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What story in the holy book/s was totally silly?

Admin 9 June 19

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Jonah living in a big fish for three days. Come on man.
Noah at hundreds of years old building an ark the size of 5 football fields and gathering 2 of EVERY animal on the planet. Smh Adam and Eve, Moses, Imaculate conception. The whole book is nonsense and fairy tales


To me the one where a prophet made the sun stand still for four or whatever hours so some embattled fighters could mop up the opposition.


There are so many to choose from....

Probably the ones that involved talking animals (snake in one,and donkey in another).

After that is the story of Noah and the flood. The flood stories probably originated form the end of the previous ice age where the melting ice caused ocean levels to rise to where water poured into dry area that become the Mediterranean and Red Seas. The flooding of the area that became the Red Sea may also be the origins of the near end event in the story of Moses cutting them off from the other side which was Egypt. Even today, natural disasters and events are attributed to god, and this would have happened at least 4,000 years before writing was invented so stories were passed down by word of mouth for at least that long, which means the origins of the stories were likely changed and altered a little bit by each story teller.


Noah's Ark.


Genesis 38, and the fact that it is readily available for all Christian kids to read. Biblical values, everyone 😉


Almost everything in the Bible is either silly or unethical.

So silly, really, that we level-headed guys are talking about silly things! . . . oh, well, what the hell, we all need a break in this silly world. Laughter is the best medicine


So many. Adam and Eve first one...

Yes, so silly they have to awakened and enlightened . . . I haven't been to a nudist camp


For me it's the book of job, the idea that God would bet with Satan and cause the death of job's family to prove his point was something i couldn't accept even as a child

I think that scene was repeated in the New Testament but this time with Satan tempting Jesus

With regards the test for Job, I remember it went something like this:

Satan was passing by the Council of the Gods and God asked him, "hey Satan where you going?"
Satan replied, "out somewhere looking for someone to snare"
God: "I want to know the loyalty of my servant, Job, will you test him for me?"
Satan: "I surely will !"
God: "But don't kill him. Just test his loyalty to me up to his breaking point" . . . and so Satan moved along with a devilish grin on his face while groping in his pockets trying to find his gps and wikimapia

First time I heard of this story my reaction was, "whoah! a council of gods? God and Satan conspiring? if They could do that to one man, they could also conspire to do whatever they want to all humanity "


Tough question, there are so many! I remember questioning the Noah's Ark fairytale as a child. I think I gave the Sunday School teacher a nervous breakdown with all my questions. She was so frustrated she told me Jesus wanted my to be quiet.

LMFAO Oh that's funny.....I'm still laughing "Jesus want's you to be quiet" I'm sure he would since the answer to the question is, its utter nonsense and an entirely immoral story about a failure by God and his solution to genocide all but one family.

so you better watch out and be gooood for goodness' sake!


It's hard for me to choose just one. The symbolism; the contradictions, and the incestuous, mythological storytelling is unparalleled in my view. Perhaps the story of Adam and Eve, but I didn't classify any of it as 'silly' until recently.

The story of David and Bathsheba is not a silly one. It's also one of my favorites - the scheme of King David when he got hit by a terrible fit of sensual carnality. It is as real as it can get and has been happening throughout the ages and up till now as I'm writing this it is going on everywhere

SonnyMlaPH: Ok, I vaguely remember the specifics of the story of David and Bathsheba, but I'm sure I can find 'something' silly about it. I find it silly that some people laugh at horror flicks. Silliness does not disqualify it's realness, or make it less applicable to personal interpretation.


Balaam's talking ass.

oh, pardon, at first I thought it was the ass of Balaam, the one with a hole, I think it's called buttocks, that was capable of talking. So, I had to look it up in a bible available and found out that Balaam's ass was a beast of burden that looks much like a donkey but only smaller . . . and now I have a little bump on the side of my head when I fell off my chair laughing to the max!


The talking snake (with legs) in The Garden of Eden.

Andy Level 3 Sep 18, 2017

Could you please tell us what you found silly in the story? we'd highly appreciate it, thank you.

I don't think it's a silly story because it supported a scientific theory and we know damn well that scientific proof is gospel truth! Charles Darwin must surely be laughing in his grave!

ok science has already proven snakes once had legs in fact if you look it up there are some snakes that still have 2 legs

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