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Is life meaningful without religion?

Admin 9 June 19

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Absolutely. Meaning is subjective perception. You create your own meaning, regardless of if there is another dimension that soul energy goes to or not. or whatever. 🙂


Is this a serious question?



Yes. Personally, I do nice things because it makes others happy therefore it makes me happy. I don't do it because the repercussion(s) would negatively affect me (like basically EVERY christian does). Besides if you need a book to tell you that killing people is bad, you yourself must be bad. The bible even says that incest is okay, rape is acceptable and killing in the name of god is understandable. IF YOU NEED A FICTITIOUS BOOK TO TELL YOU WHAT YOUR MORALS SHOULD BE, YOU'RE A HORRIBLE PERSON!!!!!!!!


It’s more meaningful without the crutch of religion


The meaning of life is in the mind of the thinker.


It is what we make it to be

Ramis Level 1 Aug 18, 2018

It certainly makes more sense ?.


I believe that people are allowed to have their own opinions on religion. If you believe in a god, then you have the right to do so. I will not judge people on their religion, but rather on what they have to offer. That is what is beautiful about the modern day, you have the right to believe the way you want, think the way you want, and most importantly, LIVE the way you want.

In my opinion, I believe that there is no god. I want to live my life the way I want to, without the hassle of following an organised religion, especially certain sects of such religions, that take advantage of it's people.

I agree with you about organized religion. My ideas about God are ever evolving I have had experiences that I cannot explain rationally but I also think as a human there are plenty of rational explanations for things I as a human cannot even perceive. One question I have for you is can a person have faith or belief in (a) God/Goddess etc. without religion? I ask as many of the less then friendly responses I have gotten seem predicated on the idea that whatever I say having faith or speaking of "god" requires faith in a religion and therefore my posts are veiled delusions and attempts to I guess convert people? And are inexorably tied to Christian faith. When in fact my personal beliefs about the nature of the universe and "God" would be considered heresy in any Western Religion and have no interest or need to convert anyone. My favorite is the idea that Satan exists with the blessing of God as a way to reconnect with humans. Of course its all myth and bullshit but seeing it all as Myth and stories and messages one can pick and choose from makes it interesting. Plus it is really fun adding to it. Like fan fiction! This is the way the Bible should have been written!


Of course.


Religion only gives imaginary meaning.


Probably can knock off the last two words! What makes life meaningful?


Yes, I think it is. Every act you do that leaves a trace in the common consciousness adds to the meaning of your life.

Denker Level 7 June 23, 2018

Yes, I find it more meaningful. You value your life more, since you can't go imaginary place when you die. Despite what the religious fools may tell you.


Why wouldn't it be?


Of course, if you make it so. Life has meaning only as we give it meaning. We are flukes of the Universe, so if we don't live each day as it is presented to us, it is us that loses out. No one else to praise or blame, but ourselves. & I use the plural on purpose. Individually we have to make our way, but we do so as social beings & part of a larger biological web that is more than just the individual.


Seems to be for me so far. Religion is a placeholder for true knowledge, something to explain concepts people couldn't or were too afraid to wrap their heads around. And while it provides comfort to some, it is a damning double-edged sword that halts the progress of humanity.


Religion ruins life, and has poisined everything it has ever touched. the natural life is the only way to enjoy the gift of BEING !!!!


I will quote, if I may, Joss Whedon's series Angel (from the episode "Epiphany"): words that speak more eloquently than I can.

"If there is no great glorious end to all this, if nothing we do matters... then all that matters is what we do. What we do, now, today. Because, if there is no bigger meaning, then the smallest act of kindness - is the greatest thing in the world."




Religion, to me, is irrelevant. Life was given to me (By parents not a prime mover), and so my life has the meaning they gave to me and that I have subsequently given it, and then from that, what I get in return augments that meaning and so on.


Life isn't meaningful with religion either, so...


The Meaning of Life: Procreate . That is the meaning evolution has taught us, other than that, life is its' own 'meaning'.


Most definitely.


Yes! It’s more meaningful because you don’t waste the life you have here on earth waiting for some promised paradise after this life where there is absolutely no proof of.


Sure, I don't see any reason the lack of religion would make it less meaningful.

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