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What is your response when people threaten you with religious punishments? (i.e. Hell/Jahannam)

Admin 9 June 19

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Jesus said judge not or yee shal be juged he who is with out sin shall cast the first stone
Its good stuff to bad they are to dumb to under stand him..


I’m not a good example of what to do in that situation


I tell them I've been reincarnated as a Christian and hope to one day get a few rungs above the bottom of the ladder!


I laugh and keep it moving , we curse people all the time that's why they call it cursing in the first place lol , they have no power honey only if you give power to it and that's the truth


OK sorry for this but decided to come up with ANOTHER answer, my quote of the day, please feel free to use it yourselves if you like,I don't have copywrite on this, "'And there was a war in the heavens and St Michael the archangel defeated Satan and His minions and threw Satan out of heaven and God gave unto Satan Earth as His domain.' Now as YOUR God gave Satan Earth as His domain, that means we are ALREADY in Hell, so how can I go there after I die?" They of course have NO answer to that, wellthe fanatics will TRY and argue the point, but just stand there and KEEP TO THE POINT JUST MADE! The fanatics will try and twist it to some other balls, but keep to the quote or they will start on another subject.


I would respond with "I Hell or not at least I will be away from you".


Smile and wave


someone threatens me with hell my response is to tell them, hell is all around us


They can't threaten me. They don't have the power to punish me. The idea that people can be dealt into two places (like red and black cards) is ludicrous. We are all between, all shades of gray.

I point out the following: If a man is a pillar of the community, a wonderful son, father, husband, neighbor, etc., a decent and honest person, yet although he has heard about Jesus he has continued to follow the faith of his family, ancestors, and community, then the bible would condemn him to hellfire for eternity. On the other hand, a man who is convicted of raping and torturing people, if he is a serial murderer condemned to death, then on the eve of his execution he converts (and being so close to death, this may be a sincere conversion) and thus is assured a place in Heaven for eternity, then this standard is absolutely ridiculous. I don't see how anyone could worship a god who would decree that this is what happens.


There's not really any point to discussing how illogical and erroneous that person's position is, so I might say, "Oh. Good. I'm looking forward to being with my family."


I leave the room.


If I'm told I'm going to hell, a simple "I'll see you there, I know you've eaten shrimp" is my usual responce

Dav87 Level 6 Dec 9, 2017

Mostly I shrug and say something witty like, "whatever."

d_day Level 7 Dec 9, 2017

"That's fine by me. Supposedly your hell will be the best place to be!" I also like to say "That's not what my religion says!"


If heaven exists it's filled with the pure and boring people. Hell will be where the party's at.


I simply tell them that any religion that uses threats like hell to get people to pay money to the church, is not a religion, but a terrorist organisation and I do not negotiate with terrorists


"Been there, done that."


Usually, laughter and a "May the Farce be with You"

In certain circumstances, I might reply with "You mean with 'Satan-?', oh, I'm not worried about 'Satan', he's my squirty-wirty little slut-buddy, no doubt about it-!" or some other thing that comes to mind in that moment.


Say: if you like me you'll pray for me to be released from hell


I tell them to prey for me. I don't think it has had any effect thus far, if indeed they have.


I remind them only Christians are go to hell.


I laugh because the way Christian religion works even Hitler and Stalin are in Heaven. The get out of hell card is to simply confess your sins to Jesus and believe in him and all your sins are forgiven. Sorry if folks like Hitler and Stalin can be admitted to Heaven thats a club I'm not interested in spending an eternity with.

Reminds of the great line by the immortal Groucho Marx, "I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member."


Laughter and merriment. Followed by walking away.


Mark Twain's "Letters from Earth" comes to mind. Why would I want to be surrounded by stupid people, who can't sing or play a musical instrument, try to do both to praise God? That cacophony alone would be Hell.

I think I'd rather be where all the philosophers, scientist, and interesting people are.


Threatening an atheist with hell is like threatening an adult that they won't get presents from Santa. I just laugh and walk away.

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