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Why there is no god/s?

Admin 9 June 19

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There is no god is the basis of the statement. It is up to others to prove that there is a god. Without proof, the basis remains intact. There is no god until there is some scientifically provable evidence for there being a god/s.


When asked why god was not mentioned in his treatise on celestial mechanics, Pierre Simon Laplace famously stated - "I have no need of that hypothesis." Can't think of a more direct, succinct and simple answer than that.


I think that is a poorly stated question. It seems as though there is an expectation on the part of the questioner that there should be a god, but there isn't and he/she is wondering why.

The idea of god was created by men who wanted answers, but lacked the means to find them, so they made up a "god" or "gods" to explain wha tot them was explainable. Thus every god is as flawed as humans are themselves, subject to the same emotions and short comings as humans.


Cause its was all made up to get people to conform.


The answer is the same as the one to most things: there is no why, it's just like that. Meaning is something humans give to things, it's not a property of objects. If you ask why the physical laws of the universe are as they are, well, there's no reason, they just are, all we can do is try to find them.

MarcO Level 5 Oct 7, 2017

Fenrir ate them all as was his duty in Ragnarok.


how can i fully vanish the thought in my mind that God exist?


We can't know there are no gods... we can only infer what we can see and what we can test and right now there is no convincing evidence to suggest such a creature exists. If I'm wrong, then I'll admit it but for now I see nothing to change my mind.

Draco Level 6 Sep 23, 2017

It's basic critical thinking. Until evidence is furnished that establishes Gods existence, I'm going to conclude a God doesn't exist. If I were to believe everything until such time it was proven false I would be forced to accept everything unproven, including things that contradict other things. I can't function that way nor would a diety that had my best interest in mind want me to.


Because there is none. No evidence also.

I do not believe in GOD.

Full of nonsense between believers.


An absurd question.

Why is there no god?

You might as well ask 'why is there no tooth fairy?', 'why is there no Loch Ness Monster?', 'why is there no Santa Clause?' ... If you believe in god, it's down to YOU to make your OWN case.

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