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How long have you been nonreligious (if agnostic, atheist, secular, etc.)?

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Admin 9 Jan 29

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I was probably never religious most of the time going to church was a frightening Ian or harsh experience I attended Methodist Baptist Southern primitive Baptist Pentecostal new standard churches. I grew up in southern Florida where there was just tons of kids and all of us had our different churches ago too but they all were full of people that scared me as a young child there is always that pending doom gods watching because I’m always sinning. Although this was very bad behavior at the age of 10 I would steal from the offering plate to prove to the other boys that God was not going to strike me down with lightning because there was no God. Terrible I know.


I have spend some time on this site and it is interesting. I am not a fan of organized religion but I am certainly not agnostic. I wonder how many others are here that like me have a personal relationship with a higher power, be it Spirit, God or simply the Universe?


I have been involved with Buddhism for many decades, but I don't feel Buddhism is a religion as much as a philosophy.


Can't exactly say i'm nonreligious, if i'm agnostic.


I love the freedoms I've realised and inadvertently become as I realized that I didn't believe in a deity of any sort.


I was primary schooled as a Catholic, and believed their claptrap until all of a sudden, it was OK to eat meat on Fridays. That was the point at which I started doubting it all. I was literally terrorized into believing in Hell, and that was the hardest belief to shake. I now insist that teaching Hell to kids is child abuse, and no responsible parent should allow it.


3 years

Jepe Level 1 Oct 25, 2018

I was raised in a southern baptist church, but in some way I always had doubts. I didn’t truly know I was a non-believer until I went to university to study Physics (didn’t work out).


I tried Christianity and found it wasn't for me. My ex was a practicing Wiccan. I respected her choice but I didn't practice or discourage her from worshipping.


I never truly believed. I tried. But faith is a funny thing, you have it or you don't. I don't.

I never really believed either. I was raised catholic but as soon as I learned of other religions and mythology, I realized that religion is just mythology that is still believed.


Seven years of christianity schooling was great education but religion never stuck with me. And once masturbation came... who was I kidding? SInce I was never "religious". Count me as "lifetime".


A fairly gradual process for me, but fist serious doubts around 12 years of age.


By the time I was five years old, I was beginning to see the holes in the whole religion thing. I had pretty much figured out the scam by the time I began junior high school. My parents and my younger siblings were totally sucked in. I lost my birth family to religion. I still kept in touch but did not appreciate them praying for me. I succeeded in life without them out do not need a deity to rule my life. Although, I am sad that i lost my family, I am not bitter. I am just a very happy atheist.

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