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What is your response when people threaten you with religious punishments? (i.e. Hell/Jahannam)

Admin 9 June 19

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I often ask them, "What if you're wrong, and it turns out you face Osiris when you die?"


I have to be thinking the person believing in what they do and saying, doesn't mean they know what they are thinking and saying has any Truth in it. I'm for the "Truth" and being "Objective" about it. If there is some kind of God that doesn't like my best Honesty in Objective Truth's that I search deeply in my Life. Then I've done the best I can do. I do not care to follow subjective other people's ideas and belief's just to please them.


A smile. Then I bend at the waist, put my hands on my knees, and while staring at the ground and doing the "no gesture" with my head, I make the tsk, tsk, tsk,tsk, tsk sound with tongue against the hard palate. I don't own the gesture, feel free to use it yourself.


I just don't talk, I look at them like, "ARE YOU SERIOUSLY SAYING SOMETHING SO RIDICULOUS?" lol




I laugh and warn them about another religion's "hell".


THe Church came calling here the other night. Asked if they could come in. I laughed. I said "You, want to come inside of MY house? Ok, this should be interesting."
I led them to my table. There were 3 of them.
They asked if I believed that the bible was the inerrant word of God, and I reminded them that ALL scripture has been said to be divinely inspired.
Not only the Bible, but also the Quran, the Talmud, the Kabbalah, the Vedic scriptures, the I Ching, the Bgata Vita, the Dead Sea Scrolls....
I explained how the Bible had come to be compiled, and the political climate under which the Christian Church had been formed to control the population, and why the some of the scriptures had been included and why some had been left out. I showed mankind's role and motivation in putting it together, and it killed any other argument that they had been trained for. (when I followed religion I went through street ministry training and did a short stint in active duty there.)
When they asked the "if I were to die tonight" question. I explained that my molecules would become a part of the heavens, they excused themselves and left fairly quickly.

Donna Level 6 Sep 29, 2017


I wish I could have been a fly on your wall.

Excellent reply. I wish I can give it 100 likes or 1000 in that matter.

"Oh, do come in. This is my kitchen. This is my table."

"What's in there?"

"Oh, don't go in there."

"Why not?"

"That's where I hide the bodies."

They know where you live now...

you sound just like these guys!

I miss the connection bbyrd009 Am I missing something?

Donna, you are right on. For someone to claim that the Bible is inerrant, they would have to a complete idiot. We have NO autographs, all we have are copies of copies of copies, some written centuries after the fact. We don't even know who wrote the alleged gospels. Mark had no knowledge of Christ, he was Peter's companion, same with Luke. The whole thing is totally unbelievable in my opinion.

@felixjensen99 don’t forget at the council of niceea 325AD where as you mentioned the books of the Bible were chosen out of hundreds. The big ticket item from that meeting was voting on the divinity of Jesus. Up to that point no one considered him devine and any reference to “ the son of man” “ the son of god” was not about a devine all knowing overlord. It was about our higher consciousness the source of inspiration commonly referred to as devine inspiration. But ultimately when threatens with hell or torment in the afterlife. I always say hell is to Atheists what a crucifix is to a vampire. You have to believe for either to work. Since I don’t believe in heaven or hell. There is no fear. Furthermore why would I ever want to be a part of a spiritual movement that invites fear and infinite torment for non believers. We have nothing to prove because nothing exists. Believers can’t get their head around the fact that when you don’t believe in a devine being of any kind. That all arguments and affiliations with any and all religions disappear. They still try to cherry pick bits and pieces out of a void. I never engage in the debate with believers personally. They always try to get me to prove god doesn’t exist. I don’t use their faith against them. It’s everyones right to choose. That is what is most important. My freedom to not believe. Christians would hound on other religions just as much as Atheists but we have nothing to defend because if it doesn’t exist then what are we defending.?


Before I'd just agree with them to fit in...Today I'd ask religious people: "Can you prove your God the Devil and Hell outside of your brain please?" (Then sit back and listen to the ignorant excuses -Lmao!)


Right!, I always say at least if I'm wrong I will be warm and around my friends! Haha


i laugh


I tell them I lived in Vegas for 20 years to acclimate to the heat.



here if any body knew about it, you will be murdered not just threaten, that's why we don't share our opinions in public


Recently a Facebook friend suggested that I had better start buying lots of ice because I was going to need it. I wrote and said "Nah, don't think I will. It's your hell and I don't believe in it. I could not possibly believe in a god who doomed his children to an eternity in hell for non-belief in him or his 'greatness'".


I tell them that we create heaven and hell right here on earth every moment of our lives, and I let them know in no uncertain terms that their odious, sanctimonious presence was too hellish for me to tolerate---and then I walk away.

great answer!


I usually tell them the good thing about religious freedom is that they can worship a rock if they want, but I don't have to believe the rock talks.

well said, and with humor.


Sometimes I respond with laughter and sarcasm


I ignore them. In this day and age of space exploration, moonwalks and Dinosaur fossils, only a closed mind can still believe the bible (et al) is anything more than a collection of stories passed down from one generation to the next. Words and meaning were altered to suit the whim of the current interpreter, each time it was re-written.

Exactly....well said!! 🙂


I don't believe in their 'god' or heaven, so why would I believe in their 'satan' or hell? It is an empty threat to me.



Generally laughter it is absurd to me that they think such punishments would scare me. Telling me I am going to hell is not something I fear as I don't believe in it.


I laugh!

I normally don't associate with those people.. they can be so overbearing..


Saw a great response to this the other day.

A Christian telling an atheist they're going to hell is as scary as a child telling an adult they're not getting any presents from Santa. - Ricky Gervais

Before I heard this one I just asked them if they were also scared of what Sauruman, Captain Hook, and the Wicked Witch of the East would do to them if they weren't obedient.

Good one---I must remember that for my next encounter.


Surprisingly, I haven't been threatened recently (I moved to the south from the north and was expecting it more). But the few times I have been threatened I tell them that they are going to hell in another religion and ask them if they are afraid. They say no and I tell them that's how I feel about their threat.


Funny thing is the only time this has ever happen to me personally was when I was a "Christian" and we did not agree on a point. So while I was never inclined to confront or defend my eternal soul I always found it humorous. Most of my family is very religious very few are what I consider spiritual so I tend to not engage in any topic of a religious nature because I "love " them and respect their views. I can only change myself and it would be pointless to try an change them. My truth and journey is mine I strive to be the best person I can be and a better person then I was yesterday.



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