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Why do you reject the idea of religion?

Admin 9 June 19

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Because it is just fairy stories for adults. Most of what is said in the Bible is stolen from other cultures and their mythologies.


Its alllll bullshit and lies


I am evidence based instead of faith based. Evidence leads us to truth whereas faith accepts something as true. Children have faith Santa Claus is real but that belief does not make it true.


Because it's not true and I like to live in and deal with reality on a daily basis. That is tough enough without having to deal with the made-up and mystical.


First is the evidence thing, of which there is none, and second is when you realize that religions were made up by humans for a purpose. That purpose was for early state societies to exert a moral code, or a means of social control over the population.


it doesn't make sense, and it's completely nonsensical.


Good question! Let me ponder a moment...????


I was originally taught to believe in god (Church of England, not too strict), prayed before bed, and went to Sunday School. Then a relative gave me a children's bible, and after reading through it, concluded it was b.s. My lack of belief spread to the rest of the immediate family, so my parents and siblings are all atheists now.


i started to question the teachings if the bible when it said something like the sons of adam and eve went out into the world to find wives,and realised that they were the only people on earth so where did they find wives? that cane and able would have had trouble finding them so the logical conclusion wa
s that they mated with apes!

tommo Level 1 Oct 25, 2017

Simply, it does not stand up to logical inquiry.


The cardinal reason is the discrepancies in these religions which make them impossible to be believed in! The second reason is that religions teach hate and racism if we read between the lines that shows us that they are 100% manmade! The third reason is that Science and logic could disprove the claim of the religions.


it's stupid


For me it was pretty simple . . . could I say that I believe in a God and not fairies and elves and magic? I answered "no".


Which of the thousands of gods history can talk of? Believe in a god that needs to be worshiped? So yes as Twain has said: "If there is a god he is a malign thug."


My opinion is that religion is organized fantasy; it's core - empty fabrications.

J3sse Level 5 Oct 14, 2017

Why do you reject the idea of the world being flat? for the same reason, stupidity. I can live my life very happily without having my life interfered with sins and church every sunday.


Because it is the catalyst for justifying social atrocities.


There are many different religions around the world


religion was created by rulers who wanted to scare people into believing a certain belief and eternal punishment f they did not obey and kiss the rulers butt.


Insofar as it conflicts with our scientific knowledge of the physical universe and ourselves, I reject it. It is also a very easy way to control people and get money from them.


Lack of compelling evidence.


An adequate understanding of reality


I just don't find any of it too convincing


I reject the teachings of religion I think all are ultimately harmful any belief structure around a deity is harmful and dangerous as we have all seen.

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