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Would you raise your children religious just to fit in?

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Why would anyone want to fit in with the believers in the absurdly impossible??


No I feel that if i did that it would be lying to them. Put them in a position to believe in something or someone I myself does not.


My wife and I actually belonged to Jewish temple when our kids were growing up. My wife grew up Jewish but was not religious. I was never Jewish but not religious at all but was didn't care if she wanted to raise the kids Jewish. As the kids got older my thinking changed from not caring about religion to being full on Agnostic. My wife and our two kids seemed have had the same transition in thinking even though none of us encouraged others in the family one way or the other. The difficulty in raising kids Agnostic are the society influences that definitely still exist (even well out of the Bible Belt) that people are bad or immoral if they are not Christians. If they are other religions they will, of course, go to hell but they are a little less evil. It would seem necessary raising Agnostic kids to do a lot of reinforcing that it is necessary to be a good and moral person is as important for an Agnostic as it is for a Christian. And any assertions that Christians are any better people or more moral than non-Christians are flat out wrong.

OCJoe Level 6 Aug 23, 2018

No I wouldn't I've raised them to make their own decisions in regards to religion


I didn't. I let them make their own minds up. Why would i exchange one form of indoctrination for another? ?


MO! NEVER! My children were raised to be independent individuals not part of the herd.


If either you or your children are being religious just to "fit in" then you are not religious. You are hypocrites. Is "fitting in" worth a hypocritical inauthentic life?


No. I have two pre-teen boys, raised atheist and free-thinking. We talk about religion and what some people believe, but as academic study.






I don't do ANYTHING to fit in, least of all abuse chldren.


Teaching a child the NOW I LAY ME DOWN TO SLEEP prEyer IF I SHOULD DIE B4 I WAKE lies is equal to 72 virgin promises to suicide bombers. ....terrorist faiths in action


My children are 49 an 50 now - they are quite exceptional and have lived all over england and been to many schools and lived in communes when they were younger they have had lots of experiences adn are thoroughly nice decent human beings - My daughter is the elder by 15 months and always found a way to fit in and her younger brother managed well enough and they were both capable of making their own life decisions at a pretty early age. religion was never any part of their life .


My daughter is Very Religious, but that was Her choice and I Approve


Fit in with rapists murderers thieves polluters war criminals ALL FORGIVEN to fit in the alleged heaven. ....never teach religion to kids


No, in the same way I wouldn't raise them on alcohol or drugs, just to fit in.


Ha ha. NO fucking way


No, I raised them to be critical thinking individuals who never succumb to peer pressure of any type.

BTW - Why am I just seeing this? I've been following you since last year!


Absolutely out of the question.
Not only because I consider religious teaching before adulthood brainwashing. Because it would show them that the truth doesn't matter; that what they do, say or who they love, etc. is not for them to choose. It's for the tribal fanatics around them to decide.

If they want to they can choose to join a cult when they are legally old enough to drink and other self-destructive behavior.
But only after they have learned to think for themselves.


Never! This is not a benevolent thing we are discussing. A child should learn about the world as it is, without delusional roadblocks to understanding, let alone destructive and viscious ideas like “hell” and eternal damnation.


Hell, no! Nobody was baptized, nobody went to Sunday School. But they always had the choice.


None of my children were baptized nor have ever participated in a church service. Maybe a funeral or a wedding, come to think of it. As far as i know, none of my garndchildren have been baptized either. Whatever religious beliefs they have, they cobbled together from their peer group or divine intervention. We are all fine.


Maybe in Iran or Saudi Arabia

zesty Level 7 Feb 27, 2019

If you lived in a theocracy you may not have a choice so religion must be kept in it's place. Away from politics.

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