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What was your worst experience with religious people?

Admin 9 June 19

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Because I had been a christian minister I was considered the worst of the worst pagans. I would even boast and say that I was the worst kind of atheist, because I am the godless kind. The worst part is that I lost "friends" who I thought were truly "friends." Also, my sister used to cry every time she would talk to me on the telephone or see me in person because she told me that she will miss me so much when she is in heaven and I am not. My answer to her was simply that we had better really enjoy each other's presence now all the more if she thinks that we will be separated forever.


When my son was a baby I had post partum depression. It got so bad I was hospitalized. A couple of days into my stay I called my pastor at the time, looking for encouragement. He told me that it was my fault that I was sick, because I had fallen away from God and I was a sinner. I immediately gave up on religion and haven't been back to church since.


I went to Easter services at bethel temple because they were offering a free ham. (I was poor back then). At the end of an hour of hearing how reprobate we all were, some of the women pulled me up to the front to pray for me. They were all speaking in tongues and crying. I was surrounded, so I made a deal with their God. If he let me go home that day, i would never go back. I got home and never went back! 😉 the truth is that I was really scared while those women were carrying on. It was weird.

Cheri Level 5 Oct 27, 2017

But did you get the ham?

I did 😉


Religious people who insist Satan exists... violent people.


People assigning me to a burning hell.


When someone told me that if I had God I wouldn't be so fearful of spiders... To which I realized they were serious and I proceeded to explain to them that fear is a natural human emotion.

More people have fears and aversions to spiders than any other creature on earth. Fact.



the dating is what kills me im having issues entering a serious relationship because i don't believe in myths smh


I said that I don't know whether there is a god or not, and they looked at me as I was a weirdo. they didn't talk to me ever since.

Kero Level 2 Sep 30, 2017

I grew up Catholic and attending Catholic schools. When my mother and father divorced (he cheated on her for 13 years), the priest told her it was her fault and that she did something to make my father cheat and that she wasn't a good enough wife. THEN, they made me do private lessons with the same priest in order to do my confirmation. They said I was a special case because of what happened with my parents.


Probably telling my Mother I was not a Christian. She was extremely upset, and did the entire well I will pray for you thing. I told her if that made her feel better then that was fine with me.


I was going to go on a job interview and a born again Christian was going to help me, pre-interview because he worked there. He told me that if the people who drove the planes into the World Trade Center accepted Christ as their savior right before they died, they would go to heaven. But if someone who didn't accept Christ (I was born Jewish, so he was speaking about everyone in my family) lived a wonderful and good and decent life, they would go to hell. I don't even remember the what the job would have been. I just remembered his reasoning. Say you accept Christ and all is forgiven.


i really don't give a shit about normal people , actually they should first deserve a good mind


I said, "there's no evidence for the existence of God(s) and that's why I don't believe in any." and they said, "whatever, all Atheists deserve to die."

But, any time I talk to a theist my head hurts from stupidity.

I've met mean and kind people from just about every major religion. The nicest I've met have been Sikhs and Buddhists and the meanest have been Christians.


Any experience that involves them showing me they believe such nonsense.


I was 12. Mom was sick so she stayed home that night and the pastor came to get me to take me to church. I was the only non-adult there and I had to sit in on the adult class.
The pastor told me if there were other children there that we could have our own class. Somewhere along the way, I excused myself to go to the restroom, and when I came out I spotted 2 young boys about 9 and 10 out the window playing outside.
I had always been taught that it was our duty to bring others in, so thinking that I was doing a good thing, I went out to unsuccessfully convince them to come inside.
The pastor came looking for me and brought me back in. He said nothing to me, but the 1st thing that happened when I walked in the door was that my mom slapped my face.
Convinced that a pastor would never tell her a lie, it would seem that the pastor had told her that I left the church and was 'outside talking to boys'. I was punished without ever getting the opportunity to explain my side.

Donna Level 6 Sep 29, 2017

It hurt so much that people of religion always believe what pastor and other religious leaders tell them.


First experience with religious people was my worst. Southern Baptist family of kids comes walking down the sidewalk while I'm outside with my two sisters, we were all younger than 12. They were all dressed in their sunday's best. They walked right up to us and said, 'Do you believe in Jesus?' Not a one of us knew what they were talking about. Immediately they all started telling us how we would all burn in hell unless we believed. Their words just struck me as angry and hateful. It also sounded like they were trying to sell me something they couldn't actually give me. I went inside and told my parents and my dad got pretty mad and explained to us how wrong they were to say what they said. It made sense to me then and it still makes sense to me today. Keep your religion to yourself.


I can't isolate a single, worst experience with religious people. If I could, I am sure it would be an experience that follows the utterance "As a Christian I believe..." or "My faith tells me.." because invariably what follows is some absurd moral pronouncement. Believers think that prefacing statements with either of these two phrases shields them from ridicule. They play it as a trump card that relieves them of the responsibility to support their position with evidence and rational debate. It also creates for them the opportunity for counter attack on the ground you have failed to "respect " their religious beliefs. This is intellectual dishonesty of the highest order. It frustrates rational discussion.


I was in love once. With a pagan. Drastically on day she decided she loved Jesus instead. This drove a wedge between us. Until one day she went to church on Sunday and came home with a brand new Christian boyfriend. Painful. Religion decided us. I still can't understand how she could throw away something real. Our love of each other. For something fake. God.

Blue Level 2 Sep 25, 2017

I was and am being shunned by a church community I once belonged. Went from 100 so called friends to none. My sin? I dated a person outside my faith community. She was labeled a whore and me a fornicator! By the way, we were both virgins. At the time it was devastating but I now see it as the best thing that ever happened to me.

so, what was the best thing that ever happened - you were both virgins on your date? LOL! joking aside, lots of religious groups forbid having romantic relationships outside of their community but it's always well and good to have profitable business links outside


Every day with my wife and kids going to religious things at churches. It is clear they choose to be stupid and blind and have no respect for someone who has more experience, knowledge and understanding than they do.

been like that the first half of my life, just "going through the motions" so my mother won't feel sad


In UK never had one, however I was literally groomed by a couple who were ostensibly selling us a house. They invited us round for dinner, offered us gifts, offered to let our kids go round to play in the pool and 'get used to the house'. Then they offered us to join their church. Basically when we said no, they withdrew from the sale. I felt violated.

@heavenhug Seriously? You have a stolen pic.

@heavenhug I would love to know u too . The picture of u donating blood is soo beautiful and real . U are clearly a very nice person .

@Pralina1 hahaha

Wow. that's really creepy

@Moravian it was in Arizona

@Amisja That explains a lot. Can't see it happening in the UK

@Moravian I would be completely freaked if it happened here.


Having listen how my experience would be similar theirs if I drank the same kool-aid


Mine will probably be when I come out as an bisexual atheist. Since, my family and friends are very religious, I 'm sure it will go over well.

Good luck with that. I'm sure everyone here will support you when you do it. Head high for your own Truth. No one else's business!


I went to a private, Catholic school from 1st grade through 11th grade. By the age of 8 I was already a non believer. I kept to myself in order to self-protect. But once I was out of that school I was in trouble using drugs and hanging out with bad company. Playing R&R saved my life. I loved the music so much that it kept me going until the present. I even got to beat the H/S bully who reminds me of Donald Trump.


think I have said this one before I was about 15 years old, first saturday job, train up to town got the wrong train back and was stuck in a carriage that was bursting to the seams with a bible puncher telling me he was going to pray for my soul-doh! And I had to wait an hour for the train back to Lee Green.

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