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Should religion be taught in schools?

Admin 9 June 19

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Yes, like in anthropology classes.


I took a World Religions class as an anthropology major. Religion classes are good for teaching young people about the belief systems of major World religions, about the same way Abnormal Psychology classes are good for teaching people the various kinds of nuts that they will meet out there in Life.


'Hell' no! I would though support objective and historical information telling young ones about what people around the world (used to) believe! One day,, it might be all taught as history.


Not a single religion, but "religions" yes. School children should be taught something about the world's predominant religions, and about non-religion. That's the kind of thing they will never learn at home.


Gee, I dunno....isn't there an Idea or two in our Constitution about SEPARATION OF CHURCH & STATE?

It would be a violation if one religion was taught as the correct one. I like the idea of teaching them about all the different religions, all shone in the same light, so they can hopefully learn that they cannot all be right--but they can all be wrong.

And, at the same time, they need to be learning real science so they can see that none of it is necessary in order to explain not only the universe, but also the evolution of morality etc.


Agreed. As many as can be found should taught about, analyzed, and understood.


Specific religious ideologies, NO. The role of religion in history -- both positive an negative, yes.


All religion should be taught in the way that they teach about Egyptian or Norse Mythology. Education about a religion is not harmful, but the moment education integrates religion as truth is where the indoctrination happens.


Yes, but all of them

lerlo Level 8 July 28, 2019



Yes . All world religions . Courses are available at college level but should be at middle school in my opinion . Online only and elective . Course should be designed to represent history of ea religion and its applications in the world . What ea religion stands for and what ea religion forbits .
Try to teach a 14 yr old that studied gravity , math , DNA , genetic engineering , etc that god created us to his image or that the world is few thousand yrs old , or what the prophet wants u to not do , or that karma will get u one day ?

Love this reply



whose religion?

in historical context, fine as as in "this exists and these conflicts arose out of that." but not as fact. as myth. also, why are you teaching it? understanding? why? isn't that what your church is for? and you'll be leaving out a bunch. too many to teach. who's to say your not leaving the correct one out? you know... the true one? i know, i know... yours is the correct one.

the major ones that helped spawn civilization seem to be in a competition for you. as far as i know they have never approached a 100% following. so no agreement on which is the one true one? not to you... to us...

which ones do you teach? and why? and who gets to pick them?


yes!...I was taught Comparative Religion, at a Jesuit college no less...religion is so imbued in various cultures(including our own), it is so important we understand the varying beliefs...


Sure, when science is taught in church.


Absolutely not, James Madison was author of the Ist Admendment which every one Knows Bars the state from adopting a national religion, hopefully that will never change and if an attempt is made by those who are believers all the have to do is look at the chas in the middle-east.


Sure... along with fiction writing.


Absolutely Not. It has been the first and foremost of the Jesuits whom are excellent educators to brainwash as does the Yeshiva. I'm giving to you the creme de creme of Religious Indoctrination.


I would say yes. But maybe as an elective and as long as they do not preach it as fact.

No, not an elective, but as the truth to what it really is not with the bullshit of how dumb and delusional theists think it is.

Which religion? There are so many to choose from.


No one religion should be taught to children as facts. Besides that, I think it would be both interesting and helpful to teach children about all the various religions that have existed throughout the world and history, their beliefs, the similarities and differences, and how they have affected and continue to affect people in the past, present, and future. Questioning should be encouraged from all students so that they can form their own opinions rather than simply parroting back for generations whatever they've been brainwashed to believe.

This is an excellent proposition Craig, much more intelligent than my NO !

@madmac Such a program might even be useful in hastening the end of religious belief being such a common thing; learning about the one religion they have been indoctrinated into factually and alongside a number of other religions sounds to me like a good way to bring about doubts at least. It is a common thread among the formerly religious to say that they lost their faith when they began comparing religions and/or looking closely into the content of their own religious texts and ideologies. Why not encourage just that, then?



zesty Level 7 Mar 1, 2019

Then how does the children get to know how shitty religion or the idea of god that rule over them as something that is very stupid?


Absolutely not!

zesty Level 7 Feb 18, 2019

Teach religion; why not, schools teach all sorts of other rubbish and lies to students. Ie American History!
I'm being trite. Am I breaking any rule of posting; hope not. I'm new here.


Yeah, as a part of history, but not as philosophy (unless it's a private school).

Not if it's a private school funded by taxpayers!!

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