I don't. I just reject the supernatural.
I'm an Atheopagan, a naturalistic, Earth-honoring religious path. We don't believe in gods or magic or the soul or spirits or any of that junk, just the real Universe. Our celebrations and rites are to help us be happier, wiser, and kinder in the world. More info at atheopaganism.wordpress.com.
Because the search for truth is far more rewarding than just accepting that "god" did it.
I do not reject religion, I reject the concept of an interfering god. Many religious teachings are being linked to Quantum Physics today. The more we learn about that the more sense some of the older religions make. Our push towards evolution is built on better understanding of some of the ancient beliefs, which have been totally corrupted or obscured.
The main reason I reject it is because I think it does more harm than good. Most of the wars can be traced back to a religious origin. I also think it causes terrible legislators to get into power.
Marathon would be different if not for religion. The major greek wars too. Now just because it isn't the crusades doesn't mean religion isn't involved. Christian god was blessing both sides poster wise in recent world wars.
There's just too many of them. And everyone believes in their own so adamantly, with such faith, that I can't STAND the thought of someone who has so much faith in one belief dying, then being told they're going to Hell because they "got it wrong"
Religion causes so much harm. From hating Jews because "they killed Jesus" to the years of them Inquisition to Puritans killing Quakers, to being OK with slavery and killing the godless indigenous populations, to stealing resources from other, less Christian countries, to the crazy discrimination we are seeking to allow against LGBT folks, to the suddigation of womes. We should outlaw that religion ever takes precedence over science. What I believe now is my one question now is who/what caused the big bang. Every thing was invented by man to gain power, control and wealth.
I am Haitian,great grandson of former slave.I was raised as a Catholic because my dad was a devout christian.In my country,caholicism is a state religion.At 17,I first rejec
ted the catholic church because they took side for Fran
ce and recognized Haiti as a nation after that country rob
bed us of 25 millions.At 19,I dropped all this religion thing when I discovered that the justification of slavery is in the bible.
I can just conclude by saying that religions,all of them,a
re a mind control tool.
I believe it creates major divisions in society, politics and science. You could argue that religion also brings people together, but I refuse to accept that as a positive thing in this case. Yes, it brings people together, but many different groups of people who learn intolerance for anything other than their beliefs. I always told myself this "if there is a god, then that God did not put me here to believe everything at face value. if a god did exist then that God gave me the ability to think for myself, ask questions and seek answers."
Because all religions are so obviously human constructs. Scientology was built by Ron Laffyett Hubbard for a bet and look at it now. Maybe there was someone called Jesus but he can not have done all the things attributed to him. Some of his ideas were very good though
Well in the first page of genesis, god separated the light and darkness before creating the sun. That's the first problem. Then it continues into more contradictions, inconsistencies, and even tells you that if you rape and woman and her family finds out, you should pay her father 50 shekels and keep her as your wife... I forgot who said this, but if there's a turd in a pool, would you jump in? Well the bible is full of turds.
for many reasons, I reject it but mostly because I don't see any evidence for it and there are enough things that are very real to think about. I mean really I find it very laughable and stupid. if I invented a religion I would be locked up and deserve it.
Concept of christian, muslim, jewish or any religion god is impossible and here is why, look at the universe and how big it is nobody can't even comprehend how big it is and it is possible that it is not the only one but that there is multiverse, we know only small part of phisical laws, now put this all enormous thing together now think of it's master (if he existed) that being would be above all, he would be being of maximum understanding and power with no ego or love as we know it, we would be a grain of sand in eyes of that being because it is almost certain there is life on other planets (it would be egoistic to think that we are alone and that everything is made for us), he would ve creating big bang and life would be it's fenomenon, a highly overrated fenomenon, we would be like ants to it, because compasion, love, hate and ego are all chemical products in brain and that being would be free of it, it would not care if we worship it or not as it is not petty and small being like us and this is only if we assume that something like this is real
I don't, I reject any ideology which is not based on reason, however, religion makes a special claim for itself, to be divinely inspired. Echoes of 'The Hitch' but truth tends to ring loud in spite of superstitious nonsense.
For me personally it's not so much the ideas or teachings, i don't buy all of that, yes, but it
s more about the individuals...the practicers rather than what is practiced. My Granny was religious and she would NEVER have in a million years picketed the funeral of a Gay solider. or been involved with anyone who would bomb an Abortion Clinic. her Jesus helped the poor healed the sick and fed the hungry. Her Jesus didn't go around saying God hates fags or I hate you because you're a man who loves a man. And it's this idea that we should have bibles in public schools and make a law at the top level banning abortion or gay marriage. They have no argument against gay marriage other than they think their bible says so. there's no legal reason I digress. There is way too much hypocrisy and the list goes on and on why I call bullshit on religion.
Let's start with common sense. Religion was invented by humans in ancient times to explain the unexplainable. It has since been used as a tool of control and oppression, especially against women.
For me the pendulum has now swung in both directions. I spent more than 40 years very active in a demanding church and held leadership positions. Then, in January of 2014, my wife and I abruptly resigned our membership due to finding on YouTube that the history claims of the church were a mountain of lies. My eyes were also opened to the fact that the entire Noah story is incomprehensible and impossible. So, for the past few years I've concluded, 'There is no one God, but there does seem to be great evidence for a universal consciousness in the Universe. Then... a few months ago... I read the first two books by Robert Monroe, and the "Journeys Out of the Body" by William Buhlman, and I was blown away. Finally, something that makes perfect sense and clearly answers almost all of the questions I had. The great thing was, I was able to read the book "Journeys Out of the Body" without having to spend a penny... as that it's free, online, as a PDF. So, I still don't believe there's just one 'God', but now it makes perfect sense that we are progressing through dimensions, and we're in this one right now because it is the most dense and has the lowest frequency, and are here to learn. (Damned cool book.)
I will also add, here, that in my opinion every person who has left religion will find at least some of the answers they are seeking in the William Buhlman book. (If you need any further motivation... Chapter 15 of one of the Robert Monroe books is titled, "Astral Sex".
My parents didn't let them get to me when I was a child so I just don't understand. I don't have any comprehension of God centeredness.
there are many reasons I could give here but to state it simply, religion does not make any logical sense, it seems to me that religion was and to some extent still is just a means for a few men to control the rest of the population