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What was your worst experience with religious people?

Admin 9 June 19

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My daughter was told at age seven by a friends grandmother because she wasn't baptized she was going to hell.


At the daycare my son goes to (which does not in any way indicate that it is a "Christian daycare" ) the teachers are making the kids recite prayers before they even leave for school on the bus. My son came home a few months ago asking to get baptized. He said he learned that if he doesn't he won't go to heaven. He is 6, so I took him to get baptized so he wouldn't be scared since the daycare so carelessly threatened the kids with hell. I also did it so my mom would stop asking me constantly to do it (she is also religious).


While I was still a Christian and an active youth. The parents of a church mate decided to open a Christian Coffeehouse. I got my entire Bible study group to help set up and paint the place and get the place going. I even brought my home stereo system and speakers so that they would have a basic PA system and DJ capabilities. It was a cool thing for awhile, till one day the adults told me that "GOD" told them I should donate my equipment to them. I asked why didn't God ask me himself. I got some BS answer from them. I told their son what his parents said and he agreed with me that it was BS and got the spare keys and we got my equipment the next day. If they had come to me as themselves and asked if I would donate my equipment to them I probably would have. My experiences with that church and that group of people that finally turned me away from organized brainwashing. That was 25 years ago. I haven't returned to the church since.


Told to forget and stop mentioning child molestation


I have been very lucky not to have had any alarming experiences of religious people but one only has to turn on the news to see others who have endured incredible hardship and suffering at the hands of extremists.... nearly always based on religion.

mjpwl Level 3 Oct 20, 2017

in foster home , first time in a church . they started talking about eating flesh and drinking blood . I thought they were zombies going to eat me. turns out it was only crackers and juice


Cant think of anything significant.


How do you pick just one? My first thought was about the men who used to pursue me (perhaps "hound" is a more appropriate word) and then would get additionally aggressive with me because I was an atheist and refused to believe what they did. Next thought was of the religious "friends" I had who told me that I should stay with my abusive husband because divorce was a sin and that it was better for my children to have an abusive father than no father at all (spoiler alert- it definitely was not). Finally, I think it would be being taught to be hyper judgmental and constantly guilty simply because of poorly written and transcribed words from an ancient book.


I'll never forget this because it came from my own brother. While I was still a closeted lesbian, I remember just briefly mentioning the gay rights movement. From there it seemed as if the conversation had died and we moved on. Then he started talking about this murder trial that was happening at the time, and not only did he compare that to the "sin" of being gay, he said that being gay was worse than murder. That may not be the worst I've ever had, but coming from my brother it terrified me back into the closet when I was almost ready to come out.


When my son was a baby I had post partum depression. It got so bad I was hospitalized. A couple of days into my stay I called my pastor at the time, looking for encouragement. He told me that it was my fault that I was sick, because I had fallen away from God and I was a sinner. I immediately gave up on religion and haven't been back to church since.


Being told by a priest that If my attendance at Sunday school wasn't 100 percent ( proved by buying a votive stamp ) , I would go to hell . I was 6 at the time .
I ran home ,crying ,terrified and told my dad , who marched me back to the church and promptly knocked the offending man of the cloth on his ass.


Because I had been a christian minister I was considered the worst of the worst pagans. I would even boast and say that I was the worst kind of atheist, because I am the godless kind. The worst part is that I lost "friends" who I thought were truly "friends." Also, my sister used to cry every time she would talk to me on the telephone or see me in person because she told me that she will miss me so much when she is in heaven and I am not. My answer to her was simply that we had better really enjoy each other's presence now all the more if she thinks that we will be separated forever.


Way back when I was trying on religion I was at a church and I overheard a woman talking about her foster children (native American). She was so excited about how she had removed all the spiritual culture of their life and replaced it with her religion. I wanted to vomit.


When I was around 11, we had a Pentecostal Holiness lady who drove the carpool to and from school for the neighbourhood kids. The others had stopped riding with this lady and I found out why the last time I rode with her. After she picked me and her son up and left the school, heading down the street, she suddenly floored the gas pedal and began singing, "we're gonna see Jesus in the sky!" and drove like bat out of hell, steering the car with her fingernail. When she screeched to a halt in front of my door, she saw the books I had and the scinece project I was working on and said, "You're gonna have to get that monkey stuff out of your head because God created us in his image!"


Okay it wasn't my worse experience but it was kinda funny. I kid you not when my friend found out her response was, "So you think this all just magically got here?"...just what? No? That's not how this works...


A religious woman and I got into a discussion about God; she said, "Where does love come from then if there is no God." I answered that love is inherent: all animals love their babies." She uttered nary another word and turned to another religious person to talk to.


Being married to one! Five five years were good, last four years were unbelievable. I had to leave just to keep my sanity.


They go to church each Sunday to discover what the "sin's" are of their neighbors and fellow workers on the job are or that of each other. They love to judge without mercy.


Being told how wrong or evil I am just because I never fell for what the "book religions" preach and teach. Good people come in all shapes and sizes, all races and beliefs. My god comes in all genders and forms and does not dictate as to how or what I believe, I am not about to battle my beliefs against anyone else's.


My husband was brain dead and his super catholic family kept him in a bed at the hospital;until his heart stopped... even after they dragged me up there and i puked all over his you get it now?


I supported my now ex wife as she was a catholic and we all have the right to believe or not.
She fell in love with her priest.
I divorced her,he is now an ex priest.
I don't trust them to abide by their bible at all.


Probably on atheist internet sites that fanatical hateful religious individuals visit and make hurtful statements


ProLife and Antigay organizations engaging in a 7 year hatecrime.


I moved to the bible belt as a sophomore in high school; the kids were very unwelcoming to someone that didn't want to pray before lunch.


I was around seven years old, I was at a Pentecostal church, and all of these people were doing the speaking in tongues thing and having seizures and sh*t, I was curious and went down to join them. They just started pushing me around and telling me not to fight it. I pretended like it was happening so the very uncomfortable situation would stop. I remember laying there thinking, "this is fake". I'll never forget that.

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