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What is your response when people threaten you with religious punishments? (i.e. Hell/Jahannam)

Admin 9 June 19

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An involuntary giggle


I blow them off. They're empty threats based on fairy tales and other bs.


I tell them that I am not impressed by their threats. I state that I am no more afraid of Hell than I am afraid of being attacked by a werewolf or vampire when I walk around the lake.


I ask them where hell is. Why they think that is a good reason to believe in untrue ideas, because the Muslim he’ll seems worse to me...




Would these punishments include beheading or are just thinking about the punishments in the afterlife?


I usually laugh because they are so earnest and funny and afraid for me na dstart to cry and all that silliness and it seems to always be all about them and their feelings no one ever knocks on my door to ask if I would like them to do something for me - They Just take - they take up my time - they take up my patience they take up my warm feelings for others and i wish they would go somewhere else and get a grip. Its totally all about their neediness.


I ask them if they believe I deserve it.
If they say yes, then I ask why. If they say no, then I ask why would I be punished then.
I like to put the morality of what they're saying onto them. Most of the time they'll avoid the question of deserve, by saying it's not up to them, or "you send yourself." Because either they believe I deserve it (which I've never gotten someone to say to my face) or their god is punishing me for bad reasons.
For Christians I like to then point out that I could be a good charitable person my whole life and not believe and go to hell, while someone could be a murdered, rapist, torturer, etc. and get saved right before they die... and what happens to them. The concept of hell just shows how immoral that thought process is, because it has nothing to do with deserve, just submission to a belief for fear of punishment.

Very good like that comment very logical



jab60 Level 6 May 13, 2018

Bring it!


I ignore them, goes in one ear and out the other.


I take no note of it as religion is a fair tail. It is just something to scare you into doing things that someone wrote in a book that if you make a mistake or something you will burn in Hell. Why would some guy named Jesus that is supposed to be lovinhg threaten you with a place that is going to burn you.


Most Christians haven't got even the slightest idea about the true foundations of their beliefs. Christianity is a mixed bag of pagan ritual and bits of and pieces of other theologies. It is, in fact, a borrowed religion. The old testament and the new testament of the bible don't have anything at all in common. They are loosely based on Jewish law and Gnostic concepts. Hell is one of those borrowed concepts. When I am threatened with the aspect of burning in a lake of fire if I don't "convert" I ask very politely how that works if I am cremated first. Hmmmmm.


Thank them and tell them I look forward to it!


By just approaching me by walking up or riding a bike.. they identify themselves as Mormon or Jehova’s witnesses or “ Bprn again”. Frankly I’m overly direct and to the point but with disrespecting their beliefs no matter how misguided they are. I often tell the I’m Semitic and Eurasian and fortunately impervious to their soliciting and pushing ones beliefs may be a sign of their own weakness or a reaction formation. By then I’m sure the view me as a heathen and leave asap


I just tell them that I am not interested in their teachings and to please leave me alone.


If they're Christian I just ask if Jesus said that the sinless can cast stones, and if they are sinless I just turn up Meshugga.


Laughter. laughter solves a lot of my life problems


I vacate the conversation. No response is necessary.

ledj Level 4 May 26, 2018

I prepare them for regression that the content of their talk and thought will give me a bad case of the farts and make me nauseated

That's great I love that comment


I just blow them off. You can't scared of a place with doesn't exist. Most religious are very insecure that is why they need god and religion. We are all proof that you need the bs to survive in this hateful, judgemental world of ours.All atheist are liberated from bs of religion/god.


I laugh and tel them to bring it on.


I just ignore them. Even if it's true, I wouldn't want to be in their version of Heaven, anyway.


I don't get that very often. Those type of people aren't typically in my circle of friends and I don't seek the confrontation. On the rare occasion when people show concern for my "soul" I tend to forgive their ignorance. After all, I used think like they do. If they are open to discussion, I share my thoughts and listen to theirs too. Oh and... to threaten me with Hell or Jahannam is like coming at me swing a wet noodle or better still, an imaginary wet noodle. Not much of a threat. Again... don't get it often so humanity, in my circle, must be in a better place. Great question and as always... Think, share and appreciate.


I say "I'll see you in Valhalla if you die brave enough"

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