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Do you believe in ghosts?

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Admin 9 Jan 29

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I saw 2 "ghosts" while working night shift at a hospital. 1 child and 1 adult, 3 weeks apart, in the same area. I was told that other employees spoke about seeing similar things over the years.


I believe beings that don't accept the life they lived will wander aimlessly searching for something that they could never obtain, but the best part is I wouldn't kill anyone for not thinking the same 😀


I believe in ghost stories. Other than that, not so much.


Depends on what nature of 'ghost' is in debate. I believe that certain environmental, physiological and psychological factors can influence the notion of paranormal experiences... And there's the added element of the collective consciousness as well


Never saw one but believe I've felt them

808nyx Level 4 July 18, 2018

When my foster kid told me he didn't believe in ghosts because there was no Solid proof, I told him there can't be, because ghosts aren't solid. LOL


I dunno, the word usage on these questions are kind of unintentionally biased. Do I - belive- in ghosts? No. Am I open to the possibility or notion that there may be inexplicable energy or vibration? Sure.

Pantz Level 1 June 7, 2018

This ???


My daughter had an experience when she was a small child that is very difficult to explain. She 'saw' my father the night he died (she hadn't been told). She said he told her that he didn't hurt any more and that he wanted to say goodbye. I don't know where this came from, but given their relationship, he would have wanted to do this.


hard to answer this one; i do not BELIEVE in ghosts or anything else; i have seen & experienced entities that might be considered 'ghosts' on three occasions. i KNOW what i saw. i do not believe.

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