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Would you raise your children religious just to fit in?

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No, never I would let them grow up and believe in what ever they want too. They are there own Person


No , but I would teach them about the various world religions AND make sure they understand that they are not defined by their religion or lack there of. Their worth is greater than that.


Fuck no. My daughter has never been religious. I teach her about religions, and she has no problem being an open Atheist, even if she's alone in that regard (which was the case in her Texas schools).

Marz Level 7 Nov 22, 2017

Liberals are a good example. They care about everyone, and everything, not just a select few. I was sent to church weekly, not taken. I was forced to go, and as a child, it didn't hurt me, " I loved Bible school, in the summer". but I would not ram religion down my children's throats I want them to be their own person.


No way. But since apostasy is a very serious thing in my society, I will make them liberals with a religious background


No, absolutely no. If we live in a world where this becomes a popular consideration, we as a society have failed.


No, I would just let them make their own decisions tbh.


I know some people do, and they're fine with their kids believing even though they themselves don't. That's a weird mindset to me, though I do understand that some think the structure and community serve a purpose or satisfy a need. I would never impose religion on a child, though. I think it undermines critical reasoning to teach faith, and I'd never want to cripple a child in such a way (or in any other way, but you get my point).




no why should I. I think religious teaching is damaging to the inquisitive mind, why would anyone wish to restrict their child's development.


Hell no. I know people who don't believe in god, and still send their kids to church. I think that's disgusting.


My children are in their 30's, and even though my ex wife is a believer, and I am not, we didn't influence our children either way, though my family gave us hell for that. My youngest son is very religious, and goes to church every Sunday. My oldest son is a self described heathen. These were choices, not ours.


that's hypocritical! No. I let her make her own decisions in life. She had courses in comparative religions and I raised her to respect ppl even though they don't share the same views. On her way to obtaining her doctorate in psychology...I am SO very proud of her!!

ParkS Level 4 Nov 19, 2017

Hell no!


No and didnt. They're all grown now. Their choice to choose as they see fit.


No. I didn't raise either of my daughters in the church. When they were old enough to ask questions, approx 12, I explained the basics of protestant Christianity. They both looked at me like I was nuts. They couldn't believe that adults would believe in Bible stories. It really put into perspective how indoctrinating children at a young age is so important to religious causes. Young children accept many things without question.



Gonzo Level 2 Nov 15, 2017


Gonzo Level 2 Nov 15, 2017

Jesus no.


I find this question somewhat perplexing.

I am assuming (which means I might possibly be wrong) that the question is being asked from the perspective of a non-theist living in a western cultural paradigm?

In which case, why would you educate and raise your children in a manner that you yourself do not agree with? Wouldn’t that be the epitome of hypocrisy?

I believe we should encourage our children to investigate the truth for themselves and to form their own opinions. If we want our children to become independent thinkers who listen to what others have to say and ask questions, then we should be open and honest with them, and ourselves.


He-e-e-ll no. Plus, every kid (depending on your location) is going to have a different religion, so even if they're religious they won't necessarily "fit in." I would let them explore religion if they themselves were interested in it, though. (I have a lot of opinions on child -rearing for somebody who doesn't want kids.)


I never do anything to fit in. Is a waste of intelligent time.


Of course not


No way, I have raised three, and religion was kept out of their lives at home, until they were old enough too make informed decisions, their mothers were christians and I have been atheist or agnostic since I my early teens.

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