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What was your worst experience with religious people?

Admin 9 June 19

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Any experience that involves them showing me they believe such nonsense.


I was 12. Mom was sick so she stayed home that night and the pastor came to get me to take me to church. I was the only non-adult there and I had to sit in on the adult class.
The pastor told me if there were other children there that we could have our own class. Somewhere along the way, I excused myself to go to the restroom, and when I came out I spotted 2 young boys about 9 and 10 out the window playing outside.
I had always been taught that it was our duty to bring others in, so thinking that I was doing a good thing, I went out to unsuccessfully convince them to come inside.
The pastor came looking for me and brought me back in. He said nothing to me, but the 1st thing that happened when I walked in the door was that my mom slapped my face.
Convinced that a pastor would never tell her a lie, it would seem that the pastor had told her that I left the church and was 'outside talking to boys'. I was punished without ever getting the opportunity to explain my side.

Donna Level 6 Sep 29, 2017

It hurt so much that people of religion always believe what pastor and other religious leaders tell them.


I am a professional house painter. I'd spent a week painting the house of a lovely older couple. On the last day, I was cleaning up and they were chatting with my boss. He's a former pastor and a heckuva good guy. When I entered the room, my boss joked, "Don't ask him about any of this, he's an Atheist" (We have a very good relationship, and discuss and joke about this kind of stuff pretty regularly). It was the wife's reaction that got me.

She looked directly at me, and said, " oh, and you seemed like such a nice man".

I was actually pretty shocked at how much that hurt.

Since then, I painted for them again. I didn't mention it. My experience has taught me time and again that there is simply no changing the religious mind.

" Oh yeah? Well, there are a lot of Atheists who've made some tremendous contributions to this world" Huh? Did you assume they think they are trash? Why do you think Atheist need some form of Affirmation? do you do that when someone says their black?


I work with a southern woman who pointed out a new guy and said that he was "weird", I asked why, she said he don't believe in god..."
I thought really??? You don't even know the guy, never talked to him, yet someone tells you he don't believe in god and suddenly you judge him based on that alone?
The woman didnt know I was an atheist, I almost wanted to tell her, "do you think I'm weird? Do you think Im pretty cool?" And she would likely says no and yes cause we are always helping each other at work....I would have loved to have seen her face when I told her that in fact I was an athiest...and that it seems I have better morals than her and no god told me to do so...but for the sake of argument, conflict and the fact I didnt want issues at work, I kept my mouth shut.

Sometimes its best to just pick your battles...


First experience with religious people was my worst. Southern Baptist family of kids comes walking down the sidewalk while I'm outside with my two sisters, we were all younger than 12. They were all dressed in their sunday's best. They walked right up to us and said, 'Do you believe in Jesus?' Not a one of us knew what they were talking about. Immediately they all started telling us how we would all burn in hell unless we believed. Their words just struck me as angry and hateful. It also sounded like they were trying to sell me something they couldn't actually give me. I went inside and told my parents and my dad got pretty mad and explained to us how wrong they were to say what they said. It made sense to me then and it still makes sense to me today. Keep your religion to yourself.


My oldest sister. Blocked me on Facebook over challenging her faith. Well, let me just point out, she's the kind of Christian that places Jeebus First on everything in life. That would include disowning anyone in her family that doesn't join her bandwagon. Yeah, my own sister hasn't talked to me in years because of "religion". Pretty pathetic if you ask me, and gives me even more reason to deny religion as a whole.


I can't isolate a single, worst experience with religious people. If I could, I am sure it would be an experience that follows the utterance "As a Christian I believe..." or "My faith tells me.." because invariably what follows is some absurd moral pronouncement. Believers think that prefacing statements with either of these two phrases shields them from ridicule. They play it as a trump card that relieves them of the responsibility to support their position with evidence and rational debate. It also creates for them the opportunity for counter attack on the ground you have failed to "respect " their religious beliefs. This is intellectual dishonesty of the highest order. It frustrates rational discussion.


I've had quite a few throughout my long life, but the most recent, and probably the most horrid was when I made the mistake of being friendly with a man who occasionally attends my ballroom and swing dance club. He hit on me, but it was so subtle that I wasn't sure that's what he was doing. He was a fabulous dancer, which is a rare find. He offered to help me brush up on my dancing, and since he was highly trained, I thought "why not---I need all the help I can get." It wasn't until I had a few more chats with him that I discovered he was a right-wing fundamentalist nut job. I also found out that he hid the fact that he was married and his wife was out of town frequently. I hadn't been physically attracted to him anyhow, and after learning about his religious zeal, I was so disgusted and repulsed that I told him to never come near me again!


I came back from a Toys for Tots run to pick my son up from my aunt at her church one evening. One of the church ladies rushed over to tell me that if I was a good Christian that I wouldn't dress like that. I responded, "I'm not but if you were a good Christian, you wouldn't have said that. Maybe you should read your book about judging others."

With all due respect, could you please describe to us what was it that you were wearing that night? In what particular place of the church did you pick up your son? Did you enter the main church hall during service? In what particular place of the church did one of the church ladies rushed over to you?

@Monkmiester and i would have liked to have seen what she was wearing!! he he


A fundamentalist preacher who was street-preaching at my college last semester told me that when Judgement Day comes, he will personally dragging me screaming and throw me into the pits of Hell, laughing at me the whole time.

Granted, he also told me that he had 5 Ph.D.s, performed miracles, and had evidence that present-day whales existed in the Cambrian Period, so he might not be the most believable person in the world.


My family who are "born again" christians. All they talk about is jesus and try to convert me. They think I have to be "saved". The only thing I need saving from is them! They are judgemental hypocrites who are focused on materialistic things. They have no compassion!

Christians are the worst people on earth.


I was in love once. With a pagan. Drastically on day she decided she loved Jesus instead. This drove a wedge between us. Until one day she went to church on Sunday and came home with a brand new Christian boyfriend. Painful. Religion decided us. I still can't understand how she could throw away something real. Our love of each other. For something fake. God.

Blue Level 2 Sep 25, 2017

Being exorcised by a bunch of fanatical Christians.

Draco Level 6 Sep 23, 2017

Every day. Because I live Ina religious family\community people are always undermining and trying to change my belief and calling it a phase.

Stay strong Selah613. I can relate to how hard it can be around believers. ????????

Cheers mate


A very close friend found out I was an Athiest and refused to see me for several years. I bumped into him once one a trip to Aspen I got the chance finally to ask him, How did you not know I was an Athiest, I'm so vocal about it. He said "well I knew you didn't believe I just didn't know you were an Athiest. I laughed and said That's all an Athiest is. We aren't baby eaters. We're people just like you who happen not to believe that one thing.


Listening to the stories of kids who heard some religious people praying for the death and destruction of non-believers, and those who don't practice their same religion.

Most wars between nations before the modern age were of religious causes, or so I thought. But it never really changed. Extremist groups up to now wage war and sow terror in the name of their religion


not much to be considered worst, no physical assault of any kind . . . except for the thought that most of religious folks I've known and have met don't practice what they preach


not much to be considered worst, no physical assault of any kind . . . except for the thought that most of religious folks I've known and have met don't practice what they preach

Ha ha Athiest! I liked that one.


I was and am being shunned by a church community I once belonged. Went from 100 so called friends to none. My sin? I dated a person outside my faith community. She was labeled a whore and me a fornicator! By the way, we were both virgins. At the time it was devastating but I now see it as the best thing that ever happened to me.

so, what was the best thing that ever happened - you were both virgins on your date? LOL! joking aside, lots of religious groups forbid having romantic relationships outside of their community but it's always well and good to have profitable business links outside


Every day with my wife and kids going to religious things at churches. It is clear they choose to be stupid and blind and have no respect for someone who has more experience, knowledge and understanding than they do.

been like that the first half of my life, just "going through the motions" so my mother won't feel sad


My mother told me not to have children because i'm an Atheist. It sounds really rough but I'm actually not really mad at her. I used to be very religious too and she's told me directly she simply believes that if I raised a child atheist then they'd go to hell in the afterlife. We still love eachother, but its been a Dificult split in the family.

"Mom with all due respect, that kind of God sounds like a jackass and intolerant of critical thinking, I'd rather chill with my homie Lucifer." If only it could be this easy.

love will keep you together


Most of them are illiterate and they can't make any good logic. They are also very angry minded people ????

JOY Level 2 Sep 14, 2017

just go on, move along


When I was a kid I went to a Catholic School and we had to go to church so yeah probably going to church

been like that the first half of my life, just "going through the motions" so my mother won't feel sad

After my stepson committed suicide, a work colleague asked me if he was a Christian. Ben’s spiritual journey was complicated, but Christianity was part of it so I said yes. She then said “good, because that means he’s now in heaven.” Which by extension would mean that if the answer was no, and if he had lived longer it might have become no, that he would not be in heaven. I have little time for a spiritual philosophy that insists that it’s my way or you go to hell.

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