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What is your response when people threaten you with religious punishments? (i.e. Hell/Jahannam)

Admin 9 June 19

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Especially the 'Hell stuff', I really like to barbecue everyday!


I laugh at them and tell them if that's the worst they can do, just run along and play.


I ask them what their response would be if someone said to them that father xmas wasn't coming to them because they had been bad? Then I say, "now you what my attitude is to being told that I'm going to hell".


Mark Twain says, “I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.”

I say, "Every atom in my body was forged in the belly of Super Nova, so hell's got to do better than that!"

Also, "IF" there is something that is going to leave my body, then torture away. I left all my nerve endings <----back there!

I use the same Mark Twain quote. I like how you added the nerve endings!


Well i reply which freaking hell is it ? The christain hell ? The islamic hell ? The judeo`s hell ? Zoroastrian hell ? And don't get me started on which domination of these religion too !!


My inclination would be to try and have a good conversation. But not with much expectation as if they go that far they are probably not open to much.


I try not to get into a debate with those of faith. People of faith tend to believe what they have been taught, regardless of proof. You can argue with someone who considers evidence. You can’t argue with someone who blindly believes without some sort of proof. I usually take a chapter from their book and turn the other cheek by casually changing the subject. Or smile and nod until they get tired of talking.



zesty Level 7 Feb 18, 2019

perfectly executed answer


Ill see you there

See me where? In my underwear?



I'm in my mid-forties. People who talk of punishments for not believing in their religion are very seldom worth talking to. They obviously believe as strongly as I disbelieve. A discussion is rarely a good use of time.

Only when I'm asked the question by someone I like or love do I respond. I say something along the lines of "these punishments aren't a concern for me at all because I don't believe in the religion that created the rules for punishment". Hell is not a threat or concern to an atheist. Religious threats are hollow and fall on deaf ears. Just as Christians do not fear the wrath of nefarious Pagan gods, atheists are not bothered by promises of extreme punishment from a god who is believed does not exist.

If a stranger or acquaintance asks (and they do), I usually just chuckle and ask if they'd like to hear how a life of atheism can make their life better. Always offensive and shouldn't be. But they believe, quite foolishly, they know the truth. I can understand why they would want to share it. It's just not worth my time to listen. It's always the case, if Christianity is the religion in question, that I know more about their Bible than they do. They believe firmly and I disbelieve firmly. Nobody will be converted. More fun to talk about movies.

Casual, possible to convert, Christians (from my experience) don't talk about punishments. Those who do aren't listening to you. They are listening to themselves.

I don’t discuss religion often and certainly not religious Zealots..... my energy and intellect are reserved for people who can have a respectful difference and conversation.... no ad homan bullshit. Evangelists disturb me greatly for their rationalized hate and overt disrespect of other beliefs. These commit crimes against free thought. People here seem on a safer plane


I ask them how they know the other thousand gods they don't believe in are not the true way. How can they be so sure?

So you drive them crazy


My 6 year old grandson ask me if I believed in god and when I replied that I didn’t believe in something that doesn’t exist he answered “but papa if you don’t believe in god you will go to hell”. The indoctrination of young children pisses me off but there’s not a whole lot I can do about it as that is his parents decision. He hasn’t brought it up in a long time so maybe he’s decided that Papa is ok even though he’s going to hell.

Papa you’re ok

what kills me are the non-believers who send their kids to indoctrination training so that they’ll have a well rounded education when deciding for themselves. WTF?


It doesn't happen. People are usually too polite tell me directly. But you know they're thinking it.

M for me I was raised in such a direct and sometimes tactless home.... I’m that person and once in a while I throw s rock at the bee hive

@Millerski25 Lol. I eventually married a Korean, in part because the Korean frankness was such a refreshing change. Frankness can be painful but between that or always guessing what the other person is thinking, I prefer the frankness.


I just tell them I don't believe in hell. I also ask why would their loving God not let the worst of the worst into heaven to experience his love? Those would be who would need it most.


1). Usually I point out that this too is an unsupported assertion.
They have gone from using the imaginary carrot - believe in the loving Jesus - to the imaginary stick; fear Him for He is jealous and vengeful.

If I don't believe in the one, I'm not going to believe in the second.
Evidence, please.

  1. I point out that burning me for ever for the sin of not being convinced by any particular flavor of theistic claims, is not the act of a moral god. Nor the act of a god who wants a relationship with me.

I don't recall any threats of "eternal damnation". But every now and then, some religious zombie will ask me "where do you think you go when you die?" To which, I always respond: "Well, that depends on how much you have. If you have lots of , you get an above-ground crypt, with flashing neon lights. If you have some , you get a vertical tombstone. A little , you get a horizontal, stone plate. And if you have zero , you end up in a crematory oven!".


In the past it bothered me, because I felt like that person, was judging me, in the worst possible way, I felt trapped about how to measure up in their eyes! I did not believe that it came from God’s eyes...kind of judgement! Now, it does not phase me, this kind of judgement comes out of ignorance, on many levels! I know better! Not that I AM better...but that I know better!


I tell them no one here gets out alive so we'll see who's right!


Show me anyone who has received that punishment and I will believe you!!!

Stig Level 5 Oct 24, 2018

I politely ask them where people who wish ill on others go...why is their behavior any less egregious than anything I do?

I don't feel like I owe anyone an explanation of my personal beliefs, much less those who are so closed minded and absolute in their thinking they have the right answer for everyone. Seriously, to "hell" with them, not me...

You a thinker after my own heart


Hey, don't threaten me with a good time!


I dunno, will they report me to Santa and the Easter Bunny, too?


I simply do not care.


I just ignore them because as I used to be a christian and finally saw the light, they will argue with you about a hopeless lie which is heaven and hell. Of course, people have fallen for this for yrs and they have to believe in something to clear their conscience. Fear keeps them trapped.


Never happened.

zesty Level 7 Oct 7, 2018
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