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What is your response when people threaten you with religious punishments? (i.e. Hell/Jahannam)

Admin 9 June 19

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I kill them and eat them, metaphorically of course, or alligatorly if I happen to be in Florida.

jeffy Level 7 Jan 24, 2018

Tell them hevean is in your mind


When threatened with Hell, I reply "I hope so.... Ever heard of fuck in heaven?"

Ac08 Level 4 Jan 23, 2018

I'd rather be in hell than in heaven with religious people.


I roll my eyes - "thank you for your input"




If I don’t brow beat you with my pagan ways then back up and start over. Respect is key if I didn’t invite you into my space then you need to know your place ????


I say 'thank you'


I like to point out to them that if their god wants me to be saved from the bad place he made for me, he simply has to show me the exact right thing to make me a believer and follower. If this god made everything then it gave me too skeptical and intelligent a mind to believe in any unproven deity.


Oooga booga


Hell doesn't scare me. YOU do, but Hell doesn't.


Sometimes something inside of me take over and looking them straight up and I say... "You are the 4th person today telling me that. How do I know you are not lying? You know, you are lying to me. Whatever their response... And you lying again. There you go lying to me again. You are the 4th person today to tell me that lie. Why you are lying? Who is telling you to lie to me. Why you lie."


Next time i will say cool are you giving the punishment and do you also like too receive them, i usually say that i do beileve in such places have hell or heaven but i do beileve some souls get trapped sometimes between worlds, im not organized religion friendly


Laughter, usually.


I think it's funny, I don't believe in those things.


Ask them why they think anyone would want to spend eternity with someone like them. That usually quiets them down.


I laugh at them & tell them that their ridiculous delusions have no affect on life (or after life, for that matter).


I get all choked up and say "I'm Sooooooo scared"


That has never happened to me. Ever.


Maybe say, well all my friends will be there, if they tell me I am going to Hell.


I say " you wanna get butt naked and wrestle?"


I tell them, “Sorry, Satan already offered me a job in Human Resources!” “Now run along, I’ll see you later.” With a devious smile.


I would just laugh at them and tell them you will be sent to the North Pole because I would rather be hot than cold.


Hah, that puts them on the ignore list immediately.


I tell them I am a New Thought Christian(which I am) and so I don't believe in Hell. Further the Hell they believe in was invented during the Dark Ages by Dante. Jesus wouldn't have know what they were talking about. If that didn't work, I would probably beat them over the head with the very scripture they tried to attack me with. (Metaphorically of course). A good New Thought Christian would never do this, so I guess I have a ways to go.

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