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Would you raise your children religious just to fit in?

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No way. I would consider that child abuse.


One word: NOOOOOOOOOO !!!


Yes & No

In the UK, the best schools are Christian (I actually had to get baptised to get my youngest into school !!! WTF). Also the armed services are all 'For God, Queen & Country' which is something else I had to slide with - at the end of the day - Me & mine ride the system but remain Freethinking


No! I will not force anything on to my kids. I will let them make there own choices about religion.


My son is grown and well balanced. I did not raise him in a religion. I did offer him materials on several religions to explore at his own leisure. He took on a basic comparative study some time ago but came to the conclusion religions are bunk. He told me he could see how once upon a time they might have been helpful to those in it, but that those in it today are so focused on the letter of the word of them that they have lost any real worth.

AmyLF Level 7 Jan 19, 2018

I allowed them to go with their Nanny and friends to church when they were younger. Now they are teens, and one would go with friends...if she had the spare time.
My children must be the only children not to know The Our Father prayer. I always told them the bible was just awesome stories and that they should read them just like Brothers Grim and Jan's Christian Andersen stories.


Not now. Children, especially, need to be free, critical thinkers. It's very important, but especially when dominionists are trying to take over.




No never


Absolutely not! It would be tantamount to child abuse


If I thought I could have full say on this, I'd just take them to a religious service only once in a while (say, a holiday or two a year). Like going to a museum and a zoo, you get to see something of the past and some other ways things like to live and believe.

But I doubt that my still-very-Christian spouse will want that. So I will probably have to blend into a liberal tradition to avoid the foolery of fundamentalism as much as possible, and to keep them in an environment where they will hopefully be more open to my skepticism about religious ideas.


Fuck NO! I would want smart inquisitive children and religion stifles that. Children should be given the facts and left to choose their own faith or lack there of.


No. I would teach them to think critically and question everything. They may be ridiculed by those who don't follow their religious morals, but they will live happier lives.

Gohan Level 7 Jan 30, 2018



Ha, ha! I never once took any of my children to church. I talked about the way religion is a commercial business enterprise. I let them know my beliefs, and explained those beliefs to them. But basically I just let them make their own decisions. So now, they are all grown. One is agnostic, but the other two are conventionally religious.

marga Level 7 Jan 31, 2018

No, I'm not that stupid or willing to abuse children.


No I would not. I had an interesting childhood. My mother, who was a Puerto Rican woman and went to Catholic School, raised all of us as Catholics until we maid our confirmations. At that time, if we chose to not proceed with religion, she was okay with it. My father, was raised as a Jew but from a young age, knew that he was an atheist. He respected my mother's wishes as long as he had the opportunity after church and Sunday School, to deprogram us. In this way, we truly had both sides of the picture growing up. Only 2 of their six children chose atheism. The rest stayed with Christianity in one form or another. It was an interesting social experiment.

What do you think made the difference between those who remained in the church and those who got a clue?

@MarqG That's a great question. Part of it, I believe, is not having confidence in themselves and fear of the finality of death. There may have been a certain comfort in old traditions and beliefs. My father, let it be known at every family gathering that religion was the cause of violence and hatred, now and historically and had the facts to back it up. He was a great student of all the religions of the world both current and ancient. There was no arguing the factual basis of his arguments. Some people just need to believe in something more than facts.


Certainly not! In fact, I distanced myself from an old friend who decided to raise her children as Christians, despite the fact that she and her husband are atheists, so they would "have the right social connections."

I told my daughter what I believe (or don't believe), and her father (who became religious after we split up) tried to indoctrinate her into his sect. He died when she was 9, and it didn't truly take. We attended and were heavily involved in a Unitarian Universalist congregation, where she was exposed to many different belief systems in religious education. Since I homeschooled her, I was able to make sure she read the Bible as literature, and understood its history.


No that is a form of mental child abuse!


I told my kids at a young age that I did not go to church because I did not believe in organized religion. I said to them that if they had an interest in church that they should seek out many churches, and not just pick one to attend. I did all that I could to raise them as open-minded, free thinking/questioning, skeptical individuals. Beyond that, I really don't have any control over their decisions now that they are adults. But I will love them regardless. And I'll also continue to be a parent and remind them that nobody likes an asshole, and that everyone should strive to be a decent human being (if and when necessary).


My kids have Catholic grandparents. For a short while they both wanted to be Catholic. I told them go ahead, you'll have an easier life if you can manage it. They even went to Catholic school for a couple years, where they were shown the movie "God's Not Dead" ... the difference between my attitude and that of the atheists in the movie really struck them, especially the way all their classmates ate it up. Anyway they are both atheists now.

Lauxa Level 5 Feb 18, 2018

I gave my boys the choice to believe what they want. I surely never had the right answer about that. I did however try to teach conscientious living and human compassion as best I could. I Think it’s much better that the forced religion of my childhood that alienated and devastated my family.


Absolutely not. I taught my daughter to think for herself and not blindly follow someone because they tell you it's what you should do. I taught her to do her own research and trust her instincts. I hear my grandson use the exclamation "Oh lord" or "Jesus" and I always find myself saying "where?" or "do you see him?" in jest. Since his other grandmother has clouded his thinking with religion, it is difficult to get him understand that Jesus was just a man that was talked about in a book and that he is not alive today. Being that she is Southern Baptist they tend to confuse the children with the whole resurrection and spirit deal. Oh and don't get me started on the concept of hell!

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