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What is your response when people threaten you with religious punishments? (i.e. Hell/Jahannam)

Admin 9 June 19

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I laugh and laugh...




I simply state to them :Your perception is your reality".


HAHAHA - I tell them me & the devil are bros & I'm going to relish being in charge of torturing them for all of eternity!


I marvel at the fact that they actually, even passionately, believe that hell/jahannam exists.


I Try to ignore them and dismiss them, as it's clear they suffer from an incurable mental illness &/or stupidity. I do not try to impose my beliefs upon others. Have no need to become a bullying ignoramus. And, my beliefs, or rather, " no belief" stands without "show boating."


Plmc Level 1 Nov 7, 2017

I laugh and say I'd rather be someplace with all my fun friends.


I'd tell them there is no proof of that punishment ,The only thing we know for sure is the life that we have now And I'm going to try to live this one life that I have the way I want to live it .And doing what I feel is right in my heart and not harming anyone or anything


Simple! For me, an atheist, there is no heavan or hell.


I say, "Since they believe God is love and has forgiven all our 'sins', I have not worries."


It's your hell. You go there.


I am very rude and laugh at them.Very impolite and un-English!


I tell them I'll have lotsa friends there to party with.


I just tell them that if there is such a place, which we have no proof it this places existence, that I would be in great company and enjoy myself immensely. Then,, I tell them of some of the people who were clearly atheists who have already died, e.g., Mark Twain, John Lennon, Hitchens, Carl Sagan, Karl Marx, etc etc.


I thank them for their concern. And advise them to use their energy for some charity work instead.


I really don't get any threats like that. I can't swear that it's never happened, but for the most part I have conversations with people who remain civil and who aren't telling me I'm going to Hell. There's a level of sadism in some religious people who relish the thought of the unbelievers burning for eternity. That doesn't describe my friends. If, however, someone says that to me, with the expectation that I'll somehow change my ways out of fear of punishment — which, somehow, would have never occurred to me before? — I'd just tell them that it's not a very effective threat because I simply don't believe that such a place exists. And then, inevitably, would come the question of "what if you're wrong?" And that's a good time to ask them, "well, maybe I am, but what if you're wrong and another religion is right and you're also headed to some version of Hell for your misguided belief?" There are no good answers from the religious side to these questions, at best only baseless assertions said with conviction. That's an argument I can win handily.


I laugh, that shit is funny


It's never happened to me but if someone were to threaten me with religious punishment it would offer an opportunity for a lively discussion


I tell them that their God is ever merciful... Oh and that they aren't God lol xD


Thanks for being here with me!


I laugh hilariously while making "horns" on my head with my fingers, then I stick my tongue out, shake my head and growl.


"Okay, you can believe what you want. When you can show something good God actually does on Earth, maybe I'll worry about death. 'Til then, eh."


I think I would tell them that if hell really existed, it would have to be the home of freethinkers, because that where you claim we're all going.


I laugh and ask them where is this place called Hell? Also suggest it's perhaps a state of mind rather than a place and ask if they can relate to that?

Pedro Level 3 Oct 28, 2017

I laugh. It is pathetic.

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