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Why do you reject the idea of religion?

Admin 9 June 19

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Because I am in love with the truth


Because when I 1st rejected religion they followed up with hate/harassment and I didn't want my future children to be around people that say its ok to treat people this way since they're not like you. Plus the whole murder non-xtians thing they had in the past with slavery and their casual its just a test statement, just proves that their religion is testing to see how far someone would go for themselves and honestly it scary to see someone do and say something so fucked up only for them to be supported by the large number of people who are saying its ok to not listen to them.
But than again we see that everywhere we go. In school I remember someone making fun of this kid cause he had on a fake shoe brand. More than 3/4 of the class laughed at him including me, but I was only laughing just to fit in. Eventually I stopped follow the evidential asshole who fed off of making people suffer for their own benefit and I realized how similar bullying was to the xtian religion


I reject religion because I think it's just one more way for those with the power to control those without.


I hate the control preachers have over the congregation. You follow them or get out. That's it. There's know gray area.


Because it comes with many bad sides"

  • you tend to judge others (mostly atheists)
  • you are less tolerant
  • you are closed minded (most of you)
  • you hinder progress.

I am sure there are many more but those are the ones that come to mind.


Religions (for me obviously) are emotionally hollow; they have no appeal as ways of knowing the real world. And alternatively, "believing" in invisible friends takes up ones time, mental capacity. Saying "gods" is akin to saying "no"; it closes ones mind to infinite possibilities.


For one thing most of it is based on a book the Catholic's screwed with long ago putting into it what they chose to, and leaving out what they chose not to let us see. It is a mix of truth and fiction. I know what I feel inside and that is my compass and truth meter.


A mental illness that has been taught and passed down for generations. As I said before, religious people remind me of the people in resident evil. They always went around infecting the healthy with their illness. See the similarities?


Because That Idea is Not a Good Idea.


I believe a different definition of god. The only view that could be considered "god" would be that love=god=love+the amazing variety of the beauty of all plants, animals and people.


Simply because it is mere superstition. Fantasies made by humans to explain terrifying inexplicable phenomena when they were scientifically ignorant; and worse, a tool of mental/emotional control by governments, churches, and individuals for controlling people's lives and assets. I consider religion, adherence to beliefs in the supernatural as a waste of time. Much more satisfying to investigate, understand underlying facts... Better by far to have a probabilistic, tentative awareness of reality than an unshakable stance of the universe based on irrationality. Gods are one way of saying "no" to infinite possibilities. Science and I disavow religion.


i reject it bc its not important . if it was i think hed bring his ass down here and show us hes real . so im not following anyones beliefs . going off of belief is not how u find truth. i see no evidence for it like at all . so yes i reject anything that has 0 evidence

  1. No proof. If you accept Religion A, then why not Religion B? They all have the same amount of proof: zero.
  2. I look at all the easily duped sheep and the violence-prone believers and it occurs to me that if these are sort of people who believe religion, it can't be right.

The damage it's done to so many people both physically and mentally.


If serves no purpose, other than to enrich the church. The candy coated ideology is based on hatred and tribalism. Religions are the root of most wars and domestic violence. More deaths can be attributed to religion than any disease, violence or natural disaster.


The idea that a man made concept that has so many variations yet they all claim to be the "word of god" is ridiculous.


I reject it because I think it is an invention of man to control other people through fear. I think it has been the source of too much pain and suffering through out history. Too much has been done in the name of some God that I fundamentally disagree with. I see very little good in organized religion. People need a sense of community etc, that religion can offer, but it can be achieved in other ways by mankind that doesn't require the people to buy the rules of the church.


After my several years of research in church i DO believe it is just an idea for a kind if twisted control that very few questions!! Rejected idea for sure!


Overall religions have been the most destructive influences on Earth as people declare war on others based on their view of themselves as God's chosen ones. Cults spring up in Gods name and prey on the gullible to take advantage of them for sexual and monetary gratification and lets face it, leasers of these cults and tele-evangelists must have greedy and narcissistic tendencies to do so much damage for their own selfish benefit.


Because it doesn't make sense.

I see no reason to worship anything, let alone a made up mythological being. Almost all religions are based on fear and having to pay lip service to vengeful and self centred thugs.

No thanks. I have more respect from those I share this planet with to waste time with made up rules that are not relevant to the world in which I live.


To quote my then 7yo son "It's silly". By which he meant that there was no evidence for its "truths" and most of its teachings were contradicted by other teachings.


it chips away at your logic and common sense.
it sends you to war in the name of that god it divides people against each other ...should i go on?


Morally, logically and in general I just don't have faith.


Being a person of reasonable intelligence, it is not difficult to reject the airy fairy teachings of such childish nonsense. Christ created the heavens and the earth ? Whatever !!


My Father, Mother, 2 Brother and Sister are religious knitted. They Go to their church about thrice a week. I can't tell them their blind with their socalled faith and beliefs. But, they didn't force me at all to join them. Meaning, they also respect me if I am not religious and praying for even sometimes as I turned 18 with the help of my friend whos agnostic that time I was enlightened..I am proud member of PHILIPPINE ATHIEST AND AGNOSTIC SOCIETY also known as "PATAS" and
Humanist Alliance Philippines Intl. "HAPI" . Now I'm turning 30 and figuring out whats comes next.Will my family be as me and how can they be?...

#Respect #Pitty #TruthIgnorance #PATAS #HAPI

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