Hellos
Jun 16, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by Perspicalidocious
Any US ex-pats here? Let's talk!
General & Hellos
Jun 15, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by Jnei
What's your favourite city? I'm going to be a little Eurocentric here because, other than a very brief visits to Israel (which might as well be Europe) and Egypt as a child, I've never been anywhere else - but my choices are... Manchester (UK) - it...
General & Hellos
Jun 14, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by GoldenDoll
Italy - anybody fancy a last-minute holiday to Italy? I have a house in Le Marche with cancellations in July - if you're interested PM me for mates rates! It's detached, has all mod cons, sleeps 6, has a private pool, and the best views over ...
Health & Happiness
Jun 3, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by GoldenDoll
Made it to Mulhouse with double dogs. On to Reggio Emilia tomorrow. Lovely weather. But french food sucks. Can't wait to get some good old Italian food....
1 comment
General & Hellos
May 26, 2018May 2018

Posted by Crimson67
Looking for recommendations on places to see next month as we road trip to Yellowstone. The picture is our "general" route out. We are leaving on the 20th and will check in to our cabin on the 23rd.
Silly, Random & Fun
May 20, 2018May 2018

Posted by Pfr1998
POLLI figure this is the best way to get the most opinions..either directly or from people who have heard from others. Which is the best?
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Silly, Random & Fun
May 14, 2018May 2018

Posted by seasalttravel
So each year I try to do something fun for my birthday this year I have decided to do a Safari in Africa, I am curious if anyone else has done some and if they can recommend any must packs for my bags, or any helpful suggestions. The one I decided to...
General & Hellos
May 12, 2018May 2018

Posted by BeeHappy
Come Monday morning I'll be on the road driving to Texas and a couple weeks later up to Michigan. Providing, that is, I can stay off this site long enough to get everything done that needs doing. I love road trips! Sometimes it can get a little ...
Health & Happiness
May 4, 2018May 2018

Posted by Rhetoric
Belfast: What's it like to live there?
Silly, Random & Fun
May 1, 2018May 2018

Posted by Funnygir175
If you could...?
Silly, Random & Fun
Apr 15, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by JustChris
Autobahn Rainbow....a photo by me.
General & Hellos
Apr 10, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by suepel51
At my age, I'm grateful for wonderful friends both male and female. I'm hoping to find a liberal, agnostic partner that understands that aging with someone is much more fun than negotiating life alone. I would be open to a roommate/partner/friend ...
1 comment
General & Hellos
Apr 9, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by NotConvinced
I would like to share with you the video taken during my visit to the Rio Grande River Gorge. The video was shot in May, 2017."Hike, Climb, Paddle Group" This trip was a blast. It was a natural choice to visit considering we were in the area after rafting on ...
General & Hellos
Apr 1, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by Holyhellkel
Any one live in Europe and either wants to grab a drink in August or has a couch they want a weird American on for a few days or combination of both??
Academic (e.g., Science)
Mar 29, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by SamL
Who is a world traveler on this website, where have you traveled to, and where do you plan on going next?
Silly, Random & Fun
Mar 20, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by Hazydays
Imagine that there was nothing to hold you back and you could live ANYWHERE in the world, where would that be and why?
Health & Happiness
Mar 18, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by SteveB
Have you ever been disconnected electronically from the world?
General & Hellos
Mar 2, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by Vwguy1971
What would be the most memorable travel adventure you have experienced?
Silly, Random & Fun
Feb 26, 2018Feb 2018

Posted by Akfishlady
POLLWhen travelling around, do you prefer what mode of transport
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General & Hellos
Feb 25, 2018Feb 2018

Posted by Human-rationally
Anybody want to travel the USA with me?
Silly, Random & Fun
Feb 23, 2018Feb 2018

Posted by silvereyes
What have you always wanted to do or try, that you just haven't gotten around to?
Silly, Random & Fun
Feb 9, 2018Feb 2018

Posted by Wolfbat
I have noticed most folk on this site are from the USA, I am from the UK and I was wondering how many US citizens travel overseas ? A lot of us Brits travel regularly to Europe I.e Spain, Greece Italy etc also even further far East, Africa and in ...
Health & Happiness
Feb 8, 2018Feb 2018

Posted by Dougy
Infographic helps travelers decide which city to see next
General & Hellos
Feb 7, 2018Feb 2018

Posted by FernandoFerraz
1 comment
General & Hellos
Feb 6, 2018Feb 2018

Posted by UrbanIndie
Perfect Vacation.
Health & Happiness
Feb 5, 2018Feb 2018

Posted by Dougy
12 Hostels That Are Even Better Than Hotels | Inverse
1 comment
Silly, Random & Fun
Feb 2, 2018Feb 2018

Posted by Humanlove
You have travelled more than one, which way do you prefer? Hostelling, guest house or hotels...which factors do you consider before you choose any of what you choose?
Health & Happiness
Feb 2, 2018Feb 2018

Posted by Elsantoasauro
What countries have you visited, or would like to visit?
General & Hellos
Jan 30, 2018Jan 2018

Posted by Kodi
Where should I move?
General & Hellos
Jan 28, 2018Jan 2018

Posted by shockwaverider
What were you doing on 9/11?
Health & Happiness
Jan 27, 2018Jan 2018

Posted by silvereyes
Do you have wanderlust?
General & Hellos
Jan 26, 2018Jan 2018

Posted by Suzanna
What would be your dream vacation? A place on bucket list that you dream of someday visiting?