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Which Protestant denomination did you follow/attend before?

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Admin 9 Jan 29

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I've belonged to three different Protestant denominations as professing to be Christian: Congregationalist as a child growing up in Hartford, Connecticut, Southern Baptist as a tortured soul adult living in Tuscon, Arizona, and lastly a "multi-denominational Methodist" at the latter part of my San Francisco, California, residency. And since I've moved to the Bible Belt, I find too many churches as well as social activities to be racially segregated still for my comfort zone, if any left, for organized religion. And what I have left for an organization religion comfort zone is mostly null and void these days because I realize organized religion serves to divide rather than unite people. I've spent more time though as an active member of the Congregational church than any of the others I've mentioned.


I voted none simply because I don't remember what sect of church I was forced to go to. Though I do find it funny that christians think they're so right all the time; when they can't even agree with one another, and have to form half a million sects because of it.

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