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We're happy to roll out an update to our "likes" button. You can now select a dozen different types of emotions in your "likes". You can still do a single click for the good old thumbs up. We realize that we don't want this site to be too much like that big blue social network but the ability to express different emotions is important. If you are getting "likes" notifications, they will now say "reacts to".

Admin 9 July 1

Enjoy being online again!

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32 comments (26 - 32)

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I got props from Admin! Hell yeah!!!



MoniB Level 6 July 2, 2018

What is the link now between these various like options and the points system, specifically between the negative ones and points? The "Likes" are counted towards points, right? And the others?

For now, we're just leaving the points the same as before. Only a small % are bad.

@Admin Suggestion: Maybe have any comment or post that has the negative options reach a certain threshhold auto flag for moderator attention?


Nice upgrade, folks. Keep it rollin'.


Interesting - wish I could see the LIKE button to see the options.
I am on Chrome.
Oh wait, AdBlock is blocking the LIKE button? What are you using so I can "white list" it on this site and restore the functionality.

Spelunking into AdBlock - looks like the and ##.likebutton are blocked because of Fanboy's Social Blocking List. Guess they are too much like that big blue social network....

@RPardoe Ok why would you need a social blocking list when you already have a block button? Just curious.

@RavenCT The list is one of a few pre-configured white (or black) lists that AdBlock can use to help minimize the effort I need to clean up web pages. I turned it on and have found that it doesn't interfere with my browsing at all. I like AdBlock as it works very well "out of the box" with little customization on my part in part due to the work done by others.


Thank you for the additions to the web site.


Thank you. You guys rock!!!

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