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Is life meaningful without religion?

Admin 9 June 19

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Building on what JT said, I would venture to say that life is actually MORE meaningful without religion because there is no promise of anything other than the here and now. We do good for good's sake and not to buy our way into an afterlife. Holding onto the notion that there is something else devalues your life, and attributing experiences that move you to a god for whom their is no evidence cheapens those experiences.

I agree, and very well put.

for sure

Very well said. I've long thought that if you are a good person, it's because you are truly good, and if you need religion's threat of hell and/or promise of heaven to make you be a good person, then you're not really a good person at heart.

Nicely put, Percy.

Yes, and you don't have all the horrors religion can put on people. You follow natural instincts for behavior. Lose religious fear and you have peace and confidence to do good for good's sake. People will build helping agencies when there is need. Altruism is part of humanity.


i'm a bit of a nihilist -
so i do not find there to be any inherent meaning in life.
i see meaning as something we add to our lives -
to help us form our direction as we move through it.

as a believer i was always searching, fearing, scrambling for what my meaning and purpose was -
what was i SUPPOSED to be doing...

as a non-believer and a survivor of the death of my only child, life is deeper, richer, brighter, darker, truer than it ever was before.
i live for both of us & even the mundane things of life seem louder, bigger, more sacred.

i DO believe in "sacred" -
without any religious connection.
life has become sacred - which, for me, is far deeper than "meaningful".

My sincere condolences for your loss. It’s incredibly brave of you to have come out of the other end of something like that with a lack of belief when profound loss so often propels people deeper into it.

Big hugs.....


Absolutely! As Ricky Gervais puts it - the lack of a belief in a god means we have everything to LIVE for!

Draco Level 6 Sep 23, 2017



Absolutely. I think it's even more meaningful since we live in the present. Not worrying about pleasing some entity or going to some magical place when we die. I love life!

Great Answer!


No. Life is not meaningful. Meaning is a concept projected onto reality by humans.

Yes, I believe humans create meaning for themselves. We each do. An earth filled with everything but people would not have a meaning, it would just simply exist. So I believe the correct question would be, "Is life meaningful to you?"


Life existed long before religion, yet it somehow survived anyway.

Funny how that works, eh?


There really is no "meaning" to life. Life is just life & it is mostly painful. Religion is just something we are, as my brother puts it, "hard wired" to believe in. We are very fearful creatures because, as a mammal, we are one of the weakest. Without our weapons & technology, we would still be in the food chain. Once we developed weapons, we removed ourselves from those dangers & now here we are; an egomanical lunatic in the white house wanting to start a war so he can feel like his life has meaning & he has a big dick. My major request in life is that there be NO reincarnation. I NEVER want to live again. For me, human life is boring.

LIFE, is as they say, What YOU make of it. If it is boring then do something to change it.
But religion and REAL Life never actually mix, they cannot co-exists since, I speak here as a ThD (Doctor of Theology) and an Atheist btw, Religions, the Abrahamic ones in particular, consider only the ASSUMED Life AFTER Death Scenario and NOT the Life whilst still actually living.


I believe that people are allowed to have their own opinions on religion. If you believe in a god, then you have the right to do so. I will not judge people on their religion, but rather on what they have to offer. That is what is beautiful about the modern day, you have the right to believe the way you want, think the way you want, and most importantly, LIVE the way you want.

In my opinion, I believe that there is no god. I want to live my life the way I want to, without the hassle of following an organised religion, especially certain sects of such religions, that take advantage of it's people.

I agree with you about organized religion. My ideas about God are ever evolving I have had experiences that I cannot explain rationally but I also think as a human there are plenty of rational explanations for things I as a human cannot even perceive. One question I have for you is can a person have faith or belief in (a) God/Goddess etc. without religion? I ask as many of the less then friendly responses I have gotten seem predicated on the idea that whatever I say having faith or speaking of "god" requires faith in a religion and therefore my posts are veiled delusions and attempts to I guess convert people? And are inexorably tied to Christian faith. When in fact my personal beliefs about the nature of the universe and "God" would be considered heresy in any Western Religion and have no interest or need to convert anyone. My favorite is the idea that Satan exists with the blessing of God as a way to reconnect with humans. Of course its all myth and bullshit but seeing it all as Myth and stories and messages one can pick and choose from makes it interesting. Plus it is really fun adding to it. Like fan fiction! This is the way the Bible should have been written!


Why wouldn't it be meaningful, each day you have is a gift that can be taken away at any moment. If you cannot find meaning in that then you need to rethink your belief system.


of course it is.

tonia Level 5 Sep 27, 2017

YES life is meaningful but being human one still have this need to be accepted or apart of. I've made the decision to walk alone if I have to. I will not go alone that I might not be alone.


surely, I can live like a chicken.


YUP, but not an objective one!


More so.


Life is MORE meaningful. To know this is the one life to only exist, I love more. Strive to have fewer regrets. Appreciate the little moments. Appreciate the time I have with my loved ones; especially my grandmother who turns 90 this year. To know that I will never see her again makes every second THAT much more special for me.


How is life meaningful WITH religion? You can do every action some cowardly nutjob can do without needing to believe in some sky-magician, and it will all have the exact same effect on others.


Why wouldn't it be?


Yeah, sure.

Kero Level 2 Sep 30, 2017

Is what you do meaningful to you? Then you are getting meaning out of life.


What does religion have to do with getting meaning out of life?


The only reason your life should have any meaning is if you yourself find and attribute meaning to your life.


it has an extended meaning!


Of course it is life is always meaningful you don't even Legion to bring meaning to your life being alive is Meaningful enough will you choose to do with a life that's the question


Of course. Perhaps even more meaningful and important.

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