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Any suggestions on how to inoculate children from religion?

One of the fears that agnostic/atheist parents have is that their kids will be subjected to religious indoctrination. How to prepare them for that?

Admin 9 Sep 10

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Im sorry brother. I wouldn't even want to try. Theres so much at stake for a child. I would protect the child from un needed pain and suffering that comes with being who we are. I am a true believer in balance. A child needs that. Not fights at school and being pointed out in a crowd at grade school. Someone is going to say something at school and there goes a childs sanity. So much pain comes to them regardless of being found out. I wouldnt want to add to it. I would wait till they're strong enough to understand. Then i don't know what age that would be. Sorry... im no help.


Teach real history.

The Thanksgiving story is a fabrication as are the popular add ons such as quakers. The reality was hanging the quaker Mary Dyer in 1660 was the beginning of the end of the Puritan theocracy. Another expression of our religious freedom was executing 19 people near Boston for witchcraft. People need to know that when Christianity gets total control it gets a whole lot worse.

Before the enlightenment the numbers were far higher as was the degree of nastiness. IIRC after the challenge to the true faith around 1100 there were a lot of heresy trials and around 1300 these changed to witchcraft trials which were far more difficult to defend against.

I was talking to a Christian evangelist in Oxford Corn St. who explained that the growth of evil and violence was due to the decline in Christianity and I had to point out that he was a hundred yards from where members of his own church back in 1555 had executed by burning alive their own Archbishop.

Left to themselves the contradictions in Christianity come to the fore and are so severe Christians have no choice but to kill each other.

Thanks for this information. I love hearing this. Thank you.


give em something to believe in.


Start talking about dinosaurs. What kid isn't fascinated by dinosaurs? Plant that seed and see if it grows. By the time they're teenagers, they may begin to see some conflicts with religion.

hilarious and practical!


Home school them..and basically give them the knowledge that RELIGION is a taught ignorance that is geographically relevant...people's beliefs and religions depends on the environment they are raised in...a Christian is not born..neither is a Jew or Muslim...they have parent's of those religions..period.

If you have the time that is an excellent solution!


show them everything everyone believes


Teach children that religion is a fairy tale intended to instill morality. Also teach them mythology right along with it. If they are young, just keep it simple and tell them that it's all fun pretend, like Santa Clause, but that some people keep pretending, even as adults, because they don't know any better.


Teaching about critical thinking skills is crucial. Teach them also to never be afraid to question. But I also think being exposed to all religions helps, too. And most importantly, teach them science. Teach them the truth about life.


Let them have the information to choose for themselves. You will probably emphasize the opinion you have, but it is actually better for you to be neutral and show them some options. You must resist the urge to preach your opinions. Just expose them to things and love them and let them make up their own minds. Support their choice, and support their ability to believe what they want without prejudice. If you force them to oppose religion, they may revolt and that is not the best situation.


teach them the facts of science


Education. If they are interested in one particular religion, take that time to also teach them others as well. As our orange leader has stated, equal time for all. The more they learn about how all religions tend to stem from specific beliefs, and how the major religions are actually based on the same stories, the more informed decision they can make on their own.


I didn’t find it necessary to “inoculate” my child from religion - the lack of indoctrination was sufficient. However, I don’t live in an area where he is constantly barraged with god talk.


tell them the truth. Teach them real science, explain the universe is about 14B y/o, every living thing dies and ceases to exist. Then give them a cookie and go play.


Allow them to investigate religion when they want to. Make sure you teach them proper history and science at a young age. The rest should take care of itself. My daughters were in elementary school when they first started hearing about religion from their friends. I gave them a brief historical lesson on Christianity and they thought it was the craziest thing they had ever heard of. They are now in high school and want to be scientists. They seek out other people who are atheists and like minded.


Sounds like you're indoctrinating them. I would avoid forcing worldviews on your children. Just encourage them to get an education and think for themselves.


As a parent it is our responsibility to provide our children with all the information they need to go out and live productive happy lives... It is not our responsibility to insulate them... That is just my idea of being an open-minded individual... Like myself being raised Roman Catholic when I became a teenager I started engaging my brain... and questioning everything... Unconditional love with children is really the only way to go but just remember as parents it is our responsibility to raise knowledgeable informed human beings that can go out and live productive lives without falling victim 2 those that want to influence us into believing what they believe. If we have self-confidence we can stand our ground and believe in our self.

emjai Level 3 Dec 9, 2017

like drugs its part of life so you can only guide them and if they choose a religion it's up to them and you have eased your conscience. you can't or shouldn't hide it.


If you want to inoculate your kids against religion emphasize reasoning among them....but always remember that to be religious or not, to be republican or democrat, to become a doctor or a teacher.....are all individual decisions.

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