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Beer or wine?

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Admin 9 Jan 29

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I depends when and with or without food and kind of it... 😛


The one with alchohol in it


Beer when it's warm out, wine in the fall and winter.


I like red wine. I'm very picky about what beer I take home.. in a social setting depending on the situation.... I may just get something cheap like a Budweiser and scan the scene.


I’m a hard liquor kind of guy. I prefer whisky and bourbon but I’m very partial to Scotch.


I like a glass of beer or wine here and there, but they don't like me… I have a pretty low tolerance.


I like the taste of good wine and good beer. But, I don't really drink. I don't like the way it makes me feel, especially the next day, even after just one.


Good, small batch bourbon, occasionally.

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