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What is your response when people threaten you with religious punishments? (i.e. Hell/Jahannam)

Admin 8 June 19

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Usually point out that faith based threats only work against the faithful. might as well be threatening to get a gang of leprechauns to beat me up.


Actually, I think I have finally come up with an answer. With whom would you rather spend eternity? A bunch of self-righteous, pious, holier than thous, playing harps and sitting on a cloud, or hangin' with the greatest sinners, debauches, sex-freaks, artists, and general miscreants throughout history? I'd just say, "If you're all heaven has to offer, I'm takin' hell. Hell is clearly, more fun."


I remind them that the depictions of those "punishments" are already embodied here in this physical reality.

...and if that doesn't help...

I'm left with...

"Don't threaten me with a good time, friend."


Geez, that depends very much how they threaten it and what mood I'm in at the time. I was told once I'd be going to hell but it was said with such a deep and quiet sense of sadness that I found myself with this sense of pity for the person who said it. I remember patting her on the arm and telling her I spent enough time in bible study to know better than that. She looked confused but I didn't stick around long enough for her to say any more to me.

AmyLF Level 7 Jan 17, 2018

A simple blank stare followed by a disinterested "uh huh...". I mean for the more crazy ones I'll just chuckle, but in general I don't give them any real overblown reaction. Boogeyman threats don't work on me 🙂


I saw a bumper sticker once with the perfect response. It said, “It’s your hell, YOU burn in it.” Cracked me up.

That's great, I might use that.


"Would be nice though"


I tell them I don't believe in Hell or any of their beliefs.


I just laugh. I can't take them seriously.


If heaven is full of Christians, no thanks. I'd rather be in hell with the scientists who will bring AC, the cartel bosses who will bring the drugs and the bartenders who will mix up the drinks. I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints.


No one who knows me would try that shit with me. And anyone who doesn't know me will find out fast this ol' retired Lawyer isn't shy about the matter.

If someone insists on giving me their opinion about my ultimate status before their gawd, I'm happy to disabuse them of their idea I give a shit about their opinion.

Oooooo....You are going to hell for that but since you confessed your sin you are forgiven. LOL 😉


The concept of heaven and hell, as opposed to the house of God, only dates back to the 2nd century. The idea behind it was to create a carrot and stick model of reward and punishment in the afterlife, for the purposes of political control over the people. It is on some level a little bit clever, in as much as it is predicated on the notion that all of your behaviours are observed by an unseen god and you can get away with nothing. As a concept it has one advantage over the previous system in which reward and punishment took place in this life, specifically it reduced the necessity for the death penalty over minor infractions, since now is possible to be punished after death. As a means of controlling behaviour it does however have one significant drawback, in order for the heaven and hell hypothesis to work in reforming criminal activities, the concept of forgiveness through repentance is a necessary component, and therein lies the rub. Because you can be forgiven by repenting, it is possible for the devout criminal to imagine that he or she holds some form of divine get out of jail free card, since even minor punishment here on earth can wash their Souls clean. Therefore, since they can be absolved through repentance, they imagine they can look forward to an eternity of pleasure in heaven despite their crimes as a result of earthly incarceration and repentance. Thus the inspiration of being good for its own sake, of being good to create a better Society for once children and grandchildren here on Earth, and of genuine fear of earthly incarceration is lost. This is precisely why 98% of the prison population is religious, it is also why atheists make up less than 2% of the prison population.

It is also why the Mafia could torture and kill then be absolved in confession on Sunday. Truly a sick system.


There's no such thing as hell so why should I be scared of it


General bemusement, a wry smile and fleeting nagging doubt.


I tell them I don't believe in Hell.


Laugh and say OK

Char Level 2 Nov 10, 2017

I laugh and laugh...




HAHAHA - I tell them me & the devil are bros & I'm going to relish being in charge of torturing them for all of eternity!


I marvel at the fact that they actually, even passionately, believe that hell/jahannam exists.


I Try to ignore them and dismiss them, as it's clear they suffer from an incurable mental illness &/or stupidity. I do not try to impose my beliefs upon others. Have no need to become a bullying ignoramus. And, my beliefs, or rather, " no belief" stands without "show boating."


Plmc Level 1 Nov 7, 2017

I'd tell them there is no proof of that punishment ,The only thing we know for sure is the life that we have now And I'm going to try to live this one life that I have the way I want to live it .And doing what I feel is right in my heart and not harming anyone or anything


I say, "Since they believe God is love and has forgiven all our 'sins', I have not worries."


I thank them for their concern. And advise them to use their energy for some charity work instead.


I really don't get any threats like that. I can't swear that it's never happened, but for the most part I have conversations with people who remain civil and who aren't telling me I'm going to Hell. There's a level of sadism in some religious people who relish the thought of the unbelievers burning for eternity. That doesn't describe my friends. If, however, someone says that to me, with the expectation that I'll somehow change my ways out of fear of punishment — which, somehow, would have never occurred to me before? — I'd just tell them that it's not a very effective threat because I simply don't believe that such a place exists. And then, inevitably, would come the question of "what if you're wrong?" And that's a good time to ask them, "well, maybe I am, but what if you're wrong and another religion is right and you're also headed to some version of Hell for your misguided belief?" There are no good answers from the religious side to these questions, at best only baseless assertions said with conviction. That's an argument I can win handily.

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