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What is your response when people threaten you with religious punishments? (i.e. Hell/Jahannam)

Admin 9 June 19

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You are not God or God can do whatever the heck he wants and it is non of your business


Laughter. For I tell them my invisible friend Zeus is going to kick Yahweh's invisible ass.


Laughter, generally.

Same here.

@BitcoDavid Same


"How Christian of you"
Although I also like to break out "Judge not, lest ye be judged".
It's always good to bring the Bible into it.

That's what I was gonna say!! lol I also comment that Genisis Chapter 1 where by the 'creator' got down on doing stuff and over a span of 'time' made everything and each 'day' looked things over and deemed the work 'good'. At the end of the 'week' everything ever is created and it's all DEEMED GOOD. whooppeee. 'Don't worry, mon, be happy'. If everything is GOOD there is no hell (bad). My long way of saying I just can not take those threats seriously.

Go back to fucking Bethlehem where you belong


Meet you there.


I try not to laugh in their face...

It's happened a few times.


lol my first response to always to laugh as I just did when I read this post. how can you threaten me with something you have never seen nor been there. lol

trukky Level 3 Nov 19, 2017

I tell them that I will save them a spot right there next to me if such a place for being a bigot idiot! Cause as long as their attitude of being a bigot, they won't be going to heaven, either. Ha ha ha!


It's an empty threat, forget about it.


I am not at all threatened as I don't believe in hell, other than what we create for ourselves here on Earth.

I used to play industrial style music, and one song, I wish l kept, the song title was 'All of us have our own private hell to go to' it was a quote from a movie(I forgot which one) but damn it was catchy


I just say I'm not bothered as I don't believe in hell. Why waste your life being terrified of a made up boogeyman?

Bebel Level 4 Nov 18, 2017

lol boogeyman for real.

the bogeyman oh no !!!!
he stands by your bed and picks his nose


Remind them, according to their religious teachings, aren't supposed to be judgemental.

My aunt for example, called me a devil worshipper lol, she asked me, I showed her the tenets, etc, and she was surprised, that I am not a bad person after all... not I am athiest, Satanic, but, but I have an open mind


Sometimes, mostly, I just chuckle.

Wavy Level 2 Nov 17, 2017

I usually refer them back to the fact that since there is no God, there can be no hell since hell was created by this so-called God. I tell they need not fear, for there is no post-mortem condemnation.

Wavy Level 2 Nov 17, 2017

Laugh... I grew up in a family that went from Baptist to Apostolic ..i am almost immune now


Tell them I feel for them.
Try to open there minds somewhat. ..

Try and open their minds, yes, but in Satanism, we do not give advice unless asked for 😉


No thank you, unless they have a topic they wish to raise with importance. Then I shall take time to respond with simple answers & questions of my own.


I laugh and walk away because, at that point, they are LOOKING for an argument.


Laugh and walk off, no use arguing with someone who won't listen.


I go and hide in my coffin.

omg yes, do u legit have one coz ive been designing myself one, but my hostel has said I can't just get rid of the hostel bed and replace it with a coffin(even though tbh that would be comfier than there bed)

No I don't have one, it gets cold 6ft under. They can burn me, I like the hot weather.


I tell them I don't believe in Hell or any of their beliefs.


I explain how that is manipulative emotional blackmail and aks them to prove that claim.
Only people online do this, probably because they are afraid of getting told out in person.

Mr_Dj Level 5 Nov 15, 2017

I almost never encounter this, as I have never been a Christian and do not surround myself with such people. But when it happens, depending on how pugnacious I'm feeling, I will either 1) laugh; or 2) Say, "screw your god, let him strike me dead right now if he exists".


I don't care as heaven and hill don't exist!

Gonzo Level 2 Nov 15, 2017

Don't care as nothing will happen, heaven and hell are,in my opinion, hoaxes!

Gonzo Level 2 Nov 15, 2017
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